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Healed and Singing Better than Ever

Christy suffered a jaw injury that kept her away from singing praises to the Lord until one day she heard her heart’s desire... Read Transcript

- I'm Christie and I live in Texas.

I love to sing.

And more than anything, Ilove to worship the Lord.

Early 2019, I was onthe worship team singing

on this Sunday morningand I felt my jaw pop

when I was singing a highnote and it was sharp.

I just was in pain ever since then.

It was a lot of fatigue.

I just went on with life andwas dealing with the pain.

Well, the pain got sobad that it prevented me

from eating things I like.

If I laid on that sidetoo much or put my hand

on my face to rest at night,it would just be very painful.

It also prevented me from just singing

to the best of my ability.

I'd have to be so carefulof how I was singing,

it would make me hold back.

I would even consider not beingon the worship team anymore.

One night, my husbandand I were watching TV.

We were scrolling the stations and I said,

"Oh, look, there's CBN."

- Lord, we lift those in theaudience who need healing.

- So at the very end, Terry and Gordon,

they started prayingfor whoever was in pain

to put their right handon the place that hurt.

I thought, might as well,I'm in a lot of pain.

So I put my right hand on my jaw.

- There's someone, youhave something wrong

with your your mouth, withyour jaw and alignment.

- I was like, wow, this is for me.

- You've had theseproblems for a long time

and right now in Jesus'name, you have been healed.

- I felt flushed and I thought,okay, I'm gonna test this.

So I put my finger on my jaw

and there was no pain on my jaw.

And I pushed a little harder

and I was like, there's no pain on my jaw.

And I said, "I think God just healed me."

And I kept testing it.

I kept testing my jaw.

A day would go by, I would test my jaw.

I was like, it's stillgone, there's no pain.

Today, I am able to singalmost better than I ever was.

There's no limitations for me

to use the gift that God's given me.

♪ Forever exalted in time. ♪

I wanted Terry to know thatGod had used her boldness

to pray to touch me and heal me

and it just really was very touching

to me because God letme know that He sees me.

He is listening to me and He cares.

He cares about the littlethings and it just blew my mind.

I am beyond thankful for my healing.

I just want to give God all the glory.

I wanna give Him all thehonor and all the praise.


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