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As GOP Lawmakers Plan to Challenge 2020 Electoral Count, Trump Challenges Pence: 'I Won't Like Him Quite as Much'

As GOP Lawmakers Plan to Challenge 2020 Electoral Count, Trump Challenges Pence: 'I Won't Like Him Quite as Much' Read Transcript

- President Trump was firedup at his rally Monday night

in Georgia saying hewon't give up his fight

to overturn the election.

- When you win in alandslide and they steal it

and it's rigged, it's not acceptable,

it's not acceptable.

- [Jenna] Senator Ted Cruz

is leading at least adozen Republican senators

in a challenge to certification.

Some 140 house members are doing the same.

Georgia's Senator, Kelly Loefflerwhose fate will be decided

in today's runoffelection promising to join

in the challenge.

- I have an announcement Georgia.

On January 6th, I will objectto the Electoral College vote.

That's right, that's right, thank you.

We're gonna get this done!

- [Jenna] The president also called out

Vice President, Mike Pencewho's constitutionally appointed

to oversee the certification process.

Pence has said he welcomeslawmakers using their authority

to raise objections and present evidence.

- And I hope Mike Pencecomes through for us,

I have to tell you.

I hope that our great VicePresident comes through for us.

He's a great guy.

Of course, if he doesn't come through,

I won't like him quite as much.

- [Jenna] The issue isdividing the Republican Party

with several leadersobjecting to the protest

including Senator, Tom Cotton

who said it wouldestablish unwise precedents

and take a step towardsfederalizing election law.

Tony Perkins, President of theFamily Research Council says,

"No matter the outcome of the challenge,

"state legislatures needto examine their systems."

- We need to have majorinvestigation hearings into this

and then at the state level,

and even at the federal level,changes to our election law

to ensure that the Americanpeople can have confidence

in the outcome of elections.

- As to the leaked phone call from Trump

to the Georgia Secretaryof State, Perkins said,

"Trump is giving voice to his anger."

Monday, a Georgia electionofficial addressed point

by point Trump's claim of fraud

in Georgia saying the state was right

to certify its vote.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN news.


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