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'No One Can Reconcile Relationship Better Than Jesus': Tennessee Group Sings 'Amazing Grace' to Rejoin Americans

'No One Can Reconcile Relationship Better Than Jesus': Tennessee Group Sings 'Amazing Grace' to Rejoin Americans Read Transcript

- Barbi tell us more aboutyour vision going into all

of this and what it waslike in downtown Nashville

on Saturday night.

- Well, we thought wemight not get to our place.

We were gonna be in front of the Boot Barn

because Margaritaville openedup just the day before,

but, where we had been the week before.

But we've been praying,our teams from Worship City

have been praying herein the city for years.

And we've done worship andprayer events right downtown

near Broadway there on theriverfront, and day and night,

you know, praying forour city to, you know,

changing our city to change the world

through fasting, prayer, and worship.

And when all of thisreally started to happen

we realized we neededAmerica to sing again.

And, people to, you know,come together over something

that we can all believe and understand,

and the grace of God is something that,

that people can understandand, they've sung for years,

Amazing Grace and(mumbles) reconciliation.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, you know,

and earlier as we were coming out

of the previous story, Isaid it's great to hear.

It's like hearing AmazingGrace is like a dose

of peace, why did you choosethe song Amazing Grace,

there was a specialmeaning behind that right?

- Yes, well, actually thewriter was a slave ship captain,

and he got saved, and over aperiod of years God changed

his heart, and he wrote this song and,

then he became anabolitionist and a priest.

And during the second grade awakening,

people, Blacks and Whites, and Asians,

and whoever was there weresinging this together,

and it's been used inreconciliation for years.

And there's no one who canreconcile relationships

better than Jesus, he cameto die for, for our failures.

And we all have beena part of the failure,

of coming together andvaluing life in every way,

and having everybody be equaland free to love one another.

And so we're excited that we could just,

I think people are rallyingin many other cities now.

We're sending them to America sing.

We're just tellingeverybody, America, sing!

- [Interviewer] Yeah, yeah I understand

you are continuing this movement

every Saturday, hopingcities across the country

can join in, how canpeople get involved, Barbi?

- Well, we encourage youjust go to

and it will put you onto thepage that has the information,

there's even music, and thestory of the song on that page.

You just click on thatbanner at the top of the page

that says sing Amazing Grace at 8,

and there were alreadypeople posting online,

and we encourage yousend us your pictures,

there's an email and aphone number you can text.

And just give us yourstory of what God does.

We had people down in Franklin Tennessee,

and in Memphis, and inRogersville, and Kingsport,

people are already doing thisat 8 o'clock every Saturday

night, maybe we'll do,if it gets big enough,

we'll just do it every night at 8.

- That sounds good, I likethat idea, thank you so much

Barbi Franklin of Worship City,and Love Sings ministries.

Blessings to you Barbi.

- Thank you so much.


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