Lawmakers, Small Businesses Question Whether Lockdown Aid Money Is Making It to Those in Need
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- Treasury Secretary SteveMnuchin and Fed Chairman
Jerome Powell presented different pictures
of the economic outlook.
Mnuchin warning that unless states reopen,
the economy could facepermanent damage, while Powell
suggested that morecongressional action is needed.
- We are continuing tosee large unemployment
and other negative indicators.
It is important to realizethat the large number
represents real people.
- This is the biggestresponse by Congress ever
and the fastest, and the biggest from us,
and it still this is the biggest shockwave
seen in living memory andthe question looms in the air
of is it enough.
- [Caitlin] Some lawmakersquestioned if it's time
to begin sending people back to work
before a vaccine is in place.
- How many workers should give their lives
to increase our GDP by half a percent?
- No workers should givetheir lives to do that,
Mr. Senator, and I think yourcharacterization is unfair.
- [Caitlin] Others areraising questions about
whether bailout moneyis actually making it
to the small businesses who need it most.
A congressional oversightgroup revealed this week
that the Treasury Departmenthas only allocated
$37.5 billion of the$500 billion relief fund.
CBN News spoke with small business owners
who described the difficultiesof accessing the money
the government's alreadyallocated for them.
- By the time I got thefunds, actually hit last week,
you're given eight weeks todisperse and to allocate them
for it to be forgivable,but because my gym
is not able to open yet,I had to return the funds
because I wouldn't be able to do
all the standards they requested.
- I knew the day that itwas gonna be available.
I had all of my stuff ready,I had all my ducks in a row.
This is major, this isreally important to us.
So it's all electronic, I'mprepared the morning of,
I go on, I put my stuff in andI get an automated response
back that says, "I'msorry, you don't qualify."
Uh, that was a massive, massive problem.
I know we qualify, I've read the law.
- Scott Gilbert says in theend he only received 60%
of what he should have been eligible for,
leaving many expenses still unpaid.
Democrats hope Tuesday'shearings would pressure
Republicans into another relief bill,
but Congress is deadlocked.
GOP leaders say lawmakersshould evaluate what's working
and what's not before spending more money.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.