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COVID Cases Drop 11 Percent in 1 Week in U.S., but Vaccinations Are Reaching a Plateau

COVID Cases Drop 11 Percent in 1 Week in U.S., but Vaccinations Are Reaching a Plateau Read Transcript

- The US is not letting up on its push

to get Americans vaccinated

as health officials say,it's the only way to return

to some semblance of normal.

And consider this, whilesome stats indicate

the US death toll fromCOVID hovers around 600,000,

a new report indicates thatnumber may be closer to 900,000.

Whatever the actual number, advocates say,

getting vaccinated is amatter of life and death.

From broadcast messagingto now boots on the ground.

- We are just getting informationout about the vaccine.

- [Eric] A new army of footsoldiers going door to door,

giving the vaccines directvoice in communities.

About a third of thecountry is fully vaccinated.

- This is a campaign.

This is a campaign, andwe have two candidates.

Our candidate is the vaccinefor life and COVID for death.

- [Eric] This as both Medinaand Pfizer are reporting

that research shows their vaccines

are safe and effective in adolescents.

Researchers say the Pfizer vaccine

also appears to be effectiveagainst troubling variants.

- The goal would be tomake sure that the vaccine

is available for vaccinating adolescents

over the course of the summer

and at least beforethe coming school year.

- Don't be worried.

Don't be scared.

The people here know what they're doing.

- [Eric] The good news,the US is reporting

daily new infections aredown 11% over a week ago

but so are the numbers of shots

falling more than a millionper day since mid April.

And a new poll shows just 9%of un-vaccinated Americans

are making plans to get the shot.

It's why places like New YorkCity are getting creative,

rolling out mobile vaccinationsites, where they will offer

the one-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine

to tourists in TimesSquare and Central Park.

- Come here.

It's safe.

It's a great place to be.

And we're gonna take care of you.

- This week, President Biden set a goal

of getting 70% of US adultsto get at least one dose

of a COVID vaccine by the 4th of July.

As of Wednesday, 57%of adults have done so.

Eric Philips, CBN.


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