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The 700 Club - January 18, 2021

Marie Ortiz has been a guardian for the underserved in New Orleans as a respected civil rights stalwart for over 50 years. Hear about her connection with Pat Robertson and what she says is the key to releasing God’s spirit of unity. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up, A civil rights hero.

- [Marie] They didn'tcover nothing positive

for black people hardly in those days.

- [Gordon] And at 81, she'sstill fighting for justice.

- Love and forgivenessis a moral excellence.

- [Gordon] Her prayer for today.

- Without faith, it isimpossible to please God.

- [Gordon] And her hope for tomorrow.

- And God will bless us, marvelously.

- On today's, "700 Club".

(upbeat music)

Well, welcome to the "700 Club".

A 100 day mask mandate,

a path to citizenshipfor illegal immigrants,

a restart of the Paris Climate Accords

and the Iran nuclear deal,

while Joe Biden is rolling out

a whole list of hot buttonitems for executive orders

on day one of his administration.

- Meanwhile 25,000 national guard troops

will secure the United States Capitol

for Wednesday's inauguration ceremony.

What unprecedented step is theFBI taking with those troops?

Dale Hurd reports.

(air swooshes)

- Joe Biden is planning a 10day blitz of executive action,

on what he calls the, "FourCrises" facing the country.

COVID-19, the economic downturn,

racial injustice and climate change.

Biden's incoming Chief of Staff

laid out the agenda in a memo

released to the media over the weekend.

- He's going to comeback to the White House

after giving that speech at the Capitol,

and take some immediate actions

to start to move this country forward.

We're inheriting a huge mess here, Jake,

but we have a plan to fix it.

- [Dale] Among several executive orders,

Biden is planning to roll out,

a 100 day mask mandate to fight COVID-19,

making a path for illegal immigrants,

return the U.S. to theParis Climate Accords,

restart the Iran nuclear deal,

and overturn President Trump's travel ban

against some Muslim majority countries.

Biden also wants to raise

the corporate income tax rate to 28%.

Senator Lindsey Graham says,

returning to the Paris Climate Accords

will be a disaster for the U.S. economy.

- That's what he's going to lead off with,

he's gonna have a toughrole out of his presidency.

- [Dale] With two days to go until

Biden's planned inauguration,

a massive securityoperation is taking shape,

up to 25,000 national guardmembers will be in DC this week,

some setting up cots inside the Capitol.

The questions some are asking,

"Why so many soldiers,when the national mall

"will be closed to the publicduring the inauguration?"

Washington, DC, Mayor, Muriel Bowser,

says the threat is fromwhite domestic terrorists.

- How serious is our country

gonna take domestic white extremism?

And I think what we saw here last week,

is that we didn't takeit seriously enough.

- But officials have begun vetting

all of the national guard troops,

fearful that the very people assigned

to provide protection for the inauguration

could be a threat.

Across the country, state houses

are also preparing for protests,

but planned demonstrationsover the weekend

turned out to be far fewer than expected.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris says,

she'll resign her Senate seat today,

and California Governor, Gavin Newsom,

will appoint CaliforniaSecretary of State, Alex Padilla,

to serve the final twoyears of Harris's term.

Dale Hurd, "CBN News".

- Well, if you've beenpraying for the country

like I have, the events since the election

have been truly unbelievable.

And I'm a photographer in my spare time.

Last Thursday, an amazing thing happened,

an eagle landed on a pier

and I was out photographing it.

And it was blue hour,the sun had already set,

and I took a photograph.

And then when I came backand started looking at it,

I realized the eagle was over the water

and the water had red,white, and blue on it.

And it just came to me that,our republic still stands.

And it was such a great confirmation

and a great picture of peace,

that I went searching the scriptures,

and I found this wonderfulverse from Jeremiah.

It's from chapter 29, and letme give you the context here.

Jeremiah is telling Israelites,

who are getting ready to be carried away,

captive to Babylon.

And so, he's saying,"Please pray for Babylon."

And we need to as Christians realize,

that's God's commandment to us,

and whether Babylon is Washington, DC,

I'll leave to your judgment.

But we need peace in our capitals,

we need peace in our country,

because it's throughpeace that we get peace.

Here's the commandment,"Seek the peace of the city

"where I have caused youto be carried away captive,

"and pray to the Lord for it;

"for in its peace you will have peace."

Today, it's amazing, wehave more federal troops,

military troops, with assault weapons,

guarding our capital, than we do

in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

I find that absolutely incredible,

that that could happenin "The land of the free

"and the home of the brave".

But the good news, ourrepublic still stands.

And let's stand togetherto pray for peace.

So just take a momentright now and let's pray.

Let's pray for a peacefultransition of power.

Let's pray for peace in Washington, DC.

Let's pray for peace in our state capitals

and our local governments,because in that,

we will have peace.

Let's pray.

Lord, we lift the nation to you.

We lift Washington, DC to you.

We lift every troubled heart,

every one who is worried about the future.

And we declare that you are our future.

You are our hope and our destination.

No matter what will happen to us,

we always look to you, the author,

the finisher of our faith.

We look to the city that you're building,

not the one that we have built.

We want to be citizens of your city.

So, Lord, give us the peacethat passes all understanding.

Give us peace in Washington, DC.

Give us peace in every state capital.

Give us peace in our local government.

Lord, we can't do this on our own,

but you are the Prince of Peace.

Come and bring your peace,quiet us in your presence,

for we ask it in Jesus' name.


I'm calling America to pray.

I'm calling Christians in America to pray.

Regardless of which side you're on,

please pray for the peace of America.

If you want to join withus, we have a poster

that features that photograph,"The Republic Still Stands."

We'll send it to you as a PDFfile, so you can print it out.

It's along with that, isthe verse from Jeremiah,

to remind you to prayfor the peace of America.

You can text, Republic, to 71777,

or you can go,

and sign up and commit to pray.

And please be in prayer.

We need to pray for our nation.

In other news, just asPresident-elect, Biden,

will be getting hisadministration underway,

senate democrats are ready tobegin an impeachment trial.

George Thomas has more

of our top stories fromthe "CBN Newsroom".

- Thank you, Gordon.

Hello, everyone.

As Gordon mentioned, senate democrats

are prepared to start PresidentTrump's impeachment trial

in the days followingPresident-elect Biden's inauguration.

It will be the first time a president

has been impeached after he's left office,

and many constitutional scholars say,

it is not legal.

Sunday, republicanSenator, Lindsey Graham,

sent democrat Senator,Chuck Schumer, a letter,

Graham is calling on the incoming

senate majority leader to hold a vote,

dismissing the charge of impeachment

and canceling the trial.

On Fox's, "SundayMorning Futures" program,

Graham said, impeaching the president

after he's out of office,

will only create more division.

- This is insane at every level.

It will create furtherdivision in the country.

What good comes fromimpeaching Donald Trump

after he leaves office?

This is a scarlet letter impeachment,

where the Democrats are trying openly

to disqualify our President Trump

from ever holding officeagain, after he leaves office.

- Graham also said that Bidencould end the impeachment

with just one phone call.

Biden is not opposingan impeachment trial.

The social media website,Parler, is back online.

The free speech platform was taken down

by Amazon Web Services, but now it's found

another web hosting service.

For now, the site simplyhas a brief message

from CEO, John Matze, but Matze believes

Parler will soon return, allowing users

to give their opinionson the issues of the day.

Amazon, Apple, and Google removed the app

after the attack on the U.S. Capitol,

over allegations that it did not

take down content containingthreats of violence.

Pro-life Americans will be gathering

around their computers forthe, March For Life, this year.

The annual event usually draws huge crowds

to our nation's capital.

This year's event,scheduled for January 29th,

massively scaled down from previous year

due to the pandemic.

Event organizers say onlya small group of leaders

from across the spectrumof the pro-life community

will demonstrate in-person,

all others are asked to stay home

and attend the event virtually.

Another grim milestonein the COVID pandemic,

the U.S. is set to hit 400,000 deaths,

possibly as soon as today.

With the government struggling to speed up

vaccination distribution,some Christian leaders

are rolling up theirsleeves to do their part.

Lorie Johnson has the latest.

- [Lorie] As a more contagiousmutation arrives in the U.S.,

daily Coronavirus hospitalizations hover

around a 100,000 nationwide.

- We're having to treatpatients in the hallways

and also in the ambulances.

- [Lorie] Health experts see the vaccine

as their best hope to getahead of the pandemic.

It's off to a bad starthowever, as less than half

the 31 million dosesdistributed have been injected.

- I looked and looked andall the options were full.

- [Lorie] President-elect, Biden,

vowing to turn things around

and vaccinate roughlyone third of the country

by the end of April.

- We are confident thatwe have enough vaccine

for the 100 million dosesover the next 100 days.

That is what thePresident-elect has promised.

It will be a hefty lift, butwe have it in us to do that.

- [Lorie] In addition tothe available vaccines,

another two, one from AstraZeneca

and also Johnson and Johnson,could be available next month.

- Some high profile Christian leaders

have either gottenCoronavirus vaccine already

or announced plans to get it.

And at the same time, are encouraging

the faithful to follow suit.

- [Lorie] Dallas mega churchPastor, Robert Jeffress,

got his last week, callingit a gift from God.

- We shouldn't be surprisedthat God uses science

many times to accomplish his purpose.

- [Lorie] He admonished Christians

who prayed for an end to the pandemic,

yet plan to refuse the vaccine.

- It's like calling 911,when your house is on fire,

and then refusing to allowthe firemen into your home.

I mean, it makes no sense whatsoever.

- Not only are some faith leaders

encouraging Christians to get vaccinated,

some churches are openingtheir doors to the community

to become places wherepeople get their shots.

- [Lorie] In just oneday, 500 people got theirs

at this Florida church,no reported problems.

- It's nothing to it.

As crucial as things aretoday with this virus.

- [Lorie] A new surveyshows people of faith

are strongly influenced by their leaders,

to either get the vaccine or refuse it.

- Part of our plan is toengage with faith leaders

around vaccine roll it out.

- [Lorie] In fact, pastors,opposed to the vaccine,

are invited to contact World Vision

to discuss their concerns.

- Lorie Johnson, joins usnow for more on the efforts

to step up the vaccine distribution.

Lorie, tell us, how is the Biden

administration going to get this done?

I mean, we're already hearing that

they're running out of the second dose.

And so, how is he going to be able

to manufacture a hundred million doses?

- Well, he hasn't ruled out

the Defense ProductionAct, Gordon, and says,

that we should trust thatthese vaccine manufacturers

will make the doses required.

And so, as soon as thosedoses roll off the line,

they're going to besent out to the States.

So, we'll see if thatactually does happen,

but he's putting the onuson the manufacturers,

the manufacturers say,"Hey, wait a second.

"You know, it's not all up to us.

"Sometimes we don't havethe necessary supplies."

So we'll be keeping a close eye

on whether these manufacturers can keep up

with the demand, Gordon.

- All right, well, tell usabout the two latest vaccines.

What are the components,and what's the success rate?

- So, we're talking about

Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca.

Both of them are in phase threeclinical trials right now.

The Johnson and Johnsonvaccine is interesting,

because it's only one shot, experts say

that we should expectabout an 80% efficacy.

The AstraZeneca shot, again,

it's still in phase three clinical trials,

but it looks like it's goingto have about a 70% efficacy.

This is still very good.

The FDA was hoping for anything over 50%,

but it is far less effectivethan the current vaccines

that are out there rightnow, which have 95% efficacy.

If these are approved,the earliest will be

at the end of next month, Gordon.

- Now, tell us about theingredients of the new vaccine.

I know the Pfizer and Moderna versions

had no fetal cell lines in them.

Is that the same for these two new ones?

- No, actually the AstraZeneca

has used components fromthe fetal cell lines user.

This is from an abortion thatoccurred about 50 years ago.

And so, a lot of faithleaders are saying, you know,

If this is a problem for some,

some are saying that it's not,

even within the Christian community,

even within the pro-life community,

but people who do havereservations about that,

hopefully there will be some options

and people can actually choose

which vaccine they will receive.

- Okay, I saw in your report that,

Robert Jeffress got a vaccination

and I'm kinda wondering,how do I get on that list?

I've been in touch withthe local health providers

and I'm getting told, no, I can't get one.

So, how do people getinformed about how to get it?

And then, how do they exercise choice

on which version they get?

- Well, it's a great question, Gordon,

and every single stateis doing it differently.

And the best bet, is to go

to your state health department's website.

And this is a challenge forsome people who are elderly.

So, folks, if your parents need a vaccine,

it might be nice foryou to help them online.

A lot of doctor's officesare saying, "Don't call us.

"We're really busy treatingpatients right now."

So, the state health department,

is where you need to go to sign up.

And most states are now opening it up

to people who are over age 65,

and then you can get your shot

and see which shot they're offering.

And a lot of times,people don't have a choice

at this point, though.

- Well, hopefully thechoices will open up,

so that you can choosewhich version you get.

I think that's the best.

Well, Lorie, thanks forstaying on top of the story.

And if you want to stay ontop of the story with Lorie,

all you have to do is go toour website,


- Well, up next, meet acivil rights crusader,

who spent five decades serving

her native city of New Orleans.

So, who inspired her over the years

and what's her solution forsocial injustice in our country?

She's gonna tell usherself, that's coming up.

Plus, she hit a highnote and popped her jaw.

This worship singer was in constant pain.

How did she get healedright in her own home?

And why is she nowsinging better than ever?

(upbeat music)

- Well, it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day,

and we want to celebratewith a wonderful story.

For more than 50 years, MarieOrtiz, has marched and prayed

with many famous leaders ofthe Civil Rights Movement.

At 81 years young, she isstill promoting social justice.

The best news, today, Marie,is more encouraged than ever,

despite the unrest in America.

Take a look.

- [Reporter] For more than five decades,

Marie Ortiz, has been aguardian for the underserved

in her native city of New Orleans,

as a respected civil rightsand community activist.

- I've given my all and being honest.

I really did serve New Orleans well.

This is another march.

We had a big turnout.

We was proud, because the paper here,

they didn't cover nothing positive

for black people hardly in those days.

- [Reporter] The 81year old still confronts

injustice with conviction.

- That's what's goingto change everything.

Love and forgivenessis a moral excellence.

And if we get that in usto love and stop hating,

we're going to be a better people

and God will bless us marvelously.

- [Reporter] Those samedistinct principles

that would serve Marie for a lifetime,

shaped her during childhood.

- I watched my family do thatwhen I was a little girl,

love and forgiveness,it was instilled in me,

in that loving home that I was raised in.

They fed the hungry, they housed people,

I was brought up with that.

It's still with me, andI'll never give it up.

- [Reporter] Marie,walked, prayed and marched,

with many renowned leadersof the Civil Rights Movement.

A few joining family hasher greatest influences.

- First of all, mymother and Coretta King.

They believed things the wayI did about the character,

the personality and the love for mankind.

- [Reporter] The local civilrights icon and pastor,

remains hopeful and availableto further social justice.

- I'm so encouraged, even though

you see protesters and all that going on,

black and white's justcoming together in love.

People loving one another,

more than I ever seen when I was a child.

Walk in faith, because without faith,

it is impossible to please God.

- [Reporter] Marie's faith and activism

brought her unique opportunities.

- [Reporter] This isPat, and he was aspiring

to be president of the United States.

- [Reporter] In 1988,Marie met Pat Robertson,

when their political contactsintersected in New Orleans.

- John Arndino, was over Pat's election.

And he called me upknowing I was very popular

in the city and asked me, wouldI be the woman coordinator?

I was elated, because Pat was a Christian

and he was speaking God's stuff.

They asked me to greet Pat

and escort him in to theluncheon they were having,

and all of the othercandidates were there.

Pat Robertson, the presidential candidate.

I said, "Pat Robertson is with God."

I said, "He already a winner.

"He's with Jesus!" (claps)

He's just getting the message out.

I got my button.

- [Reporter] It got Marie even more.

Introduced to CBN, she identified

with her mission and message.

- Oh, I love the "700 Club".

They take care of thepoor, they do mission work.

CBN is one of my home.

That's my home.

That's a part of me.

- [Reporter] She partners with CBN,

extending her life's work inreaching the needs of others.

- Why not support something like that?

They're doing wonderful work.

And they love Jesus.

Helping people, building houses and all,

makes me feel good, 'causewhen I see it on a TV,

I say, "Got my little dollar in there."

It just blesses me.

- In these trying times, awonderful word of encouragement,

that she's seeing more love today

than ever in her lifetime.

Let that be the signature of our age.

We're hearing a lot of hate.

We're hearing a lot of incredible words,

things I'd never thought I'd hear,

things I'd never thought I'd see,

but what a wonderfulword of encouragement,

that we can love one another.

Let us be known by our love.

One of my favorite Bibleverses from the apostle, Paul,

"Love never fails."

If it's not working,that means it's not love.

But if it's love, it will never fail.


- Well, coming up, this couplewas living high on the hog,

until they hit rock bottom.

How did they go fromliving out of a cooler

to running a multi-million dollar company?

You're going to see foryourself, that's coming up.

Plus, meet a special-ops soldier,

whose family gets hitwith a triple whammy.

Where does this warrior andfather of six find help?

The answer after this.

(upbeat music)

- So poor, they didn'teven own a refrigerator.

The Henderson's wereliving out of a cooler.

Now, there was a steep fall for a couple,

who had once been living the high life.

So, what took them from riches to rags?

And how did they come roaring back

with a multimillion dollar business?

We'll take a look.

- [Reporter] Glenn Hendersonof Jacksonville, Florida,

serves as a consultantfor corporations like,

Hobby Lobby and theAmerican Bible Society.

He and his wife, Regina, aresuccessful entrepreneurs,

who seem to have it all.

- My husband and I are type A individuals.

We're very driven.

We're non-stop

- [Reporter] When they first married,

the Henderson's starteda transport business

and initially did very well.

- We had been living very, very high

and enjoying things thatwere shiny and glitzy,

but not really focusing on the God,

that we had both beenraised to love and know.

We were more takers than givers.

We got in trouble with theInternal Revenue Service,

and we incurred a lot of debt.

- It was one blow afteranother, one loss after another.

And then that was the timethat we just hit rock bottom.

- [Reporter] They hadto declare bankruptcy.

For the next two years, the Henderson's

struggled to start over,

but all their efforts seemed fruitless.

- We were so poor, that wedidn't even have a refrigerator,

we were living out of a cooler.

There was no income, and I had used

to put change into a jar,

whatever lose money I had in my pocket.

And so, we actually livedon that for quite some time.

- [Reporter] Then, Regina,started watching the "700 Club",

and shared what she waslearning with Glenn.

- [Regina] The "700 Club"was very instrumental

and encouraging usduring that time period.

- We heard about the law of reciprocity

from this guy by the name of Pat Robinson.

It was at that timethat we began to realize

that God has everythingto say about his money

and money that he affords us to manage.

And that became very important to us

and honoring our Lord, and honoring God

and the things that we do.

- We understood from our time of learning,

that we should pray about it.

We should ask God to help us.

We should give of ourselves.

We didn't have any money to give,

so we would go to the foodbanks and we would help there.

- I delivered meals on wheels.

I remember taking care of elderly people

and just say, "Well, Lord,I don't have money to give,

"but I will give up my time.

"I will give up whatever talents I have."

- [Reporter] Soon after,

Glenn and Regina got work as contractors

and launched AFC Worldwide,

the transport companyfrom their apartment.

They started tithing from their income,

and gradually workedtheir way out of debt.

- We came to learn that, yougrow as the business grows,

so when the business actuallyoutgrew the apartment,

is when we subletted another location.

And then once we grew too big for that,

then we got our own place.

- [Reporter] In 2008, the company

they contracted for folded,

so the Henderson's took overmany of their contracts.

The very next year, theybrought in $200,000 in revenue.

As they grew, they continued to give.

Soon, they were servinghigh profile clients,

including Motorola, Hallmarkand the White House.

- If we were focused andcommitted to biblical principles

and not borrowing and justdoing things little by little,

as (indistinct) passages says,the Lord gave us increase

and he provided for us.

We had favor and we've beganto see our lives change.

- [Reporter] By the timethey sold their company,

three years later, sales weretrending to hit $100 million.

- It just changed our whole world,

that the business does notbelong to us, it belongs to God.

- [Reporter] Glenn, nowoversees and serves as a pastor

of a 100,000 square footministry and commercial space.

He and Regina continuedtithing from their investments

and enjoy teaching othersthe principles of giving.

- We're givers now.

We enjoy the fact thatwe can not only tithe,

but that we can do above.

- It's really not about themoney, it's about your heart.

And it's about how you'vemanaged God's resources.

He will provide for us, ifwe manage things his way.

Money is a cruel master,but a great servant.

And if we use it to bring gloryto God, he will bless you.

- Glenn and Regina, what words of wisdom.

And they're giving it toyou, so that you can know

if you follow the same principles,

you will get the same result.

This isn't some get-rich-quick scheme

and it's not some heavenlylottery, where, you know,

you buy your ticket andthen you're a winner.

No, it's a lifetime offollowing God's principles.

And when you put thoseprinciples into practice,

wonderful things will happen.

Here's the law of reciprocity.

It comes from the words of Jesus,

and you find it in Luke chapter six,

"Give, and it will be given to you.

"A good measure, presseddown, shaken together

"and running over, willbe poured into your lap.

"For with the measure you use,

"it will be measured to you."

Now, Glenn and Regina, they started that,

and they started saying,"Well, okay, here we are.

"And we're desperately poor.

"We don't have anything to give,

"but we can give of our time.

"We can give of ourselves.

"Let's start giving."

And when they put it intopractice, when you initiate it,

the first word is give

and it will be given unto you.

You don't wait to getwealthy to give, you say,

"I'm going to give now."

They put it into practice andthen continued to practice it

and continue to be diligent with it,

and you see the increase.

If you follow thatprinciple, God will honor it.

He watches over his word to perform it.

With the measure you use,it's measured back to you.

Now, if you want to startthat, if you want to say,

"Here I am, in 2021, and I want to start.

"I want to start living life God's way."

Join the "700 Club".

Join in everything we'redoing around the world.

If you want to see the gospelpreached around the world,

we're now in over 50 languages,

we're doing all of that in your name.

We're teaching Christians howto do Christian television,

in their own language, theirown country, their own culture,

so that they can understandif they pray to Jesus,

if they pray to God,they'll get an answer.

We want that good newsto go around the world.

If you want to help people,

a portion of every gift to the "700 Club",

goes into the work of Operation Blessing,

to feed people here in America,

to help disaster victims here in America,

and to help people around the world.

You're a part of all of it when you join.

How much is it?

It's just $20 a month.

That's 65 cents a day.

Some of you can join at a higher level.

You have 700 Club Gold at $40 a month,

1000 Club, $1000 a year,that's $84 a month.

At whatever level, callus now, 1-800-700-7000.


- A triple whammy, that'swhat hit a special ops soldier

and his family, their car broke down,

their washer needed replacing,

and they owed thousands ofdollars in medical bills.

So, how did this familyof eight get a hand up?

You're about to find out.

When Amil decided to enlist in the army,

he went one step furtherand applied for special ops.

His wife, Marie Ellie, is proud

her husband is a memberof such an elite team.

- I believe that he hasthe character to do it,

because it is a higherlevel job that does require,

you know, a person to have a strong faith

and a strong character and strong morals.

- [Terry] Amil insists, it's Marie Ellie

that deserves the praise, especially

after his absence during hisrecent nine months of training.

- What she does, as faras holding down the fort,

is beyond what I can expect.

- [Terry] Managing the budget for a family

of six on a soldier's paycheck isn't easy,

but it got even tougher whenAmil's car needed repairs,

at the same time theirwasher needed to be replaced.

Then their son required eye surgery,

leaving them with $5,000 ofout of pocket medical copays.

- It does stress me out sometimes,

and it does make me feel worried.

While we do what we can, in the meantime,

God is working something behind the scenes

and eventually, what we'redoing and what he's doing

comes together to provide.

- [Terry] The family recently transferred

from Fort Campbell, Kentucky,to Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Their church in Kentucky,contacted Mannachurch

near Fort Bragg, andHelping The Home Front,

to tell us the family wasnew in town and needed help.

(indistinct) pastor, Michael Ramos,

met them to introduce himself

and tell them CBN was buying them a washer

and paying to fix Amil's car.

- That's really exciting.

- Is that like a littlebit of load coming off?

- Very grateful, very grateful.

Lost for words, I don't know what to say,

but, thank you.

- And then the last thing,we want to reimburse you

for the full amount of $5,000

for the medical expensesthat you guys have incurred.

So, Helping The HomeFront is gonna pitch in

and take care of that for you guys.

How do you guys feel about that?

- Wow.

- Very thankful.

- That's God, man.

I mean, thank you.

I mean, we appreciate it.

We really do.

I mean, that's huge.

- [Terry] This couple can now enjoy

a fresh start at their newduty station worry-free.

- We can look up and smile, you know,

and you know, not havethat burden anymore.

We're thankful foreverything that CBN has done

and their partners for supporting it.

- You know, sometimes life happens

and it can deal you a blowthat's pretty difficult

to see your way around.

You feel like you just can't get a leg up.

Helping The Home Front, is one of the ways

that you and I can make adifference to our military,

who are serving here in thiscountry and around the world.

We want to say, thank you,because your membership

in the "700 Club", allows that to happen.

It's just one of theways that we reach out

to make a differencewith the love of Jesus

and in very tangible, practical ways.

So, join the "700 Club" today.

If you haven't done that already,

you've seen the stories on the program,

just today alone of how lives are changed,

because of the generosityof people who care to give,

65 cents a day, $20 a month,makes you a "700 Club" member.

If you're already a "700 Club" member,

would you consider goingup to the next club level?

There you see our various club levels.

You could go up to 700Club Gold at $40 a month,

or consider joining the 1000 Club.

You see, the 2500 Club, witha $209 a month commitment

or be a Founder, $417 a month,works out to $5,000 a year.

Whatever you're able to do,

whatever God speaks to you to do,

you'll have the satisfactionof knowing right away

upon making your phone call,

you're touching and changing lives.

Our number's toll-free,it's 1-800-700-7000.

Just call and say, "I wantto join the "700 Club"."

Listen, when you do,we have a gift for you.

Pat's latest book, "I HaveWalked With The Living God".

I mean, you want to read this,

because it's full of the wisdom

of someone who has walked with God,

through thick and through thin

and seen God's faithfulnessthrough it all.

It'll be quite an encouragement to you.

When you become a CBN partner today,

you'll also receive instant access.

You'll have an opportunity to the audio,

listen to the audio version of,

"I Have Walked With The Living God",

it's read by actor, Kevin Sorbo.

You can listen at home oron the go, on your computer,

your iPhone, your smartphone,your favorite device,

by using the CBN Family App.

Just activate your streaming link,

when you join us as a CBN partner today.

And join using PledgeExpress, if you will,

that saves us some extra money

that we can put right into lives

of people like Amil and Marie Ellie.

So, call now, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well, who created the world?

That question occupied the thoughts

of a young girl in Cambodia.

No one could give her an answer,

until she watched an episodeof CBN's, "Super Book".

- [Reporter] 11 year old,Chanre, liked getting up

early in the morning to watch the sun rise

over her village in Cambodia.

But as she watched, she saidshe always had a question

in the back of her mind.

- I wondered who created the whole world

and who made the first humans.

I asked my mom about it,she said she did not know.

- [Reporter] Then, Chenre, told us how,

just a few weeks before COVID-19 hit,

a friend invited her to church.

- She said they were watching a cartoon

called, "Super Book", so I went with her.

- [Reporter] The first morning that Chenre

ever went to church, the Sundayschool class was watching

the "Super Book" episode,"In The Beginning",

about the creation of the world.

- The story was amazing.

I saw the spirit of Godflying around and he said,

"Let there be light."

And that was light.

Then he made a man from dust

and let them take care of everything.

- [Reporter] After watchingthat "Super Book" episode,

Chenre, prayed with herteacher to become a Christian.

She couldn't wait to tell herfamily about what happened.

- I shared the gospel withmy parents and sisters,

then I brought them to the church.

Now, they believe in Jesus too.

- [Reporter] A few weeks later,

the Coronavirus pandemic hit Cambodia.

All schools and churches were closed

and the country was locked down.

- Since March, my parents could not find

any jobs to make money.

We did not have food at times.

Sometimes my mom borrowedrice from my grandma.

- [Reporter] Chenre, and her mom, Serene,

began to pray for their needs.

Serene said, that's when Orphans Promise,

working through theirchurch, brought food packs,

rice and other groceries to her family.

She said no one had everhelped them like that before.

- This is such a big blessingfrom God for our family.

- [Reporter] The food packswill last up to two months.

- Thank you for giving mefood in the season of poets.

And thank you for "Super Book",

which helped me to know Jesus.

I know now that God is the creator.

- Well, that thank youfrom Cambodia, goes to you,

if you're a member of the "700Club", you're part of that.

You're part of the food distribution,

you're part of "Super Book",

you're part of everything that we do.

If you're not a member,I invite you to join.

Call us, 1-800-700-7000.

If you're already a member,consider increasing,

consider going to 700Club Gold, $40 a month.

1000 Club is a $1000 ayear, that's $84 a month.

When you call, make sureyou ask for Pledge Express,

electronic monthly giving,the bank is doing all the work

and we can send as our gift to you,

"Power For Life", monthly teaching CD's.

So if you'd like those,ask for Pledge Express

when you call or go to,

there's a place on the Giving page,

where you give monthly.

And if you give monthly,

you automatically signup for Pledge Express.

We also have a new thing, Text To Give,

where you text the letters, CBN, to 71777,

and it'll send you toa monthly giving page

and you'll sign up for Pledge Express,

if you text CBN to 71777.

Either way, do it now, 1-800-700-7000.

When you become a CBN partner,we'd like to thank you

by sending you my father'slatest book, it's called,

"I Have Walked With A Living God",

and it's already getting great reviews.

Take a look.

- [Voiceover] Hear what people are saying

about Pat Robertson's latest Book.

- [Kathryn] It is phenomenal.

- [Gordon] It's as good as any book

I've ever read in my entire life.

- [Voiceover] Discover the principles

that guided Pat's life.

Get Pat Robertson's latest book,

when you become a CBN partner.

- [Henry] It's like having

a one-on-one conversation with Pat.

Cannot praise Pat enough for the book.

- [Voiceover] Call now,1-800-700-7000, or go to a

- [Voiceover] These challenging times,

call for strength and faith.

- You're going to be just fine.

Just fine.

- [Voiceover] You need the wisdom

to manage new responsibilities.

- Great job!

And Cali, please write a sentence.

- [Voiceover] And the courageand favor to fulfill life.

- Hey, looks good, let's go.

- [Voiceover] Get theinsight and power you need

to triumph, from Pat Robertson's new book,

"I Have Walked With the Living God".

Pat shares his miraculous journey,

that will inspire you and grow your faith.

- [Kevin] If you can take onething away from this book,

it is this, get rid ofthe clutter in your life.

Instead, spend your time inthe presence of the Lord.

- [Voiceover] Learn howto overcome adversity

and live in God's blessing.

Get, "I Have Walked WithThe Living God" today.

Call, 1-800-700-7000, or go to,

to become a CBN partner.

Call now.

- [Gordon] Coming up, asinger hits a high note.

- And I felt my jaw pop.

- [Gordon] And ends up in agony.

- It would just be very painful.

It also prevented me from just singing

to the best of my ability.

- [Gordon] So, how did sheget her voice back pain-free?

- I put my right hand on my jaw.

I was like, wow, this is for me.

(upbeat music)

- Folks, welcome back.

You're watching the "700 Club".

Iran's revolutionary guardconducted a drill Saturday,

launching anti ballistic warship missiles

amid heightened tensions overtear Tehran's nuclear program,

and a U.S. pressure campaignagainst the Islamic Republic.

This weekend, long rangemissiles from Iran,

splashed down 100 miles from

the USS Nimitz Aircraft Strike Group.

They also came within 20miles of a commercial ship.

To provide resources forchildren during COVID-19,

CBN continues to produce"Super Book Sunday School",

at home in India.

Recently, the team started distributing

e-comic books for childrenparticipating in the series.

These comic books arebased on the Bible stories

featured in "Super Book".

Over the holidays, theteam did a special teaching

on the Christmas story

and shared the comic book with children.

Each video lesson hasa host sharing a story

from a "Super Book"episode, the salvation poem,

prayer, games and crafts,that follow a weekly theme.

You can find out more about what CBN

is doing around the globe, by going to,

Gordon and Terry will beback right after this.

Stay with us.

(upbeat music)

- She hit a high note singingand felt a pop in her jaw.

That was the beginning of painful days

and sleepless nights for Christie Karbona.

She was in agony simply trying to eat.

Then one night, Christie was scrolling

through channels on TV,

so how did that lead toa jaw dropping miracle?

Well, here she is.

She'll tell you herself.

- I'm Christie, and I live in Texas.

I love to sing and more than anything,

I love to worship the Lord.

Early in 2019, I was on the Worship Team

singing on a Sunday morningand I felt my job pop

when I was singing a high note.

And it was sharp.

I just was in pain ever since then.

It was a lot of fatigue.

I just went on with life andwas dealing with the pain.

Well, the pain got so bad,

that it prevented me fromeating things I liked.

If I laid on that side too much

or put my hand on myface to rest at night,

it would just be very painful.

It also prevented me from just singing

to the best of my ability.

I'd have to be so carefulof how I was singing,

it would make me hold back.

I would even consider not beingon the Worship Team anymore.

One night, my husbandand I were watching TV.

We were scrolling the stations

and I said, "Oh, look, there's CBN."

- Lord, we lift those in theaudience who need healing.

- So, at the very end, Terry and Gordon,

they started prayingfor whoever was in pain,

to put the right handon the place that hurt.

And I thought, might aswell, I'm in a lot of pain.

So, I put my right hand on my jaw.

- There's someone, youhave something wrong

with your your mouth, withyour jaw and alignment.

- I was like, wow, this is for me.

- You've had theseproblems for a long time.

And right now in Jesus'name, you have been healed.

- I felt flushed.

And I thought, okay,I'm going to test this.

So I put my finger on my jaw

and there was no pain on my jaw.

And I pushed a littleharder, and I was like,

there's no pain on my jaw.

And I said, I think God just healed me.

And I kept testing it,I kept testing my jaw,

a day would go by, I would test my jaw.

I was like, it's stillgone, there's no pain.

Today, I am able to singalmost better than I ever was.

There's no limitations for me

to use the gift that God's given me.

♪ Forever exalted in time ♪

So, I wanted Terry to know that,

God had used her boldness to pray,

to touch me and heal me.

And it just really wasvery touching to me,

because God let me know that he sees me,

he is listening to me and he cares.

He cares about the littlethings and it just blew my mind.

I am beyond thankful for my healing.

I just want to give God all the glory.

I want to give him all thehonor and all the praise.

- Christie, I am rejoicing with you.

What a wonderful God we serve.

He knows your name.

He understands your need.

Hears your prayers.

And I know so many of you are watching

Christie talk about whatGod did for her and saying,

"I want God to touch me."

And so, we want to take some time

to pray for you today as well.

We have some other storiesin addition to Christie's.

This is Orlean, who livesin Grandview, Missouri.

For over 10 years, sufferedwith deteriorating knees.

Her doctor confirmed thecartilage had worn away,

the meniscus was torn..

Orlean just happened to tune into

the "700 Club" onJanuary 1st of this year,

and Gordon, she heard you say,

"There is someone, you'relaying hands on both knees,

"that there's tremendouspain in both knees.

"All the pain is dissipating away.

"All the cartilage and cushioning

"in the knee is being restored.

"There will be full and complete function

"from this moment forward."

While you spoke, Orlean said she,

Felt a warm sensation permeate her knees.

She got up, walked to her bedroom

and realized something was different.

The right knee didn't buckle.

Her knees didn't hurt anymore.

What a great way to start a new year.

- Yeah, that's a happy new year.

Here's another one.

Lloyd of Tucson, Arizona, had a pacemaker,

there were complications from it,

that led to fluid around his heart.

This caused him a great deal of chest pain

and shortness of breath.

Both Lloyd and his wife, Shirley,

listen to the "700 Club" every day.

And on December 15th,2020, during prayer time,

Terry, the anointed one said,

"There is someone withfluid around the heart

"and God is healing it now."

Shirley claimed it for her husband, Lloyd.

She called him at the hospital

to tell him about Terry's prayer.

And Lloyd said he suddenly felt better.

And the pain and shortness of breath left

about the time that Terry prayed.

An echogram did indeed show

the fluid around the heart was gone.

And hallelujah, that is a miracle.

When you transmit the good news,

when you tell it, whenyou proclaim the gospel,

you release the power of God.

Now, think about this, Godhas got plenty of anointing.

He doesn't lack any of it.

And he wants to pour thatannointing out on you.

What accomplishes it, all wehave to do is announce it.

The gospel is the powerof God unto salvation.

It's under healing unto everything.

All of the gifts come from announcing it.

When you announce it, then it happens.

So, we're going to pray.

It's a wonderful word, when two or more

agree touching anything.

So, do your part, touch that area

of the body that needs healing.

And then I'm going to askyou to do something else.

As we pray, I want youto announce your healing,

announce it and say, "Behealed now in Jesus' name."

Let's see the result.

Let's pray.

Lord, we lift everyone to you right now.

And for those who are laying hands

on that area of thebody that needs healing,

we come into agreement,touching it with them.

And together we say out loud,be healed in Jesus' name.

By the stripes of a livingsavior, I have been healed.

His blood has washed me from all sin

and his stripes havehealed me from all disease.

I receive it now in Jesus' name.

There's someone, you'vegot your right hand

on behind your ear.

I don't know what you're praying for,

but it's right behind your...

You're praying right now for this.

God has heard yourprayer, he's answering it,

you're just feeling atingle go through that area.

You're healed right now in Jesus' name.


- Yeah, I don't know if thisis the same person or not,

but you have cancerand it's in the tissue,

underneath the tissue in your face.

And it has the potentialto be so deforming,

not to mention the severityof just the cancer itself.

God's healed that for you right now.

What diagnosis you've beengiven, you've been healed.

You've been made wholetoday in Jesus' name.

- There's someone with maculardegeneration in both eyes

and you're crying out, "Lord, heal me.

"Restore my vision."

In Jesus' name, behealed and be made whole

and be set free.

In Jesus' name.


And amen.

If you've been touched, giveus a call and let us know.


Here's a word from Isaiah.

"When the enemy comes in like a flood,

"the spirit of the Lord will lift up

"a standard against him."

Pray for America.

Let's lift up that standardfor peace in our country today.

God bless.


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