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The 700 Club - March 1, 2021

A case of COVID sends one dad into a coma. Witness his miraculous recovery. Plus, big brother is watching you more than two hundred times a week. Are they keeping us safe or stealing our privacy? CBN News investigates on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(majestic music)

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Announcer] Coming up,Big Brother is watching you

more than 200 times a week.

Are they keeping us safeor stealing our privacy?

- [Jay] We're going to becomea country that's different

from what we've always been.

- [Announcer] Then, a case of COVID

sends this dad into a coma.

- Had to consider the possibilitythat he might not make it.

- [Announcer] Watch hismiraculous recovery.

- It was just a very emotionalmoment for both of us.

- [Announcer] On today's 700 Club.

(majestic music)

- Welcome.

Isn't it a shocker?

Your picture's taken 230times every single week,

every one of us in America.

We're going to tell you aboutit later on in this program,

but if you want to get shocked is,

I don't know where theACLU is during all of this,

but they ought to get in it.

Well, speaking of in it, ishe in it to win it in 2024?

That's the big question following

former President Trump's speech at APAC.

He pulled no punches abouthis plans to lead the GOP

into the future, and he came out

swinging at President Biden.

So what looming issue did Trumpnot address in his speech?

CBN News Capitol Hill correspondent

Abigail Robertson has more.

- Former President Trumpset the record straight

on Sunday that he has noplans to start a third party.

One thing that hasn't changed,he still believes he won

the 2020 election and hasn't ruled out

the possibility of running again in 2024.

- You know, they kept saying,

"he's going to start a brand new party."

We have the Republican Party.

(audience cheering)It's going to unite

and be stronger than ever before.

I am not starting a new party.

- [Abigail] Trump criticizedthe first few weeks

of President Biden's administration,

particularly his immigration policies.

- Biden has failed in his number one duty

as chief executive,enforcing America's laws.

(audience applauding)

This alone should bereason enough for Democrats

to suffer withering lossesin the midterms and to lose

the White House decisivelyfour years from now.

- [Abigail] Trump also praisedhis America First agenda

and said Republicans must makeelection security a priority.

- We must pass comprehensiveelection reforms

and we must do it now.

The Democrats used the Chinavirus as an excuse to change

all of the election ruleswithout the approval

of their state legislatures,making it therefore illegal.

- [Abigail] Noticeablyabsent from CPAC this year

was former vice president Mike Pence.

- Mike Pence, who's a very prayerful man,

believes that this is atime for him to kind of stay

a little more quiet, alittle more out of view,

not because he's doneanything wrong but because

he's a little bit retoolingand he's thinking about

how he re-emerges on the stage.

He's absolutely going to be in the fight.

- [Abigail] Matt Schlapp, chairman of the

American ConservativeUnion, which hosts CPAC,

told CBN News Pence wasinvited but declined to attend.

- He talks to the President.

All the myths about howthey, they kind of left

not talking to each other is wrong.

We're all in this together.

- One thing Trump didn'taddress in his speech

is the grand jury investigationinto business dealings

of the Trump Organization.

Manhattan district attorneyCyrus Vance and his team

finally gained accessto Trump's tax returns

thanks to the SupremeCourt, and they're looking

into accusations of taxand insurance fraud,

or if he falsified the valuesof assets and buildings

in order to get loans.

Trump has denied any wrongdoingand calls the ongoing

investigation a fishingexpedition and witch hunt.

Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- The CBN chief politicalanalyst David Brody

is here to talk about Trump's speech.

David, Trump didn't rule outa presidential run in 2024,

and he's certainlyvalued as a GOP kingmaker

or a potential presidential candidate.

What's your take on him?

- Yeah, Pat, here, here's thebottom line on all of this.

You're absolutely right.

He didn't rule out 2024.

As a matter of fact, hesound, it seemed like

he was encouraging it at theend and, and I gotta tell ya,

I think Donald Trump will run in 2024.

However, and this is the asterisk,

let's see how the Republicans do in 2022,

and we'll see how, how muchDonald Trump is kingmaker.

In other words, if he brings his support

behind many of these primarychallenges to an Adam Kinzinger

in the House and otherpeople around the country,

and he does well, in otherwords, those candidates do well,

well then not only is hekingmaker, but he's kingmaker

on steroids, and I think at that point,

he'll have the lift togo into 2024 to say,

don't mess with Trump.

I will say this, one thingto be careful on here, Pat,

is that Donald Trump also hinted at,

not even hinted, he actually laid out

what election reform needs to look like.

So I'm sure he's looking atthose battleground states again

and saying, look, if theydon't get their voter ID act

together, if they don't,if we start to see

state bureaucrats, many of them Democrats,

start to change some of therules at the last moment

on mail-in voting like happened in 2016,

then he's not going to sethimself up for failure again,

'cause that's what hethinks went, went wrong

in the first place.

- You know, I wantedto watch the interview

with Ron DeSantis, thegovernor of Florida,

and he seems to be, if youtook Trump out of the picture,

he got the highest number ofvotes in those straw ballots

at CPAC and they sayDeSantis and Kristi Noem

would make sort of a dream ticket.

What do you think?

- Well, I think Ron DeSantisobviously clearly has

the ear of the party for sure.

He is loved inside, notjust CPAC this weekend,

but that Trump base,they really like them,

and let's think about whatRon DeSantis did here, right?

I mean, he, he was goingalong the same route

regarding COVID in terms oflockdowns in March and April

and then all of a sudden,boom, he changed focus

in the middle of thesummer or so and said,

"look, we're not, we're done.

"We're not going to lockdown the state for the rest

"of eternity for the nextyear, two years, whatever.

"We're done and we'regoing to not have a state,

"a mask mandate and allof, all of the such."

So he was able to change course.

You've got Greg Abbott in Texaswho's actually doubled down

and done the exactopposite of Ron DeSantis

and has really been hurtquite a bit politically

and has fallen out of favora bit with Republicans.

Well, Ron DeSantis actuallychanged course during COVID

and that clearly hashelped him quite a bit.

- You know, it looks likethe two most, I guess you

call them blue states, whatever,New York and California

are having serious problems.

The government, thegovernor of New York has got

sexual allegations against him.

There's a recall in California.

You reckon those two huge Democrat states

could flip Republican?

- Well, I think there,there's clearly problems

for Newsom and Cuomo, both of them.

I think Cuomo may actuallyhave the tougher road,

believe it or not.

Now, first of all, let'sstart with Gavin Newsom

out in California.

I mean, you know about thisrecall petition obviously.

It's going to have enoughsignatures to have some sort

of recall vote at some pointin the future to recall

Gavin Newsom and boot him out of office.

That's obviously aproblem, but if you look at

Andrew Cuomo, not only thesexual harassment allegations,

which by the way, now themedia can't ignore it.

There are now a couple andwho knows how many more

potentially, but you know,it's just amazing that

this whole nursing homecontroversy that Andrew Cuomo's

had to deal with, you know,that in and of itself seems

to be a bit of a disqualifier.

The problem for Cuomo,unlike Gavin Newsom,

is Newsom still has the supportof Democrats in California.

Compare to Andrew Cuomo.

He's losing Democrats'support in his own party.

That's a problem.

That's a storyline to watch out for.

- Last question, it looks likeit might be a beautiful time

for the Republicans to start really

picking up some House seriously.

They might flip the House.

What do you think?

- Yeah, they're five or six away.

Kevin McCarthy's promisedat CPAC this weekend

that they would win the Houseback in 2022, and of course,

as Donald Trump said atthe end of his speech,

if Republicans win theHouse and Republicans win

the Senate in 2022, then aRepublican president, as he said,

would return, that was the word he used,

return to come back andwin the White House.

You don't return if youhaven't been there before.

Donald Trump has been there before.

Donald Trump is the kingmakerof the Republican Party,

no doubt about it.

- That's the words ofMacArthur, I shall return.

David, thank you very much.

Well in other news, Israelstrikes Iranian targets in Syria

after an attack on an Israeli vessel.

Meanwhile, the Islamic regime and America

are in a staredown.

John Jessup has more on that.

- That is right, Pat.

Iran is rejecting nucleartalks with the United States

unless President Biden dropsall economic sanctions,

sanctions, continuinga weeks long deadlock.

This as Israeli primeminister Benjamin Netanyahu

blames Iran for Friday's attack on

an Israeli-owned ship in the Persian Gulf.

Israel retaliated with an overnight attack

on Iranian targets inside Syria.

The Israeli ship sustaineddamage to its hull

but no lives were lost.

Some suspect the attack came from mines

laid by Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

Well, despite bloodyviolence this weekend,

tens of thousands of peacefulprotesters continue calling

for Myanmar's military to step down

following its February coup.

The White House iscondemning Sunday's massacre

after security forcesfired on peaceful crowds,

leaving at least 18 people dead.

CBN's George Thomas has the latest.

As Myanmar's security forcesintensify their crackdown

and civilian casualties grow,

the country's newlyappointed special envoy

to the United Nations has branded

the military government as terrorists.

In his first interview with anAmerican TV news organization

Dr. Sasa tells CBN Newsthat Myanmar's military

has turned against its own people.

- It's very sad.

They have declared waron the people of Myanmar

in a very aggressive way.

- [George] Sasa, medicaldoctor, humanitarian,

and well-known evangelicalChristian leader,

appealed to his huge Facebookfollowing to send him evidence

of the military's humanrights violations and abuses.

His inbox is reportedly filledwith thousands of messages.

- It is really for us to submitall those evidence and proof

to United Nations Human Rights Council,

and also UN Security Council to build up

the maximum pressures tothese brutal military regimes.


- [George] Scores ofdramatic videos like this one

taken by an eyewitness in southern Myanmar

shows the military's use of deadly force.

At least 18 people werekilled this weekend

across the country in theharshest civilian crackdown

since the February 1st coup.

- And we're also seeing, correspondingly,

a large number of arrests.

So as of today, we've documentedat least 1,000 arrests

of people who have beenarbitrarily detained,

and we're talking here aboutdoctors, medical workers,

teachers, activists,opposition politicians.

(speaking foreign language)

- [George] But the arrestsand violence are doing little

to deter tens of thousands of protestors,

among them Myanmar's Christians

urging the military generals to step down.

- I will really appreciate ifthe, our brothers and sisters

around the world pray for my country

in this type of troubles.

- Dr. Sasa spoke froman undisclosed location.

His appointment asMyanmar's UN special envoy

is not recognized by the military junta.

Are you afraid for your life?

Are you concerned thatyou might be arrested?

- Definitely they willdo anything to harm us.

They have issued severalnotification threatening us

but I'm appointed bythe people of Myanmar.

Therefore, I represent thepeople of Myanmar 'til the end.

- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.

- Had some horrifying scenesthere as the situation

in Myanmar continues to deteriorate.

- It's amazing how thesedictators get in and they try

to then suppress their own people.

You know, that, that was,it's, we used to be called,

when Myanmar was calledBurma, and then it was called,

you know, the capital was Rangoon.

It's got a different name,but it, it was fabled by,

in the road to Mandalaywhere the flying fishes play

and the sun comes out like thunder

out of China across the bay.

That was some of the Kipling poetry,

and it was very poeticof a wonderful country.

It's been destroyed bythis bush dictators,

and hopefully the UnitedNations or some organization

similar to that will stepin to give some relief

to those suffering people.


- Well, up next the eyes have it.

Your picture, that is.

Surveillance camerasare capturing your face

dozens of times a day.

So who's seen these images and what are

they doing with them?

CBN News investigates,and later on a husband

is rushed to the ER.

He can't breathe.

He slips in and out of consciousness.

The diagnosis, a severe case of COVID-19.

So what saved his life?

Find out.

That's coming up.

(majestic music)

- Here in America, America,the United States of America,

Big Brother is watching you.

You are being caught on camerahundreds of times a week

even without your knowing it.

If you can believe it,there are nearly 200 million

security cameras trainedon American citizens.

So how can you protect yourself

from this invasion of privacy?

Here's our CBN national security

correspondent Eric Phillips.

- A recent report estimatesabout a billion security cameras

rolling worldwide, 18% of themhere in the United States,

like at this ATM.

Every time you do your banking,you're caught on camera,

but you don't have to beusing a service like that

in order to be caught on camera.

In fact, just walking down thestreet, you can be captured

on closed circuit TV.

The U.S. is second onlyto China when it comes

to keeping eyes on its citizens.

Make no mistake, Big Brother is watching.

According to,the average American

is caught on camera 238 times each week.

- Wow. (chuckling)

It surprises me, and it feels a bit weird

to think about that.

- [Eric] Concerning at all?

- No, I just think it keepspeople safer than it doesn't

and if you don't wantto be doing something

that shouldn't be recorded, don't do it.

- [Eric] Here's how those238 camera views rack up.

Cameras capture you at homeor in your neighborhood

14 times a week, 160times behind the wheel.

While you're working, candidcameras catch you 40 times,

maybe more if you're in retail, travel,

or high security industries,

and 24 times a week whileshopping or running errands.

- I mean, I don't likeit, but I don't know

if it surprises me, but yeah,not a great thing to know.

- [Eric] Jay Stanley is a senior

policy analyst with the ACLU.

- We're seeing a very rapidincrease in the amount

of public cameras thatAmericans were subject to.

Right now, we have about 15cameras for every 100 people

in America, about 50 millioncameras, and that's more

per capita than any othercountry in the world, even China.

I mean the basic concernis that we're going to

lose our privacy and we'regoing to become a country

that's different fromwhat we've always been,

that from the moment youstep out of your front door

until you return home at night,

every moment of your lifein public will be recorded,

potentially scrutinized, watched.

- [Eric] He says it's oftenartificial intelligence

keeping track, not humans.

- Computers that analyzeyour daily routines

and understand what you'redoing, what you're carrying,

what you're wearing, who youare, what your attributes are,

and filing that away somewhere.

- You don't expect privacyon the street corner.

So if a camera captures what you're doing

on the street corner, I don't think

that's an intrusion on privacy.

- [Eric] UCLA law professorEugene Volokh believes

the positives outweigh the negatives.

- It makes it easier, forexample, to catch criminals,

maybe makes it easier to exonerate people

who are falsely accused ofcrime, may also deter crime.

While cameras have their problems,

the question is compared to what?

Compared to moreaggressive police presence,

the problems may be less.

- [Eric] Both expertsagree the biggest concern

is the potential for governmenttracking its citizens

under the guise of crime prevention.

- We're seeing some citieslike Chicago putting

police cameras all over the city

and networking them together.

They're also tying in private cameras.

In some cases, the Ring camerasare being networked together

by Amazon, which takesall the camera feeds

and puts them in the cloud,potentially making them

available to the authorities.

- [Eric] Part of thesolution, experts say,

is private citizens askingthemselves several questions

before installing camerason personal property.

Do you trust the manufacturerwho may store images

on their own servers?

Do you trust the internet,because any cameras

tied to the web aresusceptible to being hacked,

and do you trust thegovernment, that in many cases

can use a warrant to accesswhat your camera captures?

- But if you're really worried about that,

I think the solution isto make it harder to abuse

the cameras and not to, notto stop them altogether.

- Nobody's saying thatyou can stop technology

from rolling forward but youcan put some constraints on it,

shape how it's deployed so thatit comports with our values.

- Stanley says that's wherelaw makers should step in.

He says they need to implementlaws controlling access

to these cameras, allowingus to benefit from this tech

without becoming a surveillance society.

In Washington, Eric Phillips, CBN News.

- Well if you've ever read the book 1984,

George Orwell's look into thefuture, it is just so chilling

when Big Brother was watching everything

and the future was beingdestroyed before your eyes

so what had been historywas being burned up

while it was happening, and so the people

have no consciousness oftheir destiny, their future,

who they were, and BigBrother controlled everything.

We don't want to see that in America,

and the idea, of, of somebodytaking pictures of you

driving your car or walkingor going to work or shopping

or whatever you're doing is outrageous,

and the technology is sopervasive now and they have

computers that are so skilledthat artificial intelligence

can, can track everything youdo and put a picture together,

and it's just not a fun prospect.


- Well up next, a coupleseparated for six weeks

because this husband wasin the ICU with COVID.

What rescued him from the brink of death

and sparked a reunion42 days in the making?

You'll see right after this.

(majestic music)

Well, it's all been puttogether beautifully in this CD

which you can getexclusive access to today.

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a copy of the DVD which I'mholding can also be yours

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Call our toll free number,it's 1-800-700-7000,

or simply text KingDavid,all one word, to 51555.


- Well, on March 28th, 2020Scott Biltonen tested positive

for what has caused the coronavirus.

The very next day, Scottwas on a ventilator.

Within a week, Scott was totally crashing.

So how did he survive?

Watch this.

- Scott was saying,

"I, I think I need to go into emergency

"because I, I really can't breathe."

- [Narrator] It had been a few days

since Angie Biltonen and her husband Scott

developed COVID-likesymptoms in March 2020.

They weren't concerned becausethe number of COVID deaths

in the U.S. was still low.

Even after Scott wasadmitted to the hospital

with breathing problems, Angiefigured he'd be home soon.

- I thought,

"they'll do the chest x-ray on him

"and he'll get the treatmenthe needs if he has pneumonia."

- [Narrator] Just two days later,

Scott tested positive for COVID-19.

He sent Angie an alarming text.

- Said,

"they're saying that I'mnot getting any better,

"and they're going tohave to move me to ICU

"and put me, most likelyput me on a ventilator."

- [Narrator] By now, Angie had also tested

positive for the coronavirus.

Although exhausted frombattling her own symptoms,

Angie was more concerned about her husband

and she reached out to friendsand family to pray for Scott.

- To have friends come alongand, and breathe the word

of God into you, and just come prepared

to these prayer meetingswith scripture and words,

and was just incredible.

- [Narrator] Over the nextweek, Scott continued to decline

and was put in a medicallyinduced coma and on a ventilator.

Angie called the hospitalthree times a day for updates.

- And then I was placingan update on Facebook

and giving a lot of detailsso that people would know

what direction to prayand how to pray for him.

- [Narrator] On April6th, 10 days after going

into the hospital, Scott started to crash.

The ventilator that had beendoing 60% of his breathing

was now doing 80%.

- At that point, I kind of broke down.

I really had to consider the possibility

that he might not make it.

- [Narrator] That same dayAngie called the hospital

and had a nurse put aphone to Scott's ear.

She prayed for him, playedworship music for him,

and told him she loved him.

She also put an updateon Facebook and people

immediately started prayingand fasting for Scott.

Overnight, his ventilatornumbers dropped to 55%.

- And then every day afterthat, there was improvement.

- [Narrator] By now,Angie's symptoms were gone.

Scott kept improving, andsix days later he was taken

off the ventilator andbrought out of his coma.

- I thought, okay, youknow, he's going to be okay.

- [Narrator] As the sedation wore off,

Scott regained his strength.

Angie and their threedaughters were able to FaceTime

with him to encourage his progress.

- I remember at one point thinking,

"okay, that's my husband.

"He's back."

- [Narrator] They also told Scott

about all the people praying for him.

- I just had thoughts of like, you know,

well, what has my life added up to?

What have I done with it?

Have I touched anybody?

Have I made a differencein anybody's life,

and finding out that somany people went to bat

for my wife and for mewas, was greatly humbling.

- [Narrator] Then on April24th, Scott was transferred

to rehab where he continued to improve.

Two weeks later, Angie wasable to be with her husband

for the first time in 42 days.

- And I walked towards him.

He, he forced himself up and he stood up.

- I wanted to show herI'm okay, I'm doing good.

It's going to be okay.

- It was wonderful.

I was so thankful to be ableto hold my husband again.

- It was just a very emotionalmoment for both of us.

- [Narrator] The next day, May 8th,

Scott was released to go home.

A few days later, he wassurprised by a drive-by parade

celebrating his recovery.

Although he has a few lingeringissues that he controls

with diet and exercise,Scott says he's doing well

and enjoys time with his family again.

Scott and Angie know Godwas with them through it all

and has a purpose for their ordeal.

- It was ultimately to be able to, to,

to minister to others, to serve others,

to love others, and to be a support.

- If the story helpssomeone that's struggling

or has gone through the same thing then,

and, and, and just Godusing it for His glory,

for His benefit to drawingpeople back to Him,

renewing their faith if it's faded,

that's what I see God using this for.

God does answer prayer, andGod is a God of miracles.

- Isn't that beautiful?

Yes, God answers prayer.

Yes, he does indeed.

Here's some answers by theway that we have received.

A lady named Marlena wasin a heavy vehicle injury

in October of 2020.

She had injuries from herneck down to the pelvis.

X-rays found a spine curved.

She was watching thisprogram and Terri said

"there's someone with a curve in the spine

"and God is healing youand your lower back,"

and, and Marlena said, Iclaimed it, and the therapist

came and looked down her back and said,

"your spine is very straight."

Thank God He healed me.

- [Terri] Wow, praise the Lord.

Well, Pat, this is Deborah.

She lives in Flemingsburg, Kentucky.

She felt terrible because shehad a painful ear infection.

She was watching this programon February 1st this year

and heard you, Pat, prayingfor someone named Mary Lou

which happens to be Deborah's nickname.


Pat said,

"I don't know what that is, but God knows.

"Right now, the handof God is touching you,

"and you are made whole."

By faith, Deborah believed.

By the next morning, shewas thrilled to discover

her ear infection was completely gone.

- It's funny.

The Lord gave me her nicknameand her real, Mary Lou.


We want to pray for you right now, folks.

There's nothing impossible with God

and Terri and I aregoing to agree together.

We're going to believe God for you.

So please pray with us right now,

and we're going to ask God to bless you.

Father, in Jesus name, wehold will for you people

in this audience who are suffering.

Thank you, Lord.

Terri, Terri, God's given you.

- Yeah, there's someone you have,

it's not just the current one.

You have recurring sinusinfections and pretty serious one.

So nothing seems to make them go for good

but they're gone todaybecause Jesus is healing.

You just receive that now.

- Somebody who has pain inthe lumbar area of your spine

if you could reach back andtouch that part of your anatomy

right now in the nameof Jesus, touch them.

In the name of Jesus, be made whole.


- Yes, you have a torn retinajust causing some problems

and lots of potential problems.

God's healing that for you.

It's just going to be gone.

You'll not have it again in Jesus' name.

- You've got tinnitus.

You've got ringing in your ears.

It's just, the name I believe is Bruce.

In the name of Jesus, Bruce,that tinnitus is leaving

and you will have no moreringing in your ears.

In Jesus' name, touch him.

- Yeah, and there's someoneelse, can I just say Pat,

there's someone else you have oddly

lesions on your feet for some reason.

God is healing those,they're just going to dry up

and go away and all that painful walking

and inability to get rid ofthem is gone in Jesus' name.

- Thank you, Lord and Lord,for those in this audience

who are crying out toyou, you know their need

and you are able to doexceeding abundantly above all

and we ask to thank.

By his stripes you alreadyare healed, touch them Lord.

Amen, and Amen.

Now, if you have an answer to prayer,

we'd love you to call.

It's 1-800-700-7000, easyto remember, 1-800-700-7000.

If you want somebody to praywith you, laugh with you,

cry with you, communewith you, pray with you,

or give an answer toprayer, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well up next, Pat heads to the hot seat

for another hard hitting round

of your questions and honest answers.

Micah says,

"hi, Pat.

"I'm 10 years old.

"If the devil asks God for forgiveness,

"would God forgive him?"

Wow, what will Pat say to that?

Well, you'll see, stillahead on today's show.

(thrilling music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN Newsbreak.

The latest vaccine is on its way

to community healthcarecenters and pharmacies

across the nation this morning.

Johnson and Johnson shipping3.9 million doses after getting

approval from the Food and DrugAdministration this weekend.

Also on the move, the COVID-19relief package now on its way

to the Senate after passing in the House,

likely without the $15 anhour minimum wage provision

to ensure quick approval.

Well, due to the secondwave of the coronavirus,

CBN has relaunched itsweekly online Superbook

Sunday school curriculum in Thailand

on Facebook and YouTube.

During each episode, a teacherinteracts with students

on Zoom, virtually sharinga lesson that consists

of a worship song, crafts,and Superbook Academy videos.

The experience not onlyencourages families

and children watching the program.

It also serves as a modelfor Sunday school teachers

to start their own online classes.

Well, you can now geta headstart on your day

by subscribing to CBN News Quickstart.

Get the latest national,international, and faith-based news

delivered to your emaileach weekday morning.

You'll also see a previewof stories in the works

and find topics ofinterest from overnight.

You can subscribe toQuickstart at

Pat and Terri will be back with more

of the 700 Club right after this.

(poignant music)

- Marguerita is a single mom.

When COVID hit, she got laid off.

She had no money and little hope.

So how did she find the perfect job?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Ever sinceCOVID-19 hit Mexico,

stay at home orders have emptied cities,

leaving many people without a way

to provide for their families.

Marguerita used to work as a seamstress

for a small manufacturer.

When orders stopped comingin, she lost her job.

Marguerita is a single mom.

- [Interpreter] We'vebeen suffering a lot.

My son and I depend 100% on my income.

If I'm out of work, wehave nothing to eat.

- [Narrator] With no wayto earn money from her job,

or even from side work,Marguerita was growing desperate.

- [Interpreter] We did nothave any money for anything.

- [Narrator] So OperationBlessing came up with a plan

to help Marguerita whileaddressing another growing

challenge in Mexico, ashortage of quality face masks.

We began with a designerwho created a cloth

mask that can accommodate anadditional replaceable filter

for maximum protection.

We then purchased and delivereda large quantity of cloth

and other supplies neededto manufacture 15,000 masks.

Finally, we hired Margueritaand other skilled seamstresses

to do the job.

- [Interpreter] And we'vebeen through such hard times.

So this project couldn'tbe more perfect for us.

- [Interpreter] With themoney they're now earning

from making masks, Margueritaand other single moms

will have enough moneyto support themselves

until they can return to work full-time,

and operation blessingwill have plenty of high

quality masks to hand outto those with high risk jobs

in public markets, clinics, andin other high traffic areas.

- [Interpreter] I reallybelieve you are like

our guardian angels.

I pray that God will bless you for this.

Thank you so much.

- You know, when I seestories like Marguerita's,

I think of how peoplemust feel like no one

actually sees them in theirplace of need, but God does,

and then He speaks into thehearts of so many of you

who are generous inyour giving and who say,

"I want to be there.

"I want to make a difference."

You know, joining the 700Club is a rare opportunity,

opportunity to be able fromthe comfort of your own home,

make a difference in the livesof people like Marguerita.

I want to say thank you to those of you

who are 700 Club members.

If you're not a 700 Clubmember, what a great day

to become one because there'sso much need in the world,

and we are doing many things here

in the United States and around the globe.

Be a part of that.

65 cents a day, $20 a monthmakes you a 700 Club member.

So join with the thousandsof us who are out

to touch the world withthe love of Jesus Christ

in very practical ways,and listen, I've got

another incentive for you.

When you join today, ourway of saying thank you

is to send you Pat's latest book.

It's called, I Have Walkedwith the Living God.

You're going to love this.

I know that Laurene did.

She says,

"The 700 Club is such an encouraging show,

"and I appreciate the truth.

"Reading I Have Walked withthe Living God now, excellent!"

We want you to have it too.

It's really just a, aclose up look at Pat's life

over the years, how Godhas met him at every turn

in the road, and I think itwill really build your faith.

At the same time, you'll betouching someone else's life

who is in great need.

So please go ahead and call now.

Call our toll free numberand join the 700 Club,

and we're going to answer some questions.

Are you ready?

- [Pat] All right, let's go for it.

- Okay, this is Gail, Pat, who says,

"I'm enduring many issues in my life.

"I live holding by asheer thread of faith.

"How do I not be afraid and fearful

"that I'm going to pass away alone?

"How can I know I'll be healed?

"Please help."

- All right.

I wanted to tell you this, that you say,

how can I be afraid thatI will pass away alone?

God is with you.

Doesn't matter how, howlonely you may feel.

God is with you.

The Lord is with me.

You know, the book of, I wantto say, it's not Zachariah,

but Zephaniah says the Lord iswith me as a mighty warrior.

You are not alone.

You're never alone whenJesus Christ is there,

never, never alone, andso don't worry about it.

If you just hold on to Him,fill yourself with His word,

stop worrying about thestuff you can't control

and spend your time concentratingon Him, period, all right.

- This is Micah who says

"hi, Pat, I'm 10 years old.

"I have a question.

"If the devil asks God for forgiveness,

"would God forgive him?

"What would happen thenif the answer is yes?

"Would sin be gone?"

- Look, the devil isn'tresponsible for sin.

It's the will of the flesh and the devil

and the world temptsus sin and our desires,

even without the devil, we'll be sinning,

but the devil was theone who was in charge

of the very holiness of God.

He was the anointed cherub that covered.

He saw the power of God almighty.

There was no excuse.

He knew exactly who God was,and he, he sent a rebellion

against God with fullknowledge, and so he has

no possibility ofrepentance and he has turned

into utter evil, and whathe's done is beyond belief

and millions and millionsand millions of human beings

are dead because of the devil.

So know he would, if herepented it would be too late.

He, he had his chanceand he, he, you know,

you and I, and 80 yearold, 10 year old kid,

yes, you could do somethingbad and you can repent

and God will forgive youand put his arms around you.

Not the anointed cherub who fell, okay?

- This is Donna who says,

"Pat, we know that Goddoes all things perfectly

"and that He created a perfect world.

"Do you believe that theunstable plates that make

"up the Ring of Fire came about

"as a result of Adam's act oftreason and the fall of man?"

- I think you'restretching it powerful far.

Look, where did these earths come from?

Well, if you believe the bigbang, it was a ball of fire

that was cast out intothe earth, and then that,

that fire was molten,then it's solidified,

and as it solidified, therewere water, a lot of water

floating around and thenmagma underneath it,

and, and these plates theysolidified, they came together.

So thinking that it hassomething to do with Adam's sin

is just ridiculous.

No, I'm sorry.

It just didn't do thatway, but that's the way

the earth was formedand the sliding plates.

Underneath all this stuffthere's, there's this magma.

I mean, it's, it's, they're,they're floating on, on,

you know, it's a riverof, of fire underneath.

You see a volcano, it'sthat magma coming up.

- This is Lucy, Pat, who says,

"a couple of my closerelatives, a cousin, a brother,

"separately asked me for a money loan

"and said they would repay me.

"I have reminded them about the loans

"but I've not received anything yet.

"With the original loan, mycousin asked to add to the loan

"two more times, which I did.

"Am I wrong to keep loaningwhen someone asks for it?

"I'm not sure what to do."

- Look, if someone is poorand needy and they ask you

for something, by allmeans give that to them,

but this relative's adeadbeat and he's cheating

and he's not faithful in whathe's doing, and if I were you,

I would just write the wholething off in your own mind

and let the Lord give you some more,

but I wouldn't give him a dime.

I wouldn't think of it.

I mean, he's a deadbeat.

I mean, he's, he's not, he isn't worthy

of any additional credit.

No bank would loan him moneyand you shouldn't either.

All right.

- This is Pam who says,

"I'm very confused.

"In the gospels, Jesusbreathed on the disciples

"and they received the Holy Spirit.

"Then in Acts, they receivedmore of the Holy Spirit.

"Is there more power in Acts or what?"

- Well, there's two things.

There's the indwelling spirit

and there's the outpouredspirit, and as I pointed out

some time in the book I've just written

about the Holy Spirit,we are in Virginia Beach

and 16 miles from where we'resitting is the Atlantic Ocean,

and if you go down thereand get into the water,

you're in touch with allof the waters of the earth.

However, I've got my hand herea cup of tea, and if I drink

a little bit of that,there's liquid in me.

Now, there's a differencebetween having the liquid in me,

the power of God inyou, and being baptized

in the Holy Spirit, all right.

- This is a viewer who says,

"if you cry out to the Lord daily

"but it seems as if He doesn't hear you,

"is that because youdon't know how to hear

"when God is talking to you?

"How will you know it's Him?"

- Look, if you have theLord within you, the,

the book of Colossians says,

let the peace of God bean umpire in your heart,

and you will have a peace in your heart

that comes from knowing the Lord,

and the question is, how doyou know if God hears you?

God is in you if you know the Lord Jesus,

He's within you.

So, you know, He's not awayup in heaven, you have to

bring Him down or He's in the hell

and you have to bring Him up.

He's inside of you.

The spirit of God is within you.

So in the sense you're talking to yourself

and when you talk,you're talking to the one

who's right with you,right then. (chuckling)

So of course God hears you.

As the question is if youbelieve and don't doubt,

all things are possible,period, all right.

- Okay, that's all thetime we have for today.

Thank you.- [Pat] Thank you very much

for those questions.

- And thank you.

Up next.

Meet a sought after speakerfor Fortune 500 companies.

What's his message for the men of America?

Well, stay tuned.

You'll find out.

Ron Archer never knew his birth father,

his stepfather neglected himand a babysitter abused him.

So how did he rise abovehis own brokenness,

and what message doeshe carry to men today?

- [Narrator] Dr. RonArcher survived a traumatic

and fatherless childhood, yetwent on to become an author,

executive, speaker, andchaplain in the NFL.

When men of God inspiredhim at a young age

to rise to positions ofleadership, he discovered that God

does not call the qualifiedbut qualifies the called.

Learning how importantstrong men are to the health

of a society, Dr. Archernow wants to let men know

that any man can be instrumentalin changing his nation,

community, and home if heabides daily in Christ.

- Ron Archer joins us now via Skype.

Welcome back to the 700 Club.

It's good to have you with us today.

- I am so honored to be with you.

Thank you for having me back on again.

Thank you.

- Well, your book, The Powerof One Man, shares your story.

You mentioned some ofthe men from your youth,

an absentee father, astepfather who didn't really

nurture you, a babysitter who abused you.

What did those abuses doto you as a child, Ron?

- It made me feel like amannequin where I looked the part,

I could talk the part,but I was falling apart.

There was an emptiness, there was a void.

There was a sense of nobodyness,and you're like a blind man

in a dark room chasing blackcats that simply are not there.

So you feel absolutelyempty at heart while trying

to pretend that everything is fine.

When you're abused, you learn four things.

Don't talk, don't trust, don't feel,

and try to pretend everything's okay.

- Wow.

It was so bad that eventuallyyou actually planned

and even tried to kill yourself.

What happened?

- Yeah, I was 10 years old andI went into my mom's bedroom

and I had been abused,I had been rejected.

I felt like my life had no value.

My fit, my thinking wasif the next 10 years

are like the past 10 years,I don't want any more years,

and, and we weren't Christians.

We didn't go to church.

There was no Bible study,no praise and worship,

and so I grabbed her gunthat was in her nightstand

and I put it to my brain andwanted to blow my brain out,

but she had a safety onit and it didn't work,

and I just went to my littlebedroom and banged my head

against the wall, and I just cried out

not knowing who I was talking to,

"help me, help me, help me,"

and I'm here to say,there's a God who sits high

and He looks low and He hearsthe cries of His children,

and when you cry outfrom your heart to God

in desperation and hunger forsalvation, God will answer.

- God did answer your prayer, and it began

with another man who changed your life.

It was your neighbor.

What were some of the waysthat he helped you, Ron?

- Well, they invited me to a church camp

and I, for the first timeI heard about amazing grace

and I heard about greatis thy faithfulness.

You know, we weren't church people.

So to hear about the love ofGod, that He loved the least

of these, the broken, thelost, and I wanted that.

I felt the warmth of theloving arms of God in my life,

and I just, I just wantedmore, and so I said,

"can I go to church with you?"

And there I met the manthat sent me on my path,

my pastor, as a young man.

He was a Marine, he wasa scholar, and I said,

"that's what I want to be."

You know what, menbecome what they behold,

and I beheld this greatman of God who took me

under his wing, kept myshoes shined and said to keep

your nose clean, keep yourmouth shut, and follow me.

You'll learn something,and he changed my life.

Pastor Eddie L. Hawkins of theGood Shepherd Baptist Church

in Cleveland, Ohio.

- Well, he called forth a leader in you.

In your book Power of One Man, you mention

biblical characters who camefrom broken backgrounds and,

and went on to greatness.

What can you tell us about some of them?

- Oh my goodness.

You know, when I firstcame to Christ I thought,

"there's no way that I can be of any use,"

because you know, all ofthese great characters,

I watched the 10Commandments on TV as a kid

and, and Ben Hur and Isaid wow, I don't qualify,

but as I began to read aboutthem, what I discovered was

they were imperfect people who reached

other imperfect people, andthat was God's perfect will.

I mean, you look, when Godwanted to change the world

and save it from the flood, Hecalled out to one man, Noah.

When God wanted to create the Hebrew race,

called out to one man, Abraham.

When God wanted to putJudah on the throne of,

He called David, oneyoung man at 12 years old.

When God wanted to sit theHebrew people free from bondage,

He called one man, Moses.

These were imperfect men.

When God wanted to sharethe gospel to the Gentiles,

the unclean, He called one manon the Damascus road, Paul,

and He said,

"Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou?"

I mean, and when Godwanted to save the world

from sin and hell, He becameone man, the Lord Jesus,

and saved us fromdamnation if we accept Him

as Lord and savior saying,one man who says yes to God

in spite of your failure,in spite of your past,

in spite of your struggles,God can do an amazing work

through you to impact your world.

- What are some practical ways that men

can help mentor other men?

- You know, my son, hisname is Christopher.

He's a military guy and hewas in Japan, in Okinawa.

I went to go visit himand he asked me, you know,

I'd been talking about life and I said,

"Chris, what did you likemost about our relationship?"

You know what he told me?

He said,

"Pops, when you and Iwould just grab a football

"and just throw it back and forth,

"that meant the world to me."

So we learned five things that men can do

to mentor other men.

One, be present.

Half the battle is just showing up.

You ain't got to say nothing.

You don't have to be a superstar.

Your physical presence is the present.

Number two, be attentive,ask good questions.

Get in part of their, playvideo games with them,

throw the footballaround, but be attentive

because you can be presentand be disconnected.

So you got to get into their world.

Thirdly, be affirming.

The Bible says, raise upa child, raise up a man,

not put them down and criticize them,

but speak life into them.

See what God sees in themand tell them what you see.

Four, be consistent.

The worst thing we've learned,

when I was working with various leaders,

is if you start it and stopit and start it and stop it,

it destroys credibility and belief.

So be consistent, and the mostimportant thing you can do

as a man to be a great mentor is first,

be committed to Jesus Christand allow that commitment

to flow to other people,because I can't give

what I don't have and Ican't be what I am not.

So being in the presenceof the Lord abiding.

- But I want to say that youare, you are a walking exhibit

of all the things you're talking about.

It's all here in the book,The Power of One Man.

It's available nationwide.

Thanks for being with us and Pat,

I'm going to throw it toyou to close us out today.

- Well, tremendous teaching.

I really buy that whathe says is for real.

We leave you with ourPower Minute from Proverbs.

To do what is right andjust as more acceptable

to the Lord then sacrifice.

We'll see you tomorrow.

God bless you.


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