Author Nina Keegan shares about her new “100 Days with God†devotional. Plus, Pastor Allen Jackson issues a call to revival for the church on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up.
Are you being lied to?
- They're simply thereto put forth a narrative.
- [Gordon] The media isn'ttelling you the whole truth.
How can you fight back against fake news?
- [Sharyl] They're pulling strings
on nearly every form of information
that crosses our path and daily lives.
- On today's "700 Club."
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
Well welcome to "The 700 Club"and Merry Christmas to all.
Well, we're just one step away.
That's how close the USis to approving a vaccine
in the fight against the coronavirus,
and Americans could be just days away
from receiving the first doses.
- Every 30 seconds,someone dies from COVID-19.
So why are only half of Americans surveyed
saying they're willing to take the shot?
Caitlin Burke has the story.
- [Caitlin] One of themost critical moments
in the fight against COVID-19
happened late Thursdayafternoon over a Zoom call.
- We do have a favorable vote.
- That vote, endorsing widespread use
of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine
and putting the US only one step away
from an epic vaccination campaign
against the virus that's killedmore than 300,000 Americans.
- We really want to treat this vaccine
as the liquid gold that it is
because it's really the only tool
that we have right now in our toolbox
to take care of this disease.
- [Caitlin] Next, it goes to the full FDA
for authorization andthen, within 24 hours,
Pfizer will send out thefirst 2.9 million doses.
- We can act quickly, and we intend to.
We understand theurgency of the situation.
We want to make sure we makethe absolute best decision
for the American people.
- [Caitlin] The Pfizer vaccinewas found to be 95% effective
with no serious side effects.
The first doses will goto healthcare workers
and nursing home residents.
- Personally, I cannot rollup my sleep fast enough
to get this vaccination.
- [Caitlin] A pivotal moment
happening as the US reachesanother grim milestone,
over 3,000 deaths in a single day.
That's a reported fatality fromthe virus every 30 seconds.
- People still don'tthink this is a big deal.
They think it's kind of fake news.
It's not. It's real.
The numbers are absolutely real.
- But many Americans
still have questions about the vaccines,
with only about half sayingin a new Associated Press poll
that they're ready to take the shot.
Pfizer says it can have 25million doses of the vaccine
for the US by the end of December,
and it likely won't bethe only option for long.
Officials are hopeful we'llhave FDA authorization
for vaccines from Moderna, AstraZeneca,
and Johnson & Johnson as well
as health experts hope these medications
will finally defeat the outbreak.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Well, this is somethingwe've prayed for.
We've prayed for medical breakthroughs.
We've prayed for doctors, for scientists
to have the insight in orderto come up with a vaccine,
and now they have.
And this one's based onsome unusual, new technology
having to do with the manufacturer of RNA.
And so it's mimicking the virus
and then providing an immune response.
And so I applaud this.
This is a wonderful thing,a wonderful development.
If you're at risk, and if youdon't know if you're at risk,
you're probably not,but if you are at risk,
I would encourage you,please get a vaccine.
There's all kinds ofrumors on the internet
that somehow or other there'sgoing to be a microchip
injected into you.
This particular vaccine from Pfizer
doesn't contain any fetal tissue at all.
So all of the internetobjections, if you're at risk,
it would be much better for you
to take whatever risks areassociated with a new vaccine
than to actually get the virus.
If you get the virus andyou're at risk, you face death.
If you get the vaccine,
you're now going to be 95%protected against that.
That, in my opinion,is a good risk to take.
In other news, the Texas lawsuit
challenging the electionresults in four swing states
is now gaining some support.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN news bureau in Washington.
- That's right, Gordon.
106 Republicans in Congress
and multiple state attorneys general
are now supporting that lawsuit,
with six states asking the Supreme Court
to let them join the Texascase as parties to the suit.
It says government officialsin four swing states,
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia,
and Wisconsin, violated the Constitution
by changing electionprocedures, something they say
that state legislaturesare supposed to do.
Those four states firedback at the suit Thursday,
with Pennsylvania callingthe case a meritless abuse
of the judicial process.
And multiple legal analystsbelieve it is a long shot.
Even so, many Republicansare urging the Supreme Court
to hear the case.
Well, in Georgia, early voting
for the state Senate runoffs begins soon.
Voters there determining
not only who will fillGeorgia's two Senate seats,
but also deciding who willcontrol the Senate itself
and the balance of powerright here in Washington.
CBN's Eric Philips traveled to Georgia
to cover the campaign.
- The stakes are so incredibly high
and millions are being spent on both sides
to get out the vote for theJanuary 5th runoff election.
But how should Christians view it?
There are differing perspectives
even within the body of Christ.
- Well, it's very important
because, unless something changes,
we're staring down the barrelof a Joe Biden presidency.
I think for believers,it means everything.
- I think we have to makesure that our voting is rooted
in the value of the gospel.
- [Eric] No matter who you ask,
the consensus is the Senaterunoff election in Georgia
is pivotal, especially for Christians.
Ralph Reed heads theconservative, Atlanta-based
Faith & Freedom Coalition.
He says Christians are called by God
for such a time as this.
- And He has placed usin the United States
right now at this hourto be faithful witnesses
to His glory and His goodness.
- Reed says he wants to usethe massive voting strength
of evangelicals to tip the scales
in favor of RepublicanSenators Kelly Loeffler
and David Perdue becauseof what's at stake
if the other side wins,including Israel's sovereignty.
- Massive tax increases,
to gut the ReligiousFreedom Restoration Act
which protects our First Amendment right
to freedom of religion.
Raphael Warnock is pro-abortion.
He says that abortion ondemand is entirely consistent
with his view as a Christian minister.
I don't know how you cansupport an agenda that extreme.
- I'll always fight fortheir right to be wrong.
- [Eric] Reverend BillyHonor is a faith organizer
in Georgia and has been pushing voters,
particularly in historicallymarginalized communities,
to engage by mail since 2018,when Democrat Stacey Abrams
narrowly lost her bid forgovernor to Republican Brian Kemp.
- I'm a gospel-centeredtype of civic-minded person.
I've always said that.
But mine is actually rooted in the gospel,
and that is the Gospel ofLuke, where He says that,
Jesus, "I've come to open up the prison
to those that are bound."
Jesus says, "I've cometo say to all of them
that this is your time."
- [Eric] Honor agreesChristians are called to action,
but differs on what that means.
- Who's wanting to open uphospitals in rural communities
and who's wanting to close them, right?
Who's wanting to expandaccess to healthcare
and who's wanting to reduce it, right?
Who's wanting to expand accessto unemployment insurance
during this time of pandemic
and who wants to foreclose on it?
- [Eric] He says all peopleof faith, even Christians,
won't vote the same way, apoint Reed acknowledges as well.
But both are working hardto make sure believers
get to the polls.
- She got one more vote.
You know, that the job isn't done yet.
- And I pray for us tocontinue to be found faithful.
- Ralph Reed said theupcoming runoff election
is not one of persuasion,but one of participation.
In other words, whichever side
gets more of its base tothe polls will likely win.
And no matter how you slice it,
Christians make up a crucialpart of the voting block.
In Atlanta, Georgia,Eric Philips, CBN News.
- All right. Thank you, Eric.
Well turning overseas,
Morocco is the latest Arab country
to agree to normalize diplomaticrelations with Israel.
President Trump making thatannouncement yesterday.
The North African countrybecomes the fourth Arab nation
in four months to make the move,
all as a part of the Trumpadministration's Abraham Accords.
The White House says the agreement
will expand economicand cultural cooperation
and advance stability in the region.
Well since the signingof the Abraham Accords
between Israel and Arab nations,
many have speculated SaudiArabia might follow suit.
But as CBN Middle EastBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
reports from Jerusalem, thereare other factors at play.
- [Chris] Just this past week,
a Saudi prince unexpectedly blasted Israel
during a security conference in Bahrain
in a session ironically titledNew Security Partnerships
in the Middle East.
- They profess thatthey want to be friends
with Saudi Arabia,
and yet, all Israeli governments
are the last of theWestern colonizing powers
of the Middle East.
From the time of the Balfour Declaration,
they have forcibly evictedthe habitats of Palestine
after the 1948 war.
- [Chris] Israeli ForeignMinister Gabi Ashkenazi
spoke by video after the prince.
- I would like to express my regret
on the comments of theSaudi representative,
the foreign minister.
I don't believe thatthey reflect the spirit
and the changes takingplace in the Middle East.
- The real question then is:
Does that say that the whole Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia has an attitude problem,
or does it say that thisguy has an attitude problem?
- [Chris] Former IsraeliUN ambassador Dore Gold
also attended that conference,
witnessing the prince's accusations.
- I think he was being usedby the highest authorities
in Saudi Arabia to put somedistance between us and them.
- [Chris] Gold tells CBN Newsthe attitude toward Israelis
appeared very warm except for the prince.
Gold believes Saudi Arabiacould still come around,
mainly because they have a common enemy.
- I think it's the Iranian factor
which gave birth to theIsraeli-Arab peace process
as we know it today.
- [Chris] Danny Danon,another former UN ambassador,
tells CBN News he believes the Saudis
will eventually join the Abraham Accords.
- They're the most importantone for the region, for Israel,
and they understand thatonce they will normalize
the relationship with Israel,
we will see much morestability in the region
and it will be a major fault
the block the hostility coming form Iran.
- [Chris] Gold points to Washington
as being the major part of this puzzle
and what happens next.
- If they hear from Washington,
"We like the Abraham Accords.
We want more treaties
between Israel and its neighbors," great.
- [Chris] Gold says whilethe Trump administration
has improved the connectionbetween Saudi Arabia and Israel,
which led to opening itsairspace to Israeli planes,
it could all change ifa Biden administration
were to take a different approach.
- If, on the other hand,they don't acknowledge that
and they say, "Now you want to improve
the Middle East environment,
give the Palestinians more money
and make the Palestiniansthe center of everything,"
that will not move us very far along.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thanks, Chris.
Gordon, how much doesthe prince's comments
pour cold water on thewarming relations with Israel?
- Well, I hope it doesn'tpour any cold water
because, factually, it's just wrong.
What he said is not the historical record.
Here's the historical record.
The League of Nations got together
because they won World War I.
In winning World War I, theOttoman Empire was dissolved
and so countries were created.
Iraq was created.
Saudi Arabia was created.
Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians
were put into a special British Mandate.
In that mandate, the League of Nations,
at the San Remo Conference, said,
"We need to establish a Jewish homeland
and a Jewish state in the former lands
owned by the Ottoman Empire."
And that was the whole purposeof the British Mandate.
The Palestinians, it's amistake to call them that
because they didn't evencall themselves that
way back in the 1920s, they were Arabs.
They were ethnic Arabs
who had been brought in by theOttomans to work their land.
And they didn't own theland. The Ottomans did.
So they've steadfastlyresisted a Jewish state
and did so for purereasons of anti-Semitism.
To say that they were forcibly evicted
is, again, an historical lie.
When the Israeli statewas announced in 1948,
the Arab nations surrounding Israel
all declared war against her,
and they said to the Arabinhabitants, "Please evacuate
because we don't want youto be a casualty in the war.
When we win the war, you can move back."
So to say it's a forcibleeviction is, again,
it's not part of thehistorical record at all.
I'm really getting tiredof the revisionist history.
We also see the same revisionist history
in President Obama's memoirs,
where he's talking abouta British occupation.
It wasn't a British occupation at all.
This was all establishedby international law.
It was all establishedby the League of Nations.
And the UN specifically,when it was formed
after another World War, World War II,
it adopted all of the policiesof the League of Nations.
So this is established international law.
Israel has a right to exist.
And it's high time forall the neighboring states
to recognize that right.
Now, we've got something that's happened
under the current administration,
under the Trump administration.
It's a radical move.
We're no longer going to focus
solely on the Palestinian problem.
We're going to go around it
and we're going to establish peace
with each individual stateand create a new block
and a new alliance within the Middle East.
It's an absolute, brilliant stroke.
Under Secretary of State John Kerry,
he said, "No, you can't do that.
You can't have individual peace.
You have to first solvethe Palestinian problem."
Well, when you look at the world that way,
you end up with an unsolvable problem
because the Palestinians neverwant to solve the problem.
They don't want a two state solution.
They do not want peace.
And this has been thereality for 100 years now.
Let's wake up to the reality.
They want to drive Israel into the sea.
They teach their children that.
They reward people who kill Jews.
They reward them based onthe severity of the sentence
that they receive inIsrael for acts of terror.
When you look at itfrom this point of view,
our foreign policy on thishas been absolutely nuts
and has been that way for decades.
It's so refreshing tofind someone that says,
"No, this isn't the way anymore.
And by all means,
the American taxpayersaren't gonna pay for this
and so we're gonna stop payingthe Palestinian Authority
and we're gonna stop paying UNRWA."
Well, elections have consequences,
and here's some consequencesthat we should be looking at.
Number one, Biden has already said
he's going to re-institute payments
to the Palestinian Authority and to UNRWA.
I find that absolutely unbelievable.
Legally, he's gonna have a problem
because of the Taylor Force Act
and because of another terrorism act
that was passed in 2018.
So he's going to facelegal challenges to this
because, if any of the moneygoes to those terrorists,
he's got a big problem.
Here's the second problem.
He's been encouraged tore-activate the Iranian treaty
on its current levelwith no renegotiation.
I find this absolutelyincredible that we would try
to bring this back up after it's so plain
that they're trying todevelop a nuclear weapon
and they were using thattreaty as a cover for it.
This is incredible.
For Iran to get a nuclearweapon is unbelievable,
completely destabilizing to the region.
And that's one of the keysto the Abraham Accords.
It's trying to createan alliance against Iran
and Iran's aggression,which has been evident.
They launched drone attacks
against the refineries in Saudi Arabia.
They've used proxies againstour own troops in Iraq.
They have been funding Hamas
and other terror groups for decades.
They are the number onestate sponsor of terrorism
in the world today.
Now here's something that just happened.
Representative Gregory Meeks,he's the incoming head,
chair of the House of Representatives
Foreign Affairs Committee.
This man has real power.
He wrote a letter to Biden,
saying, "Please re-institutethe Iranian treaty
without any renegotiation."
I find it incredible that a congressman
with that kind of authorityand that kind of information
would write that letter.
But that's what we're facing.
That's what we're looking at.
I hope the Biden administration,
I hope the incoming secretary of state,
I hope they all wake up to this
and say a nuclear Iranis a non-starter for us.
Let's go forward with the Abraham Accords.
Let's not make the Palestinian Authority
the deciding issue in the Middle East.
Let's create coalitions to come against
what is a, quite clearly,an aggressive power
using terrorism, using drones.
If they get nuclearweapons, the game's over.
- Well, still ahead,stabbing pain in his side.
This man had a cyst on his kidney.
See how he was supernaturallyhealed in an instant.
And up next, media malpractice,
and it may have costPresident Trump the election.
How has fake news distortedreality, and can we stop it?
One insider revealsthe answers after this.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
- Well print and broadcast journalists,
comedians, and other entertainers,
they all put their own slant on the news.
Media bias has been around aslong as there's been media.
So what's new?
It's now risen to a level so pervasive,
it may have swayed theoutcome of the election.
Gary Lane has the story.
- In this era of fake newsand social media censorship,
Americans are showing littletrust in mainstream media.
A Gallup poll taken justprior to the election
found that only 9% of those questioned
trust the media a great deal.
1/3, 33%, said they don'ttrust the media at all.
Sharyl Attkisson is a veteran journalist,
former CBS investigative reporter,
and host of the Sunday morningprogram, "Full Measure."
Her new book is "Slanted:
How the News Media TaughtUs to Love Censorship
and Hate Journalism."
- They're simply thereto put forth a narrative.
They're not acting asnews as we once knew it
or as journalists as wetraditionally understood them to be.
They're simply trying to forward
certain political or corporate interests.
- [Gary] Research psychologistDr. Robert Epstein
believes Google helped shifta minimum of six million votes
in the 2020 election.
The former "PsychologyToday" editor-in-chief says
the big tech giant did it bymanipulating search results
to favor Democrats.
Attkisson believes big mediainfluenced the election outcome
by playing what she callsthe substitution game.
- When you know that,
but for the name beingchanged to a different party,
something would be handledentirely differently,
you know that there's a narrative at play
or there's somebody tryingto manipulate an outcome
or public opinion.
And I like to ask the question,
when it comes to the election:
How would it have been coveredif not for the narrative?
How would this have been covered
if journalists had approached this
from a neutral standpoint?
And I think you'd have awhole different landscape
if that had been the case, bothbuilding up to this election
and what's happened since.
- [Gary] Conservatives arguethat Donald Trump's presidency
would have proceeded differentlyhad the media not obsessed
over Russian campaign collusion.
Robert Mueller's two-year,$32 million investigation
put the allegations torest, but few journalists
offered apologies orcorrections for false reporting.
- This was all missionaccomplished on their part.
They were not trying todisseminate the actual facts.
They were trying to create thisair of controversy and chaos
for the couple of years that they did.
And when it didn't turnout to be true in the end,
as perhaps some of them knew all along,
they still had accomplishedtheir goal, in my view.
- [Gary] Also, journalists who challenged
the dominant media narrativeare often ostracized
or censored by big tech media.
The "New York Times"labeled Attkisson and others
coronavirus doubters fortheir initial reporting
of the COVID-19 virus.
- Who knows why they decidedto pull certain people out
and try to controversialize them
so people wouldn'tlisten to our reporting.
I only knew it was completely false.
Had to hire a lawyerbecause "New York Times"
would not take down the false information
and we finally forced corrections
that, of course, probablyalmost nobody saw.
But this shows you
that there is a bigdeep narrative at play,
and the "New York Times" was really
on that train from the start.
- [Gary] Print and broadcast journalists
aren't the only ones showing bias.
Attkisson says comedians and entertainers
also put their unique slant on the news.
- Strings are being pulled by these,
I call them smear artists,
and some of them havedone interviews with me.
They're not just pullingstrings on the news
and on social media inthese very obvious ways
and outrageous ways.
They're pulling strings onnearly every form of information
that crosses our path and daily lives.
- [Gary] So how shouldnews consumers respond
as American colleges anduniversities crank out a new breed
of political advocates ratherthan unbiased journalists?
Whether it's news aboutCOVID-19, an uncertain election,
or other issues, Attkissonsays people need to reject
biased reporting and the stigma that comes
from expressing alternate views.
- When they're trying to make you think
that you're the only onewho has some crazy view
and you're not supposed to think it,
you're not supposed tobelieve that scientific study,
whatever it is, know that that's not true.
They only win the propagandistsif you live your life
inside the box that I call the internet
and social media and the news.
Make sure you have this reality check,
listen to your cognitive dissonance,
listen to your friends and neighbors,
and live in the world as it exists,
not the one they're trying to create,
not this artificial reality.
- [Gary] Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Well, the name of the book is "Slanted:
How the News Media TaughtUs to Love Censorship
and Hate Journalism," and you can buy it
wherever books are sold.
And let me underline,if you want to get away
from fake news, get the CBN News app.
It's available where you canhave a 24-hour news channel
on your television if youhave a Roku or Apple TV
or smart TV or Amazon Fire.
There's a bunch of different ways.
But you can also downloadit on your smartphone,
on a tablet.
You can get notifications.
You can also sign up for our newsletter
so the CBN News will be inyour newsfeed, on emails.
Get informed, stay informed,
and realize there's a wholelot of bias out there.
- Well up next, searing pain put a kink
in this man's golf game.
Doctors prescribed pain meds,
but they just took the edge off.
So how did this golfer get his swing back?
And why was he more shocked than anyone?
He's gonna tell you himself after this.
(dramatic music)
("Oh Christmas Tree")
- A stabbing pain on his right side.
That's what Joe felt everytime he bent down or twisted,
and it totally spoiled his golf game
and some other things in his life.
How did he get back onthe links pain-free?
Well take a look.
- [Narrator] Joe Eterno has a long history
with "The 700 Club."
It started back in 1976
when he prayed for salvationwith Pat Robertson.
- As I completed the prayer,
it was like a lightningbolt went through my body.
It was like as if I stuck myfinger into an electric socket.
I still didn't knowwhat to do with my life.
God just brought peopleinto my life as I needed 'em
to keep me on the path.
- [Narrator] Joe grew inhis faith over the years.
Pat Robertson's teachingsand "The 700 Club"
were a great source ofencouragement to him.
- I tune in daily to watch "The 700 Club."
I find it very inspirational.
I enjoy the stories.
I enjoy the word of knowledgethat comes through the show.
- [Narrator] But he never imagined
he'd have a personal experiencewith a word of knowledge.
In January of 2019,
Joe started experiencingsevere pain in his right side.
- Mostly in the morning,when I would get out of bed,
and I would go to benddown to put my socks on
or put my shoes on, ortwist, any kind of twisting,
go to pick something up and Iwould feel that stabbing pain
on my right side.
- [Narrator] Joe went to hisdoctor, who ordered a sonogram.
It revealed a small benigncyst on his right kidney,
which was painful but wasdiagnosed as being harmless.
Joe's doctor simply prescribed pain meds.
- I don't abuse it, so I wasjust doing it once a day,
one 800-milligram ibuprofen,
but consistently, everyday, every day, every day.
- [Narrator] As a retiree, Joeenjoys playing golf to relax.
The pain was making itdifficult to enjoy anything.
- It annoyed me a lot,
not so much with the swing,but getting the ball,
picking the ball up out of the cup.
Any kind of bending inthe midsection area,
I would feel that pain.
- [Narrator] He thoughtabout praying for healing,
but felt the pain wasjust part of getting old.
- God's got bigger issues to deal with.
You know, why would I wantto bring this little pain
in my side up to God, you know?
It's just something I felt that,
you know, I should just deal with it.
- [Narrator] Then one morning in June,
Joe was watching "The 700 Club."
He was on his way in fromgetting his second cup of coffee
when he heard Gordon say...
- Someone else with problemswith your right kidney
and extraordinary pain,infection, kidney stones.
God is healing all of that right now.
In Jesus' name, receive it.
- I put my hand immediately on my side
and pressed against my right side
and prayed along with Gordon.
- [Narrator] To Joe's surprise,
the pain disappeared immediately.
- I was in awe when this happened.
Because you're used towatching "The 700 Club"
and you see it happen to somebody else,
but until it happens to you,it just strengthens your faith.
It's like this really can be done.
God's working in my life. He's there.
He's listening, He hearsme, He knows about me.
There's just no doubtin my mind, you know,
that God is awesome.
- [Narrator] Today he isback having fun on the links
and loves sharing his miracle with others
who need healing in their lives.
- That's the unconditionallove that God has for you.
You're His child.
He wants you to have a good life.
He wants you to enjoy your time here.
And I don't believe Godwants you to suffer.
- God doesn't want you to suffer.
He doesn't. He wants you to be in health.
He wants your, everything concerning you
to prosper just as your soul prospers.
That is His will.
When you get it, when you understand it,
wonderful things start to happen.
Now for Joe, he's sitting there thinking,
"Well God's got other things to do.
Now God's not concerned about me."
Well, Joe was wrong.
God's very concerned.
And if you think that, hearme clearly, you're wrong.
He is infinitely concerned about you.
He loves you so much that Hewas willing to die for you.
The whole purpose of creation,everything is for you.
Isn't that amazing?
The one who laid out the heavens
and spoke everything into being,
as He's doing it, He's thinking about you.
He's actively planning for you.
He is creating good thingsfor you to walk into.
He's creating things
that will satisfy the desire of your soul.
He provided salvation foryou before you ever sinned.
He provided healing. Heprovided His presence.
He never wanted us to be away from Him.
He wanted to come down inthe cool of the evening
and talk with us.
That was His dream.
That's why He created everything.
And He hasn't given up on His dream.
He still wants that with you.
He still wants it.
He still says, "Don'tworry, I'm coming through.
I'm breaking through for you.
I've died for you.
By my stripes, you're healed.
I'll take care of everything.
I'll give you a new heart a new body,
a new life, a new spirit.
I'll do it all for you."
Isn't that wonderful?
That's good news.
That's the best newseveryone has ever heard.
Now we're gonna pray that thegood news would come to you,
that the realization would come,that with that realization,
the Word would be made flesh in you.
And here's the Word.
He forgives all your iniquities
and He heals all your diseases.
What a wonderful Word.
That Word can become flesh in your body.
All you have to do is believe it.
So believe it.
God's created all of this sothat you would believe it.
Now, Terry and I are going to pray.
The Bible says when two ormore agree, touching anything,
it shall be done.
So before we pray, wewant to encourage you.
We've got some othermiracles that have happened.
Here's Chris.
He wrote in and said: Foryears, I had a lot of pain
over my entire body every night.
Many times I couldn't sleep because of it.
My entire body would hurt,
especially when I got up inthe night or in the morning.
I was watching "The 700 Club,"
Terry calling out severalhealings, when she said something,
"Someone has pain all over their body
when they get up out of bed.
The Lord is healing that right now."
Well, I knew it was for me.
I've been pain-free eversince and praising God.
- Well, this is Susan, Gordon.
On November 25th, atestimony was being read
about healing of migraines.
She says: As I listened, I said,"I wish I could have that."
I was on my fourth dayof pounding in my head,
burning and pain in my neck.
I no sooner said that, laydown, and the pain disappeared.
Gordon, you had a word of knowledge,
saying, "Susan, you are having migraines.
God is healing you andthey will never return."
I burst into tearsknowing this was for me.
Funny thing, I missed the live episode
and didn't watch until laterthat night on the internet.
Nothing is impossible.
God is amazing and truly loves us.
Wow.- God's Word is timeless.
You know, that scriptureI just quoted to you,
it was written 3,000 years ago.
It's timeless.
Jesus said, "My words arelife and they are spirit."
Let them be life and let thembe spirit to you right now.
Lord, we lift everyone in the audience,
everyone who is having pain.
And in an act of faith, we join with them.
And as they lay hands
on that area of thebody that needs healing,
we come into agreement with them.
We say over them be healed.
Be set free from all pain.
May you prosper and be in good health,
just as your soul prospers.
Let everything that hasbreath praise the Lord
for what you have done,what you are doing,
and what you're about to do
because you work everythingtogether for our good.
Lord, we love you.
We're called according to your purpose,
and your purpose is tohave fellowship with us.
We love you that you've called us.
So we say here we are.
Lord, could you heal our disease?
Could you touch us now and be with us now?
For we ask it in Jesus' name.
There's a woman, your name is Louise.
You've got pain in your left kidney.
You saw the story about the right kidney.
And Louise, God is calling you by name.
He is healing your left kidney right now.
It's going to be restored.
No more pain, no more sufferingfor you, in Jesus' name.
- There's someone, or numbers of people,
who you're having troublegetting adequate oxygen supply.
Just the capacity of your lungs,
for whatever reason, is low.
God is healing that condition for you.
You're gonna be able tojust take a deep breath now,
like you haven't beenable to do in a long time,
and just release that as God brings
all of that into order in your body.
And someone else, you have anissue, it's like a skin issue,
but it's especially bad on your hands.
In fact, you wear glovessometimes to cover it
because you're humiliated by it.
God is creating that.
Your skin is gonna be asclear and as beautiful
as a newborn baby's.
- There's someone, you've gotrecurring sinus infections
and nothing seems to be working for you.
You've tried everything,everything over the counter,
all kinds of nasal washes,all this, all that.
God is healing it and He's giving you
a brand new immune system andall of this is going to leave
and be restored now.
That pain just left your forehead.
In Jesus' name, be healed.
- Yeah, and there's somebodywith a rotator cuff issue.
It's not torn exactly, butit's just very, very sore,
especially, you know, whenyou move your arm around
or you try to lift anything
above the height of your shoulder.
God is healing that for you.
You're just gonna feel a warmth
come into that part of your shoulder
and it's just being all put back in place,
in Jesus' name.- Lord, we thank you.
We thank you for your presence.
We thank you that youwant fellowship with us.
This is amazing.
You want to talk with us.
You want to be with us.
So we thank you for that.
We praise you for allthat you've done for us.
In Jesus' name, amen.- Amen.
- If you've been healed, let us know.
Call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Or you can email us like Chris did.
You can let us know your good report
and what God has done for you.
And if you need prayer, we're here for you
seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
We believe in prevailing prayer.
That's the prayer that doesn'tgive up, but gets an answer.
- Well still ahead, herblog is named God Cake
and fans have eaten it up.
Nina Keegan now has her owninspirational talk show.
She joins us live totalk about her new book,
"100 Days with God."
Plus, cutbacks, layoffs,losing everything.
One entrepreneur was onthe brink of disaster
after his biggest clientcanceled all of his contracts.
So how did his business notonly survive, but thrive?
Stay tuned. You'll find out.
(inspirational music)
(tense music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN newsbreak.
Seven US Air Force basictrainees marched into history,
becoming the first enlisted members
of the United States Space Force.
The trainees graduated atJoint Base San Antonio-Lackland
and will transfer to an AirForce base in California
to begin their trainingfor their new positions,
learning how to operatesatellites and radio stations.
Well CBN's Operation Blessingis providing essential food
for those in need duringthe COVID pandemic.
Leah, an elderly widow in Kenya,
cares for her fourgrandchildren all by herself.
The odd jobs she workedto earn money for food
disappeared when the COVID lockdowns came,
leaving her empty-handed.
With tears rolling down her cheeks,
she told Operation Blessing staff,
"I cry every time I have nothingto give to these children.
They completely depend onme to provide their food,
yet I am old and weak."
Things looked hopeless,but thanks to its partners,
Operation Blessing provided anentire month's worth of food.
She was, of course, overjoyed,saying, "It means a lot to me
because my grandchildrenwill have food to eat."
Well you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting
Gordon and Terry will be back
with more of today's "700Club" right after this.
(tense music)
- Superbook fans, we have aspecial treat for you to watch
on the Superbook Bible App.
It's Ask Gizmo, a 15-minutequestion and answer session
with Superbook's lovable robot, Gizmo.
Just open the SuperbookBible App on your phone
or your tablet and clickon the video section
to watch Ask Gizmo.
Gizmo will be answering several questions
that were submitted to him onFacebook and will be sharing
how kids can have theirown questions answered
directly by him.
The Superbook Bible App is free
and it's available to download
in the App Store or Google Play.
So be sure to check out Ask Gizmo today.
- All right, well, Steve and Lucy Newton
lost their biggest client sotheir finances took a huge hit.
Even though money was tight,the Newtons decided that giving
was the only way forward,and within two weeks,
their decision paid off big time.
- [Narrator] Steve and Lucy Newton
enjoy being able to spendtime with their grandchildren.
They've been married for over 40 years
and from the early days of their marriage,
they learned about theimportance of giving.
- What we learned was that of Malachi,
that bringing your tithe to the storehouse
to make sure that therewould be provision there.
But that wasn't the reason we gave.
We gave out of an obedience in our heart
because of our love for God.
- Initially, your thoughtprocess is this is crazy.
You know, what are we doinghere, giving money away?
And then you go to the Word and you say,
that shows youspecifically, this is a 10th
of what you're to give.
This is God's.
- [Narrator] Lucy was a hairdresser
and Steve worked in sales.
Though they were paid on commission,
they never wavered in their tithe.
- I tithed on the commission
and I also tithed on my gratuities.
Everything was income.
So I tithed on everything that I got.
God showed His faithfulnessin providing the clients.
They came and it grew.
Every month, I was at thevery top of the sales list,
like month after monthafter month after month.
- [Narrator] In 1981, theNewtons became CBN partners.
- We saw CBN, particularly,as a significant ministry
and a place where wecould put our resources
and felt very good about it.
I know that nothing's being wasted here.
I knew that the resources
that we put in to CBN was good ground.
And we saw the increase,we saw the growth.
We saw that they were reaching millions
and millions of people for Christ.
- [Narrator] In 1995,Steve left his sales job
and started a media production company.
For a while, business was running smoothly
until his biggest clientcanceled all of their contracts.
- And within a very short period of time,
I was just left with, youknow, hanging out there
and, you know, severely concernedabout our revenue share.
- [Narrator] Their finances were tight,
but the Newtons only saw one way out,
continue to trust God andremain faithful in their giving.
- It's like, if God wasgood to me back here
when things were going well,
and God will still be good to you here
in this situation in thevalley, then why stop?
And so we never did.
- [Narrator] The Newton'spaid their tithe.
Two weeks later, Steve got a call.
- The phone call says,
"Would you be interestedin brokering some time
on a station, a bigstation in New York City?"
The station was, it was an hour a day,
Monday through Friday, andit was $10,000 per half hour.
When he asked me thatquestion, I said, "Would I?
Mighty heaven. Absolutely!"
And God, you know, it was amazing.
- [Narrator] Steve and Lucy's business
continued to grow and prosper.
They know it's because oftheir faithfulness in giving.
And today they continue totithe faithfully to their church
as well as partner with CBN.
- When you give, you seethat God blesses that gift.
And then in return, He's blessing us.
- We all have this heartfor caring for people
and caring for what God wants to do
and bringing his kingdom into reality
here and into the lives of people.
Well this is how we can do it,
by making it possible fora ministry such as CBN
to work it, to do it, topresent it to so many,
not just locally, but around the world.
- Let Steve and Lucy'sstory encourage you.
Even when you're facingvery uncertain times
and, you know, where's allthis going to come from,
put your trust in God andjust obey the words of Jesus,
"Give, and it will be given unto you."
If you want to do that,call us now, 1-800-700-7000.
Just say, "I want to join the 700 Club."
How much is that? Well,it's just $20 a month.
Some of you can give at $40 a month.
That's 700 Club Gold.
We also have 1000 Club, $1,000 a year.
That's $84 a month.
At whatever level, when you call and join,
you'll get the wonderfulteaching, "The Name of God."
I want you to have it.
It's yours when you become a member.
So call us now, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well, are you livingwith fear and anxiety,
maybe even having panic attacks?
For years, Nina Keegan battledall three, but not anymore.
So what made all the difference?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Nina Keegan is the co-host
of the TV and YouTubeprogram, "Grace Grace."
The show seeks to draw viewers to God
through discussion of theBible and relevant guests.
- And the power of life anddeath are in our tongue.
Speak life. That's what the Bible says.
- [Narrator] Nina is also the author
of a new devotional book,"100 Days with God."
Through hope-filled,scripture-based writings,
she aims to connect usmore deeply to the Lord.
(gentle music)
- Please welcome to "The700 Club" Nina Keegan.
Nina, it's great tohave you with us today.
- Hi, Terry.
Thank you so much for having me on.
I love CBN and I amjust absolutely thrilled
to be on here with you today.
It's such a blessing.- Well, Nina,
- Thank you.- when someone looks at you,
I mean, you're smart, you'rebeautiful, you're successful,
and yet you say thatthere was fear and anxiety
dominating your life at one point.
Why? What was it?
- Well, looking back, reallyfear is just an absence
of being able to trust God.
It really is an identity crisis.
It's really just not knowingwho you are in Christ.
Because we are therighteousness of God in Christ,
and when we really get that revelation,
then there's nothing we can do,
that we cannot dobecause God is so with us
and for us and He has a plan.
But when we fail to recognizethat final deliverance
that we have through therighteousness of God in Christ,
we can walk in all kinds offear and anxiety and panic.
But for me, it was justunderstanding and knowing
that God would not talk to me that way,
that the voices of fear and anxiety
and that, you know, I was always waiting
for the other shoe to drop,
was just really not trusting God.
It was really just that absence of that.
And then understanding and knowing
that the Word says differently
and that I got a holdof all of the promises
about fear and anxiety.
There are 365 of them.
That is one for every day
and that, in and ofitself, is astonishing,
God does not want us to fear.
And when I startedspeaking those over my life
instead of what theenemy was saying to me,
it was just a powerful revelation for me.
- You have a highly successful blog.
You named it God Cake.
How did that happen and howdid it lead to your talk show?
- Well, it's kind of funny'cause years and years ago,
God told me that I was goingto be an end time harvester
for the kingdom of heavenand He gave me a vision,
and I didn't even reallyknow what that was
or what that meant.
He'd showed me this grapevinebasket full of grapes
and then I was like,"That's a lot of grapes,"
and he said, "Look out,"and I saw vineyards.
And I was teaching a littleBible study in my neighborhood.
I had no idea what Godhad in store for me.
But I was running one day andI felt like the Lord told me
I needed to write a blog,which made zero sense
because I had never even read a blog,
so I was totally out of my comfort zone.
But I knew that wasn't my notion.
That is nothing I would haveever come up with on my own.
And when He gave me the name God Cake,
and it made me just kinda laugh
because, you know, God was feeding
the Israelites manna from heaven,
but he really just wants to give us cake.
He wants to give us everythinggood and sweet and kind.
And you know, sometimeswe're just scraping by
and He really just wants togive us all that He has for us.
And when we just amen God,just say yes, you can do things
that you've never even dreamed or imagined
'cause it's really about Him.
- Your new book is called"100 Days with God."
Want to be sure we get that in.
You've been starting yourday with God for a long time.
How has that changed your life?
- Oh, it's everything.
You know, when we just giveGod our ear in the morning
and we ask Him to orderour steps for the day,
the day just goes so much better
than we could ever ask or imagine.
It's really just about seeking Him first
and asking Him what Hehas in store for the day
and that He would directand order every steps
and just protect and guide usand lead us through the day.
So it's really about justdevoting that morning time,
that first time of the day with Him.
- You know, we live in a time
where people are feeling anxious.
They're feeling concern.
One of your favorite devotionals
is called Happiness is a Choice.
Talk about that.
- Well, I believe that, you know,
it's like a glass is halffull/half empty kind of thing.
I believe we get to choose.
You know, you might not have the best
or the happiest day every day,
but there's gonna besomething happy in that day.
If you can pick one thing,
even that you just hada good lunch that day,
if you could just focusand redirect your attention
on the good and find that happiness
because, you know, the joyof the Lord is our strength
and we can become unhappy,but we can't become unjoyed
because that comes from God.
And so, you know, we need that.
We need that for strength.
And so it really is just like
you're gonna make a decisionthat you're gonna be happy
no matter what thecircumstances are around you.
You cast your cares and letHim do the heavy lifting.
- That's just one of the nuggets, friends,
that you will find in Nina's devotional
called "100 Days with God."
We could all use encouragementduring these tough times.
So get a copy for yourself.
It makes a great Christmas gift,
but it's wonderful to startyour day with every day.
Nina, thank you.
Great to have you here.
- By the way, it's available- Thank you so much.
- wherever books are sold.
Merry Christmas, Nina.
- Merry Christmas.
God bless you, Terry.- You too.
- Here's a word from Isaiah:
So do note fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you withmy righteous right hand.
God bless you.
We'll see you again next week.
(inspirational music)