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Daily COVID Cases in U.S. Drop Below 100K as Vaccine Distribution Picks up Speed

Daily COVID Cases in U.S. Drop Below 100K as Vaccine Distribution Picks up Speed Read Transcript

- Vaccine distribution isramping up across the country

and COVID infection rates

are already dropping significantly.

The doctor in charge of theUS fight against the virus

says things will only get better

as more vaccines areavailable in the coming weeks.

- Even though there's aclear, clear discrepancy

between the demand and thesupply that will get better

as we get through February and into March.

- [Reporter] According to a health

and human services documentobtained by ABC News,

there's been a four week downward trend

in reported COVID cases

which has resulted in a50% drop in infections

since the peak on January 8th.

The country is also reportingfewer than 100,000 daily cases

for the first time since November.

When it comes to vaccines,

Pfizer says it's speeding up production,

cutting the time it takes to make a batch

from 110 days to just 60

and Johnson and Johnson ismaking it single dose vaccine

while waiting on itsemergency use authorization.

Still health officials warnAmericans to stay vigilant.

South Africa has suspendeduse of AstraZeneca's vaccine

after data showed it givesonly minimal protection

against mild to moderate sickness

caused by the South Africanvariant of the virus.

And in the US, a new studynot yet pure reviewed,

suggest cases of the highlycontagious UK variant

may be doubling every 10 days.

- It does show that we have likely

more of the variants floatingaround in our population

that could explain

why we may still see somemore surges in the future.

- The NFL has offered up 30 stadiums

to be used as mass vaccination sites.

Those efforts however,

dependent on having enoughavailable doses of the vaccine,

Caitlin Burke, CBN News


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