Josie and Alitheia tell the story of three men who risked their lives by standing up for their faith in God.
Read Transcript
- You're watching "The SuperBook Show".
- Let's get straightinto our topic for today.
Roll 'em!
(dramatic music)
- People of all nations and languages,
Listen to the King's command!
When you hear the soundof the horn, flute,
zither, lyre, harp, pipes...
- What's happening?
- This is where we make our decision.
- Bow to the ground
to worship KingNebuchadnezzar's gold statue!
(air whooshing)
- Okay, I recognizethat SuperBook episode,
"The Fiery Furnace", right?
- Yep.
- So what are we talking about?
- Peer pressure.
Let's get back to the scene.
(dramatic music)
- Anyone who refuses to obey
will immediately be throwninto a blazing furnace!
- Right, so Shadrach,Meshach, and Abednego
were told to worship a golden statue.
- And since this clearly wentagainst their belief in God,
they didn't want to bowlike everybody else.
- What did they do?
(suspenseful music)
They didn't do it, yay!
- They didn't, but theyhad everything to lose.
They risked their lives.
- Oh right, the fiery furnace.
- I have given you every chance,but your time has run out!
Cast them into the furnace!
(intense music)
(men screaming)
Did we not cast three men boundinto the midst of the fire?
Look, I see four men,
unbound, walking aroundin the fire unharmed.
(men exclaiming)
And the fourth looks like a God!
- Who is that in there with them?
- Abednego told the KingGod could deliver them
from the furnace.
It must be...God!
(triumphant music)
- Servants of the most high God, come out!
And come here!
- The hair on their head wasn't singed!
- [Bystander] And theirclothing is not scorched!
- They don't even smell of smoke!
- Today it's not any easierto stand up for what's right,
even though we don't have todeal with a fiery furnace.
- Thank God for that.
- Every time the peoplearound you are doing something
you know isn't good.
- Like vaping, doing drugs, drinking,
or just anything illegal.
- Just know that you don't have to.
And while it may not cost you your life,
like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
it may cost you friendships.
- People might tease you ortreat you like an outcast.
- But if Shadrach, Meshach,and Abednego can trust God
when their lives are on the line,
we can trust God today, right?
- I think so.
It takes courage to do something
that everybody else doesn't do.
- Or to not do somethingthat everybody else does.
- Either one takes bravery,
and sometimes the rewardfor doing the right thing
doesn't come as fast, but it will come.
- Be bold when you go to school,
and have courage whenyou leave your house.
- Don't be afraid to love God
and let it show through thechoices you make every day.
God will be with you.
- Remember, his word is forever alive,
and so were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
because God protected them.
(air whooshing)
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to learn about more stories of the Bible.
- [Both] Be brave!
- They risked their lives.
- Sorry.
(all laughing)
Cut off your line.
- Yep, and since they...
Hmm, sorry.
- [Animated Woman] Youdon't know this story,
what happened?
Dah, dah, dah.
(upbeat music)