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'An All-Consuming Grief': After Her Own Miscarriage, Christian Author Charts Her Mission to Provide Hope, Comfort for Others

'An All-Consuming Grief': After Her Own Miscarriage, Christian Author Charts Her Mission to Provide Hope, Comfort for Others Read Transcript

- The issues of miscarriage

and other pregnancy related losses

are not topics oftendiscussed in many churches.

One Christian blogger is payingtribute to the son she lost,

while providing hope for others.

- You go in with a baby andyou come out with nothing.

- On May 9th, 2016, author and blogger,

Adrianne Babbitt and her husband,

experienced one of the worst tragedies

any parent could ever go through,

the loss of their son, TimothyLyle, through miscarriage.

- As a family, it was verydifficult to come home

and the kids really didn'tunderstand, necessarily,

so it was hard to explain why,

you know, why mommy's so sad.

- Babbitt says, at times,

the pain of losing herbaby was unbearable.

- One thing I also struggled with, too,

was wanting to hurt myselfor wanting to commit suicide.

It is possible to get to a point

where it's not an all consuming grief.

- The devout Christian, Babbitt,

who already had two otherchildren, leaned on her faith.

- That is the only hope I have.

Because, I mean, having thehope of seeing my son again,

having the hope thathe's being taken care of,

that he's still a person,he's still alive in heaven.

- That faith started Babbitton a journey of healing

through writings on her blog, The Haven.

Her writings eventually led to a book

called "The Miscarriage Project:

"Testimonials of ParentsWho Found Hope in God,"

and includes stories from other parents

who have experienced similar loss,

including stillbirth, infantloss and even abortion.

- I started with my own story

and then I realized that wasn't enough

because everyone's story is different.

Everyone loses the babyat a different time

or a different way.

There was just a lot of variation,

but the Lord's saying, you know,

"You need more than just your story."

- Babbitt hopes her book can serve

as a much needed resource for churches

in reaching out to hurtingwomen in their congregations.

- Definitely a sectionabout what not to say,

what is not helpful.

The best thing someone could say to me

was, "I'm so sorry," and gaveme a hug and that was it.

If there's not women aroundwho've experienced it,

who understand what's happenedand how deep that grief is,

I think there's definitelya ministry missing there

that's not being met.

- She points out that theholidays are especially hard.

- And I remember Christmastime being really difficult

because, you know, everyone'stalking about the baby Jesus,

the baby Jesus, and maybe, you know,

instructing churches, too,

to be maybe a little more sensitive.

- Meanwhile, Babbitt and her husband

went on to have two more children,

with another on the way.

She offers hope and prayer for others

whose pain she knows all too well.

- I'm hoping they reallyfind is healing in God,

that they are able to kindof reconcile that anger

they feel towards God becauseGod did not create death

and God is not punishingthem with the miscarriage.

They can find other people

that have gone throughthese deep, dark places

and have found hope and peacein their lives beyond that.

- Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

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