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CBN NewsWatch AM: February 9, 2021

On Newswatch AM February 9th: second impeachment trial of President Trump begins in the Senate today; World Health Organization expert says Covid likely did not originate in a lab in China, while in the US, cases are dropping, but officials ... ... Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] This is "CBN NewsWatch."

- It is Tuesday, February 9th, 2021.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today, the second impeachment trial

of President Donald Trumpgets underway in the Senate

with the outcome all but foreordained

no conviction for the former president.

A new statement today fromthe World Health Organization

on the origins of the COVID virus

while here in the UnitedStates growing worries

about the new mutations thathave come from other countries.

Do Trump supportersneed to be deprogrammed?

That's what one major mediafigures recently said.

And another one tells CBNNews the idea may be more

widespread than you think.

And Israel facing possiblewar crimes investigations

from the International Criminal Court.

We're going to bring youthe Israeli response.

All those stories and more are ahead

in this edition of "CBN NewsWatch."

We'll begin this half hour with the second

impeachment trial of formerPresident Donald Trump

which starts today in the Senate.

The trial is virtually certainto end in Trump's acquittal.

But over the next few days,the House manager plans

to argue he should be barred

from ever holding federal office again

because of his role ininciting the rioters

who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.

Trump's attorneys will make the case

the impeachment is unconstitutional

and violates his First Amendment rights.

Our CBN News Capitol Hill correspondent

Abigail Robertson brings usthe story from Washington.

- [Abigail] Over the next few days,

the House impeachment managers plan

to show videos remindingthe Senate jury of what

they lived through on January6th and make their case

that President Trump issingularly responsible

for the siege of the Capitol.

- Fight like hell.

And if you don't fight like hell,

you're not going tohave a country anymore.

- [Abigail] But PresidentTrump's lawyers say his use

of the word fight almost two dozen times

in his January 6th speechis a common political term

meant to be taken figuratively.

They'll also argue the FBIknew there was a threat

to the Capitol days before the rally

and that the riotersacted on their own accord.

- When you have the presidentof the United States

give a speech and says youshould peacefully make your

thinking known to the people in Congress,

he's all of a sudden a villain.

- [Abigail] Trump's leadattorney Bruce Castor says

they plan to use Democrats own words

against them too in order to make the case

Trump's speech is protectedby the First Amendment.

- There's an awful lot ofa tape of cities burning

and courthouses being attackedcheered on by Democrats.

- [Abigail] 45 Republicans,

including Senator LindseyGraham have already indicated

they believe the trial is unconstitutional

making a conviction, extremely unlikely.

- The impeachment articles,I think, are unconstitutional

because the president is inFlorida, he's not in office.

- Some people say, "Oh, let this go away."

Oh no.

When something as horribleas dastardly that happened

on January 6th occurs, youcannot sweep it under the rug.

- [Abigail] Meanwhile, Georgiaofficials are investigating

the president's phone callto the secretary of state

over election results there

which could also becomea part of this trial.

The trial is set tobegin at 1:00 p.m. today.

Leadership from both sides in the Senate

agreed to start the trialwith a debating vote

on whether or not it isconstitutional to proceed.

And then go from there.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Turning now to the coronavirus.

A World Health Organization experts said

today the virus is unlikely to have leaked

from a Chinese lab andmost probably jumped

into people from an intermediary animal.

China had strongly denied the possibility

of a leak from a lab.

Instead promoting theoriesthe virus may have begun

somewhere else beforebeing brought to Wuhan.

Here in the United States,Republican Representative

Ron Wright became the first sitting member

of Congress to dieafter contracting COVID.

But overall, the numberof new cases has dropped

substantially falling to theirlowest level in three months.

And the drive to vaccinateAmericans is gaining speed.

Nearly one in 10 Americanshave now received

at least one shot, but only about 3%

of the population hasbeen fully vaccinated.

Now the big concern hasbecome the rapid spread

of the new variations ofthe virus that have come

from the United Kingdom,Brazil, and South Africa.

Joining us now is CBN medical reporter

Lorie Johnson with more.

So Lorie, new cases aredown but could variants

from other countries reverse that trend

and make the COVID outbreak last year

in the United States even longer?

- Absolutely, Efrem.

A lot of health careprofessionals are comparing

what we're going through right now

to the eye of the storm,the eye of a hurricane.

We've really been through a lot of it.

It's calm right now.

But what's to come could bejust as bad or maybe even worse.

And the reason is these variants.

We're talking about two in particular,

the UK variant and theSouth African variant.

Both variants are herein the United States.

The UK variant is muchmore widespread is expected

to be the dominant strainas soon as next month.

It's much more contagiousthan the coronavirus

we've been dealing with for the last year.

And that fact alone may mean more deaths.

Because if it's more contagious,

one might assume that we'regoing to have more cases,

more hospitalizations, and more deaths.

But the good thing about the UK variant is

it is very sensitive to the vaccines.

So the vaccines work on it.

The South African variant, not so much.

We've seen that the SouthAfrican variant is able

to elude or evade or escape the vaccines

to some degree, andalso, Efrem, treatments.

- So will the variants mean

that people can get COVID a second time?

- Yes, we've seen this withthe South African variant,

not so much the UK one, thatpeople who were infected

with the coronavirus strainthat we've been dealing

with up until now have been reinfected

with this South African strain.

So people who have hadCOVID are recommended

to go ahead and get a vaccine,

but maybe wait about six or eight weeks

until after you've recovered.

- So then the questionis, will the vaccines need

to be tweaked to deal with variants

like that South Africa variant?

- Yes, healthcare officialssay not only will they need

to be tweaked, but they are in the process

of tweaking them right now.

These messenger RNA vaccines,

the Pfizer and the Moderna ones,

are actually pretty easy totweak, to change a little bit

to accommodate these variantsthat come on the scene.

Although it doesn't happen overnight,

it takes a few weeks to change it.

But then of course they have to be tested.

So Moderna is already makinga new different vaccine

to accommodate this South African variant

but it might not beready until fall, Efrem.

- So only about 3% of Americans

have actually been fully vaccinated.

So how long will ittake us now do you think

to reach herd immunity?

- Well, they say herdimmunity is about 75%

of the population isimmune in one of two ways.

Rather, they have naturalimmunity from recovering

from the virus or being vaccinated.

At the rate we're going right now,

it looks like we might achieveherd immunity by the fall.

But if we have new vaccinescoming on the scene

like Johnson and Johnson,that may come even sooner.

And if these vaccines get outfaster than they are, again,

that herd immunity could come sooner.

We're vaccinating about1.5 million people a day.

And of course, the goalis to increase that.

- Before we let you go, youmentioned Johnson and Johnson.

We know that is the latestvaccine people are waiting on.

What's the differencebetween Johnson and Johnson

and what's out there right now?

- Huge difference.

The main difference is it's just one shot.

That's fantastic.

And the second main difference is

it doesn't have to be frozen.

And so this is great for people who live

in rural areas, anywherethat there's not a freezer

or one of those fancy freezers.

So this is much more accessible to people

not only in the ruralareas or lower income areas

in the United States,but also in the world.

- All right, LorieJohnson, thank you so much.

Much to watch, much appreciated as always.

Coming up, do Americans who voted for

or supported President DonaldTrump need to be deprogrammed

as if they were members of a cult?

Some members of the media think so.

We're going to hear what theyhave to say when we come back.

(dramatic music)

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- [John] Get the toppolitical news and analysis

from Washington on "Faith Nation" tonight

at six Eastern only onthe CBN News Channel.

- It sounded like a shockingstatement to many people

but others were not surprisedwhen a major media figure said

that President Trump's supportersneed to be deprogrammed.

And one former member ofthe establishment media

says the idea is actuallymore widely believed

than you realize.

Jennifer Wishon brings us the story.

- It's no secret Americanswho supported the presidency

of Donald Trump mystified those known

as the liberal media elite.

Still, many Americansgasped when a trusted news

voice millions used to wakeup to made this statement.

- And the question is how are we going

to really almost deprogram these people

who have signed up for the cult of Trump?

- For many citizens, it was jaw dropping

to hear something so radicalfrom a respected journalist.

What did you think whenyou heard her calling

for Trump supporters to be deprogrammed?

- You kind of get that sinkingfeeling in your stomach

because it's so disappointing.

You're like, "Oh, wow, seriously?"

It's a year since Fox Nationlast visited the border.

- [Jennifer] Long time journalist

and former "60 Minutes"correspondent Lara Logan,

who now hosts her own show on Fox Nation,

"Lara Logan Has No Agenda,"says this so-called idea is

more widely accepted than you might think.

- Just the idea that anyone needs

to be deprogrammed is such a radical idea.

And yet, this is not an idea

that you're hearing on the fringes, right?

This is an idea that's being published

in the opinion pagesof the Washington Post.

- [Jennifer] She's right.

This comes from Postopinion writer Brian Klaas.

"So do we have any hope ofdeprogramming the millions

of Americans who aredevoted to dangerous lunacy?

Don't hold your breath."

One in a slew of articles and commentary

that accept deprogrammingas a necessary response

to Americans disappointed bythe presidential election.

- There are millions of Americans,

almost all white, almost all Republicans,

who somehow need to be deprogrammed.

It's as if they're members ofa cult that Trump has called.

- [Jennifer] Logan pointsout she's not motivated

by politics or party, ratheroutrage over the media's

self-sustaining sinister narrative that

in some cases threatens the very lives

and livelihoods of millions of citizens.

- There is an entireinfrastructure that is built

around sustaining thisnarrative and targeting millions

of people in this countrywho see the world differently

and who they regard as a threat.

And now as illegitimateenough to have to be erased.

Hunter Biden's laptopwas a conspiracy theory

until it wasn't.

And Russia collusion was never ever cast

as a conspiracy theory,but it wasn't true.

And how damaging was that?

(gunshots popping)

What about the fact thatSteve Scalise was shot

by a Bernie Sanders supporter?

What is it that BernieSanders supporters believed

that justified picking up a weapon

and going and trying to kill someone?

I mean, that's much more than sinister.

That's much more than just media bias.

There are actual politicaloperatives who are being paid

and to have placement and access

throughout the media who are making sure

that these narratives are sustained.

- What is it?

Is this just about Donald Trump

or is this just about conservatism?

What do you think?

- This was never about Donald Trump.

And that's what madeDonald Trump so threatening

to all the people thatreally, really, really went

out of their way to destroyhim and to get rid of him.

It was all about focusingeverybody on the man

so that you wouldn't rememberto focus on the principles,

so that you wouldn't realizethat what actually happened

for the first time in livingmemory is that we the people,

as it is in theConstitution, actually said,

"Okay, we're going to exercise our rights.

We've had it, we're done.

We're done with you saying things can only

be done this way in Washington.

We're done with you taking our tax dollars

and then telling us that you know best.

We're done with paying for NATO

and then being disregarded and criticized

and blamed for everything bythe international community.

Fine, we won't pay yourdefense bills then.

We don't understand why youagreed to this trade deal

with China that destroyedmanufacturing in this country.

We don't understand whyyou still are a part

of the United Nations wheneveryone at the UN says

that America is to blame for everything."

And what the propaganda was all about,

what the targeting of Donald Trump

and the emphasizing of everyannoying thing about him

that got emphasized over andover and over and over again,

was shaming you into not voting for him

or admitting that you vote for him

and distracting you fromthe real principles at stake

so that he would be limited in

what he'd be able to achieve and

that he could quickly be gottenrid of as fast as possible.

And how do you know that's true?

Because you don't haveto take my word for it,

what do I know, I'm just a journalist.

Well, you know it's true because look

what happened even before he left office.

The target shifted.

It went from Donald Trump to you.

- [Jennifer] It's a chilling assessment.

One Logan says is beingbacked up with action.

Just look at the Departmentof Homeland Security's

new domestic terrorism bulletin warning

of ideologically motivatedviolent extremists here at home.

People the former CIA director

calls a greater threat than Al Qaeda.

- This threat from domesticviolence extremists

is much more challenging, I believe,

than it was in terms of goingafter foreign terrorists.

- [Lara] Have we reallyforgotten what 9/11 was like

that you're treatingJanuary 6th like 9/11?

- [Jennifer] And she warnsthe media might not realize

what it's ultimately sacrificing.

- So right now, it's reprogramming

or deprogramming Trump supporters.

What about when it's thedeprogramming Christians

of all kinds including left and right?

People think, "Well, I'm a better person

than a Trump supporter, right?

Because I've studied critical race theory

and I voted for Joe Biden.

And I would never vote for Donald Trump

or a horrible nasty Republican."

Except you go to church andGod and religion is a threat

to progressive secularmovement in this country.

And now you need to be deprogrammed.

And who's next?

Who else is on the list?

- For Logan, who's anative of South Africa.,

that's a question shetells me she never ever

thought she'd be asking aboutthe United States of America.

Jennifer Wishon, on CBN News.

- [Efrem] Still ahead, Israel responding

to an InternationalCriminal Court decision

saying it can investigate war crimes

allegedly committed by the Jewish state.

We're going to bringyou the Israeli reaction

right after this.

(dramatic music)

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- Israel slammed a decision

by the International Criminal Court

that it now has jurisdiction

to investigate the Jewishstate for war crimes.

As Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem,

the landmark decision could put Israel

on the defensive againstpotential charges by the UN court.

- [Chris] The impact could be widespread

as the ruling includesIsraelis who were involved

in events ranging from Israel's 2014 war

with Hamas to Palestinianmass demonstrations

along the Gaza-Israeliborder beginning at 2018.

- That would mean Israelipoliticians, Israeli leaders,

Israeli officials, andmost of all of course,

Israeli military members,basically for any acts

which are alleged to be criminal

that have been committed since July 2014.

- Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu

blasted the decision.

- When the ICC investigatesIsrael for fake war crimes,

this is pure antisemitism.

The Court establishedto prevent atrocities

like the Nazi Holocaust againstthe Jewish people is now

targeting the one stateof the Jewish people.

First, it outrageouslythinks that when Jews live

in our homeland, this is a war crime.

Second, it claims that whendemocratic Israel defends itself

against terrorists whomurder our children,

rocket our cities, we'recommitting another war crime.

- [Chris] Israel says for years,

Hamas has fired thousands of rockets

indiscriminately into civilian areas

while they respond withtargeted military responses.

Hamas is also open to ICC investigations

but they applauded the move.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Hamas considersthis an important step

towards justice for our Palestinian people

and prosecute the Israeli war criminals.

The most important steps remain,

taking practical measures on the ground

to hold the Israeli warcriminals accountable

and punish them for their crimes

and everything they have doneagainst our unarmed people.

- [Chris] It could alsomeet Jewish communities

in Israel's biblical heartland,

also known as the West Bank,might be considered illegal

since the ICC calls thisarea occupied territory.

It could put Israeli leaders

and possibly civilians traveling

to countries bound bythe ICC treaty in danger.

- Because they will beobliged by the treaty

holding the ICC togetherto extradite suspects

of the ICC to The Hague for interrogation,

arrest, trial, or whatever it may be.

- The two to one decisionis not the final step.

The matter now shifts tothe ICC's chief prosecutor

for a final decision to seeif war crimes will be charged.

Chris Mitchell, CBS News, Jerusalem.

- [Efrem] Coming up, withsports for young people on hold

throughout the country because of COVID.

We're going to hear fromthe executive director

of a Christian youth sports organization

how the church can help out.

Stay with us.

(dramatic music)

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- In some states, COVID-19has canceled youth sports

for at least the past 10 months.

The calls to reopenactivities are getting louder

than ever before.

It all comes as the impacthas affected young people

both socially and mentally.

Upward Sports is a nonprofit organization

with the mission ofpromoting the discovery

of Jesus Christ through sports

and the executive director tells

CBN's "The Prayer Link"the church is a great place

for young people's sports to reopen

and to help save our youth.

- Parents are now, we'reseeing across the country,

eager to reengage and somestates are loosening up

their regulations and othershave been open for some time.

We know that when kids areplaying video games at home

instead of out exercising andinteracting with other kids,

it can be detrimental to their health.

What we do across the nation with

over 1200 churches has helpedthem to create sports leagues.

Our number one goal is to share the gospel

of Jesus Christ with people who need it.

And so you put the powerof sharing the gospel

with the ability for churches to partner

in their communities to bringkids back together for sports,

it is a meaningfulimpact on those churches

and on those communities andespecially on those children.

- For more on this, you can be sure

to catch "The Prayer Link" this evening

at 6:30 Eastern Standard time.

And of course you can findthat on the CBN News Channel.

Right now, it's time foryour Tuesday Tweetable.

Here's a message I encourage you

to post, tag, tweet,and share with others.

If the price tag isyour peace, guess what?

The cost is too high.

Your peace is something you

simply cannot afford to sacrifice.

Hold fast to your peace is apromise from God for a reason.

And that reason is this.

You need it.

With that word, I encourage you to make

today a terrific Tuesday.

That is going to do it for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch."

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Hope to see you right back here

same time tomorrow, everybody.

Good-bye and God bless.

(dramatic music)

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