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The 700 Club - January 21, 2021

There was a time that Tom couldn’t provide the basics for his wife and kids. When a business deal went bad, they nearly lost everything. Despite their financial ups and downs, they put their trust in the only thing that could turn it all around. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up.

- Here, Barlow, suck this up your nose.

- [Narrator] Just one snort.

- You're not a man.

Look at us, we do this all the time.

And I thought, why not?

- [Narrator] And he was hooked.

- I mean, I was invincible.

I just thought nothingcould be better than this.

- [Narrator] One addict's secret.

- I knew I was lyingright out of my teeth.

- [Narrator] And the 3:00AM email that set him free.

- Literally sat here thinking,Kim, you're gonna die.

- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

A president for all Americans.

Well, that's what Joe Biden promised to be

as the 46th presidentof the United States.

During his inauguraladdress, he also pledged

to bring our divided nation together.

- Can president Biden meetthe incredible challenges

of this critical timein America's history?

Our country and the world are watching.

Here's CBN White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy.

- Biden began hisinauguration day at church.

It's there he prayed withcongressional leaders

from both sides, an act of unity

which followed his inaugural theme

as he prepares to leada deeply divided nation.

After morning Mass.

- Gracious and merciful God.

- [Ben] And an invocation.

- [Man] For our new president,

we beg of you the wisdom Solomon sought

when he knelt before you and prayed.

- [Ben] Joseph R. Biden was sworn in.

- [Joe] That I will faithfully execute.

- [Man] The office ofPresident of the United States.

- The office of Presidentof the United States.

- [Ben] Biden is servingalongside Kamala Harris,

America's first woman vice president.

- I, Kamala Devi Harris,do solemnly swear.

- [Ben] She was sworn in using two Bibles,

one from a mother-like figure of hers,

and the other from the first black

Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall.

Harris describes the civilrights icon as a personal hero.

Biden spoke to millions of Americans,

outlining his vision tounite and heal the nation.

- Disagreement must not lead to disunion.

And I pledge this to you,

I will be a president forall Americans, all Americans.

- [Ben] And his administration begins

as the country combats a pandemic.

- As the Bible says, weepingmay endure for a night,

but joy cometh in the morning.

We will get through this together.

- [Ben] Then together, Bidenled the nation in prayer.

- Remember all those whowe lost this past year

to the pandemic, those400,000 fellow Americans,

moms, dads, husbands,wives, sons, daughters,

friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

We will honor them by becoming the people

and the nation we knowwe can and should be.

So I ask you, let's say a silent prayer

for those who've lost their lives

and those left behind and for our country.

- Biden and Harris then laid a wreath

at Arlington National Cemetery

at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Then he walked along Pennsylvania Avenue,

arriving at the White House

for the first time since taking office.

Biden calls his term inoffice a time of testament.

He got to work immediatelyupon taking the oath,

signing several executive orders

undoing Trump administration policies,

and sending an immigrationreform bill to Congress.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News, Washington.

- Well, it was quite an inauguration.

Capitol surrounded by troops,

and no one in attendancebecause of COVID-19.

But also because ofthe threat of violence,

so clearly we are a divided nation.

I think Amanda Gormanstole the show, though,

and hopefully one day she'llrun for president, too.

But right now she's writing some poetry,

and here's something she said

that I think is very significant.

"A nation that isn't broken,

but simply unfinished."

And what a great way to put together

a phrase for the American dream.

That you go back in our history

and you have this wonderful statement

that all men are created equal.

Well, the irony is, the manwho wrote that statement

was himself a slave owner.

So clearly, we weren'tfinished with our ideals.

Let us make our aspirations real.

Let's realize that wecan have the will of God

on Earth as it is in Heaven.

And let's work towards that.

We are not broken,we're simply unfinished.

In other news, President Biden signed more

than a dozen executive orders yesterday,

the most a president hasever done on his first day.

It's the first step in his goal to change

the policies of the Trump administration.

John Jessup has more onthat from our CBN newsroom.

- That's right, Gordon.

The issues of Biden'sexecutive orders range from

new initiatives fighting COVID-19

to rejoining the Paris Climate Accords.

CBN's George Thomas has a lookat some of the key policies

he authorized on day one in office.

- President Biden'sfirst order of business

on his first day on the jobwas to immediately reverse

some of his predecessor'skey policies and agendas.

- Some of the things we'regonna be doing are really

bold and vital, and there'sno time to start like today.

- [George] Top of his priority,

getting the COVID pandemic under control.

Biden's first executive order,signed while wearing a mask,

requires face coveringson all federal lands,

along with a pledge to deliver100 million vaccine shots

in his first 100 days in office.

He plans to sign 10pandemic-related orders today.

- It's requiring, as I said all along,

where I have authority,mandating masks be worn,

social distancing bekept on federal property

and interstate commerce, et cetera.

- [George] With a stroke of several pens,

the incoming president then signed more

than a dozen other executive orders,

the most a president hasever done on his first day.

- It's an incredibly broad scope

of bold and aggressive actions,

some of which are designedto roll back some of the most

egregious actions of theTrump administration.

- [George] Among them, Bidenrepealed Trump's travel ban,

preventing people frompredominantly Muslim

and African countries fromentering the United States.

And as part of his campaignpromise to re-engage the world,

the president rejoined theWorld Health Organization

and the controversialParis Climate Accords,

which President Trump pulled out of.

The President also revoked plans

for a Keystone XL oil pipeline.

- The United States continuesto be one of the world's

largest emitters of greenhouse gases,

and we need to put in place policies

and take steps here toaddress that as well.

- [George] Some argue nixingthe Keystone Pipeline project

and rejoining the Paris treatywill hurt American workers

and further weaken an economyalready reeling from COVID.

- The reality is thatregulations that are promulgated

on the energy industry aregoing to increase those prices

which are going to havedramatic ripple effects

throughout the economy,disproportionally impacting

the lowest income families in America.

- [George] The Bidenadministration plans to sign more

executive orders in the weeks ahead,

including rolling backrestrictions on abortion funding

and revoking the ban on transgenders

from serving in the military.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- All right, thank you, George.

President Biden alsoimposed a 100 day pause

on the deportation ofillegal immigrants Wednesday,

in addition to sending his plan

for immigration reform to Congress.

As Chuck Holton reports,a new migrant caravan

in Central America is already headed north

to test the new administration's policies.

- [Chuck] Honduran migrantsclashed with police

in the Guatemalan bordertown of Chiquimula.

They're heading for the United States,

determined to get in linefor a promised amnesty

by the new Biden administration.

But the caravan met stiff resistance

and was broken up byGuatemalan security forces.

- Around 1500 Honduransthat were sent back.

But there are still around 4,000 to 5,000

that are still in thecountry but have scattered.

- [Chuck] Changes toU.S. immigration policy

by the Biden administration

are motivating theseHondurans to keep trying.

- We all know that duringPresident Donald Trump's

administration, UnitedStates practically ordered

Guatemala and Honduras to dosomething about the caravans.

And also Mexico.

But they're saying that because of Biden

is about to take office,maybe his immigration policies

are gonna be more relaxed

and he's gonna offer immigrationpossibilities to anybody.

- [Chuck] In a Senate hearing Tuesday

to vet Alejandro Mayorkas,Biden's pick to head

the Department of Homeland Security,

the nominees spoke of Biden's commitment

to providing relief for the caravans

- There is a commitmentto follow our asylum laws,

to enforce our asylum laws,

and that means to providehumanitarian relief

for those individuals who qualify for it.

- [Chuck] But border patrol officers

already have their hands full,

as overwhelmed hospitalsin Mexico send thousands

of COVID refugees streaminginto the U.S. every day.

So far, 21 border patrol officers

have died from the virus in the past year.

- When it comes to the individuals

that are just crossing illegally,

they're not taking much precautions.

A lot of these individuals,obviously they're coming across,

they're not wearing any type of mask.

They're just trying to get here.

- [Chuck] Pandemic or not,the Biden administration's

talk of a sweeping amnestyfor illegal immigrants

is foremost in the mindsof these Hondurans,

and the incoming DHS secretary

knows he has his work cut out.

- That cannot be accomplished

with just the flick of a switchand turned on in day one,

that it will take time tobuild the infrastructure

and capacity so thatwe can enforce our laws

as Congress intended.

- [Chuck] Translation,get ready for a huge wave

at the U.S. Southern border.

I'm Chuck Holton for CBN News.

- Thanks, Chuck.

Gordon, immigration, a thorny issue

that stymied Washington for decades.

- Well, we need to have some new policies

and figure out what to do

with the dreamer population in America.

These are children who weren'tat fault for being here.

And what is their path to citizenship?

But if you start removing theword illegal from immigrant,

get ready, you will get a wave

of immigration on all our coasts.

It's not going to be juston the Mexican border.

But clearly there's socialunrest in Venezuela.

Clearly there is povertyin Central America.

And clearly there is opportunityin the United States.

And you're going to see moreand more of these caravans

if you announce that, well,we're not gonna deport you

if you're an illegal immigrant,

or you announce we're gettingready to radically change

our laws on immigration.

So, all of these thingsare going to come together,

and then in the middle of COVID,

what does that do to your border security

and your border patrol?

And these days, would anyoneeven want to volunteer,

let alone be paid moneyto be on the border?

Why would you take that jobif all you're going to do

is face these waves comingin from our southern border?

So, it's very complicated,

and there aren't anyeasy solutions to this.

And just making pronouncements

isn't going to get it done on the ground.

So, let us pray.

And here's a verse foryou from Jeremiah 29.

Seek the peace of the city

where I have caused you tobe carried away captive,

and pray to the Lord for it,

for in its peace, you will have peace.

That's a wonderful verse.

God's commanding the Israelites

as they're being carriedaway captive to Babylon.

He's saying, pray for Babylon.

So if he can commandyou to pray for Babylon,

why not pray for Washington DC?

Why not pray for all our border states?

Let's pray for our state capitols.

Let's pray for our neighborhoods.

Let's pray for peace.

In the middle of turmoil,

it's very hard to get anything done,

but in peace, you can havewisdom, you can have counsel,

and you can determine the right way to go.

We're calling the nation to pray.

We're calling Christiansto pray for our nation.

The republic still stands.

You can get that scripture.

There's a PDF file we'llbe glad to send to you

with that picture and the scripture.

All you have to do is go to,

or text republic, that word, to 71777.

Well, Kathy Branzell is joining our call

to pray for the nation.

She's the President ofthe National Day of Prayer

Task Force, and Kathy willnow lead us in prayer.

(dramatic music)

- Greetings, CBN, it's Kathy Branzell,

President of the NationalDay of Prayer Task Force.

Lord, we praise your bride today

that we would present ourselves in peace,

that we would persevere as one body,

one spirit called in one hope, one Lord,

one faith, one baptism, one God.

And father who is of all and in all,

unite us and persevereus, in peace we pray

for your glory in your precious name.


(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Well, China has imposed a sweeping new

security law that tightensits grip on Hong Kong.

Christians, politicians,pro democracy activists

have all been arrested.

Scores are now fleeing the city.

Others are hiding underground.

So, how is the church in Hong Kong

responding to this persecution?

Well, George Thomas brings us the story.

- Hong Kong as Hong Kongers see it

is a totally different placethan it was two years ago.

- [George] Pastor Bush Tannermoved here from Texas in 2017

to lead KowloonInternational Baptist Church.

Then in June, 2019,antigovernment protests

erupted over a controversialextradition law,

plunging the city into monthsof chaos and bloodshed.

♪ Come all you weary ♪

Tanner's church becamea place for healing.

- We would have actually police officers

plus we would haveprotestors that would gather

in our building and praytogether and sing together.

- The protests have since died down,

but fear now looms over the city's future

as China's grip on Hong Kong tightens

six months after imposing a sweeping

new national security law.

- We have a lot of fear inHong Kong among the people.

There's a lot of fear

that things are not going to settle down

or be anywhere near thenormal that they used to be.

- [George] And thatfear is being realized.

On January 6th, more than1000 Hong Kong police officers

raided 73 differentlocations across the city,

arresting 53 politicians,pro democracy leaders,

human rights activists, and others.

Lam Cheuk Ting was one ofthe lawmakers arrested.

He captured the momentpolice barged into his home.

- [Translator] You aresuspected of violating

the national security law,subverting state power.

- [George] Chris Pat andHong Kong's last governor

says what's happening inthe city is nothing short

of China's brutal destructionof a free society.

- This is a further turningof the screw in Hong Kong,

a further attempt to destroythe freedoms of a city

which has thrived under the rule of law.

- [George] Also arrested, John Clancy,

an American priest turnedlawyer who now faces prison

for challenging China'sauthoritarian rule over the city.

Authorities have alsorounded up Christians

including Joshua Wong,a prominent activist

seen in this picture enteringprison in early December.

Later that month, two Catholicnuns were also arrested.

- If they think they canactually lock up the idea

of freedom and democracy forever,

they're kidding themselves.

The truth is, they're absolutely terrified

of what liberal democracies stand for.

- [George] Reportsestimate more than 300,000

Hong Kongers are planning toflee the city in coming months.

Lap Yan Kung, who teachesat the Chinese University

of Hong Kong, says severalpastors have already left,

while others have gone underground.

- Government, as well as the police,

use all kinds of means to use this law

to prosecute the pastoras well as the people.

- [George] Beijingdefended the mass arrests

despite calls for their release by former

secretary of state, Mike Pompeo.

- [Translator] No one has anyprivileges outside the law.

The law must be followed, and anyone

who violates the lawmust be held to account.

- [George] Anthony Blinken,

President Biden's nomineefor secretary of state,

calls the arrest an assault on those

bravely advocating for universal rights,

adding that a Biden administration

would stand with the people of Hong Kong

and against Beijing'scrackdown on democracy.

Once a free willing city, Hong Kong is now

witnessing dramatictransformation on all levels.

China's president Xi Jinpinghas moved in recent months

to reshape schools,the media, legislature,

and the courts, withmore changes on the way.

- Leadership in the schools are changing.

Schools that have never hadany communist connection

before having communist leaders.

- [George] Christiansfear Hong Kong is becoming

like any other city in mainland China,

and that religious regulations there

combined with the new security law

will soon apply to them, making it almost

impossible to practice their faith.

- A self-censorship is emerging

among the people in Hong Kong,

and many of are verycautious of what we can say.

- [George] Chinese Christianscurrently experience

some of the harshest governmentpersecution ever witnessed.

Christians here are alsopreparing for the future.

- They suffer quite a lot.

So, maybe this is also the time that

we've done something for ourbrother and sister in China.

- [George] Still, divisionexists between Christians

who support Beijing'srule and those who don't.

Ricky Wong, a formerHong Kong police officer,

pastors TrinityTheological Baptist Church.

He supports Beijing and says the new law

will not curtail religiousfreedom in the city.

- So for me, I quitepositively look at this law.

And also I say we have topray and look upon Jesus.

- [George] Others like Dr. Hugo Chan,

a leader with the Full GospelBusinessmen's Fellowship,

say despite potential restrictions,

the gospel of JesusChrist will go forward.

- Yes, we have a lot of confusionand a lot of polarization

going on, but ultimately, even in China,

I believe the kingdom will prevail

because this is unchangeable.

- [George] Most churches in Hong Kong

have gone virtual since the pandemic.

Pastor Tanners are meetingin small home groups.

- We will continue to leadour people to focus on Jesus,

lead our people to bringlight to the darkness,

and hope in the middle of the brokenness.

- [George] Tanner sayshe plans to continue,

boldly proclaiming a messageof love come what may.

- What we look at and what we prepare for

is the fact that whatever happens,

we need to present Jesus.

If that includes the suffering, yes.

If that includes being exiled, yes.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Well, that's just a tasteof what's currently happening

both in China and in Hong Kong.

It seems like China hascompletely abandoned the policy

when they took over Hong Kong,

that there would be onestate, but two systems.

And they're quickly movingto enforce that security law.

On the mainland itself, they'vepassed several laws recently

that prohibit doing internetChristian programming

that are cracking down on churches.

They've destroyed churches.

They've taken crosses down.

They have targeted Christians.

They're using the full might of the state

to track people on theirsocial media profiles.

They're making listsof who are Christians,

and they are definitely cracking down.

So, this is just a small piece of it.

My heart mourns for Hong Kong.

It was one of my favorite cities.

When I lived in Asia,

it was one of my favorite places to go.

And the vibrancy of thatcity seems to be well lost.

We used to object to whatwas happening in Hong Kong.

And in the wake of our political turmoil,

China is now laughing at us.

And they're pointing to us to say, well,

you clearly don't have a stable democracy.

Democracy doesn't work.

They're using our current government as

an example of what can happen.

They're using January 6th as an example.

They used President Trump as an example.

And they're saying,you need state control,

you need proper control tokeep these things in check.

And so they are not goingto change anytime soon,

they're not going to see the light.

At the same time, as aChristian, remember this,

we live in an unshakeable kingdom.

That kingdom has an unchanging king.

His name is Jesus, andit's the kingdom of Heaven.

Let us keep that our primary concern.

If we seek his kingdom first,

we put it first, put that above politics,

please put the kingdom of God above it.

When we seek that,

all these other thingswill be added unto us.

These were words thatencouraged the first,

second, and third century Christians

who lived in incredible persecution.

And it encouraged them,and they were able to

come through to freedom.

Let us have that same hope.

We live in an unshakeable kingdom

with an unchangeable king, Tara?

- Well, still ahead, ahigh-profile business flop

threatened to put this family under.

Then they did somethingthat boggled the mind.

What was it,

and how did it save them from foreclosure?

Well, you'll find out next.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Today the Cartwrights aresuccessful entrepreneurs.

Not long ago, they wereliving on food stamps

and needed help to put gas in their car.

So how did they make an amazing U-turn?

They say it's becausethey knew their rights.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Tom Cartwrightis a self-employed inventor

who is always coming up withcreative ideas for products.

Like the Antigua ceiling fan.

- There's leaves in myyard, and I saw a leaf.

And I sketched it and madeup the fan blade from that.

- [Narrator] But being an entrepreneur

hasn't always been easy.

There were times Tomcouldn't provide the basics

for his wife and children.

Like when one of his foreignbusiness deals went bad.

- And the headline said, BankSumma loses US 600 million.

And I came back andkind of lost everything.

- We had one car, andpeople were helping us

put gas in our tank.

This is back in the day when

there was a lot of food stamps around,

I guess people were givingus some of their food stamps.

It was very, very humbling.

- [Narrator] Tom and Annastarted going to church.

- [Anna] We both agreed we needed help.

- I said, "Okay, I don't careif I work in a gas station,

God first, my family, and then my job."

- [Narrator] The couplelearned that putting God first

included tithing 10%.

- So we began to tithe,

believing that God would multiply

the seed that we would sow.

And shortly thereafter,I came up with another

invention or product,and we had a good income.

- [Narrator] Tom'smedical hygiene invention,

called Wash & Care, was widely used

in hospitals and became very profitable.

Through the years, as theCartwrights kept tithing,

the inventions and income kept coming.

At one point, some big name stores

bought into an affordablegame table Tom designed.

He and Anna took out asecond mortgage on their home

to finance production.

Then the market crashed

and there was no way to pay back the loan.

- It was devastating, it was confusing.

- [Narrator] Tom's daughter,Alison, works with him.

She remembers having tolay off all their employees

and how they had to put thecompany's future in God's hands.

- You really get to the barebones of what do you believe,

are you gonna believe the word?

Are you gonna have faith?

Or are you gonna fallapart and go to pieces?

- When the temptation wouldcome to not tithe or not give,

I would be like, it would bringtears to my eyes being like,

I don't trust this world.

I don't trust how smart we are.

I don't trust, I trust God.

- [Narrator] So, despite uncertain times

and multiple threats of foreclosure,

Tom and Anna never stopped tithing.

They believed in whatthey call tithing rights.

- Your barn will not be empty.

Your bath will be full,those kind of things,

those are tithing rights.

- [Narrator] They evengave above their tithe

to help a couple from church.

- I was taking a showerone morning and God said,

I want you to pay offtheir second mortgage.

I talked to Anna and we said,

what you do for others,God will do for you.

- [Narrator] Shortly afterthey paid off the other

couple's loan, their ownfinancial situation turned around.

Some valuable real estate the Cartwrights

had on the market for years

was suddenly purchased by a cash buyer.

The company's excess inventoryof pool tables also sold.

The combined income made it possible

for the couple to payoff their second mortgage

and stay in their home.

- I can say with assurancethat when you tithe,

God always provides for you.

He multiplies that seed sown.

And that's a functional absolute.

- [Narrator] Today, Tom and Alison run

a coaching company for inventors.

The Cartwrights love toshare how tithing and giving

have affected their success.

- What people spend their money on

shows you what's truly in their heart.

And so, number one, are you tithing?

Because if you're not tithing,then that might be why

you're in a financial situationor God is not opening doors.

- God doesn't twist your arm to do it,

but he has a lot of promises

and wonderful things foryou when you do tithe.

- It's like, do you wanna trust yourself

for the rest of your life,

or you wanna lean on another source

that is the God of the universe?

When you just be obedient, youcannot outgive him, no way.

He will always outdo you.

In more than you can imagine.

- The Cartwrights got the secret,

and then more importantly,they lived the secret.

They said, "We're goingto do it God's way."

Here's a wonderful promise,

it's from SecondCorinthians, chapter nine.

He who sows sparinglywill also reap sparingly.

And he who sows bountifullywill also reap bountifully.

So let each one give ashe purposes in his heart,

not grudgingly or of necessity,

for God loves a cheerful giver.

And God is able to make allgrace abound towards you,

that you, always having allsufficiency in all things,

may have an abundance for every good work.

Realize God wants you to have that.

He wants you to have an abundance

so that you can step outin faith for good works.

He wants you to be able to do good things.

For the Cartwrights, it was,

can you pay off somebodyelse's second mortgage?

That's a pretty unusual message to get

in the middle of a shower,but that's what he got.

And then he said, "Okay,God, I'll do it your way."

And when you do it that way,when you sow generously,

you give cheerfully,wonderful things will happen

and you'll have abundancefor every kind of good work.

In January, 2021, resolve

that you're going to do it God's way.

Say, this year, I'm going to test him,

I'm going to test him withmy tithes and offerings.

If you'd like to start doingthat, give us a call and say,

"I wanna join The 700 Club."

How much is it?

Just $20 a month, 65 cents a day.

Some of you can join at 700Club Gold, that's $40 a month.

1000 Club, $1000 a year,that's $84 a month.

Your gift will go to preachthe gospel around the world.

A portion of every giftgoes into CBN International.

Another portion goesinto Operation Blessing.

You're a part of everything we do

when you join The 700 Club.

So do it now, 1-800-700-700.


- Well, Mrs. Gow tried to be strong.

She saved her tearsfor when she was alone.

Why was she crying?

Because her daughter was bornwith a hole in her heart.

And Mrs. Gow believedit was all her fault.

- [Narrator] Mrs. Gow couldn'twait to have her first child.

- [Translator] When Ifelt movement in my womb,

I imagined she was dancing.

And I hoped that one day mylittle girl would wear a tutu

and be a ballet dancer,lighthearted and trouble-free.

- [Narrator] But threemonths after Emen was born,

she started having problemswith breathing and digestion.

Doctors ran tests and found out

that she had a hole in her heart.

- [Translator] Her heartbeatdidn't sound normal.

Her lips were purple.

And when she slept, herbreathing was short.

Her immune system didn't work well.

So she caught lots of coldsand had fevers all the time.

- [Narrator] Emen ended upmalnourished, small, and weak.

- [Translator] This was serious.

I wanted my daughter to be strong.

And I still hope that shewould be able to dance someday.

But I knew we might lose her.

- [Narrator] Secretly,Mrs. Gow blamed herself.

- [Translator] I thought maybeshe had this heart trouble

because I did something wrong.

I didn't want Emen to see me sad.

But when I was alone, I cried.

I wished I could take the heart trouble

and the pain from her.

- [Narrator] The doctorsaid Emen needed surgery

by the time she was one.

But the Gows didn't have the money,

and it would be five yearsbefore Mr. Gow made enough.

Meanwhile, as Emen gotolder, she got worse.

- [Translator] She didn'twant to play or move much.

And one of us always had to hold her.

My mother prayed for Emen everytime she went to the church.

- [Narrator] Finally, GrandmaGow's prayers were answered.

Someone from work told Mr. Gow about CBN.

So he contacted us and we setup and helped pay for surgery.

The hole in Emen's heart was mended,

and today, she's a healthy toddler.

- [Translator] Emen's heightand weight are normal.

And now she's very lively.

- [Translator] She's strong.

Her face is rosy andher breathing is normal.

So she can jump and dance.

- [Narrator] And now Mrs. Gow has

a second dream for her daughter.

- [Translator] When shegrows up, I want her to be

just like the peoplefrom CBN who helped us.

I never knew there were suchgood people in the world.

Thank you for saving my daughter.

- When I see some of these stories

of the difference that you'remaking in the lives of people,

I try to imagine what wouldit be like to be a parent,

to love your child with all your heart,

for them to have acondition that you simply

didn't have the moneyto make a difference in?

You know, 700 Club members,you are making a difference

in the lives of thousandsand thousands of people

both here at home and around the world.

And it all happens whenpeople join The 700 Club.

65 cents a day, $20 amonth makes you a member.

And you're joining with thousands of us

who are out to touch the world

with the love of Jesus Christ.

Look at this list.

If you're already a 700 Club member,

would you consider goingup to 700 Club Gold?

It makes a big difference.

And some of you who are Gold Club members

might consider going up to the 1000 Club

or even the 2,500 Club.

Founders join us at $5,000a year, that's $417 a month.

Let's do this.

Let's take care of people in need,

whether it's our neighbornext door or someone

like the Gow family allthe way around the world,

we just say, thank youfor caring about people.

I want you to know that whenyou call our toll free number

right now and say, "Iwanna join The 700 Club,"

we're gonna say thankyou to you by sending you

Pat's new book, it's called

"I Have Walked With The Living God."

Filled with not just the stories of CBN

and what God has done here over the years,

but those points on theroad where Pat met God

and God met Pat's need.

And it's so inspiring.

I want you to have this.

I think it will be a blessing to you.

And by the way, when you call and say

you wanna join The 700 Club,

would you do it using Pledge Express?

That's electronic monthly giving.

Your bank does all the work.

You don't have to haveenvelopes or stamps or anything.

But it does save us someadministrative costs,

so even more of your gift can be put

right into the lives of people in need.

And our of saying thank youfor using Pledge Express

is to send you a Power For Life teaching

that will come yourway every single month.

We think it will be agreat blessing to you.

And you'll have thesatisfaction of knowing

you are making a difference.

So, 1-800-700-7000.

Just say, "I'd like to join The 700 Club."

We welcome you, Gordon?

- Well, Amber's family doubled last year.

During the pandemic, thesingle mother of two daughters

took in her two sisters.

The extra mouths tofeed meant every dollar

had to be stretched further than before.

So how did she make itwork on an airman salary?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] US airmanAmber enjoys her job

at Vandenberg Air ForceBase in Central California.

As a single mom, raising two daughters

on an E4 salary isn't easy.

- I did the best that Icould with what I had.

I did a lot of hoping and trusting God

that things would be provided.

- [Narrator] Amber'sfinances got even tighter

when she took in her twosisters when the pandemic hit.

Their mom had cancer and was considered

high risk for infection.

- The stress of having mytwo sisters going out places

as things started to open up,

she couldn't risk having them

to come back and give her COVID.

- [Narrator] Their parentshelped financially,

but budgeting for twoextra kids in the house

was more than Amber anticipated.

- There was a lot morejust mouths to feed.

There was a whole bunchof other things that

needed to be provided to them

that I had to pay out of pocket.

- [Narrator] Another majorchange in Amber's life

was meeting John.

Soon they married.

Their finances took a hitwhen Amber moved off base

and the couple moved into a home

that would accommodate the family of six.

First and last month'srent plus security deposit

exceeded what they had.

- Plain and simple, we didn't have it.

So it was definitely a burden,

and it was something that was definitely

heavily on our minds.

- [Narrator] John andAmber took out a loan

to pay for the moving expenses.

They relied on their faith

that they could pay it off quickly.

- And God definitely played a part

and our faith did play a part.

The peace and comfort that God gives us

as we go through struggles in our lives.

- [Narrator] That's when their pastor

with Crosspointe Church asked

Helping the Home Front to get involved.

Pastor John Stone surprised the couple

on a Zoom call with good news.

- Crosspointe and CBNhave worked together,

and we are going to reimburse you

$3,000 to offset theexpenses that you incurred

when you brought in your sisters.

- Amazing, we didn't expect anything.

- How does that hit you, John?

What would you say to that?

- I'm still trying to process it.

Wow, that's unbelievable.

That's a huge, huge blessing.

- It is.

- And that's not all.

We want to pay off the $7,000 loan

so that you can startoff your married life

without having to be in debt.

- Is this a dream?

- Can you breathe, John?

- Hardly.

(upbeat music)

- There is a God in heavenwho cares for our needs.

- I don't even know what to say.

- I don't either.

- Nothing like this hasever happened to me.

- No words can expresshow grateful we are.

- [Narrator] Thanks to CBN partners,

John and Amber have afresh financial start.

- Like you guys haveno idea what the church

and CBN Helping the HomeFront has done for us.

- And that thank you goes to you

if you're a member of The 700 Club.

Helping the Home Front isjust part of what CBN does,

whether it's surgeries,whether it's water wells,

whether it's livelihood programs,

whether it's feeding peoplein the middle of the pandemic,

disaster relief, preachingthe gospel through television

in over 50 languages, SuperBook, Orphans Promise,

the list goes on and on,and it's all made possible

because people like youcare enough to give.

If that's you, give us a call,

1-800-700=7000, join with us.

Join in everything we'redoing around the world.

It's real easy, pick up the phone.

1-800-700-7000, say, "Iwanna join The 700 Club."

Now, when you call, make sureyou ask for Pledge Express,

that's electronic monthly giving.

The bank is doing all the work

and there's no checks towrite, nothing to mail in,

and we can send as our giftto you, "Power for Life."

Monthly teaching CD,so if you'd like those,

ask for Pledge Express when you call.

Or you can go to,

when you give monthly on the internet,

you automatically signup for Pledge Express.

We also have something newwhere you can text to give.

Just text the letters CBN to 71777.

A monthly giving page will come up

and you can join that wayand join Pledge Express.

Either way, do it and do it now.

Well, my father just had afew dollars in his pocket

when he started CBNmore than 60 years ago.

At that point in time,he went out on faith,

bought a TV station, and as a family,

we didn't even have a TV set.

And then the firstyears we were very lucky

when our TV signal justwent around the block,

let alone covering the city.

Well, now our broadcast canbe seen around the world.

So why won't he take anycredit for this success?

Well, he explains why in thisexcerpt from his latest book.

Take a look.

- Hi, this is Pat Robertson

with an excerpt from my new book,

"I Have Walked With the Living God,"

read by actor Kevin Sorbo.

I hope it will be a blessingto you as you walk with God.

- [Kevin] I've taken asmy own personal guide

the word that Jesusspoke to his disciples.

"When you have done all those things

which you are commanded, say,'We are unprofitable servants.

We have done what was our duty to do.'"

I made a firm andstraightforward rule for myself.

I gave the Lord creditfor all the good things

that I was able to accomplish.

And I personally took theblame for all the bad.

At this point in my life,I'm much more comfortable

being attacked and insultedthan I am being complimented.

I can say that because I rely on the Lord

to fight my battles for me.

- [Narrator] Get your copy today

when you become a CBN partner.

Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to The 700Club for the CBN Newsbreak.

A ray of light in the COVIDpandemic gripping the nation

with reports that the number of cases

week to week are dropping.

Still the number of deathsare at record levels.

4,409 people died in arecent 24 hours stretch.

And as the government strugglesto get vaccines to people,

Amazon is stepping up tohelp work out the kinks,

offering to, quote,"Leverage its operations,

information, andcommunications capabilities

to assist the governmentin delivering doses."

Well, a federal court inNorth Dakota has struck down

a directive known asthe transgender mandate.

It required medicalprofessionals and religious

healthcare providers to performgender transition procedures

on patients including children,

even when the measureviolates their beliefs.

The mandate was issued in 2016

under the Obama administration.

Tuesday's ruling is asecond from a federal court

blocking the transgender mandate.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of The 700 Club

right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Invincible, that's how Kim Barlow felt.

He broke numerous sales recordsand earned a big promotion,

all driven by the high of addiction.

So, what happened to send Kiminto a sudden downward spiral?

And how did an email help him pull out?

Take a look.

- A whitish amber powderthat they had drawn

in a line out on the hood of my car.

They handed me a straw and said,

"Here, Barlow, suck this up your nose."

And I said, "You're nuts.

There's no way I'm gonna do that."

- [Narrator] Kim Barlow had made his share

of poor choices in life.

Now at 36 years old, he was one step away

from making another one.

- And all the peer pressurestarted and the name calling,

and you're just a girl.

- [Narrator] While thisdecision could ruin his life,

there was one he madeover 20 years earlier

that could save it.

He was 12 sitting in a smallchurch in Amarillo, Texas,

at the invitation of hisolder brother, Larry.

- Larry, and he was just my mentor.

And I know his love forJesus shined through him,

gave my life to the Lord on that Sunday.

- [Narrator] Kim stayedconnected to his faith

and church throughout high school

in large part because of his brother.

But when Kim married hishigh school sweetheart at 19

and was out on his own, things changed.

- Going to church was more of a duty

once a month or once every six weeks

than it was to go praise and worship God.

And it wasn't that I wasturning my back on God,

it just wasn't important.

- [Narrator] Kim says what was important

was what Kim wanted in life.

He would go through threedivorces in 10 years,

and even gave up his rightsto his only daughter, Dawn.

Then in 1990, now in his fourth marriage,

he would make anotherlife altering decision.

He was at a party with his wife's family

when his brothers inlaw began pressuring him

to snort a line of meth.

- "You're not a man, look atus, we do this all the time."

And I thought, why not?

- [Narrator] That wouldn'tbe Kim's last taste of meth.

- I started wanting tofeel that euphoria again.

The next Saturday, we hadthe same party, same alcohol,

and around midnight, out camethe meth and I did it again.

- [Narrator] Before long, he and his wife

were smoking meth regularly,

and Kim became a functioning addict.

Now working in salesat a flooring company,

he became good at lying to his customers

when the signs of addiction began to show.

- "You were talking andall of a sudden you just,

your head just dropped.

Are you okay?"

"Of course I am, I'vejust been having some

sleep problems here lately."

- [Narrator] Driven bythe high of addiction,

he broke numerous sales records

and earned a promotion that landed him

in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

- I mean, I was invincible.

I just thought nothingcould be better than this.

- [Narrator] But alladdictions have their cost,

and Kim's body was now paying the price.

- I would be eating and feelsomething hard and pull it out,

and a tooth had fallen out.

I'm seeing my heart justbam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

I would literally sit herethinking, Kim, you're gonna die.

But it wasn't enough to make me quit.

I just wanted more.

- [Narrator] Kim eventually left his job

and moved back to Amarillo.

Now divorced again andworking a lower paying job,

he began selling meth tofinance his addiction.

- If Larry asked me to go to church,

"Okay, yeah, I will someday."

But I knew I was lyingright out of my teeth

to my own brother.

But I was more about Kim, about me,

and where my next fix was gonna come from.

My life was just spiraling downward.

- [Narrator] More yearswere lost to his addiction.

Strung out, hopeless, alone.

Then at 3:00 AM one morning in May, 2008,

Kim saw an email from his brother, Larry,

with a link to a video titled"Cardboard Testimonies."

- Wonderful girl came up on stage

holding a piece of cardboardto her chest and it said,

was addicted to meth.

And then she turned it over and it said,

now addicted to him.

And at that very moment,I knew I was convicted.

I just started crying uncontrollably.

I just heard the Lord speak to my heart,

Kim, this is over,

and I'm gonna take you out of this.

- [Narrator] After 18 years of addiction,

Kim knew God had set him free.

- But I couldn't waittill the next morning,

not only to throw the drugsaway, but to call my brother,

Larry, and say, "Larry, I wanna know

where to meet you for church next Sunday."

He was just elated, and I was elated, too.

- [Narrator] Kim was alsoreminded of what he had learned

as a child over 40 years ago.

- I just absolutely rededicated my life

to the Lord at that time.

I mean, my Lord, look what he did,

sent his only begotten son

to die a brutal death on the cross,

all while he was looking in our eyes,

wanting us to have arelationship with him one day.

- [Narrator] Kim held onto Christian community

and has remained drug-free ever since.

(gentle music)

He now partners withaddiction recovery ministries,

and even has a relationshipwith his daughter, Dawn.

- I'm just a new creature in him.

It doesn't matter whatyou did one minute ago,

five minutes ago, or 18 years ago.

Jesus is always there and heis wanting to take you back

and have a relationship with him.

- That is the truth.

Left to our own deviceswe are a mess, aren't we?

As I watched Kim's story, Ijust think of that saying,

I know you've heard it before,

that sin will take you further

than you ever thought you'd go.

It'll cost you more thanyou ever thought you'd pay,

and it'll keep you longer thanyou ever thought you'd stay.

But, but it's never too late

because of what Kim said ashe ended his story there.

And that is that it doesn'tmatter what you've done,

it doesn't matter where you'vegone, where you've been,

God's redemption is right now,

immediate for you, right where you are.

You can't get good enough to receive it.

Don't believe the lie

that you're gonna get your life together,

you're gonna get rid of thestuff that's problematic

and then you'll come to him.

You need him to get rid ofthe stuff that's problematic.

You need him to restoreunto you the understanding

of who he is, how much heloves you, and who you are,

both without him and the promise

of who you can be with him.

Jesus said he came toset the captive free.

If you are not free right now,

then freedom is one prayer away from you.

But you need to mean it in your heart.

Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a savior,

and you died for me 2000 years ago.

Not for somebody else, but for me.

To set me free, to forgive my sin,

and to empower me to live differently.

You see, Jesus even said to his disciples

when they were in the upper room,

"Don't leave here untilI send the Holy spirit."

All of that is yourswhen you come to Christ.

Don't stay where you are.

Come home to the father, heart of God.

He's been waiting for you, he loves you,

he longs to change yourlife and to fill you

with the peace and the hope

that he's always meant for you to have.

It's yours, it's free,

but it means you surrenderto his way of doing things.

Wanna leave you with thesewords from John today.

So if the son sets youfree, you are free indeed.

Receive that, it's your inheritance

from a father who loves youmore than you can imagine.

Come home to him today.

We thank you for being with us.

We hope you have a wonderful day.

We'll see you right here again tomorrow.

Good bless you.

(upbeat music)


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