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The 700 Club - January 11, 2021

Imagine starting a brand-new marriage and realizing your combined debt was over $100,000! That’s what happened to Anthony and Jhanilka. They didn’t agree on how to handle it at first, but they stuck with two financial principles that freed ... Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up-

- You're sick, you'll never get well.

- [Gordon] A disorder with no cure.

- I'm just going to have togo home and live with this.

- [Gordon] And her body was wasting away.

- She was literally hours away

from internal organsare going to shut down.

- [Gordon] Find out how hope heals.

- And our heart is just pounding like,

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,

I've never known a Jesus like this."

- On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Vice President Mike Penceis in the hot seat again.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosiis giving him an ultimatum:

remove President Trump immediately

by way of the 25th Amendment

or the House will moveto impeach the president.

- Meanwhile, federal authorities have made

at least 60 arrests andopened two dozen cases

of domestic terrorism against rioters

who invaded the Capitol last Wednesday.

Dale Hurd has the story.

- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is set

to bring a resolution today calling

on Vice President Pence and the Cabinet

to use the 25th Amendmentto remove President Trump.

But Pence is not expected to do so.

And that means the Democratswill then turn to impeachment.

Pelosi told CBS "60 Minutes" program

she's ready to impeachTrump a second time,

something that is never beendone in our nation's history.

- I like the 25th Amendmentbecause it gets rid of him,

he's out of office.

But there is strongsupport in the Congress

for impeaching thepresident a second time.

- [Dale] Pelosi isreadying a single article

of impeachment charging Trump

with incitement of insurrection.

At least 200 lawmakerssupport the resolution,

but so far no Republicanhas publicly signed on.

- I think the best thingwould for the country

to heal would be for him to resign.

The next best thing is the 25th Amendment.

- [Dale] But Republican Senator Ben Sasse

said he would consider anyimpeachment articles brought

by the House against President Trump.

The president is blamedfor inciting the violence

at the Capitol with these words.

- We're going to the Capitol

and if you don't fight like hell,

you're not going tohave a country anymore.

- [Dale] The presidentlater tweeted "be peaceful"

but it was too late.

Rioters inside the Capitolcould be heard chanting

"hang Mike Pence."

- [Rioters] Hang Mike Pence.

- [Dale] The attack left five people dead

including one Capitol policeofficer Brian Sicknick

who died from injuriessustained during the attack.

One of the rioters,Ashli Babbitt, was shot

and killed by Capitol police.

Senators Lisa Murkowskiand Pat Toomey have called

on the president to resign.

- I think the best way for our country,

Chuck, is for the presidentto resign and go away.

- But Senator Roy Blunt says there's

no way the president could be removed

from office before January 20th

if he doesn't choose to resign.

Meanwhile, there havebeen at least 60 arrests

and 25 domestic terrorismcases have been opened

in the wake of Wednesday's Capitol breach

including Eric Eric Gavelekof Munchel, Tennessee

allegedly seen with zip tiesinside the Senate chamber

and Cleveland Grover Meredith Jr. accused

of bringing an assault rifle to DC

and threatening to killHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

What happened at the Capitolhas officials preparing

to ramp up security forJoe Biden's inauguration,

but so far no plans to change the location

of the event itself.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, it's tough makingpredictions in this environment

but I'm fairly certainMike Pence isn't going

to invoke the 25th Amendment.

That amendment is designed forincapacity of the president.

It's not designed for this kind of action.

I don't think we have anythingin the Constitution other

than impeachment for this kind of action.

So what will happen?

There's just not enough time

to have the full hearingsthat you need to have.

So my prediction will bethe Democrats will proceed

with it and then table it and wait

for the new Congress to be seated.

And then after Joe Bidenhas had some time in office,

probably 100 days, they'llbring it back up again.

And the intent isn't toremove him from office

because obviously he won'tbe in office anymore.

The intent will be to keep him

from ever holding office again.

And so that will be part ofwhat the Senate will consider.

And there'll be a trial on thisand we'll get to the bottom

of what happened lastWednesday at the Capitol.

I said it before, I'll say it again.

I think the country owes a great debt

of gratitude to Vice President Mike Pence

and to the Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell.

When it was the crunch time, they stood

and they held to their oath of office

and said we will not overturnthe results of an election.

Now, you can disagree on wasthe elections stolen or not.

But the role of the Congressat that point in time

on Wednesday was tomerely count the electors,

what the states had already ratified.

And so we need to look into what happened.

We certainly need to cleanup our election procedures.

We need to restoreconfidence in the ability

of the ballot box to trulychange our government.

All these things need to happen.

We need to take a giant stepback and take a long look

at what happened in November,

but also what happened last Wednesday.

In other news, what do you do

when riot breaks out around you?

Well, that's what a CBN videographer faced

at the Capitol last Wednesday.

John Jessup brings us his story

from our bureau in Washington.


- That's right, Gordon.

CBN News photo journalistMario Gonzalez was there

for a prescheduled interview with a member

of Congress that was ultimately canceled.

He ended up being therefor about 13 hours.

I asked him to walk me through that day

through his own eyes.

You were up on Capitol Hillway early Wednesday morning.

Can you describe the scene?

- Because we knew that itwas gonna be a big day,

I had to get there early.

So I got there at about4:45 in the morning

just hoping and praying thatthere was a spot available.

Some of the other cameramen

on the location were kindof giggling, laughing at me

as I walked up with all my gear like,

"You're number five we'rehaving to turn away."

- [John] He thought about setting up

at an outdoor location for media.

- And I was like, "No,it's going to be too cold."

- [John] But instead took a gamble.

- I think I'm going to ask for forgiveness

and park right here. (chuckles)

And so that's what I did.

- [John] A decisionwith divine implications

for his protection andspiritual intervention.

Mario eventually made hisway to the Capitol building.

- You easily start to feelthe atmosphere kind of change,

that okay, this can potentiallybecome a major news story.

So the cameraman in me, thejournalist in me was like,

"Okay, let me try to figure out a way

how to get out there togo see what's going on."

So that's when I started to make my moves.

So I get up the escalators

and my first view is theCapitol police officer sitting

down on a chair and medicalstaff attending to him

and they're cleaning out his eyes.

I immediately changed.

I went from journalist to prayer warrior

and I got off the escalator

and I saw maybe around six Capitol police

officers being attendedto by medical staff.

And my heart just sunk.

And so I'm there, I'm lookingat these police officers,

and I just started to pray.

- [John] A response that captures

Mario's heart and mentality.

He saw other officers hurt and started

to pray for them, but was confronted.

- A police officer ran up towards me,

"No filming, no photos."

And like, "I'm not."

I said, "I'm here to pray."

And he was like, "What?"

I was like, "I'm here topray, I want to pray."

"Thank you."

- You and your coworker Abigail Robertson

who cover Capitol Hill, you both see this

as a mission, not just an assignment.

- We do.

This is an opportunity thatnot very many photogs get

and that this ministry has trusted me

with the responsibility tocapture what takes place

at this location is a great honor.

- Did you allow your mind towander and think the worst?

- No.

- Why is that?

- Well, my time living inIsrael I think prepared me

for moments like this whereyou learn to keep your head

on a swivel and you learn to be prayed up.

I think that God has given me the grace

to walk this out, tobe in a place like this

during a time like this to be able

to handle myself professionallyand as the way I should.

- A valued member of the team.

A lot of the photos in that interview

with Mario were shots he took.

To see more of his images from the day,

go to CBN News Instagrampage, that's @CBNnews.

Well, two major developmentsover the weekend dealing

with big tech and potentialfree speech issues.

First, Twitter permanently suspended

President Trump's account.

Then Google, Apple, andAmazon ban the Parler app,

an online free free speechcompetitor to Twitter

that's become a haven for Conservatives.

Parler is completely offline today

after Amazon Web Services took them down.

Parler's CEO John Matze saysbig tech companies claimed

that it was somehow responsible

for the assault on Capitol Hill,

but he told Fox News thatit never allowed violence

on Parler and that the servicedoesn't even have a way

to coordinate an event on its platform.

And he says this could bethe end for the service.

- [John Matze] They've givenus no legitimate remedy.

They've tried to ask us to cooperate

with them on a few things.

We've tried to give themeverything that they wanted.

Of course, withoutsacrificing our principles.

But there were remedies to doit and they just don't care.

They just don't want us on the internet.

They just want to get rid of us.

- Conservatives call this a big tech

crackdown on free speechand they point out

that many others have posted threats

of violence on Twitterwith no consequences.

Republican CongressmanDevin Nunes of California

says the suspension isan anti-trust violation

and is calling for an investigation.

The post-holiday surge in COVID-19

cases is hitting America hard.

We now have some 22 million cases overall

and about 30,000 deathssince the new year.

A more contagious variant has spread

from the UK to the United States.

Another from South Africa hasnot yet been detected here.

Meanwhile, the push forvaccinations is growing.

President-elect Joe Biden's saying

he'll release millions of doses rather

than hold them back to ensurea second round is available.

Meanwhile, experts from theWorld Health Organization

are going to China to meetwith their counterparts there.

But, Gordon, it's unclear if they'll go

to Wuhan where the pandemic began.

- Well, CBN medical reporterLorie Johnson is here

to tell us more about the developments.

And Lorie, let's first focus on the US.

I'm hearing a lot of peoplesay, "Why wasn't there some kind

of federal coordinationto deliver the vaccine?"

Can you walk us through what are obstacles

to getting vaccines delivered to people?

- Well, Gordon, each state is handling

their own vaccine rollout.

And the main obstacle up

until now has been theseconstraints and these restrictions

that the vaccine canonly be given to people

who are in nursing homesor also healthcare workers.

And that's what the CDC advised.

But that's going too slow.

Only about a third of thevaccines that were distributed

to the states in Decemberhave been put into the arms

and there's a lot of pressure on states

to open up the vaccine availability

to senior citizens who live at home.

And so the good news is that'swhat we're seeing happening

and starting to happen.

So people who are living at home

who are over 75, and in some cases,

even over age 65 shouldcontact their doctor

or their local healthdepartment to sign up

and see what's happening in their state

and see how they might register

and get an appointment fora vaccine if they want one.

- I kinda don't understand

where the CDC is coming from here.

Why would you ever want to limit it?

Why wouldn't you make it available

to anyone who is inthe at-risk population?

- Absolutely.

So back in December, the CDCsort of started to prioritize,

and these were reallyjust recommendations,

prioritize who should get it first.

And they said that the first people

who should get the vaccineare nursing home residents

and healthcare workers.

And many governors have adopted that rule.

But the problem has been that,

the good news is a lot of the nursing home

residents have gotten theirs,

but a lot of thehealthcare workers haven't,

that's just been a very slow process.

There were the holidays and whatnot.

And so governors have beenhesitant to open up to move

onto the next phase untilall the healthcare workers

who want a vaccine have gotten theirs.

But now they're saying,"No, we're going to go ahead

and continue to vaccinatethe healthcare workers

and move on to the next phase."

And that's elderly people whostill live in their homes.

- Well, I would encourage every governor,

please open it up.

There's a pretty big spike happening.

And a lot of people havedied just since Christmas

and let's get this to thevulnerable people who need it

and do it as soon as possible.

Well, let's look at theWorld Health Organization.

I'm hearing that the labs

in Wuhan have beenscrubbed clean of the data.

What's the point anymoreof going to China?

- That's a very good point.

The Chinese government,the Communist government

there has really been slow inallowing outside investigators

to come in and try to determinehow the pandemic started.

But the World Health Organization

is sending officials in there.

The Chinese government hassaid that they could come in.

And what happens from thispoint on remains to be seen.

We can only hope and pray, Gordon,

that the truth will be uncovered

because the purpose of finding out

how this pandemic started is to make sure

that it doesn't happen again.

- And that would be wonderful.

But at the same time, I know too much

about virus reservoirs, andI'm pretty sure we're going

to get some kind of outbreak

from animal populationsthat crossover to humans.

So on that dismal note, thank you, Lorie.

- My pleasure.

- And again, let me underline to anyone

who's in authority at a hospital

and anyone in state government.

There's not really a federal solution.

Each one of our states runstheir own healthcare systems.

If you're a doctor, say in New York,

you can't come to Virginia and practice.

Each one has its own licensingand its own approval process.

So trying to have a federalsolution here doesn't work.

But there should be acoordinated solution.

And please, if you havevaccines available,

make sure they getdelivered to people in need.


- Up next, a woman's placeis the House and the Senate.

Many of the newest Republicanmembers in Congress are women.

What's behind this pink wave?

And then later, rushed to the ER,

this mother of two weighed just 82 pounds

and had a body temperature of 83 degrees.

Even worse, doctorscouldn't cure her condition.

So how was she healedfrom 25 years of pain?

You'll find out lateron today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- The new Congress boastsa record number of women

including more Republicanwomen than ever before.

It's quite a comeback for the GOP

after significant losses in 2018.

So what led to this yearof the Republican woman?

Tara Mergener explains.

- Republican women's serving across

both chambers jumps from the 2018 number

of 22 to a record breaking 36.

Many of them turning blue seats to red

in key districts helpingto narrow the balance

of power in the House.

- I am Michelle Steel.

I approved this message.

- [Tara] A campaign cycle is so successful

that it has a new name.

This is the year of the Republican women.

- [Tara] With women winning 10

of the 14 seats Republicansflipped in the House.

- [Announcer] Young Kim,

she brought Democratsand Republicans together

to protect domestic violence victims.

- [Tara] They took various paths to DC

from replacing retiring incumbents

to making the leap from state legislatures

or like Representative Young Kim

of California winning on the second try.

- A lot of women were just frustrated

and we're not going to leave it up

to just the men to do the job.

So I, for one, is not a quitter.

As you know, I have run in2018 for this very same seat

and I just wanted to get things done.

And I'm just glad to bea part of the many women

that were elected in this election cycle.

- [Announcer] Grown a small business here

and fought to create jobs right here.

- [Tara] This outcome is afar cry from the 2018 midterms

when Democrats usheredin a deluge of women,

many of color into the House ranks.

- Republican women saw the gains

that Democratic womenhave made in recent cycles

and particularly in the 2018 cycle

and tried to make the case to their voters

that they need to be apart of the representation

in Congress of both parties.

- [Tara] while campaignsand credentials are key,

their success also reflectsthe GOP's 2020 push

to recruit, endorse,and invest in diversity.

- The median insiders can go to-

- [Tara] Half of the Republican freshmen

class are either women or minorities.

- From Iran and Korea and Ukraine.

They have a member of the Cherokee Nation.

It will help them showthat the Democratic Party

doesn't have a lock on diversity.

- [Tara] Kim is one of twoKorean American women elected.

- We have an obligationto make America great

by bringing all thesedifferent unique voices

and different perspectivesand backgrounds.

- [Tara] At 32, RepresentativeKat Cammack is the youngest

incoming woman on the GOP side.

- I never said, "Vote forme because I'm the youngest"

or "Vote for me because I'm a woman."

When it comes down toit, we just need patriots

and people that love this country

and see the problems as opportunities

for us to really overcome and to serve.

- [Tara] After the election, House Speaker

Nancy Pelosi even recognizedthe accomplishment.

- It doesn't mean we have shared views,

but hopefully we can find common ground.

- [Tara] It's unclear whetherthe olive branch will extend

beyond words with Democratic

and Republican women not seeing eye to eye

on a number of key issuesincluding abortion.

- When she found out she was pregnant,

the doctors advised her to abort me.

We're going to be very, very vocal

on the issue of abortionand pro-life issues.

And using that platform asthe youngest Republican woman

in the country, I think it's important

because I think it is really my peers,

my generation that is most impacted

by the issue of abortion.

- [Tara] Despite thegains, women still fill

only a quarter of theseats across both parties.

But if 2018 and 2020 or any indication,

and the current focus continues,

numbers are only expected to grow.

- They need to bring more women

to the party and more womencandidates into office.

So I see them largelyimpacting the campaign efforts

more so than policy at this point

until they get the majority back.

So they will be very energizedin their recruitment efforts

and their fundraising effortswith their eye on that prize.

- Republicans remain awarethis will be a marathon

not a sprint in terms of matching

or passing the number ofDemocratic women in Congress.

Still, they hope historyis on their side in 2022

since the partycontrolling the White House

usually loses seats in midterm elections.

In Washington, I'm TaraMergener, CBN News.

- Our political future hascertainly been scrambled recently

so who knows what'sgoing to happen in 2022.

The good news is there'llbe another election.

We all get to vote.

We just need to make surethat our voting is proper.

What a wonderful thing though,

the amount of diversity that'scoming into our government.

Not just gender diversity,but ethnic diversity.

I think it's absolutelywonderful and I applaud it.

It's really good.

So Terry, you're going to run?

- Nope.

(Terry and Gordon laughing)

It's unequivocal.

Not happening.

- You're sure about that?

- I'm sure about that, yep.

I'm not running.

(Terry laughing)

Anyway, coming up, talk aboutthe end of the honeymoon.

Shortly after this couple wed,

they found out they weremore than $100,000 in debt.

How could they pay it offand save their marriage?

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- The Hertzogs had more than$100,000 in outstanding loans.

They figured they'd makethe minimum payments

and then pay them off eventually.

Then the couple had a change of heart.

They wanted to be morethan just debt-free.

And here's how theyaccomplished that feat.

- [Narrator] Anthony andJhanilka were married in 2016.

but it wasn't until after the honeymoon

that they realized they werecarrying a combined debt

of over $114,000.

- So it came from, Iwent to undergraduates,

had an undergraduate loan,

a couple of credit cardsfrom us just shopping.

She went to a privateschool for her master's,

so that was a ton of debt.

That was about $60,000 initself, about half of it.

And then a new car that I gotwhen we moved down to Dallas.

- I felt like we'll pay itoff whenever we pay it off.

There's no rush, just kind oflike how everybody else does.

You have car payments, you havethese student loan payments,

it's just part of life.

- [Narrator] Since theyhad good paying jobs

and the ability to make monthlypayments on what they owed,

initially, they both were unconcerned

about carrying the large amount of debt.

- I'm a director at an IT firm

and Jhanilka is a managerfor mental health counseling.

I got debt, it will be paidoff at one day in the future.

- [Narrator] However,Anthony began to reconsider

his attitude toward carrying debt.

- It wasn't just paying off the debt.

It was creating generational wealth

and it was being able to save more,

being able to give more to our family,

to our friends, to our church,

to whomever needed itwithout hesitating to do it.

- [Narrator] Anthony alsogot serious about his faith.

He was able to convince Jhanilka to work

with him to eliminate their debt.

- I'm going to church now.

I want to be a part ofit, I want to support,

so we made it an actualline item in our budget.

The same way we were budgetingfor food and clothes,

we were also budgeting forour tithing expense as well.

- I feel like once we started,

it just was like, okay, we can do this.

- [Narrator] Anthony signed his car up

for peer-to-peer rental.

They also started a dog watching service.

- I work from home full time

so I was getting off by 4:00 p.m.

So I kind of had the restof my day to do things.

So we started working at a gym.

I'm also a therapist, so I wasworking at a private practice

on the weekends and inthe evening sometimes.

So yeah, those were the main things.

And then we started a cleaningbusiness out here as well.

- As we were raising our income,

we were tithing and themoney that we were tithing,

it was never felt because wewere always getting it back.

- We just knew that it's notour money, it's God's money.

- It was really funnyhow both of them kind

of happened around that same time,

starting that financial journey

and also starting that religious journey.

- [Narrator] As the Hertzogs tithed

while paying off the debt,

they started seeing God's blessings.

- It was always a windfallthat came into play.

End of year I got a huge bonus and raise,

and that was another windfall

and so we were seeing windfallsas we continued to tithe.

- Oh, it was fun.

We were using like a temperature thing

and scratching it off,like okay, 40,000 more.

And we kept it on the fridge

and we had conversations about it.

- She was like, "Let's try to pay off

this amount of money this month."

And we were keeping track of it like that.

So once we startedhitting little milestones,

like $10,000, $15,000,we started celebrating.

- [Narrator] And in just 23 months,

the couple paid off allof the $114,000 debt.

The Hertzogs are now able totravel and enjoy their lives

and do so giving all the glory to God.

- Without God you'reunable to do certain things

and I think that's part of it,

to provide and give as much as you can

and the only reason we're ableto do that is because of Him.

I think that goes back to usnot stopping that tithing.

- Now it feels natural now.

It's like, this is the way it should be,

it should have been for a while.

But not having that shackleis just, it's amazing.

- It's amazing what happenswhen you just follow

what God tells you to do.

When you live in accordance with His Word

then He opens up the windows of heaven

and He pours out blessing.

and Anthony and Jhanilka,they've learned that,

they've lived that.

And here's the promiseand you can bank on it.

It's from Malachi chapter three,

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse

that there may be food in My house

and test Me now in this,says the Lord of Hosts,

if I will not open foryou the windows of heaven

and pour out for you a blessing

that there will not beroom enough to receive it."

When you realize that Godwatches over His Word,

He stands by it to perform it.

He wants to do it.

It's the only time we get to test God

as we get to test Him with ourtithe and with our offering.

And if you want to start doing that,

the start of this year is a wonderful time

to dedicate yourself, say,

"God, this year, 2021, Iwant to do it Your way."


- Well, Tim and Juanita are raising

their five grandchildrenalone and it hasn't been easy.

Not long ago there, theircupboards were empty

and the fridge was bare.

But today, this couplehas more than enough

to feed their family and it'sthanks to viewers like you.

- [Narrator] Niyah Garcia andher siblings are being raised

by their grandparents.

- When I talk about my grandparents,

I take them as my real parents.

They've had that place in my heart

for as long as I can remember.

They've just always been there for me.

They showed me that they loved me

because they didn't give up.

- [Narrator] Niyah'sgrandparents, Tim and Juanita,

both work to support themselves

and their five grandchildren.

- I love my grandkids and I wanted

to keep our family together.

They were in a situationwhere I had to step in

and take care of them and I did.

- My grandkids are a Godsend.

They're a blessing becausethey have helped me grow

in my faith, helped me grow as a man.

They've helped me grow in love.

I grew up in foster careand I didn't have a family.

They're everything to me.

- [Narrator] Even with a dual income,

sometimes their paychecksdidn't stretch far enough

to cover all the billsand pay for groceries.

- There is a lot of challenges that goes

with having a big family andnot being able to feed them.

- There were times whenwe didn't have anything

on the table.

We had the refrigerator,but the light was off,

the cupboards were bare.

That's frustrating when you have a family.

You feel like a failure.

- [Narrator] Then theystarted getting groceries

from Dayspring Church, apartner of Operation Blessing.

- It's just completely changed our lives.

I'm not worried my kids are not gonna eat.

It's much easier now for us.

- It's been a blessing.

It put a smile on my wife's face.

She would go in there andcook the food that we had.

She would feed the kidsand they would sit there

and we would talk and laugh.

And it made everything alright.

God has been good to usthrough Operation Blessing.

- [Narrator] Now, Timhas a higher-paying job

and he and Juanita rarelyneed help with food.

They say they're thankful tothe Operation Blessing partners

who provided for their familywhen they needed it most.

- I just wanna say a big thank you

because it makes such a big impact

and it may seem like a smallthing, but it helps so greatly.

We're very grateful.

- Thank you for being God's hand on earth,

here in Texas, here in Grand Prairie.

You have been Jesus' face right here.

And I know because He's allowedme to witness it firsthand.

It fed my family whenwe didn't have anything.

Right when I wanted to give up,

we wanted to give up, you were there.

- How many times on this program have you

seen the opportunity to reach out

and touch the lives of peoplelike the Harris family?

They're in Texas, but CBN partners,

you are working in placesaround this country every day

and you're workingaround the globe as well.

That's why we come to youtoday to say help us in 2021

to continue to do the kindof work that's been done

in the past by yourkindness and generosity.

It's 65 cents a day, $20 amonth to become a CBN partner.

Some of you've already done that.

I want to ask you today

if you'd consider going upto the next level of giving

because it makes such a difference for us.

There it is.

If you're a 700 Club member, you can go up

to 700 Club Gold, that'sa gift of $40 a month.

If you're a Gold Club member,

go up to the 1000 Clublevel at $84 a month.

We have 2500 Club members,

you can see the monthlyamount there, $209.

Or a Founder comes in at $417a month, that's $5000 a year.

In addition to knowingthat you are touching

and changing lives andmeeting people right

at their point of need,one of the other reasons

we want to encourage you to either join

or increase your giving isto receive Pat's latest book,

"I Have Walked With the Living God."

This is the story of Pat's life,

how God has met him at everypoint of need in his own work,

in his own life, in hisown family and blessed him.

He shares all of that with you.

And I know you'd love having it.

You can also, by the way,receive instant access

to the audio version of "I HaveWalked With the Living God."

It's read by actor, Kevin Sorbo.

I think you really would love it.

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on your computer, yourphone, your smart TV,

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So we need to hear from you.

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You really can make a difference.

So start that today, won't you?


- In Myanmar, twoparents worked long hours

in the rice fields.

They only brought home $4 a day.

At that rate, they'd neverbe able to afford the surgery

their daughter desperately needed.

- [Narrator] Six-year-old,Phyo loved to learn

but she dreaded going to schoolbecause of her cleft lip.

- [Translator] Some kids said I'm ugly.

They made fun of me.

When I couldn't take it, I tried to hide.

Sometimes I didn't want to go to school.

- [Narrator] Phyo's parentswork as rice farmers in Myanmar.

Ever since their daughter was born,

they've tried to save to pay for surgery.

But their combined wages

of just $4 a day havemade that task impossible.

- [Translator] When people mockmy daughter, I get so upset.

It hurts me when they laugh at her.

- [Narrator] Eight-year-oldNyein has watched

her sister suffer.

- [Translator] My sister cry

when other kids made fun of her.

When that happens, Iwant to be there for her.

- [Narrator] Then there arePhyo's physical challenges

like eating and drinking.

- [Translator] She chokes and the food

and water spill out of her mouth and nose.

That makes me cry but I tryto hide my tears from her.

- [Narrator] A pastor told the family

about Operation Blessing.

We quickly arranged for Phyo to travel

to the city to receivefree cleft palate surgery.

The operation was successfuland Phyo soon had a new smile.

- [Translator] When I look inthe mirror, I feel so happy.

Thank you for changing my life.

- And that thank you guys to you.

If you're a member of the 700Club, you're part of that,

you're reaching out with hands of love

and compassion to people around the world.

Operation Blessing, we have operations

in Operation Blessing where we help people

who have no chance ofever affording a surgery,

we come alongside them andsay, "We want to help you.

God loves you, we love you.

We want to show that very tangibly."

So if you want to be apart of it, join with us.

How much is it to join the 700 Club?

Well, it's just $20 a month.

That's 65 cents a day.

Some of you can join at 700 Club Gold.

That's $40 a month.

1000 Club is a $1000 a yearthat breaks out to $84 a month.

At whatever level, when you call to join,

make sure you ask for Pledge Express.

That's electronic monthly giving.

The bank doing all thework and we can send

as our gift to you, "Power ForLife," monthly teaching CDs.

So if you'd like those,call us, 1-800-700-7000,

ask for Pledge Express.

Or you can go to

and you give monthly on the internet.

You automatically signup for Pledge Express.

And we also have a text to give now

where you text the letters C-B-N to 71777

and it comes up witha monthly giving page.

So either way, do it and say,

"Yes, I want to be a part of it.

I want to be a part of everything

you're doing around the world."

Operation Blessing is one

of the many ministries here at CBN.

My father started it long ago

after reading a versefrom the book of Isaiah.

But he's not taking the credit for it.

He explains why in thisexcerpt from his latest book.

Take a look.

- Hi, this is Pat Robertson

with an excerpt from my new book,

"I Have Walked With the Living God,"

read by actor Kevin Sorbo.

I hope it will be a blessingto you as you walk with God.

- [Kevin] I've taken as myown personal guide the word

that Jesus spoke to His disciples:

"When you have done all those things

which you are commanded say,

'We are unprofitable servants.

We have done what was our duty to do.'"

I made a firm andstraightforward rule for myself:

I gave the Lord creditfor all the good things

that I was able to accomplish,

and I personally took theblame for all the bad.

At this point in my life,

I'm much more comfortable being attacked

and insulted than I am being complimented.

I can say that because I rely on the Lord

to fight my battles for me.

- [Announcer] Get your copy today

when you become a CBN partner.

Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

Israel is moving ahead with plans

to build 800 new settlerhomes in the West Bank.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office

says the move would include100 homes in a settlement

where an Israeli woman was killed recently

in an alleged terrorist attack.

That move would strainties with the incoming

administration ofPresident-elect Joe Biden.

He is opposed to expanding settlements.

CBN launched a virtualviewing of the Superbook

this past Christmas season

airing an episode in South Africa.

Families gathered together in their homes

to watch and learn aboutthe birth of Jesus.

Parents also could download

the Superbook Adventure Guide online.

The Adventure Guideincluded Christmas recipes,

games, activities and discussion points

for parents based on the episode

to provide entertainmentfor families staying

at home during the global pandemic.

Well, you can find out moreabout what CBN is doing

around the world by goingto

Gordon and Terry will beback right after this.

(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

- Nancy Johnson was truly hopeless.

For more than 20 years,

her body was ravagedby a terrible illness.

Even worse than thephysical aches and pains,

the crippling feelingthat she was never enough.

- I couldn't be perfect.

I couldn't be perfectfor my kids or my husband

and I felt so much shame about that.

- [Narrator] It was painkeeping Nancy Johnson

from being the wife andmom she wanted to be.

At 24, just after givingbirth to her first child,

she developed fibromyalgia,a chronic incurable disorder

that caused widespread pain and fatigue.

- The muscle pain never stopped.

And so I was on this search,"What am I going to do?"

- [Narrator] Nancy had a second child,

but over the yearsdeveloped more health issues

including severe allergiesand thyroid problems.

By the time she was 40,she was a shut-in trying

her best to take care of her family.

The medical community had few answers,

suggesting she try meditation

and relaxation techniquesto ease the suffering.

- One of the doctors sent me away with,

"It's all in your head."

And that was just devastating.

It was like hopeless.

Okay, I'm just going to haveto go home and live with this.

- [Narrator] Over time, Nancybecame allergic to more foods,

severely limiting her diet.

As she grew weaker, the responsibility

of taking care of the kids, the home,

and Nancy fell largelyon her husband Rich.

- So, we're coming and going

and Nance is isolated in the house.

That was hard, that was really hard.

- [Narrator] Adding to thedaily pain and frustration,

Nancy also battled depression,

and the voice constantlytelling her she was a failure.

- I would worry in bedand thinking things over,

and "You're sick, you'll never get well,

you'll never make it,you're not good enough."

- [Narrator] Eventually Nancyfound meditation techniques

from Eastern mysticismgave her a brief escape.

It also led her on another search

beyond the pain andsuffering into her soul.

- There's something empty inside of me.

There's a search for, who am I, what am I?

I was angry at myself andhow could anybody love me

because I felt like sucha failure and so weak.

- [Narrator] Then at 49 years old,

Nancy landed in the emergency room.

She was unresponsive,had a temperature of 83,

and weighed only 82 pounds.

She was dying of malnutrition.

- I very nearly lost her.

Her body had just depleted.

She was literally hours awayfrom internal organs are going

to shut down if we can'tget her stabilized.

It was wow.

(dramatic music)

Oh, excuse me.

I did some real soul-searching that week.

- [Narrator] Soon, both of them would find

what they were looking for.

Within the week, Nancy waswell enough to go home,

but still needed constant care.

Then a few weeks later, while watching TV,

Rich came across a Christian channel.

Pastor Joel Osteen was teachingabout hope in Jesus Christ.

- I found that to be reallyuplifting, I really did.

And so I listened to one or twoof them, and I finally said,

"Nance, you've got tocome listen to this guy.

He's got some prettypositive things to say."

- [Narrator] They had bothgone to church as kids,

but the Jesus and God they had heard

about were distant and angry.

- I'm listening to him talkabout Jesus wants to heal you.

And I'm listening to that andmy heart is just pounding,

like, "Oh, my gosh, ohmy gosh, oh my gosh,

I've never known a Jesus like this.

This is a God who really wants

to answer your prayers and heal you."

- [Narrator] Drawn bythis message of hope,

they tuned in for weeks.

One day, Nancy prayed with Joel,

and asked God for His forgiveness,

and accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior.

- I was astounded, I'm like,

"Something huge just happened here."

And I just felt this flood come in

of like joy, like, "Oh my gosh!"

- [Narrator] Then Nancy had a revelation.

- I was looking for an answer

in every other religion,in every other avenue.

I was trying to heal the soul,

I just was going aboutit the totally wrong way.

When Jesus came in, He loved me.

He loved me back to life.

He didn't care that I hadn'ttaken a look at the Bible.

No matter what, He loved me.

No matter how disabled I was, He loved me.

- [Narrator] Within a few weeks,

Rich also gave his life to Christ.

- And it took me 50 longyears to figure it out,

that I can't do it, Ican't do it on my own.

I tried.

So, I surrendered.

I opened up my heartand invited the Lord in.

And that's when the journey began.

- [Narrator] Now watchingChristian television

and attending church when Nancy was able,

the couple started going to healing rooms

to receive prayer forNancy's health problems

and it was working.

- I could see breakthrough.

I was able to drive myself.

The allergies were breaking down.

I was able to sleep.

- [Narrator] In time, everysymptom had disappeared.

- The transformation washappening right before my eyes.

I'm seeing a miracle happen.

- [Narrator] Nancy isgrateful for the miracles

in her life, but out of all of them-

- The miracle of salvation was really

what I was after all along.

All of this trying to find my health,

trying to find theanswers, it was just Jesus.

He's what I needed.

He was the answer to it all.

That's the real miracle is the salvation.

Because when He comes in, He saves it all.

He's the Savior of the health,

He's the Savior of the finances,

He's the Savior of the family, He is love.

And in that love everythingbecomes beautiful again.

- He is the Great I Am,the one who can meet any

and every need that you have and wants to.

His invitation is "Comeunto me, all you who labor

and are heavy laden andI will give you rest."

Nancy's husband said,"It took me 50 years.

I searched and searched."

She said, "I looked toevery other religion.

I looked to every other path,every other option that I had,

even medicine to take careof this emptiness inside

and all the things I wasfeeling and it wasn't there."

But when she met Jesus,when they met Jesus,

all of that emptiness was filled.

And even the physicalmanifestations of illness were gone.

We are meant to be in relationship

with the one who created us with intention

with purpose in mind.

Maybe you feel that sameemptiness that Nancy did,

that same, "What am I here for, who am I,

what's the point andthe purpose of my life?"

And then on top of that,

the depression that comes when we realize

we aren't perfect, we can't dothings the way we'd like to.

We can't do them as well asour neighbor or our sibling.

And we feel less than.

But the truth of the matteris we were never supposed

to be able to do all of that.

God wants to do it in us and through us.

And when we try to do it apart from Him,

it just doesn't work.

And it leaves us emptyand longing for more.

And then we start looking for fulfillment

and love in all the wrong places.

And we just make a messof the whole thing.

It is as simple as starting right now.

See, you can't get good enough.

The Bible says there's nothing you can do

to make you presentable to God

because He loves you right where you are.

He understands and knows you.

And He's inviting you tolet Him invade your life

in every way possible.

That's why we say weneed to surrender to Him.

And today, if you'refeeling any of those things

that Nancy did, maybe thisis your day to surrender too,

to just come to Him and say,"Lord Jesus, I didn't get it.

I'm a sinner and I need a Savior

and that's You and I recognize that.

And so Jesus, I'm giving You my heart

my life, the good, the bad, the ugly.

I'm asking You to change me, to fill me,

to teach me Your ways to make me

all that You created me to be

and to give me life, life abundantly

as You said You would, Jesus.

He'll do it.

He'll do it.

Do you have someone,something in your life

that you need to pray about?

Call us.

There's always someone on thephone ready to pray with you.

Our number's toll-free.

It's 1-800-700-7000.

We want to leave you withthese words from I John.

"This is real love, not that we loved God,

but that He loved us and sent His Son

as the sacrifice to take away our sins."

Bless you, see you tomorrow.

(upbeat music)


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