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CBN NewsWatch PM: December 31, 2020

CBN NewsWatch PM: December 31, 2020 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is "CBN NewsWatch."

- Thank you so much for joining us.

It is Thursday, December31st, New Year's Eve.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Could life start to returnto normal by spring?

That is what the chief advisor

for Operation Warp Speed says

if the coronavirus vaccines are effective.

But this winter is a very different story,

especially for the homeless.

Charlene Aaron reports.

- A surge in COVID cases,

coupled with plunging temperatures,

amount to greater safety measures

for homeless shelters across the country.

Some must limit the numberof people they can help

during this time when the needis even greater than usual.

- We have not missed a beat,but every beat has changed.

The Bowery Mission never shut down.

- [Charlene] The Bowery Mission,

a Christian shelter in New York,

first open to the city's homeless in 1879.

Earlier this year, the BigApple became ground zero

in the battle against the coronavirus,

forcing the Bowery Missionto change procedures.

- On March 15th, we wereserving meals indoors,

in our dining hall around tables.

On March 16th, we wereserving meals outdoors to go,

on a socially distanced line.

It was an incredible adjustment.

- [Charlene] Presidentand CEO James Winans

says the change comesjust as needs have grown.

- We saw double the numberof people coming for meals

that we were used to serving.

We would often open ourdoors to 250 people,

now we have 500 people on the line.

And these were folks

who were not necessarilyexperiencing homelessness.

These were folks whohad recently locked up,

they had no income,

and they were looking for emergency food.

- [Charlene] Further south,

Union Mission Ministriesin Norfolk, Virginia,

also making adjustments.

- The big large community gatherings

that rescue missions areknown for on Thanksgiving day,

had to be shuttered.

We passed out tickets withnumbers and we fed in shifts.

- [Charlene] Reverend John Graywho heads the Union Mission,

says the ministry can only fill

half its normal 400-bed capacity,

to the point of even turning some away.

- It was mainly people thatwere coming from other states

and we just encourage themto stay where they were,

to seek resources.

Actually, these were placeswhere these were hot spots

and we just had to make the decision.

It just was the most prudent thing to do.

- [Charlene] For the Bowery,running five locations

during the pandemic isespecially difficult.

- We did eventually add somespacing to our dormitories.

We did a lot of cleaning.

- [Charlene] There havebeen a few flare-ups.

- We have had both staffand guests experience COVID,

but we have not had any community spread.

We are so grateful.

We consider that a bit of a God's miracle.

- [Charlene] To keep cases down,

residents are givendaily temperature checks

and hygiene is top priority.

- We have a modified van

that stops in front of theBowery Mission every day,

with two private shower units in it.

People are able to get clean,get a clean set of clothes.

We have hand washingstations at our locations.

- [Charlene] New York prepares

for a resurgence of the virus,

Bowery Mission stands ready

to serve its city's most vulnerable.

- [James] We know at the Bowery Mission

that there are thousands of New Yorkers

who do not have a home,

and we were not gonna leave them behind

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Pro-life critics say a Biden White House

would promote and pursue

one of the most extremeabortion agendas in history.

And they warn his runningmate has a radical plan

that will prevent states fromhaving the power to stop it.

Paul Strand brings us the story now.

He reports from Washington.

- What Joe Biden and KamalaHarris would like to see

is your tax dollars goingto pay for abortions,

to a degree we've never seen before.

- And that would be abortion

all the way up through nine months.

- [Paul] Mallory Quigley atthe Susan B. Anthony List.

- They've stated this asbeing one of their big goals.

- Although polls show that opposed

by 60% of American voters,including 35% of Democrats.

States have fought back

against such abortionextremism in the past

by handling matters legislatively,passing their own laws.

- I anticipate that we wouldsee something similar to that

if there's a Biden-Harris White House.

- [Paul] But Kamala Harris hasproposed a way to stop that.

- The Department of Justicewould be instructed to pre-clear

bills that statelegislatures wanted to pass

that were pro-life.

This is a complete violationof separation of powers.

- [Paul] Another sign ofBiden's extremism on abortion

is his pick of CaliforniaAttorney General Xavier Becerra

to head up Health and Human Services,

the agency most involvedwith regulating abortion.

Becerra is aggressively pro-abortion,

states Susan B. Anthony List

President Marjorie Dannenfelser.

In Congress, he even voted in favor

of partial-birth abortion.

Kristen Day of Democrats for Life,

says some congressional Democrats

will fight Biden's pro-abortion extreme.

- We're hopeful thathe will not be able to

take some of his policies to fruition.

- [Paul] But to maybe lowerthe number of abortions,

Day hopes he'll back programs

to improve women's economic circumstances,

so they'd feel they don'thave to abort their unborn.

- We would rather see money going toward

the Pregnancy Assistance Fund

and coming up with innovativeways to support women

to actually carry the child to term

and support for the new families,once that child is born.

- [Paul] Quigley expects Biden

would return to his formerboss Barack Obama's efforts,

to make pro-life medicalworkers violate their conscience

by taking part in abortions,

and also make pro-lifeorganizations support it

in their health plans.

Biden says he'd force that

even on the Little Sisters of the Poor,

who live to serve theelderly, sick, and dying.

- Their mission hasabsolutely nothing to do

with the destruction of life.

And he would see them be forced to pay for

abortion-inducing drugs intheir healthcare programs.

- If Biden does end up as president,

one of the only bodies to stand in the way

of his abortion agenda

will be a Republican-controlled Senate,

which is why those runoffraces in Georgia next month

are so important.

They'll determine if Democrats

or Republicans reign in the Senate.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.

- Still to come, typhoonsdevastating communities

in the Philippines.

Just ahead, how OperationBlessing is stepping up

and what part you can still play to help.

We'll be right back.

(upbeat music)

(heavy rock music)

(protestor yelling)

(boxes thudding)

- Having sex before you'remarried is a bad idea.

- [Man] Don't tell me there'sno such thing as gun violence.

- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.

- [Narrator] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics

that test your faith, onthe next "Faith Wire."

Monday night at 9:30.

- [Narrator] The "Global Lane"takes you around the world,

providing facts over fiction.

- What might rising tradeand geopolitical tensions

mean for you, on the home front?

- [Narrator] With over45 years of experience,

award-winning journalist, Gary Lane,

brings you the truth from a global angle.

- What about the issue of immigration?

- [Narrator] World news analysis

you won't see anywhere else.

- And it's all right here,on the "Global Lane."

- [Narrator] Watch the "Global Lane."

Thursday night at 9:30.

(upbeat music)

♪ Boy ♪

♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ Movin' on with satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪

♪ Yeah, I got the ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because of the ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in our heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because of the ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in our heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in our heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

- [Narrator] Prophecythousands of years old.

- [Woman] We were calledto be a light to the world.

- [Narrator] Being fulfilled today.

(baby crying)(dramatic music)

Discover how, get "To Life."

Call 1-800-700-7000.

- [Man] We consider it our duty

to reach out and helpothers around the world.

- [Narrator] For a gift of $10 or more,

you can own the acclaimedCBN documentary "To Life."

Just call 1-800-700-7000,or log on to

- To treat a human, no matter what he is,

which religious hehave, which color he is,

this is what I'm doing.

- [Narrator] See how the people of Israel

are fulfilling prophecy.

- History is being written,and I wanna be a part of it.

- [Narrator] By sharing their knowledge.

- In Africa, in Asia, inSouth America, in east Europe.

- [Narrator] And their love.

- This is how we work, this is us.

- [Narrator] Get "To Life."

Call 1-800-700-7000 or log on to

- [Caitlin] Check out the CBNNews "Daily Rundown" podcast

each weekday, with me, Caitlin Burke.

Click on the show tab at,

where you can listen and subscribe.

- Two major typhoons struckthe Philippines last month.

Goni and Vamco sweptthrough one week apart

leaving thousands homelessand without food and water.

CBN's Operation Blessing

made the rugged journey to bring relief

to some victims who live in a remote area.

Lucille Talusan reports.

- [Lucille] RosalindaLucero told CBN News,

"Our abaca crops and thecoconuts are all gone.

"Where will we get food?

"Every time I see a helicopterI wave and shout for help

"but they don't see me."

Rosalinda is among thethousands who lost their homes

when typhoon Goni hit theirtown in the Bicol region.

She is worried

because she has nothing leftto feed her grandchildren.

But they have not received any assistance

because their village is hard to reach.

With the military's help

and coordination withthe local government,

an Operation Blessing teamtraveled to Rosalinda's village,

crossing rivers to bringtheir remote village

much-needed food,hygiene kits, and prayer.

- We want to let them knowthat they are not forgotten.

They are not left behind.

Operation Blessing hadthe heart to come here,

to let them know that we love them.

Jesus loves them.

- Rosalinda said she is grateful

because finally her criesfor help have been heard.

However, after only afew days of good weather,

another strong typhoonhit the Bicol region

and other parts of the country.

Barely recovering from the devastation

brought about by Typhoon Goni,

the people here are bearing the brunt

of another strong typhoon, Vamco.

Thank God Operation Blessinghas sent a team in advance,

prepared to give immediate assistance

to the victims of this storm.

Operation Blessing teams

are also conductingdisaster relief efforts

in Metro Manila and other provinces,

that has also been directlyhit by Typhoon Vamco.

They will be distributingfood, mats, blankets,

hygiene kits, and drinking water

to suffering typhoon survivors.

Lucille Talusan, CBN News.Camarines Norte, Philippines.

- If you have the means to give, to donate

to Operation Blessing'sdisaster relief fund,

you can help with their efforts

by calling the number on your screen.

Or you can simply visit

Communities of faith tryingto encourage believers.

Just ahead, how churches

are adapting to COVID-19 restrictions

to continue their message of hope.

We'll be right back.

(man sighing)

(water splattering)

(man yawning)

(woman sighing)

(barbecue hissing)

- [Narrator] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep!"

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline."

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

- [Narrator] Life.

It's meant to be lived, fully.

(gentle upbeat music)

Jesus said it,

"I came to give you life."

Life to the fullest.

Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind, and spirit.

Life in your every day.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully.

- The pandemic has upendedlives all across America.

At a time when people needtheir churches the most,

many of them have been labeledhotspots and shut down.

So how are these ministries

reaching out to their communities now?

CBN's Tara Mergener brings us the story.

- Experience and helpingpeople deal with tragedy

and disaster allows the faithcommunity to gain trust,

reduce fear, and spreadhope where it's needed most.

- And religious gatheringsare emerging as hotspots now.

- [Tara] As COVID restrictions

ramp up again across the country.

- We also put out new guidelinesfor places of worship.

- [Tara] Churches must remain creative.

- How was that for you?

- In the 20 years I've been ministering.

So I just had to imaginethat they were out there

and try to ignore all the empty seats.

- [Tara] To ensure meaningful worship

while encouraging hope and fellowship

amid a relentless pandemic.

- In a great solidarity we too shall rise.

- [Tara] Still, we find our social

and spiritual interactions limited,

not by choice, but in many cases by law.

- Church services haveresumed here in New York City

but with limited capacity.

- [Tara] Since COVID first hit,

we've seen how loneliness,fear, and stress can overwhelm.

- The church is often timeswhere people turn first

when they're in a crisisand looking for help.

So that one of the immediatethings that churches can do

would be to provide counseling

or other types of support services.

- I believe that the Lord is

calling us out of the boat like Peter.

- [Tara] Ernest Clover ofDC's Dream Center says,

"Following that divine directionmeans leaning on faith."

- I don't know where the other side is.

I don't know how bad this storm will get.

Lord, we are grateful

that we have this opportunityto come here today.

- [Tara] With the blessing of his team,

Clover and the Dream Center

have been supporting the community.

- Seven days a week, givingout nonessential items

has been a drastic change.

- [Woman] How many?

- [Man] Just one cold, one hot.

- [Tara] Temporarily scrappingother community programs

to focus on food.

- And I get to work there onSaturdays, in open market,

when they distribute produce to everyone.

- [Tara] And other suppliesto help those in need.

- I help prepare the mealsthat go out every day

since March 16th.

- It fills the gaps.

I would say, due to the income

that comes in for me rightnow it's not a whole lot,

but it does what it does what it does.

- We've had over 50,000meals go out of that window

and that little white house.

We've had over a hundredthousand hygiene items

and non-perishable food itemsgo out of this Dream Center.

And something I wouldn't even

have the parameter to prayfor, which was fresh produce.

- [Tara] And much like churchesand ministries elsewhere.

- [Ernst] Because thestructures of society

have been so thoroughlyrocked to their foundations.

- [Tara] People are comingto the center with a hunger

for more than food.

- 'Cause even when we'renot giving out items,

they just wanna talk.

- [Tara] A basic need that forsome is no longer easily met,

which health experts saycan have grave consequences.

(cameras clicking)

As the government and healthcare system

deal with areas like testing,masks, and social distancing,

Dr. Stephen Grcevich says

ministries play anessential role addressing

the unprecedented socialisolation filled by so many.

- Being able to offer people

the hope that we have in Jesus Christ

and being able to offer peopleopportunities for connecting,

we as a church are uniquely positioned

to be able to care for them

and to offer encouragement and hope.

- [Tara] Experts say outreachduring this holiday season

could be more important than ever.

Even before COVID, thistime of year can be lonely

and even depressing for someof your family and friends.

In Washington, I'm TaraMergener. CBN News.

- Coming up, we're taking a look

at Chadwick Boseman's final bow.

His castmates are taking us inside

what they call a divine moment on the set.

We'll be right.

(upbeat music)

(woman yawns)

(buttons beeping)

(photocopier whirring)

(paper tearing)

- [Narrator] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep!" today.

- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is "Studio 5."

Cruise with me as Idiscover the good things

happening in the world of music,

sports, television, and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler

was gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists

at the forefront of entertainmentand explore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Well, no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Announcer] Watch "Studio5." Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Narrator] Remember fora moment what it was like

to be a child, you believedevery story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child

should have the opportunity to dream.

The chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities.

The chance to stand onthe promises of God.

To recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle music)

(child laughing)

- [Narrator] Prophecythousands of years old.

- [Woman] We were calledto be a light to the world.

- [Narrator] Being fulfilled today.

(baby crying)(dramatic music)

Discover how, get "To Life."

Call 1-800-700-7000.

- [Man] We consider it our duty

to reach out and helpothers around the world.

- [Narrator] For a gift of $10 or more,

you can own the acclaimedCBN documentary "To Life."

Just call 1-800-700-7000,or log on to

- To treat a human, no matter what he is,

which religious hehave, which color he is,

this is what I'm doing.

- [Narrator] See how the people of Israel

are fulfilling prophecy.

- History is being written,and I wanna be a part of it.

- [Narrator] By sharing their knowledge.

- In Africa, in Asia, inSouth America, in east Europe.

- [Narrator] And their love.

- This is how we work, this is us.

- [Narrator] Get "To Life."

Call 1-800-700-7000 or log on to

(upbeat music)

- [Man] Young people, millennialsare flocking to church.

- [Woman] It's not an exaggeration to say

that we love to meet them

and that we love to know their stories.

- Welcome back.

The acting world suffered a big loss

with the death of ChadwickBoseman earlier this year,

back in August, in fact.

He was famous for playingcultural and cinematic giants,

like Black Panther, JamesBrown, Jackie Robinson,

and Thurgood Marshall.

In his final acting role,

he helps to bring an AugustWilson play to the theater,

"Ma Rainey's Black Bottom."

Here's a look at Boseman's final bow

and a candid conversationwith this castmates.

♪ I got a friend ♪

- Come on, Levee. Yourehearse like everybody else.

- I'm gonna get me a band

and make me some records.

- You call that playing music?

- Yeah. I know what I'm doing.

Go on and fire me. I don't care.

♪ When I got there, they began to say ♪

(jazzy trumpet music)

- Levee, the sooner youunderstand it ain't what you say,

it's what Ma say that count.

(men laughing)(upbeat jazz music)

- You don't know nothing aboutwhat kind of blood I've got!

What kind of heart I got beating here!

Come on.

Come on!

- Colman, you play slow Cutler,

Glynn, you play Toledo, andMichael, you play Slow Drag.

- [Michael] Mm-hmm.

- Tell me what you likemost about your characters?

- That's a good question.(all laughing)

I like that he's like, "Allright, nonsense, nonsense."

He's very pragmatic.

He's just like, "I gotta movethrough all this foolishness."

(all laughing)

- I think that Toledois a self-taught man.

He's self-educated.

Taught himself to read.

He taught himself to do many things.

And I think he's proudof that about himself.

So he's a man of a greatdeal of distinction.

Calls himself a distinguished gentleman.

- [Michael] (laughs) Like he is.

- Michael, what about Slow Drag?

- I like Slow Drag, thathe's a bit of a hedonist.

He knows how to...(all laughing)

No matter what is going on around him,

he's going to find a way.

He's gonna find space to have a good time.

He's gonna find a way toturn a bad situation good.

You know.(Efrem laughs)

- Always looking to have a good time.

(all laughing)

- A good time!

- Coleman, there is apivotal scene in this film,

as well as the play,

I had the opportunityto see it on Broadway,

between your character andChadwick Boseman's character,

when it comes to God andthe battle over faith.

Can you take me inside that scene?

What was it like for that to play out?

Especially in light ofall that we now know

about what Chadwick was going through?

- Well, that scene is... (sighs)

I think that's the pinnacleof a lot of the arguments

that we were having in the room.

But it's underneath all of it.

I think everyone'sarguments. Everyone's story.

It's all underneath it.

So I think it's just part of the build

that it becomes this question of faith.

And I think why it's so resonant

is because we all live with that.

Anyone who is a faithful man of God,

there's always that little thing,

that little thing in theback of your head saying,

"Well, what if this person's true?

"This person just haschallenged me with my faith

"and laid out the receipts, clearly,

"in his language and hurts."

So that's what that scene is about.

And we came at

to let ourselves be a part of it.

To bring ourselves into it.

Looking in hindsight,

I didn't know what Chadwas bringing into it.

Neither did Michael, neither did Glynn.

But we knew that in thatmoment when we filmed it,

and it was a very specialmoment where he stopped

before he could give the restof his lion's roar of language

because something washitting him at its core.

And I didn't want him to not bring it.

So I just kept forcing him

to be in the scene and keep going.

And so it was just one of those moments

that I know that hewould do the same for me.

I know that Glynn andMichael would do the same

for each other, exactly.

That's the kind of actors we are.

To get in there with each other,

and we were in there andwe refuse to let it go.

And then it exploded.

And then there was a release, we cried.

And we just held space for the moment.

Sometimes you don't knowexactly what's going on.

But you gotta have some faiththat you wanna leave room,

that the divine will reside in the room.

And I feel like we left room for that.

It was all set up by George C. Wolfe.

He set it up for us to leaveroom for the divine to reside.

And when we did that, magic happened.

Maybe catharsis happened.

Maybe there was a breakthrough.

Something that Chad needed to let that go,

to let that roar out.

And he did in that moment,and we all bore witness to it.

We all were a part of it.

That was all us.

That was these fourmen in a room together,

wrestling with something in our souls

that we didn't know was there.

So it was powerful.

Michael, what you gonna say?

- It was. It was like a yoke.

You know, a yoke was brokenfor us all, emotionally.

- "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom"is playing in select theaters

right now and streaming on Netflix.

It is for adult audiences.

For more on uplifting entertainment

be sure to check out "Studio 5."

Before we say goodbye, onthis eve of a new year,

it is time for your Thursday thankful.

Please join me in thisprayer of gratitude.

God, thank you for a challenging year.

I choose not to bury 2020.I see your hand in it.

Like a quilt maker,

you are stitching it alltogether for my good.

But more importantly,it is for your glory.

And I live to reflect your glory.

With that word, make thisfinal Thursday of the year

a thankful one, indeed.

And do that on purpose.

Well, that is gonna do it

for this edition of "CBN NewsWatch."

I wanna remind you,

you can always find moreof our news programs

on the CBN News Channel at any time.

You can also find themonline at

We'd love to know what youthink about the stories

you've seen here today byemailing us at the address

right there at the bottom ofyour screen,

And of course, you canreach out and touch us

on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

We'll see you right back here tomorrow.


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