Sports fans mourn the death of NBA great Kobe Bryant after his helicopter crashes Sunday. President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial continues in the Senate. Latest on deadly corona virus. Remembering the liberation of Auschwitz on National ...
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- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- It is Monday, January27, thank you so much
for joining us, I'm Efrem Graham.
We begin this half hour withshock in the sports world
at the untimely death ofNBA superstar Kobe Bryant.
He died Sunday.
Bryant, his 13 year old daughter Gianna,
and seven others diedin a helicopter crash
near Los Angeles.
Thousands of fans gatheredoutside the L.A. Staple Center
where Bryant played for the Lakers
his entire 20 year career.
- One thing that I really noticed is
for the amount of people thatare out here, it's silent.
Everybody's in grief,everybody's mourning,
everybody has respect for this man
and his family and his daughter.
It's painful, we really lostsomebody legendary today.
- [Efrem] Kobe Bryant, knownfor his fiery, competitiveness
went straight to the Los Angeles Lakers
from high school at just 18 years old.
He won five NBA Championships,two Olympic gold medals,
and was an 18 time All Star.
Bryant is third on the listof all-time NBA scorers,
surpassed by LeBron James thevery night before he died.
James spoke about Kobe's influence
on his life as a young man.
- I remember one thing that he said.
He was like, "If you wannatry to be great at it
"or wanna be one of the greats,you gotta put the work in.
"There's no substitution to work."
And I was a 15 year old kid at that camp.
- Kobe Bryant had difficultiesin his personal life,
facing a sexual assault chargethat was later dismissed
in a settlement with the accuser.
He said that incident andstruggles in his marriages
led him to turn to his Catholic faith
for strength and guidance.
He reportedly attended Mass weekly,
including the morning of theaccident that took his life.
He also founded a foundationto help homeless young people.
Sports Director Shawn Brown joins us now.
He is covering the SuperBowl and joins us now
to talk more about the lifeand death of Kobe Bryant.
Shawn, you're actually inMiami for the Super Bowl,
but I'm sure Kobe's death is, of course,
the subject of a lotof conversation there.
- Yeah, I tell you, man,we arrived here in Miami,
just a regular day like anyone else,
then all of a sudden weget news flashes from TMZ,
and it was like, I mean, a ripple affect.
People started looking at their phones.
We thought it was, wedidn't take it seriously.
It was like, "Is thislegit, is this real?"
And it took a moment, ittook a while for people to,
'cause slowly but surelyother news networks
started reporting the news, and the shock,
I mean, we were in disbelief.
And the tweeting started,hey, is this real?
This can't be real, this can't be right.
And as the day progressed,it started to sink in
that this news is real.
We lost a lot of family members,
obviously Kobe and hisdaughter, just tragic.
For me and the people that I was with,
it just rocked us, man.
It's rocked the sportsworld, it's rocked America,
it's rocked the world becauseof his influence obviously
on the basketball court.
But right now, at this stage of his life,
it was like he was gettingready to start another,
he was already starting to show us more of
who he was off the court,and it was beautiful.
And I think that's, thefact that he was there,
he was with his daughter Gianna,
I think all of that justkind of flooded everyone.
And it's like, man, we were getting to see
another side that we hadn't seen.
And it was just beautiful, man.
So it just rocked us all to our core.
It is such a tragic, it's just a tragedy.
I'm still emotional about it.
Out of all the peoplethat I've interviewed,
he's the one guy that I neverhad an opportunity to see
or speak to, but from afar, just admired
because of the way he carried himself
at this stage of his life.
This is just such a tragedy.
- [Efrem] Indeed,indeed, a big fan myself,
so certainly understand,I was shook as well.
Remind of us his career.
- [Shawn] Man, you know what, Kobe,
when Kobe came aroundit was like all right,
is he the next Jordan?
Obviously they're doingthe same thing to LeBron.
But here's a guy whosework ethic was unmatched.
They did a commercial awhile back that showed
all the things that hewas doing to just try
to get an edge on everyone else.
They called him theBlack Mamba for a reason.
When he got the ball in his hands,
you knew something spectacularwas about to happen.
And he could do it any way he wanted to.
He could take it to the rim,
he could shoot a three-pointer.
He was just unstoppable.
He worked at it, he workedmeticulously at his game.
He could shoot from anywhere on the court.
I just marveled at the way that he played.
And honestly, throughout my, I'm a baller,
I like to play basketball, it was my sport
when I was a kid, that and football,
and I wanted to try to model my game first
after Dr. J, you know,Julius Erving, Dr. J,
and then Michael Jordan, of course.
But then when Kobe came around it was like
he reminds me of somebodythat I would wanna be.
Of course, my skills weren't anywhere near
what his skills were, but the way
that he played the gamewhen he had the ball,
it was like, you're not gonna stop me,
I'm going to the rim, I'm gonna shoot.
He could perform at will.
And it was just a marvel to watch.
- Indeed, indeed.
We mentioned earlier thatKobe Bryant was Catholic.
What can you share abouthis faith and his family?
- Well, we know that when, obviously,
when he was going throughsome things personally
his faith would come up,he would mention the fact
that he was Catholic,his family was Catholic.
So he had some rooting there.
I don't know how deep that goes,
but he did talk abouthaving that foundation
in his Catholic faith,and that is something
that he wanted to make sure that his wife
and kids practiced as well.
And he was vocal about that.
So there was definitelysome foundation there.
- Indeed, indeed, indeed.
Shawn Brown, thank youso much for your insights
and taking the time to be withus today, much appreciated.
- You got it, man, thebest thing I can do is
just continue to pray for his family.
'Cause we, all of us whowere fans were rocked.
So my prayers go out tohis wife, his children,
and the rest of the Bryant family.
- Indeed, unimaginable grief,thank you so much, Shawn.
I wanna turn now to Washington.
At the Senate impeachmenttrial, the president's attorneys
continue his defense today.
Democrats are hoping that an upcoming book
by former National SecurityAdvisor John Bolton
will contradict PresidentTrump's defense teams' arguments.
Our Dale Hurd is on the story.
- [Dale] The stakes over witness testimony
at President Trump's impeachmenttrial just got higher
with the leak of a new book by former
National Security Advisor John Bolton
that appears to undercuta key defense argument.
In "The Room Where It Happened,A White House Memoir,"
Bolton reportedly writesthat President Trump wanted
to continue freezing $391million in security assistance
to Ukraine until officials there helped
with investigations intoDemocrats, including the Bidens.
But Deputy White HouseCounsel Michael Purpura asked,
how could there have beena quid pro quo with Ukraine
when Ukrainians were not even aware
that the security assistance was paused?
- There can't be a threatwithout the person knowing
he's being threatened.
There can't be a quidpro quo without the quo.
- [Dale] President Trumpflatly denied the new report,
tweeting, "I never toldJohn Bolton that the aid
"to Ukraine was tied toinvestigations into Democrats,
"including the Bidens."
Saturday PresidentTrump's lawyers delivered
opening statements inthe impeachment trial.
- We intend to show overthe next several days
that the evidence isactually really overwhelming
that the President did nothing wrong.
- [Dale] And as for the chargeof obstruction of Congress,
White House Deputy CounselPatrick Philbin said
the subpoenas issued byAdam Schiff's committees
were invalid becausethey were not authorized
by the full House.
- Because under long-settled precedent
there had to be a vote fromthe House to give authority,
and the Administration would not respond
to subpoenas that were invalid.
- [Dale] Meanwhile,President Trump lashed out
at House impeachment managerAdam Schiff, tweeting,
"Shifty Adam Schiff isa corrupt politician,
"and probably a very sick man.
"He has not paid the price yet
"for what he has done to our country."
Schiff called the tweet a threat.
- This is a wrathful andvindictive president.
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
- [Interviewer] Do youtake that as a threat?
- I think it's intended to be.
- [Dale] John Boltonhas said he will testify
if subpoenaed by the Senate.
Democrats say reportsabout his new book show
that Bolton must testify.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- The death toll now standsat 80 for the coronavirus,
and the U.S. Consulate in Chinais evacuating its personnel
and some other Americans.
China's Health Minister says the country
is entering a crucialstage, as the virus appears
to be getting strongerand spreading faster.
China's leaders hope travel restrictions
and other measures willhelp to slow it down
during the nation's busiest travel season
for the lunar new year.
The epidemic has revivedmemories of the SARS outbreak
that originated in China and killed
nearly 800 peopleworldwide in 2002 and 2003.
Today is InternationalHolocaust Remembrance Day,
as world leaders mark the 75th anniversary
of the liberation of Auschwitz.
As CBN Middle East CorrespondentJulie Stahl reports,
this historic gatheringcomes against the backdrop
of rising antisemitism.
- [Julie] They called itRemembering the Holocaust,
Fighting Antisemitism.
- The Jewish peoplehave learned the lessons
of the holocaust, always totake seriously the threats
of those who seek our destruction,
to confront threats when they are small,
and above all, even thoughwe deeply, deeply appreciate
the great support of our friends,
to always have the power todefend ourselves by ourselves.
- [Julie] Resulting in thelargest diplomatic event
in Israel's history,leaders, including Britain's
Price Charles, U.S. VicePresident Mike Pence,
Russian President Vladimir Putin,
and German PresidentFrank-Walters Steinmeier came
to Jerusalem to say never again.
- We must be prepared to confront
and expose the vile tide of antisemitism
that is fueling hate andviolence all across the world,
and we must stand together.
- The spirits of evil areemerging in a new guise,
presenting their antisemitic, racist,
authoritarian thinking asan answer for the future,
a new solution to the problems of our age.
And I wish I could say thatwe Germans have learned
from history once and for all,
but I cannot say thatwhen hatred is spreading.
- Ahead of the event aspecial European delegation
visited the site where Nazis perpetrated
so much evil and hatred.
The leaders brought thedelegation here to Auschwitz
to emphasize the fact of what happens
when antisemitism goes unchecked.
Born in Poland, formerIsraeli Chief Rabbi,
Israel Meir Lau, is a holocaust survivor.
- Antisemitism issomething you can explain
but you cannot find a reason for it.
It's against dialogue, it's against logic.
It's a spiritual madness.
- [Julie] Before the Red Army liberated
the largest Nazi death camp 75 years ago,
Nazis murdered anestimated 1.1 million Jews
at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
- Combatting antisemitismis not only a question
of politics and statements and whatever
comes out in the media,but it's an actual fight
for our safety in Europe.
- [Julie] Rabbi ShlomoKoves said the Jewish people
need a plan to fight antisemitism
and what he called"mutations of this virus."
- [Shlomo] And we have topartner with those politicians,
opinion leaders, publicfigures, that are ready
to partner with us in ourwar against antisemitism.
It's a war of minds, it's a war of ideas,
and we need a lot ofpartners for this war.
And we have to look at it as a war.
- [Julie] Rabbi MenachemMargolin made clear their goal
must be to put action behindthe words "never again."
- To really measure thesuccess, we need to follow up
and see how many of thosewho mean peace will sign
and promote the draft legislationwe presented yesterday
to ensure the children inEurope will get more education,
that the trade of Nazimemorabilia will be banned,
and the use of any antisemiticstereotypes will be banned.
- [Julie] And banningantisemitism isn't just good
for the Jewish people.
- God told Abraham that "I will bless
"whoever blesses you andcurse whoever curses you,"
and we see that throughout our history
of human civilization.
And whoever persecuted the Jews
later on was devastated and destructed.
- [Julie] Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem
and Auschwitz, Poland.
(dramatic music)
- [Efrem] Coming up, itwas an historic march
for life in Washingtonwith President Donald Trump
attending and speaking.
What he told the pro-lifemarchers when we come back.
Stay with us.
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep.
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside--
- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief
Chris Mitchell and getthe biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- It's what starts in Israel
then ends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
(bright music)
- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.
Jesus said it, "I came to give you life."
Life to the fullest.
Life in your family.
Life in your finances.
Life in your body, mind, and spirit.
Life in your everyday.
(bright music)
At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.
(bright music)
We're here to help you discover life.
(bright music)
Life, live it fully. music)
- President Trump wasthe first president ever
to attend the March for Life in person,
and he spoke to the crowdabout their stand for life.
Here's CBN's Paul Strand.
- Presidents for yearshave sent taped messages
to the March for Life, butthis year at this march.
(upbeat music)
March for Life, Donald Trumpshowed up in the flesh.
- Every child brings joy to a family.
Every person is worth protecting.
And above all, we know thatevery human soul is divine
and every human life, born and unborn,
is made in the holy image of Almighty God.
(crowd cheering)
- So why do a hundred thousandpeople or more show up
at these Marches for Life?
Because 62 million babieshave died by abortion,
a number almost too big to conceive of.
Well, there's a graphicthat shows 19 states shaded.
If every person in thosestates was suddenly killed,
that would equal those 62million babies dead by abortion.
Sarah Gorman could havebeen among that number
had her parents listened to doctors.
- When my mom was pregnant with me,
they said I was supposed to beborn with a mental disability
and that she should abort me.
And one thing she alwaysremarks on is the pressure
they put on her to have an abortion.
My father and my mother,"No, we're not gonna
"have an abortion, we're gonna have Sarah,
"because God created her to be exactly
"who she's supposed to be.
"And if she is supposed to beborn with a mental disability,
"then that's God's plan andwe're gonna accept that."
- [Paul] And as you can see, Sarah's fine,
going to Father Dave Pivonka'sFranciscan University.
- Every child that isconceived is unlike any other.
Those who are most vulnerable,
the child within the mother's womb,
what does it say to asociety that says that
that's disposable, or becausethe child is inconvenient
that that baby can be aborted?
- [Paul] David Bereit, founder
of the 40 Days for LifeMovement, says abortion
feeds a dark, deadly side of our culture.
- We are a more violent and angry society
than we ever have been.
I would say that this culture of death,
which has spread acrossour land for these 47 years
since Roe versus Wade has ledto a lot of that toxicity,
that caustic nature.
And also we're a culturethat embraces violence
as a so-called solution to a problem.
- [Paul] Brandi Swindell, aprominent pro-life leader,
says abortion goes against thevery nature of who women are.
- Women were never designedto kill our offspring.
It's not who we were created to be.
It's not what we were designed to do.
- [Crowd] Roe v. Wadehas got to go, hey hey!
- [Paul] And so these multitudes march
for the women and for their babies.
- We're not gonna give up this fight
that human life has value, it's sacred,
it should be respected,and those most vulnerable,
I mean the child, the mothers,
the child within the mother'swomb is most vulnerable.
And if we don't speakfor them, who's going to?
- Think about the unborn.
Each one has characteristicslike fingerprints and DNA
that makes them differentfrom every other person
that's ever been, andnew science now shows us
they can feel pain as young as 14 weeks.
These aren't justunfeeling blobs of tissue,
they're unique creationsof God, each and every one.
Paul Strand, CBN News, reportingfrom the March for Life.
- [Announcer] On October1, 1961, history was made
when a tiny station begantransmitting the first signals
of the Christian Broadcasting Network.
- [Radio Announcer] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network.
- [Announcer] And now a new era has begun
with the all new CBN News Channel.
- Just moments ago theIron Dome intercepted
an incoming rocket righton the Gaza border.
- In ministering in this area,
spiritual warfare is definitely involved.
- [Announcer] A 24/7 news network,
bringing you the news you wantfrom a source you can trust.
- In Kenya, 40% of the medical services
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- Let's talk about the economy.
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- [Announcer] All your favoriteshows now in one place.
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CBN News.(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep today.
- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.
Jesus said it, "I came to give you life."
Life to the fullest.
Life in your family.
Life in your finances.
Life in your body, mind, and spirit.
Life in your everyday.
At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.
We're here to help you discover life.
Life, live it fully. music)
- Here's a headline youmight not expect to see,
"Drag queen warns parents insurprisingly honest rebuke,
"extremely irresponsible toinvolve children in drag."
It's a story gettingattention on
Our George Thomas spokewith Faithwire's Dan Andros
about the warning.
- Dan, this warning isdefinitely a surprise.
Tell us about it.
- Yeah, well, it's a surprise, George,
because it comes fromsuch an unlikely source.
It's actually a criticism that comes
from an actual drag queenas opposed to someone
from outside the community looking in,
which is usually the case.
- This person actually says promoting drag
isn't doing the gay community any favors.
- Yeah, that's right.
For years people havesort of raised concerns
about the level of pedophiliaactivity that goes on
within the drag queen community,
so the latest PR push thatwe're seeing is not only
just a push for acceptanceand tolerance, so to speak,
of drag queens in regardsto the LGBT movement
but it also has just beenpushing as we've seen
in heavily with children.
They've been going after libraries
and trying to get into there
for the library children's story hour.
We've seen drag queens visiting schools
and these sorts of things,and this drag queen is saying
that that doesn't do them any favors
with this stigma they already have
of being accused of being pedophiles
or having that interestembedded in their community.
This one is saying that'sjust trying to go too far
with the woke community andit's actually backfiring.
- What do we know about thedanger of exposing children
to these alternative lifestyles?
- You know, I think asidefrom the obvious dangers
of gender confusion andsort of leading them outside
of a lifestyle that wouldbe what God has designed
in the first place, thisdrag queen talked about
the rampant hyper sexualityand sexual behavior
that's going on in thedrag queen community,
on these drag shows, andtalked about the drugs,
the sex, and all that stuff going on,
and made the analogy thatwould you want your kid
being influenced by that?
Would you want your kid being influenced
by a stripper or a porn star?
So why would you therefore want this?
- What do you see playingout in our culture
with this particular issue?
- I think the pendulum'skinda gotta swing back
at some point.
You would think that the pendulum
of all of this pushingand looking for acceptance
and all these differentkind of relationships,
we see this slogan, "Love is love,"
and how does that manifest itself?
And really what it's doneis give a green light
for people to just say everything is okay.
So I think at somepoint we're going to see
someone have to puttheir foot down and say,
no, this is where we draw the line.
Haven't seen that yet,so only can hope and pray
that maybe this pendulumstarts to swing back
in the other directionas more and more things
are trying to be kind of pushed on us
as acceptable behaviors.
- Speaking of our culture, what's up
on the next "Faith Versus Culture"?
- Yeah, we're gonna betalking about Aaron Rodgers
and his comments that hemade when he opened up
and was very honest aboutwhy he left the faith.
And he talked aboutwanting to find something
that he wanted to believe in.
So we're gonna talk aboutwhy theology matters
as it pertains to Aaron's comments
on the episode of "FaithVersus Culture" coming up.
- [George] Terrific, Dan,as always, thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
- [Efrem] And you can catch"Faith Versus Culture" tonight
on the CBN News Channel.
it begins at 9:30 Eastern,be sure to tune in.
Stay with us.(dramatic upbeat music)
(machine humming)
- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep today.
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing
the film, I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment andexplore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well, does that mean I'msupposed be a preacher?"
He says, "No, you already have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5" Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Announcer] Remember for a moment
what it was like to be a child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the bible tells the only story
truly worth believing.
We believe that every childshould have the opportunity
to dream, the chance to take challenges
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(children laughing)
- An Iowa woman is being honored
for her tremendous commitmentto care and compassion
after fostering a staggering 600 children.
Linda Herring and her husband Bob
have been providing a stable family home
to children for the pastpart of five decades,
having started taking people in
while living in Oxford, Iowa.
She told reporters her bestfriend was doing foster care
for teenage girls and shethought it would be nice
to do the same, but shewanted little children
and arranged with theDepartment of Human Services
to take children with medical needs.
Herring didn't stop at fostering,
she also volunteered as a first responder
for nearly half a century.
Time now for your Monday Motivation.
I leave you with this thoughtas we begin a new work week.
When facing difficulty, know this,
even when it does not feel good,
God is working it out for my good.
And in doing so, He gets the glory.
Bottom line, it's for mygood, and it is for His glory.
With that word, maketoday a marvelous Monday
and push for a wonderful week.
That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN News Watch.
Remember, you can find moreof our CBN news programs
on the CBN News Channel at any time.
You can also find themonline at
We'd love to know what you think about
the stories you've seen here today.
Email us, the addressis
And of course you canreach out and touch us
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Until then we hope you'll join us again
right here next time.
We'll see you same time tomorrow.
Goodbye, everybody, and God bless.
(dramatic music)