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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - January 6, 2021


- All right, we're gonna jumpright into questions for Pat.

Milla says, "Hi, Pat, I justlove watching you and Terry,"

and hopefully me too.

"I'm a longtime fan.

"Just wondering if it's okayfor a Christian to watch

"crime dramas like "Lawand Order and "Dexter,"

"once in a while, not often?

"Just want to know youropinion on that subject?"

- (chuckles) I tell you what,we'll leave "Dexter" out,

he was about as nasty and horrible,

I mean, the guy was eatingflesh it was just horrible,

I mean, it was just beyond belief,

so I'd leave that one out.

"Law and Order" is avery interesting program,

but you can get hooked on those things

because every time they have an episode

it's somebody who's been raped or shot

or abducted or something,

and it'll mess your mindup if you watch too often,

but you says "Is it wrong see them?"

I don't think you're exactly sinning,

but we all have to keep our minds

on what's pure and good, andworthy, and noble and so forth.

And "Law and Order" is very well done,

but, my goodness, it's crime,crime, crime stuff, you know.

- That stuff affects me.

If I can watch just a little bit

and then I've got to turnit off, I'm like, "No"--

- Well, I feel the same thing,

I just don't, you can startwatching him, you know,

but, anyhow, enough of that.

All right, what else?

- Okay, here's Margaret she says,

"He was raised with Christian values,

"was active in youth ministry growing up,

"church every Sunday, et cetera.

"I found a cannabis vape pen package

"in a room where he stayed.

"I'm very concerned.

"How should I approach this?

"He's an adult now, but myhusband and I have never stopped

"reminding him of God'sgoodness and mercy."

- I think it'd be importantto be intelligent,

I mean, make sure of your facts.

But cannabis like it ornot is a gateway drug

into higher drugs.

Now they're making theuse of marijuana legal

all over the country, butit has a devastating effect

on people's health, and it'smuch worse than tobacco.

Tobacco is bad enough,but this stuff is bad.

So I think I'd get my factsand I sit down and say,

"Look, here's the problem."

And the vaping actually ismore dangerous than the other.

So get your facts, linethem up and then lay it out

and say, "Look, I just want to tell you,

"this is dangerous to your health,

"it's gonna shorten yourlife, and I love you," okay.

- Amen.

Annamaria says, "I hada young sister who died

"of cancer this past fall.

"She believed in Godand prayed for healing.

"and I wonder why doesGod save some people

"from illness and death, but not others?

"Or why does prayer workfor some and not others

"who pray just as hardand believe in God?"

Good question.

- You know, what we don't know

is what's in somebody's heart,

how many resentments are there?

How many unconfessed sins?

How many things have theyharbored resentment against?

You don't know anything aboutthem, and only God knows.

So he knows, and his desire is,

I would that you wouldprosper and be in health

even as you're so prosperous.

So God's desire is togive us abundant health,

and anything contrary to that

is to, kind of, likecontrary to what God wants.

So beyond that, you don't have an answer

and only God knows what's insomebody's heart, all right.

- Right, here's Peggy, she says,

"Do you have to get downon your knees to pray?

"And do you also have to bowyour head for God to hear you?

"I have very bad arthritisin my knees and can't bend

"let alone kneel due to neck arthritis,

"neither can I bow my head without pain.

"Can God hear your prayer ifyou're sitting on the couch,

"lying in bed?"

- You better believe it.

I do a lot of praying, lyingin bed and talking to the Lord,

sitting on the couch, wherever I am.

You're driving a car and you're praying,

pray without ceasing.

It's your attitude of yourheart not whether you bow down

before the Lord, thatused to be the symbol.

I mean, you got on yourknees, you bowed down,

it showed humility before God.

I also would pray that theLord take away that arthritis

to make you better, all right.- Yes, amen (claps).


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