One man makes a surprising discovery while attempting to fill the void of a father in his life. Plus, CBN News exposes the next battleground of jihad and what’s at stake for Christians there on today’s 700 Club.
Read Transcript
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Announcer] Today, ISIS is on the move.
- The government doesn't have the ability
to stamp out these kindsof extremist groups.
- [Announcer] And they'retraining a new generation
of terrorists.
- That's still severalhundred thousand people
we may have to worry about.
- [Announcer] Where is thenext battleground of jihad?
And what's at stake for Christians there?
- Sub-Saharan Africanow has a higher number
of people killed throughterrorism than the Middle East.
- [Announcer] On today's "700 Club."
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
A white Christmas cameearly for Americans,
millions of people, overnight it happened.
An epic storm blasted the East Coast
with heavy snow, gustywind, and showers of sleet,
wrecking havoc on highways.
And it's not over yet.
More than three feet of snowis expected in some places.
George Thomas begins our coverage.
- Winter storm Gale stretchingsome 1,000 miles barreled
into the mid-Atlanticand Northwest Wednesday,
bringing snow, sleet, and high winds.
Cleanup crews now hitting the roads,
while some car ownerslikely spending the day
getting in touch withtheir insurance companies
about accidents on those icy roads.
Two members of an EMS crew on the scene
of this accident near Pittsburgh,
lucky to be all right
after narrowly escaping this crash.
From Virginia...
- Here in the NorthernShenandoah Valley of Virginia,
just a few hours westof the capital Beltway,
a steady snow fell throughout the day
as temperatures hovered in the 20s.
Residents here brace for snowfall totals
of up to a foot or more.
- [George] To New Haven, Connecticut.
- Connecticut was forecast to get
at least a foot or more of snow,
and that's about what we'vegot on the ground right now.
But it's still coming, so we're expecting
at least a few more inches.
- [George] To New York City,Philadelphia, and Boston.
- It sucks when all thesnow is hitting your face.
It kind of stings a little.
- [George] The Nor'easterpacking heavy snow,
sleet, and stiff winds.
- Parts of Northern Pennsylvania
and the southern tierof New York picking up
over three feet of snow.
Johnson City, New York,
at the National Weather Service Office,
close to 40 inches of snow.
- [George] The powerful storm creating
treacherous drivingconditions in affected areas.
On Interstate 80 nearClinton County, Pennsylvania,
a 60-car pileup resulting into two deaths.
More than 1,300 flights were canceled,
and residents along the storm's path urged
to stay off the roads today.
- If you must travel, be sure you have
an emergency supply kit for your vehicle,
and that it is up to date.
- [George] In Pennsylvania,the governor there saying
his state was preparedto continue distribution
of the coronavirus vaccinedespite the snow storm.
While crews work around theclock to keep folks safe
on the roads today, manytaking time in these parts
to enjoy winter's first snow storm.
- It's been a while, it's been a while
since we've seen some snowas heavy as it's coming down.
- [George] George Thomas, "CBN News."
- Well, here in thegarden spot of the world,
we don't have any snow,we have a few flurries.
It's a little chilly, but other than that.
I like all the snow, it'skind of fun at Christmas time.
Well, in other news, anotherworld leader has COVID-19,
as the surge continues.
So who's stepping upto encourage Americans
to take the vaccine?
Efrem Graham has more.
- Pat, French President Emmanuel Macron
has tested positive for COVID-19.
He'll self isolate this week.
Here in the U.S. President-elect Joe Biden
and Vice President MikePence will take the vaccine
to build public confidence.
This comes as FDA advisors meet today
to consider emergencyapproval of a second vaccine.
The Moderna vaccinecould begin rolling out
5.9 million doses within days.
And more good news on the Pfizer vaccine.
Healthcare workers say the vials contain
more than the expected five doses,
up to an additional oneto two doses per vial.
Meanwhile, Congress iscloser to a relief package,
and it's adding a sweetener,$600 checks for most Americans.
The $900 billion bill also includes
unemployment enhancementloans for small businesses
and a moratorium on evictions, Pat.
- Well, ladies and gentlemen,
what we want to ask ourselves,while this is going on,
where was Congress whilethis virus was spreading?
Where was the Congress?
You ask yourself what happened?
They're finally coming throughat the very last minute
with a relief packagewhen people are suffering
all over this nation.
And when the virus wasspreading, where was Congress?
Where was it?
Well, I began to thinkover it a little bit,
and perhaps you won't mindif I refresh your memory
just a little bit, but I recall back
that Congress was having hearings
because there was a telephone call
between President Trump andthe newly-elected president
of the Ukraine, and it wasa friendly telephone call.
And the president said, "And by the way,
do me a favor, check out for me, please,
to see if there's any truth to a rumor
that Joe Biden and/or his son are involved
with a Ukraine company, Ithink he called it Burisma."
And that was it.
Well, Trump thought it wasa perfectly innocent call,
but suddenly it began to be a scandal.
And a lieutenant colonelnamed Vindman said,
"I'm detailed to listenin on those conversations,
and I was so shockedbecause it looked as if
the president of the UnitedStates was withholding aid
to an ally illegally in order
to have that ally hinder orhurt one of his opponents."
And so what does Vindmando with the information?
Does he give it to his superiors?
No, he's a lieutenant colonel,
he gives it to a Houseinvestigating committee
headed by Adam Schiff.
And then there's a guy named Jerry Nadler
who had also headed upthe Judiciary Committee.
Do you remember all that?
Sometimes we forget real quickly,
but I think we need to understand.
And then those two guysbegan to hold hearings,
and the hearings went on and on and on
and there were whistleblowers.
Well, you have to lookafter these whistleblowers.
Then somebody else comes out and says,
"I'm a lifetime member of the CIA"
and so forth and so on,
"and I've got this thing tosay against the president."
So you have endless hearings,and they're on television.
And then these committees vote,
and they vote and they sayit looks as if the president
of the United States has used his office
to withhold aid to an ally in order
to force that ally to do something
to hurt one of his opponents,and this is impeachable.
So the House Judiciary Committee
and the IntelligenceCommittee, Nadler and Schiff,
Schiff particularly, thinksof himself as a playwright,
and he began to write upthis scenario what was said.
It never was said.
He had the transcript,but he was lying about it.
He lied blatantly, but put it out as fact.
So now the House takes it up.
And instead of worrying about corona
and helping the Americanpeople in this time of stress,
they hold hearings.
And then they vote toimpeach the sitting president
on the basis of thattelephone call, remember?
Well, he used the term quixotic
because it takes a two-thirdsvote of the Senate,
and the Senate is controlledby the Republicans,
and there's no way under heaven
that the Republicans are gonna vote
to impeach their own president.
But nevertheless, there werearticles of impeachment.
Do you remember all that?
We had to listen to it.
And those articles ofimpeachment were sent formally
to the Senate after quitesome delay had taken place,
and the Senate was forced to hold a trial.
And I might add there wasevidence, and Jay Sekulow,
who is the generalcounsel of an organization
that I happen to be presidentof, the American Center
for Law and Justice, he waschosen to lead the defense.
So they actually had a trial in the Senate
before the chief judge andRoberts presided over that trial.
Now, all this whileAmericans are suffering,
they're suffering, there'sa virus coming down.
There's a possibility of a major pandemic.
Fauci had actually been in touch
with the Institute ofVirology in Wuhan, China,
and so we began to understand about it,
but the Congress did nothing.
They were too intent onimpeaching the president.
And we had to sit throughthat nonsense that went on.
And Jay Sekulow did a wonderful job.
And then the advocates for the,
the House impeachmentmanagers brought their case,
which is just ridiculous, and then Jay
and his people, he hassome excellent people,
began to give the defense.
Then the Senate voted.
The results were already concluded.
There wasn't any possibility
that a Republican Senate was going
to impeach their president,that wasn't gonna happen.
But nevertheless we had tosit through all those trials.
You remember?
Maybe some of you haveforgotten, I haven't forgotten.
We sat there and listenedday after day after day
to all of that argument, andfinally the Senate voted.
Then they said, "We do notfind the president guilty
of any impeachable offense."
And so the matter was closed.
But in the meantime, people are suffering.
There's no virus, Imean, there's no vaccine,
there's no medicine.
People are going to die from a pandemic.
But did the Democrats inthe House think about that?
Did they really care?
The answer is no, they were so intent
on destroying a presidentand going through
putting the American peoplethrough all those months
of torment, and then it was for nothing.
But that kept them busy.
And so, well, now we've got a vaccine.
Now we have a pandemic.
Now we have chaos in our society.
Remember, Santayana said,"Those that forget the lessons
of history are doomed to live them again."
And something else washappening as we've got
another chaotic situation and an election
that may be fraudulent, Efrem.
- Pat, Wednesday the Republican-led Senate
Homeland SecurityCommittee heard testimony
of alleged irregularitiesin the 2020 election,
though the courts have rejected dozens
of President Trump's lawsuits.
Senior Washington CorrespondentTara Mergener has more.
- Committee Chairman SenatorRon Johnson told the panel
he hoped for a bi-partisan hearing
that would examine the election.
Instead, it resulted in a pitched battle
between the two sides.
- This is not disinformation,this hearing today.
This is getting informationwe have to take a look at
to restore confidence inour election integrity.
- [Man] Mr. Chairman, Igot to respond to that.
I mean, you're saying I'mputting out information--
- Try.- Well, one,
I had nothing to do with thisreport you're talking about--
- You lied repeatedly--- [Gary] I did not--
- You lied repeatedly in the press
that I was spreadingRussian disinformation,
and that was an outright lie.
- [Tara] Among thosetestifying, Ken Starr,
a member of PresidentTrump's impeachment team.
- The presidential election of 2020,
with its unprecedented feature
of the use of mail-inballots, has given rise
to a number of questions.
- [Tara] Chris Krebs,the lone witness called
by Democrats and formerDHS Head of Cybersecurity,
who was fired after sayingthere was no evidence
of election fraud.
- We should also be taking a victory lap
celebrating a job well done.
On November 12th, 2020, government
and industry representatives
from the election security community
issued a joint statementreflecting a consensus perspective
that the 2020 election was themost secure in U.S. history.
- [Tara] Among thosechallenging that claim,
Trump campaign attorney James Troupis,
who went to court in Wisconsin asking that
more than 221,000absentee ballots be tossed
in a state where Trump lost
by a little more than 20,000 votes.
- Three million people properly voted
in the State of Wisconsin.
More than 200,000 identifiedduring this recount did not,
but those votes got counted.
And our statute says theyshould not have been.
That, in our view, is a tainton our election in Wisconsin.
- [Tara] Jesse Binnall,Trump's attorney in Nevada,
credited data scientistsand whistleblowers
for finding what hecalled evidence of fraud.
- Here's what we found, over 42,000,
42,000 people voted more than once.
At least 1,500 dead peopleare recorded as voting,
as shown by comparingthe list of male voters
with the social security death records.
More than 19,000 people voted,
even though they didn't live in Nevada.
- [Tara] The attorneys alsocomplained that their efforts
to investigate anyirregularities were blocked
or turned away by the courtson procedural grounds.
- Our evidence has neverbeen refuted, only ignored.
- Democrats fought back,
arguing the hearing wasdamaging to democracy
and promoting debunked conspiracy theories
about the election.
And Republican Senator Mitt Romney
also weighing in this week, saying,
"I don't see the purpose of a hearing
other than to stir up controversy."
Meanwhile, Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell
is reportedly urgingRepublican Senators privately
not to join any challengewhen Congress certifies
the electoral collegevotes on January 6th.
In Washington, I'm TaraMergener, "CBN News."
- Pat, back to you.
- Ladies and gentlemen,I've said it before,
I'll say it again, thiselection was filled with fraud,
and we can't just sitidly by and hope somehow
that they're gonna get away with it.
Now, there's talk of a special counsel.
There certainly should be oneto investigate the Bidens,
because when Joe Biden, if he is sworn in
as the next president,he's certainly not going
to put somebody in toinvestigate his own son,
who he said is, "I stand byhim, he's absolutely innocent,"
which is nonsense.
So we need a special counsel,
but there should be one to investigate
all the fraud in this election.
Something needs to be doneto get to the root of it.
And it looks like thegame is sort of over,
but not really, becausethere's still one last shot,
if the Congress doesn'tcertify the electors,
but the only way they'renot going to certify it is
if there's clear, convincing evidence
that Joe Biden and hisfamily were somehow guilty
of the type of crimethat would indeed result
in impeachment after he was elected.
And that is, again, a hail Mary pass
because most of the avenueshave been closed so far,
but it's not over yet, Efrem.
- Pat, turning to NewYork, where a Kenyan man
is facing multiple criminalcharges in an alleged plot
to carry out a 9/11 style attack.
Agents say Cholo Abdi Abdullah belongs
to the African terror group al-Shabaab
and planned to hijack a passenger plane
and crash it into a U.S. skyscraper.
Abdullah attended flightschool in the Philippines
and was seeking a visato the United States
when he was arrested in 2019.
The indictment also allegeshis internet searches included
how to breach cockpitdoors and information
on tall buildings in New York.
This week, a massive computerhack forced the government
to shut down critical networksin our nation's capital.
Now investigators areworking to assess the damage
to our national security.
Dale Hurd is on this story.
- The hacking operationdisclosed publicly Sunday
began as far back as March,
when much of the federalgovernment and many
of America's largest companiesinstalled a software update
on their IT networks thatincluded malware called SUNBURST,
which could lie dormant forweeks to avoid detection.
One security expert told "CBN News"
that on a scale of one to10, this hack was a 10.
Government officialsadmit they were stunned
by the sophistication of the hack,
and that many of America'smost deeply held secrets
may have been stolen.
- This is what's referredto as a supply chain attack,
- [Dale] Cybersecurityexpert Frank Cilluffo
is a former Homeland Security Advisor
to President George W. Bush, and a member
of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.
- They were able to accessdifferent webbels of credentials.
In other words, they gotin through the back door.
Then they were able toget into the front door
of all of our homes andall of our buildings
and all of our government agencies.
- [Dale] The infected software came
from a company calledSolarWinds in Austin, Texas,
which provides computernetwork monitoring services
to the White House,Pentagon, Secret Service,
and most of America'sFortune 500 companies.
After the hack, this pageshowing SolarWind's customers
was deleted from the company website.
The hack was so bad thatthe Pentagon Tuesday
ordered an emergency shutdown
of an internal communications network
that handles classified material,
something that reportedlyhas never happened before.
- So the potential fora catastrophic incident,
at least from an espionageperspective, is very high.
- [Dale] The mainstreammedia is calling this
a Russian hack, butofficials have only said
it looks like it was aforeign nation state,
and that could include China.
- China is incredibly active
in terms of nefarious cyber activity.
- [Dale] Whoever the hackers were
and whatever they wereafter, it could take months
or even years beforeexperts have the answers.
Dale Hurd, "CBN News."
- Quite disturbing, Pat.
- You know, as this year began,
I felt that the Lord was saying to me
that President Trumpwas going to be tested
up to the point of war by anumber of foreign countries.
One was Russia, one was China,one, of course, was Iran,
one was Turkey, and possibly North Korea.
We already have seen theRussians have launched
a submarine-delivered missile
that is capable ofhitting the United States.
North Korea has a numberof nuclear weapons,
and we're not sure exactly what they have,
but they're still working on stuff.
The Iranians definitely wantto close the Straits of Hormuz
and they want to bringabout some kind of a war.
The Chinese are making threatsto the South China Sea,
which could lead to war.
All these are comingabout while the president,
while Trump is still president.
It didn't take four more years,
he's president til January the 20th,
and these tests are comingagainst him right now.
And these foreign actors think, well,
you've got a so-called interregnum.
You maybe have two presidents,
you're not quite surewho's in charge right now.
The Pentagon doesn't havethe leadership it should.
Now's the time to act.
Folks, if there was ever atime to pray, this is it,
because whatever you think of Trump,
whether you're for him or against him,
he's still our president and he's got
to make the decisionsof whether to go to war
or whether to stand by
and let these people get away with it.
We don't know what happened,
but he's being tested sorelyin these next few weeks
that he still remains inoffice, and it's serious.
I mean, we're talkingabout the brink of war.
This hack, if it was donedeliberately by a nation,
this is an act of war, Terry.
- Well, still ahead, nocookies and milk for Santa.
As a child, this manfound a plate of syringes
under the tree.
So how did a pair of scissorsfor Christmas change his life?
Well, that's coming up.
But first, a new explosion of terrorism,
and Christians are in the hotspot.
Where are Islamic attacksnow surging, and why?
The answers after this.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- American soldiers blown up,
dozens of innocent civilians be headed.
No, this is not theMiddle East, it's Africa.
ISIS was thought to beended, but it isn't,
and it's taken refuge in this continent.
So what can be done to stop the slaughter?
George Thomas takes a closer look
at the new ground zero for jihad.
- [George] On November6th, a CIA officer formerly
of the Navy's eliteSeal Team Six is killed
in an explosion setoff by the Somali-based
Islamic terror group al-Shabaab.
The CIA operative, alongwith four Somali officers,
reportedly died during a raid
on the group's suspectedhideout south of Mogadishu.
Four days later, on November 10th,
ISIS-linked fighters behead 50 people
in a soccer stadium inNortheast Mozambique.
Then, on November 29th,Boko Haram Islamic fighters
slaughter 110 Nigerian farmers,
men and women attackedin their rice fields.
Steve Killelea tracksterror around the globe
for the Australia-based Institutefor Economics and Peace.
He tells "CBN News" thecenter of gravity for ISIS
and other Islamic terrororganizations is clearly moving.
- Sub-Saharan Africanow has a higher number
of people killed through terrorism
than the Middle East and North Africa.
Killelea's group publishes the annual
"Global Terrorism Index."
He says while the deathtoll from terrorism
around the world has dropped,
Islamic terror attacksin Africa are surging.
- We look at the 10 countrieswith the largest increases
in deaths from terrorism,seven of those countries are
in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- [George] Burkina Faso, Mozambique,
the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali,
Niger, Cameroon, and Ethiopia among those
witnessing a spike in attacks this year.
The State Department'sHead for Counter-Terrorism,
Ambassador Nathan Sales,describing to reporters
during a digital press conference about
what drives this wave of terror,
whether in Nigeria or Mozambique.
- [Nathan] What we'reseeing today is a committed
ISIS affiliate thatembraces the ISIS ideology,
that embraces the ISIStactics and procedures,
and that embraces theISIS vision of caliphates.
- [George] And the jihadistgroups are recruiting followers.
10% of those recently surveyedacross 14 countries said
they'd been approached byradical Islamic groups.
Michael O'Hanlon is withBrookings Institute.
- There are a couple of hundredmillion Islamic Africans,
Muslim Africans, and if only0.01% are tempted by extremism,
that's still severalhundred thousand people
we may have to worry about.
- [George] Nigeria sits at the epicenter.
- Nigeria is where the most lethal
and most active external Islamicfaith province is located.
- [George] Jacob Zenn writes extensively
on Boko Haram, the Nigeria-basedIslamic terror group.
According to the "Global Terrorism Index,"
Boko Haram, which haspledged allegiance to ISIS,
has been responsible for morethan 57,000 deaths since 2011.
- And their increasing capabilities
over the past few years has been alarming.
- [George] - Boko Haramleader Abubakar Shekau,
now Africa's most wanted man,
wants to turn Nigeria Islamic,
and force Christians, half its population,
to either leave, convert to Islam, or die.
Johnnie Moore, co-author of the new book,
"The Next Jihad," calledwhat's happening here
nothing short of Christian genocide.
- It's the exact sameplaybook that ISIS used
against Christians and Yazidis in Iraq.
Boko Haram was already killingmore people in Nigeria,
Christians, in fact, than ISIS did
at their height in Iraq and Syria.
- [George] It led theState Department last week
to call out Nigeria for failing
to stem the religious persecution,
the first time a democracyhas ever been cited
for violating religious freedom.
Lack of security is a chief factor
fueling the jihadist movement.
- Of course, many ofthese African countries
have very weak governments,which means there is frustration
among many of their people,and there's also difficulty
in providing security.
So the government doesn'thave the ability to find
and stamp out these kindsof extremist groups.
- [George] With terrorism increasing,
Ambassador Sales saysAfrican governments need
to focus on confronting violent extremism.
25 active Islamic groups nowoperate on the continent.
That's up from just five 10 years ago.
And according to the "Intercept,"
the U.S. has 29 militarybases across Africa,
almost all engaged in the fight
against Islamic extremist groups.
- [Nathan] Our emphasis inboosting counter-terrorism
capabilities not only inAfrica but around the world is
to bolster law enforcementand border security
and countering the financingof terrorism capabilities
to really defeat the ideologythat inspires some people
to embrace radicalism and violence.
- [George] George Thomas, "CBN News."
- I want you to know, folks,Islam, the word Islam,
does not mean peace.
I remember some time ago formerPresident George Bush, Jr.
said Islam is the religion of peace.
Islam does not mean peace,it means submission.
And it has nothing to do with peace.
They are a militant groupand they're killing people
all around the world.
And if ISIS resumes itself,
Baghdadi was killed, hewas the founder of ISIS,
but it's just one moreform of extreme Islam.
And as long as you havegroups that are motivated
by terror and violence, thenwe're gonna have trouble.
And what do you do?
Well, you pray against it yes,
but at the same time you resist it.
We have to resist this kind of thing.
There has to be a police force.
Somebody's gotta be there.
That's why the United Statesof America is so important.
There is no nation onthe face of the earth
that has the militarypower, the economic power
that can resist all these things
that are breaking out in the world.
And we hate to be the world's policeman,
but at the same time,somebody has got to do it.
And if we don't do it,it will spread here.
And the next thing you know there's gonna
be people killed inChicago and San Francisco
and New York and all the other cities.
And as a matter of fact,that's just exactly
what Antifa and these groups are doing,
they are killing people.
We must stand up against it, Terry.
- Well, up next, meet a barber
who offers much more thana shave and a haircut.
What Christmas gifthelped this former addict
kick the habit?
He'll tell you himself, that's coming up.
Plus, it's informative, entertaining,
and always unpredictable.
We've got your questions, and Pat has
some honest answers for you.
Shawn says "Please help me to understand
what is going on with theelection and our nation.
Why are the Democrats allowedto steal wat is not theirs?"
Pat will tell it likeit is, that's coming up.
(bright Christmas music)
(soothing Christmas music)
- The Lord said if somebodyturns one of these little ones
who believes in me against me,
it would be better if he hada millstone tied to his neck
and he was drowned in thedeepest part of the sea.
Just think of this little boy.
As a child, Greg left milkand cookies for Santa.
What a sweet thing to do.
In exchange, Greg founda plate of syringes
under the tree.
Greg's dad was a hardcore drug addict,
and Greg ended up in his footsteps.
So how did a Christmas gifthelp to redeem his life?
Take a look.
- [Reporter] For many barbers,
clippers are just a tool of the trade.
For Greg Colon, theysymbolize a gesture of love,
a Christmas gift from hisdad when he was 15 years old.
- In my heart, it meant the world, it did.
- [Reporter] But at thetime, Greg couldn't show it.
- Such a tornado of emotions going on.
I just knew I didn't wantanything to do with him.
- [Reporter] That's becauseas long as Greg could remember
his dad was a drugaddict and rarely around.
And when he was...
- My earliest memories,I remember waking up
one Christmas morningseeing a plate of syringes
where we left the cookiesand milk for Santa.
- [Reporter] At nine,Greg and his siblings went
to live with theirgrandparents in the Bronx.
They had little to offer interms of material things,
but what they could give was love.
But for a kid desperatelyneeding acceptance,
that wasn't enough.
- What attracted me werethe more violent kids.
Kids who always had the nicesneakers, the nice clothes.
- [Reporter] Little bylittle Greg was pulled in
by the kids he admired.
The only thing keepinghim back was his love
and respect for his grandfather.
Then when Greg was 12,
he watched his grandfatherdie of a heart attack.
- The one person in my life whowas a father figure, mentor.
You know, somebody who really,
somebody who really got me as a kid
and actually cared, that was gone.
And I was just empty inside.
- [Reporter] It wasn't long
before Greg started sellingdrugs, chasing the things
he thought would fill theemptiness in his life.
- I was making money to do things that,
to give myself things peoplecouldn't give to me before.
- [Reporter] By 15, Greg haddropped out of high school.
Not only was he sellingdrugs, he was using them.
It was then he and his brothermoved in with their dad,
who was now drug-free and wanted
to build a relationship with his sons.
But Greg couldn't let goof his hurt and anger.
- I guess I blamed him,'cause like my grandfather,
he was the one I really wanted.
I have no business being around you.
- [Reporter] But thatbitterness would start
to lose its edge.
It was Christmas of that year.
By then, Greg had started cutting hair
for some of the boys in the neighborhood.
- I opened up one of my gifts,
and it was like a real good pair of,
like a professional pair of clippers.
And he was like, "Oh no, 'causeI know you're into this."
So I think he saw how muchI actually enjoyed it.
- [Reporter] It took time, but the rift
between father and son began to close.
Then Greg would suffermore devastating losses.
First, his mom who died from alcoholism.
Then two years after comingback into his son's life,
Greg's father died fromAIDS when Greg was 19.
- I just feel so guilty thatI didn't have the chance
to right any wrongs.
- [Reporter] By now, Greg was all in
building his drug business.
He even opened a barbershopto serve as a front.
And while it afforded him thelifestyle he had dreamed of,
it didn't fill his need to be loved
or ease the pain of his losses.
- It was all about me, it was about money,
it was about greed, and itwas about self-indulgence.
- [Reporter] Greg foundsolace through drug addiction.
- I just didn't know how to live
without any sort of substance.
I liked it, I loved, I liked it,
I loved the way I was living.
I loved what it could do for me.
I loved how it made me feel.
- [Reporter] He made afew attempts at rehab,
but they all failed.
By 2015, Greg, now 34,had lost everything.
Finally, his sister convinced him
to try rehab one more time.
- I was so hardened bywhat I did to myself,
I would look for anybody to blame.
And now it was like really nobody left
for me to blame but God.
- [Reporter] Aftercompleting a detox program,
he moved into a recoveryhome in Alexandria, Virginia.
There he met Pastor Garrett Kell.
- He opens up the Book of John,
and right away he startspointing me to Jesus.
He was like, "You know He loves you."
I never thought anybody did.
- [Reporter] Throughchurch and the support
of a Christian community,Greg felt the years
of hurt and anger falling away.
One day while havingcoffee with Pastor Garrett,
Greg realized he was a changed man,
loved and accepted by God.
- He looks at me, he goes,"Why are you smiling?"
I was like, "I want to commit to the Lord,
'cause Jesus has done so much in my life."
I got some sort of freedom,I got a peace in my heart.
My life has changed, my worldgot flipped upside down.
And Jesus did all that for me.
I'm a man of the Lord.
I'm the son of a King.
- [Reporter] Today Greg isstill a barber, and loving it,
because every timesomeone sits in his chair,
he sees an opportunity to share his story
and the life-changingpower of Jesus Christ.
- The Word, the Word is life.
The gospel is true.
When you accept JesusChrist into your life,
change just happens, it just happens.
- So many people at this Christmas,
you've been brought up by brutal parents,
you've been brought up bypeople who were drug addicts,
people who weren't living as they should.
Or you've lost a loved oneand you've felt so alone.
And you know, we're looking for love.
That song, "I'm looking forlove in all the wrong places,"
but we're looking for love.
And there's only one person
who really loves us unreservedly.
Now I tell you what,Jesus Christ died for you,
and that's something you can't take back.
It's one thing for somebody to say,
"Yeah, I love you, kid, Imean, I really love you,"
and then he goes off and does something
that shows just the opposite,but Jesus Christ died,
and He died while we were yet sinners.
And He loved us so much,while we were still sinners,
He died for us, and Hecouldn't take that back.
It's done, it's a finished, complete work.
And so if you really want to know peace,
you want to know joy andyou want to know acceptance
and you want to know whatit is to have somebody
who really loves you and cares about you,
with no gimmicks, notakeaways, no reversals,
Jesus Christ died thatyou might live forever.
And if you will receive Him,
"He that hears my word," Jesus said,
"and believes on Him who sent me,
has everlasting life, and youwill not come into judgment."
And I believe that youwill know peace and joy
you have never known before.
And how do you do it?
You open your heart right now
and you say, Lord, I'mlonely, I'm hurting.
I don't know quite what to do,
but I'm gonna ask youto come into my heart.
I'm going to pray with you,I'll ask you to pray with me.
And if you do it, God's gonna hear
and He's going to answer, all right?
Right now, not tomorrow,not Christmas Day,
today, this very day, pray these words,
Jesus, that's right, pray with me,
Jesus, you know the hurtsthat I have suffered.
You know the losses I have experienced.
You know the loneliness,you know the frustration.
And you also know the sin thatI have committed in my life.
Lord, I come to you and I just lay it all
at the feet of your cross andsay, Lord, please help me.
I believe that you died for my sins,
and I believe that you rose again
that I might have everlasting life.
So Lord, at this moment I turn away
from the loneliness,the sin, the heartbreak,
and anything that I've done that's wrong,
and I turn to you and I sayLord, come into my heart.
From this moment on be my Lord and Savior.
I give you my life.
Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus' name, thank you.
Now, if you prayed with me just then,
I want to pray for you.
Father, just touch thosewho prayed with me,
men, women, boys, girls, touchthem all by the power of God
and let them be filled with Your Spirit.
Now, for those who've prayed,I want to give you something.
It's called "A New Day."
In it I've got a teaching.
I did it some time ago.
It's about 73 minutesof very intense about
what happened to you, you justgave your heart to the Lord.
How come you've got this peace?
What does it mean to be born again?
What does it mean tohave an exchanged life?
And if you sin, what'llGod do to you then?
Well, it's all here of howHe'll forgive and love you
and what it means to bea new creature in Christ.
I'm gonna send this to you free.
There's no finances involved whatsoever.
All you have to do is pick up the phone,
call in and you cansay, I prayed with Pat.
I gave my heart to the Lord.
Please send me this littlepacket, "A New Day."
And if you don't want to giveus your name, that's cool too.
But you just need to call and say, look,
I have given my heart tothe Lord, tell somebody.
And we've got folks onthe phone, the Bible says
the angels of heaven rejoiceover one sinner that repents.
All heaven is praising God because
of this decision you just made.
You've got angels, angels in heaven
praising God because of you.
So don't make a, I mean,make a big deal of it.
It's a major thing.
So go to your phones, callin, it's 1-800-700-7000.
Somebody is on the phonewho cares about you,
who loves you, Terry.
- Well, still ahead, we've got your email.
This viewer says, "Iwas young, got pregnant,
and had an abortion, not once, but twice.
Do you think I'm deniedheaven for this mistake?"
We have your questions andPat's got some honest answers.
That's later on today's show.
But first, spreading Christmascheer to military families.
Not even a pandemic can stopthis Superbook giveaway.
See for yourself, that's coming up.
(bright Christmas music)
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"
for this CBN Newsbreak.
The first home test for COVID-19
that doesn't require aprescription will soon be
on stores in the U.S.shelves in the United States.
Regulators authorized therapid coronavirus test,
which can be done entirely at home.
A patient can swab theirnose and get results
in about 20 minutes.
The FDA's action allows salesin places like drug stores.
The test will be widelyavailable next year.
Country music legend DollyParton is sharing the secret
to her daily success.
She says it all begins with the Bible,
telling the magazine "MarieClaire" she gets an early start,
waking up at about 3:00 every morning
to spend time with God, saying,
"Every single day, before I do anything,
I wake up and I thank God for the night
and ask Him to bless the day and to bring
all the right things andjust to guide me, lead me.
And I always pray thatHe'll let me uplift mankind
and glorify Him."
She then reads scriptureto get the day started.
I want to remind you, youcan always get the latest
from CBN News by going toour website at
Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's "700 Club."
It's coming up right after this.
(dramatic music)
("Joy to the World")
- 4,000 Christmas boxesstuffed with Superbook goodies,
and all of them headed to thechildren of military families.
So how are they deliveredin the middle of a pandemic?
No problem, with a hostof Santa's helpers.
- [Reporter] When CBNproduced 4,000 Superbook
Christmas boxes to give to children
in military families this year,
we knew the 2020 pandemicwould present challenges.
But that didn't stop us.
CBN's Operation Blessingand Helping the Home Front
partnered with multipleorganizations, chaplains,
and churches to make it happen.
- This has been such anamazing group effort,
and one that Helping the Home Front
is so honored to be a part of.
There is so manyorganizations, including CBN,
that said we are not lettingthis pandemic stop us this year
from getting these gifts into the hands
of military children.
- [Reporter] CBN teamedup with the outreach
Support Military Families,who already had drive-thrus
scheduled to give away gift bags.
They were thrilled to give out thousands
of Superbook boxes too.
Manna Church near Fort Bragg was one
of several churchesthat gathered volunteers
to staff the events.
Pastor Tommy Cartwrightexplains why Manna wanted
to participate, even withthe challenges of 2020.
- We just want to show God'slove in a practical way,
and it's not just us, it's partnering
with like-minded organizations
like Helping the Home Front,
which through thispartnership we've been able
to bless just so many young soldiers
here at the Fort Bragg area.
- I love serving thefellow military spouses
in my community.
This is such an amazingopportunity to give back
and also to just bless these spouses
that really sacrifice so much.
- [Reporter] And everymilitary family was grateful
for their Superbook box.
- My kids are reallyexcited in the backseat.
They can't wait to gethome and see what's in it.
And they love theirlittle Christmas goodies.
- Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
I'm thankful for the community,
especially supportingthe military families,
and with COVID it helps our family a lot.
- This is so amazing thatyou guys are doing this.
I'm just letting them knowhow much this really means
to me and my family,you're gonna make me cry.
- [Reporter] Thank you, CBN partners
for ensuring that the 2020pandemic didn't stop an army
of believers determined to bless children
in military families.
- Our thanks to all of youwho supported our Superbook
Merry Christmas box giveaway.
Because of you, 4,000 boxesfilled with Superbook DVDs,
toys, and much more have been distributed
to deserving activeduty military families.
And if you're a member of "The 700 Club,"
thanks to you, CBN'sHelping the Home Front
is assisting militaryfamilies all year long.
You know, Helping the Home Front,
if you're a CBN partner, isjust one of the things you do.
There are things happeningall around the world.
Maybe the most importantis sharing the gospel
with people here at homeand all around the globe.
But practical things as well.
So we say thank you.
You know, all of that happens
when people join The 700Club for 65 cents a day,
$20 a month, that's a general membership.
There are lots of levels you can join at.
And as we come to the end of the year,
just want to ask you if you'd encourage
increasing your giving.
Some of you might becomingpartners for the first time,
but some of you, would yougo up to the next level,
so that in 2021 we cannotjust continue what we do,
but we can expand it?
And when you call our tollfree number, 1-800-700-7000
and say you want to join The 700 Club,
would you say you'd like todo it using Pledge Express?
That's electronic monthly giving.
It means your bank does all the work.
It's actually pretty wonderful.
You don't have to rememberstamps, envelopes,
even giving, it's all done for you.
You can stop it whenever you want,
but it does save us someadministrative costs
so even more of your gift can go
right into the lives of people in need.
Our way of saying thank youfor using Pledge Express is
to send you "Power for Life" teachings.
You're gonna get one ofthese every single month.
We think they'll be agreat blessing to you
as you deepen your walk with the Lord.
And it'll also be a reminderthat you're making a difference
in the lives of others.
So give us a call right nowand join with the rest of us.
You can make a difference.
You ready for some emails?
- I'll let you know after I hear them.
- [Terry] Okay (laughs).
- [Pat] We'll see what we can do.
- This is Shawn, who says, "Hi, Pat,
please help me tounderstand what is going on
with the election and our nation.
My family and I havebeen so stressed over it.
Why are the Democrats allowedto steal what is not theirs?
Why isn't God answering us?
And is it too late?"
- I don't think it's too late.
And I think God's gonna answer.
He is, the Lord is in charge,
and He lifts up one, He puts down another.
But you have to know that the media,
the media is in thetank for Biden and them.
The so-called mainstreammedia is deceiving people.
They're hiding the truth about Biden.
They hid the truth aboutall this Hunter Biden stuff.
And the results of some of these surveys
have been distorted, you go down the list.
And the reason that the Democratscan get away with this is
because nobody will hold them accountable.
The media is just not beinghonest with the American people.
They have failed dreadfully.
And down the road, they may have won one,
but I think they've lost outin terms of public support.
But when you go into a communist country,
it doesn't matter what the media, I mean,
the general public thinks,
the people who've got the gunsare in charge and that's it.
- This is the viewer whosays, "When I was young,
got pregnant and had an abortion,"
or "I was young, gotpregnant, had an abortion,
not once but twice, andI think about it often.
It hurts my heart thatI made that mistake.
I'm saved now and takingmy journey with God,
but I just can't get past the fact
that I don't think God has forgiven me
for something that terrible.
Do you think I'm deniedheaven for this mistake?"
- Heaven's no.
Look, slander is just as bad as murder,
and it's all the same.
And people slander all thetime, they do all this stuff.
The Bible says to haveyour conscience cleansed
from dead works that youmight serve the living God.
And that's what God wants,He wants your service.
But look, all sins andblasphemies will be forgiven
the sons of man, so askthe Lord and say, look,
I committed sin, confess it to Him,
and then take what the Biblesays and move forward now.
He wants your service, not you to keep on
beating yourself up oversomething you did in the past.
- This is Marifel, who says,
"Are Elijah and Johnthe Baptist the same?"
- Not really, I mean, Elijahwas a great man of God,
and he represented the Old Testament.
And the Bible says Elijah would come
before the coming of Messiah.
And so Jesus said, John theBaptist is like the Elijah,
but he's not Elijah,he's John the Baptist.
But he had the role of Elijah.
- That's all we have for today,
but we thank you all for your questions.
- Thanks, that was a quickie.
Well, today's power minuteis from the Book of Luke.
"And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not,
for behold, I bring yougood tidings of great joy,
which will be to all people.'"
Well, tomorrow we'vegot Superbook's Gizmo,
who's gonna be making someanswers to some questions.
You'll find that very intriguing.
But thanks so much for being with us.
God bless you, and welook forward seeing you,
in my case, next Monday.
- [Terry] Monday, you'llbe with us on Monday.
- All right, God bless all ofyou, see you later, bye bye.
(upbeat music)