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- Okay time for some questions.
- Time for question, allright, let's go for it.
- This is Anne who says,"What if someone you consider
"to be a man or woman ofGod prophesies over you,
"but they get it wrong?
"Do you still let them prophesy over you?'
- No.
You know, I've had people do stuff that
they thought they were talking from God
and they did no such thing. (chuckling)
John Wesley said some woman came to him
and said, "The Lord told me, he said,
"you're beddin' down with a whore."
And he said, "Woman, God didn't send you.
"So thank you very much." (chuckling)
- [Terry] Thank you, anyway.
- You just lie, I mean, youknow, you don't, you know
how do you tell a prophet?
If what the prophet says comes to pass,
and if it doesn't come to pass
you're not under anybondage to that person.
You don't have to, somebody's prophesying.
This is a control thing, you know.
A lot of people think theycan control somebody else
but I have a word from theLord for you: bologna, okay?
- Okay, this is Natasha who says,
"I believe that everybeliever needs to tithe,
"but a friend of minesays because we are saved
"by grace, tithing doesn't apply to us
"because it was mentionedin the Old Testament.
"Would you explain more on tithing for us
"saved by grace and why it's important?"
- In a sense, your friendis partially right,
we're not under any obligation.
But you see the differenceinstead of a tithe,
everything I have belongs to the Lord.
I mean, all of my possessions are His
and He lets me keep what He will,
well, I want, He wants me tokeep and the rest of it's His.
So they're, there in the Old Testament,
actually, they were three tithes.
I mean, it was up to 30%and so it's not just 10%.
But that's like a claimof God on your income.
And he said, bring yourtithes and offerings
if I wanna bless you, andso it's a way of blessing.
But we're not under obligation.
But as I say, if I belong to the Lord
then everything of minebelongs to Him, too.
- This is Laura, Pat, who says,
"My question is about theday of the Lord's coming.
"Pat, do you believe that day is soon?
"Can you remind us what arethe signs of His coming?
"Thank you.
"Love the 700 Club."
- Well, I'm so glad.
Well, the answer is I really believe
that we're getting closer.
But He said, "This gospel of the kingdom
"will be preached in allthe world for a witness
"and then the end will come."
But He says they gonna be rumors of wars,
and wars and rumors of wars.
There're gonna be plagues,
there're gonna be famines,
there're gonna be pestilence.
There'll be a lot of badthings happening on the earth.
But I think Jerusalem,in a sense, is the key
and when the Jews beginto come back to the Lord,
I think you will see that as a great sign.
But do I believe He's coming?
Yes, I do.
I think it's coming closer.
- Okay, this is TB who says,
"As a Christian knowing my loved one is
"in heaven, I have a hardtime visiting their graveside,
"in fact, I don't.
"My siblings are Christians too,
"and visiting our loved ones is important
"to them, so they visit often.
"They clean their graveside,
"decorate for seasons and birthdays.
"I'm so confused.
"I feel bad, but it feels weird to me
"because they're in heaven.
"Am I wrong to feel this way?"
- Well no, you're not wrong.
Your loved one is inheaven and that's the,
you know dust we are,in dust we shall return.
So there's a pile ofbones, it'll turn into dust
and your loved one isn't there.
- This is Ernest who says,
"What's the difference betweentithes and first fruits?
"I don't have a clear understanding."
- Well, in an agricultural society,
you brought the first fruits, so I mean,
the first fruits of your, of your harvest,
the first fruits of your grain,
first fruits of the youngof your stock, and so forth,
that was the first fruits.
And you know, it canbe as part of a tithe,
but you know, that's the difference.
And I really believe thatif you have a business
that it doesn't hurt to say,
"I'm going to tithe the business,"
or, "I'm going to bring,"if I've got a special deal
and the, the first fruits of that
is just what it says, the first fruit.