MJ and Alitheia talk about the power of praying together with other people.
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- You're watching The Superbook Show.
- And today, I wanna talk about prayer.
- I mean, prayer is good,but is there a reason
why you wanna talk about it now?
- Our viewers.
(drum bang)
(logo swooshing)
- Our viewers?
- Yes, a lot of people have written
into us, comments, suggestions.
- People can get a little crazy sometimes.
- And prayer requests.
- Oh, what did you see?
- I noticed a lot of peoplestruggling with anxiety,
fear, and depression.
- Now that you mention it,I've had some anxiety myself.
- Yes. And I want you toknow that there's a power
in prayer, especially corporate prayer.
- Corporate prayer.
You mean praying togetherwith other people?
- Yes.
In Matthew Chapter 18, Jesus says,
"For where two or three aregathered together in my name,
I am there in the midst of them."
- So when people cometogether to pray in unity,
God is right there?
- God is there.
There's a special powerin coming together.
Just look at the Superbookepisode, "Peter's Escape."
- Arrest them, and don'tlet that one escape.
- Go. Help the others get away.
(grunting and struggling)
- It is terrible whathas happened to Peter.
- Come. We will pray for God's help.
- But wait, Rhoda, you'renot gonna do anything?
You're just going to pray?
- Not do anything.
Joy, prayer is something,
and it's the best thing we can do.
- Jesus taught us to prayso that God's will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
He said only ask and you shall receive.
Let us join together in prayer.
Deliver us, O Lord, from our enemies.
- [Saints] In you, we take shelter.
Deliver us from our enemies O God.
Defend us from thosewho rise up against us.
Deliver us from the workers of iniquity,
save us from bloodthirsty men.
Deliver us from our enemies, O my God.
Defend us from thosewho rise up against us.
- Did you see the power whenall the saints pray together?
- Peter was in jail andGod used corporate prayer
to help make Peter a free man.
- Yes, and because of thepower of corporate prayer
I want you to pray together with us now.
- Wait, the audience isn't really here.
They are there.
- We can still pray together.
It can happen in the samespace or different places,
like when we pray together online.
- I'm guessing we're gonna be praying
for the viewers that have written to us.
- We sure are, alongwith our other viewers
who maybe didn't write in,
but are going through the same things.
- Let's do it.
- Father in the name of Jesus,
we thank you for being our healer.
We know that healing comes from you,
and that's why we are coming to you.
- Please touch every person watching.
- We bind anxiety, fear,depression, and suicide.
And we ask you to use yourhealing, love and peace.
- We thank you, that aswe gather in your name,
you're in our midst and we thankyou for hearing our prayer.
- In Jesus name, Amen.
- Amen.
- If this prayer orany of our other videos
have helped you, please emailus at superbookshow@cbn.org.
- Or if you have a questionabout anything, please email us.
- Thank you for watching and praying.
- His word is forever alive.
(logo swooshing)
- See you soon.
- That got really loud.
- [Female Crew] Why was it loud?
- Just really excited about our viewers.
- Yes.
- Peter was in jail, andGod used corporate power.
Corporate power?
Corporate prayer.
- [Female crew] Yeah, something like that.
We're gonna smooth thatout a little, ladies.
You guys are always rizzo, rizzo.