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Faith Nation: January 11, 2021

A push to impeach the president. The latest on the continuing fallout from last week's Capitol Hill riots. Plus cities and states scramble to provide Coronavirus vaccines. And a look at why some in the African American community are hesitant ... ... Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- [Tara] Tonight, a pushto impeach the president.

- The person who's runningthe executive branch

is a deranged, unhinged, dangerous

president of the United States.

- [Tara] The latest onthe continuing fallout

from last week's Capitol Hill riots,


- They absolutely turned us away.

They said, "No, you cannot.

"We're not doing any.

"We don't hardly have enough vaccines."

- [Tara] Cities and states scramble

to provide coronavirus vaccines,

and a look at why some in theAfrican American community

are hesitant aboutreceiving a COVID vaccine.

All this and more,tonight on "Faith Nation."

(upbeat music)

♪ Hey, hey ♪

(lively music)

- President Donald Trump moving closer

to a possible second impeachment.

Good evening, and welcometo "Faith Nation."

I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Tara Mergener.

Tonight, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying

she has the votes neededto impeach the president.

More than 200 House lawmakers say

they'll approve the measure,

which states PresidentTrump is guilty of, quote,

"inciting an insurrection."

- Still, she's passingthe political hot potato,

if you will, to Vice President Mike Pence,

giving him an ultimatum toimmediately remove his boss

by way of the 25th Amendment.

CBN White House Correspondent Ben Kennedy

has tonight's top story, and joins us now.

Ben, what's the likelihoodPresident Trump's cabinet

would remove him from office?

- Well, John and Tara,Vice President Mike Pence

has given no indication ofmoving against President Trump.

As a result, the vote couldhappen as early as Wednesday,

and if that's the case, theSenate trial would begin

on January 19th, one day before president,

or President-elect Biden's inauguration.

- Almighty God, speak into this storm.

Allow your Holy Spirit todescend upon the chaos,

and minister to our hearts.

- [Ben] After lawmakers listened

to House ChaplainMargaret Kibben's prayer-

- Madam Speaker-

- [Ben] Democrats formally introduced

a four-page bill toimpeach President Trump

for a second time, anotherfirst in our nation's history.

In a move seemingly out of the Old West,

House Speaker Nancy Pelosigiving Vice President Pence

24 hours to make his decision.

- I like the 25th Amendmentbecause it gets rid of him.

He's out of office.

But there is strongsupport in the Congress

for impeaching thepresident a second time.

- [Ben] Republican Senators Pat Toomey

and Lisa Murkowski have joined Democrats

urging Trump to resign.

Republican Senators Josh Hawley

and Ted Cruz also facing calls to resign

for their roles inobjecting the certification

of electors from states Biden won.

- Let's go!(people scream)

- [Ben] Trump is blamed forinciting the violence last week,

and although he toldsupporters to peacefully

and patriotically make their voices heard,

the president added-

- We're gonna walk down to the Capitol.

And if you don't fight like hell,

you're not gonna have a country anymore.

- [Ben] The president alsolater tweeted, "Be peaceful,"

but it was too late.

(people shout)

The attack left five people dead,

including a Capitol police officer.

First Lady Melania Trumpreleased a statement saying

she's disappointed and disheartened

with what happened last week,

adding, "I absolutely condemn the violence

"that has occurred inour nation's Capitol.

"Violence is never acceptable."

Now, federal officerscontinue to track down

those involved in the riots.

The Department of Justicesays hundreds of individuals

could be charged in the attack.

John, Tara.

- Ben, thank you.

The National Park Service has closed down

the Washington Monument aheadof Joe Biden's inauguration

that as safety concernscontinue in the nation's capital

after last week's riots.

Mayor Muriel Bowser isasking the federal government

for help to provide protection measures

for Inauguration Day.

Bowser sent a letterto the president Sunday

requesting he declare apre-emergency disaster

for the district.

- This is necessary, becausethe inauguration poses

several unprecedentedchallenges that exceed the scope

of our traditional planning processes,

the COVID-19 pandemic,

and of course the domestic terror attack

on the United States Capitol.

- Three, five, four, let's go!(people murmuring)

- [Tara] The NationalGuard has already deployed

more than 6,000 troops to D.C.

And that number will increaseto 10,000 by this weekend.

- Well, just nine daysuntil Inauguration Day,

and now we know the ceremony's theme,

America United, accordingto the Associated Press.

The Presidential InaugurationCommittee says it, quote,

"Reflects the beginningof a new national journey

"that restores the soul of America,

"brings the country together,

"and creates a path to a brighter future."

Biden's inauguration as the 46th president

takes place next Wednesday.

Meanwhile, he continues tobuild his administration,

today announcing veterandiplomat William Burns

to lead the CIA.

For 33 years, Burns hasserved in US foreign policy,

working under both Republicanand Democratic presidents.

- All right, right now, joining us now

is veteran journalist Ray Suarez,

and CBN Senior WashingtonCorrespondent Jennifer Wishon.

Jennifer, the announcement ofBiden's America United theme

comes as Democrats are going

full steam ahead with impeachment.

Can they have it both ways?

- I don't think so, Tara.

You know, Joe Biden had agreat opportunity day one,

as soon as the votes were tallied,

and it looked like he was the winner,

he had an opportunity to come out and say,

"Look, Americans, I alsocare about voter fraud.

"I also wanna make sure that we can have

"full faith in ourelections, and I promise you,

"in my first 100 days, I'mgonna take a look at this."

He didn't do that.

That was a huge missedopportunity on Biden's part.

And so, I think now it's hard

for supporters of DonaldTrump to, you know,

look at his inauguration theme,

the fact that he wants torestore the soul of America,

which I'm not exactlysure what that means,

but I think it's very difficult,

especially if you, as you've reported,

with, you know, this looming impeachment

happening in the House,also if Biden is the leader

of the Democratic Party,

it seems like he should be coordinating

with Speaker Pelosi and thefuture leader in the Senate to,

you know, kind of decidehow he wants this to go

if he truly is seriousabout unifying America.

- Ray, Jennifer says a missed opportunity.

Some say that this is anopportunity to make a statement.

What's your take on this?

- Well, blaming JoeBiden for not apologizing

to the people who say hedidn't win the election,

it's an interesting take.

It's not one that I subscribe to.

When Republicans win anelection by a whisker,

they run the country likethey got 85% of the vote,

and they expect Democratsto act like they lost,

and I don't think that'sgonna happen this time.

The mood of the Democratic Party

and the victorious coalition

that is sending JoeBiden to the White House

doesn't have that mood.

But it should be noted thatthe Biden administration

transition team is sendingsignals to Pelosi, et al.

They don't want a trialduring the inauguration.

They don't want a trialduring the first 100 days

when the Biden administrationis trying to hit its marks,

calm down a country that'sdealing with two enormous crises,

an economic meltdown,

and more people than died in 9/11

dying every day from COVID-19.

So Joe Biden, his long career is not

as some firebrand, some renegade.

He's generally a consensus figure,

and has been throughout his career.

I expect that's whathe'll be talking about

on Inauguration Day, and inhis first days as president.

- A number of GOP members are backing

the resignation of the president.

Now, Jennifer, what arethe political ramifications

the party has to consider in this?

- Well, there are many,

and they are different forevery member of Congress,

quite frankly, but I thinkin the next coming weeks

and the coming months,in the next two years,

you're gonna have Republican faced

with a very different reality.

They are gonna be existingin a federal government

that is controlled solely by Democrats.

And so, I think whatwe're gonna be seeing,

again, in the coming weeks and months,

is Republicans uniting against Democrats.

And it's very easy forthem to rail against,

they don't necessarily have tobe united in their policies,

or even their ideas about the president,

about President Trump, inorder to be united in their

going against the newDemocratic rule in Washington.

So I think you are gonnasee the party unite,

but in terms of how theyfeel about the president,

or what's best for them, interms of whether they support

President Trump or, you know,

call for his resignation, that'sdifferent for every member.

- Ray, real quickly here,conservatives cry foul

for social media companiesclosing the president's account.

Is this a double standard,and attack on free speech,

as some claim, even as theACLU warns of unchecked power?

- The first five words ofthe First Amendment are,

"Congress shall make no law."

Private companies are not bound.

There are traditions.

There are ideas about freedom of speech,

but you know, these arepublicly traded companies.

There are also reputational costs.

Marriott is stoppinggiving to the candidates

who backed not affirmingthe Biden victory.

- Right.- Companies as diverse

as Google and American Expressare saying no more donations

if you said Biden didn't win.

We're in a different era.

- All right, Ray Suarez, JenniferWishon, thank you so much.

Appreciate your time.

(upbeat music)

- [John] Hesitation over COVID vaccines,

why some in the blackcommunity are shying away

from the shots, when we return.

(upbeat music)

(metal bin clinks)

(birds chirp)

(water drips)

(man yawns)

(woman sighs)

(grill hisses)

(man yawns)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep."

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside-

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief

Chris Mitchell and getthe biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline,"

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

"I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest,

"life in your family,

"life in your finances,

"life in your body, mind, and spirit,

"life in your everyday."

(gentle music)

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

(gentle music)

We're here to help you discover life.

(gentle music)

Life, live it fully,

(gentle music)

- Well, the numbers are simply staggering.

One in 15 Americans has nowtested positive for COVID-19.

- As the death toll continues to grow,

the race to get people vaccinated

is running into some major hurdles.

CBN National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Philips

is with us now, Eric?

- Tara, John, even though demand

for the vaccine is extremely high,

officials say doses are going unused,

some sitting on shelves, othersactually being thrown away.

So now the scramble is onto do something about that.

Monday afternoon,President-elect Biden receiving

his second dose of thecoronavirus vaccine,

this at a time when COVID cases

and demand for the vaccineshit an all-time high.

- Number one priority is

getting the vaccine in people's arms,

like we just did today,as rapidly as we can.

- [Eric] Countless Americanseligible for the vaccine

unable to secure a shot.

- Absolutely turned us away.

They said, "No, you cannot.

"We're not doing any.

"We don't hardly have enough vaccines

"for the people who have appointments."

- [Eric] Now, President-electBiden declares

he will accelerate the processas soon as he's sworn in,

planning to release nearlyall available doses,

instead of holding back second shots.

- We've got to start gettingthese vaccines out to states.

There is a balancing act here,

but given the time we're in, Ithink this is the right move.

- [Eric] And there is hope,

as leaders nationwidework to meet the demand.

- We now have the freedomto vaccinate anyone over 75,

anybody over 75.

- [Eric] New York City is now home

to five vaccination sites,two of them operating 24/7,

Governor Andrew Cuomo looseningrules for distribution

after reports of dosesexpiring before getting used.

Some of the new groups to qualify,

pharmacy cashiers, and stock workers.

In Michigan, that groupincludes first responders,

teachers, and those 65 and older.

Officials in San Antonioare using the Alamodome.

9,000 shots were booked andjust six minutes by Texans

seeking the shot.

In Florida, where some ofthe most vulnerable seniors

have been turned away, 500 ofthem were vaccinated Sunday

with no problems.

- It's nothing to it.

It's crucial, as thingsare today, with this virus.

- [Eric] Yet as accessgrows, so does demand,

especially in the growingepicenter of Los Angeles,

where hospitals are overwhelmed.

- I've been here 21 years,

and I have seen more peoplepass away in the past week,

in the past couple ofweeks, really, than I,

almost combined in allof my career as a nurse.

- Among those who recentlydied from the virus

Tuskegee Airman TheodoreLumpkin Jr. who passed away

just shy of his 101st birthday.

Officials are bracing foranother spike in numbers,

as we still await expectedfallout from family gatherings

over the holidays, John and Tara.

- The US is facing its biggestvaccination campaign to date,

but as more doses become available,

some are more adamant thanever they won't participate.

- As CBN's Charlene Aaron reports,

distrust in the vaccineruns especially deep

in the black community.

- According to a report bythe National Urban League,

blacks are infected with COVID-19

at nearly three times the rate of whites,

and blacks are twice aslikely to die from it.

Still, many don't plan to get the vaccine.

- I would not take the COVID-19 vaccine,

just because it kind ofcame out really fast.

Just not certain about the, you know,

all the potential side effects

that could come with the vaccine.

- I already have existingpre-existing health issues.

I would not wanna put myselfat risk by taking a vaccine

that has not had enough timeto be developed, in my opinion.

- [Charlene] A Pew Researchsurvey found only 32%

of black American adults answered

they would eitherdefinitely or probably take

a COVID-19 vaccine,

and according to a reportby the COVID Collaborative,

just 14% trust the vaccine's safety.

To build confidence amongcommunities of color,

a group of black healthprofessionals put out this message.

- [Announcer] Dear Black America,

we love you.

We affirm that Black Lives Matter.

We have locked arms in an initiative

to place the health andsafety of our community

at the heart of the nationalconversation about COVID-19.

- [Charlene] Dr. ReedTuckson says a vaccine

can't come soon enough,

given the devastatingimpact he has witnessed.

- We know that this pandemic is now

out of control across this country,

and we are dying at such high rates,

just as the rest ofthe nation is now dying

at extraordinary rates.

- [Charlene] Tuckson admitsmuch of the hesitation goes back

to the Tuskegee syphilis experiment,

a 40-year government studyinvolving hundreds of black men.

The men, mostly sharecropperssuffering from syphilis,

were monitored, but not treated.

Many died, went blind,

or experienced othersevere health problems.

- There are absolutely legitimate reasons

why we would be as peopledistrustful of government,

distrustful of the health enterprise.

The experience withTuskegee back in the '30s-

- [Charlene] A historythat still haunts many.

- We've been used,experimented on for various,

you know, vaccines or diseases,

you know, unethically in the past.

That's something I just don'twanna have to go through.

My ancestors went through it.

That's just something I don't wanna

have to go through personally.

- [Charlene] Dawn Baker, alocal news anchor in Savannah,

chose a different response,

taking part in clinicaltrials for the vaccine,

something she sees as part of the solution

to this deadly problem.

- I understand the fear.

I know the history.

I know about the Tuskegee experiment,

which was absolutely brutal,

and lasted 40 years in this country.

And even worse, after theyexperimented on those black men,

once the cure came out,

they wouldn't even give them the cure.

I would not have just goneto sign up to do this.

- [Charlene] Tuckson alsopoints out much has changed.

- We are in a different position, I think,

when it comes to this issuethat we cannot, in my opinion,

allow our historical issues to cause us

to take actions thatwill lead to our demise,

and our death, and misery, andsuffering in our community.

- [Charlene] In the meantime,he says the medical community

must earn the trust ofthose suffering from COVID,

as well as from themalpractice from the past.

- We have to make sure that at every level

of health and medical care delivery

that the people that are doing that

are comporting themselveswith the highest level

of integrity that respects the life

and the dignity andthe worth and the value

of every single person, andparticularly people of color.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

(dramatic music)

- [Tara] A nation on lockdown,a look at the steps Israel

is taking to fight a surge in COVID cases.

That story when "Faith Nation" comes back.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] On October 1st, 1961,

history was made when a tinystation began transmitting

the first signals of theChristian Broadcasting Network.

- [Announcer] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network.

- [Announcer] And now, a new era has begun

with the all new CBN News Channel.

- Just moments ago, theIron Dome intercepted

an incoming rocket righton the Gaza border.

- And ministering in this area,

spiritual warfare is definitely involved.

- [Announcer] A 24/7 news network,

bringing you the news you wantfrom a source you can trust.

- In Kenya, 40% of the medical services

are actually provided bythese Christian hospitals.

- Let's talk about the economy.

- Believers here are joining together

to win people to Jesus Christ.

- [Announcer] All your favorite shows,

now in one place.

Go to to find out

how to get the CBN News Channel on your TV

all day, every day.

CBN News.

(dramatic music)

(man yawns)

(cereal clatters)

(man yawns)

(container thuds)

(juice sloshes)

(playful music)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.

(gentle music)

- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

"I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest,

"life in your family,

"life in your finances,

"life in your body, mind, and spirit,

"life in your everyday."

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

(gentle music)

Life, live it fully,

- The coronavirus is certainly

hitting many countrieshard, including Israel.

- That's right, Tara,the government there has

increased restrictions imposinga third national lockdown.

- As Chris Mitchellreports from Jerusalem,

the goal is to stop thespread of the virus,

and reduce the recentincrease in COVID cases.

- [Chris] These latest rules take effect

as Israel already deals withits third national lockdown.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

saw the need for greater restrictions.

(Benjamin speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Hospitalsare warning us that

we are entering the most dangerous wave

since the outbreak of the plague.

The Ministry of Healthand the experts warn us

that we are in a state of emergency,

and that if we do not act immediately,

hundreds of Israelis willdie, and maybe even more.

- [Chris] This enhancedlockdown will continue

for at least two more weeks,

and means closing all schools,except special education,

most businesses, except necessities,

like grocery stores and pharmacies,

and all workplaces,except essential services.

Each day, Israel is seeingabout 8,000 new cases,

and authorities blamethis increase in part

on the British mutation ofCOVID spreading in the country.

Of the current 60,000 active cases,

more than 800 people arein serious condition,

and the death totalstands at around 3,500.

One group representinghundreds of Israeli doctors,

professors, and scientistsbelieves these new measures

are counterproductive, urgingthe government to reconsider.

Their statement reads, "Thisdestructive third lockdown

"will cause severe damage to hundreds

"of thousands of households in Israel.

"It will lead to anotherrise in domestic violence,

"dropout of more studentsfrom the education system,

"delay further diagnoses of cancer,

"increase rates of depression and anxiety,

"increase the loneliness of the elderly,

"and many other heavy damages."

They propose an approachthat protects the vulnerable,

while reopening the economyto the less vulnerable.

Meanwhile, authoritiescontinue an aggressive push

to vaccinate the population,

leading to one of the fastest

inoculation campaigns in the world.

Israel now leads the worldin per capita vaccinations.

- We have here about 30 spots

where nurses from our hospital

are vaccinating the entire population,

not only in Tel Aviv,but we are doing that

in a pace of around five to 7,000 a day

here in this huge operation.

- [Chris] So far, morethan 1 1/2 million Israelis

have received the shot.

The goal is to achieve herd immunity,

and become the first in the world

to fully reopen its economy.

The belief is that Israelcan reach that goal

after at least 5 million people

have been either vaccinated,

or recover from a COVID infection.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- [John] Thank you, Chris.

A surprise snowstorm stuns residents

in one of the statesperhaps least expected.

We'll show you where when we come back.

(upbeat music)

(woman yawns)

(machine creaks)

(machine beeps)

(machine whirs)

(paper crumples)

(machine whirs)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.

(machine whirs)

- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is "Studio 5."

Cruise with me, as Idiscover the good things

happening in the world of music,

sports, television, and movies

- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing

the film, I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront

of entertainment, andexplore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "No, no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Efrem] Watch "Studio 5"Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Announcer] Remember fora moment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every childshould have the opportunity

to dream, the chance to take challenges,

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle music)

(child laughs)

- Well, finally tonight,it's been cold here

in the nation's capital, Tara,

but one thing we haven'tseen a lot of is snow.

- I'm kind of okay with that.

(both laugh)- I figured.

- But that is not the casein Texas of all places

where a few areas saw a snow day Sunday,

shocking some who livein the Lone Star State.

- We've been in this areasince the early '90s.

And we have, we've neverhad this much snow.

Get to stop, and look out,

and across the countryside,

and realize how blessed we are,

and how really majestic it is.

(Tara laughs)

- That majestic snowstormhit throughout Central Texas,

including Austin, Houston,and my former city of Waco.

The National Weather Servicesays as much as six inches fell

in some areas, closing severalschool districts today,

and John, I know I wasgetting a lot of pictures

on my Facebook feed.

They were loving every minute of it.

- Makes you miss home, huh?

(Tara laughs)- Just a little bit!

- Thanks for watching "Faith Nation."

- We'll see you tomorrow.


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