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The 700 Club - December 8, 2020

Decking the halls turns deadly when one man takes a 30 foot fall and goes 30 minutes without a pulse. Witness a Christmas miracle on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The following program

is sponsored by CBN.

- [Announcer] Coming up.

- [Audrey] I hear thetumbling off of the roof.

- [Announcer] Decking thehalls nearly turns deadly.

- And then all of a suddeneverything went silent,

this really looks bad.

- [Announcer] As one mantakes a 30-foot fall.

- He was just covered in blood,

this is not good.

- [Announcer] And goes 30minutes without a pulse.

- And he was like, he's gonna die anyway.

- [Announcer] Get readyfor a Christmas miracle.

- [Burt] God can do a miracle anytime,

any place, for anybody.

- [Announcer] On today's "700 Club."

(upbeat orchestral music)

- Well welcome folks to thisaddition of "The 700 Club."

Have you noticed thisbusiness about lockdown?

The economy is locked down,states are locked down,

you can't go after 10 o'clock at night,

you can't eat with morethan four or five people,

you can't go to sporting events,

they can't have anyaudience in the stands.

Why, because of COVID.

Well what is it this lock down does?

I was reading a reporton Hillsdale College

that's very excellent.

This is from a publicationcalled, "Imprimis."

And Jay Bhattacharya,

is a Professor of Medicineat Stanford University,

he has an MD and PhD in Economics.

He has had a distinguished career

and they have togetherwith them, with them,

look at this, I mean theyhave a group of people

that have come together,

about 35,000 distinguished citizens,

who said, "Listen, thislockdown is killing people."

Now here are the statisticsthat'll shock you,

you wanna get shocked?

Only about .04% of peoplewith COVID die from it.

The death rate is minuscule.

As a matter of fact, morepeople die from influenza

than die from COVID, all right,

but here's what hashappened by these lockdown.

An estimated 130 million,additional people,

will starve to death this year

because of the economic damage resulting

from these lockdowns.

People have stopped getting their children

immunizations againstdiseases like diptheria,

whooping cough, and polio,

because it's been led to fear of COVID,

they fear it more thanthose deadly diseases.

80 million, get this 80million children worldwide,

are now at risk of these diseases.

And many Americans withcancer who needed chemotherapy

don't come in for treatment

because they're more afraidof COVID, it is insanity.

And what's happened isthis particular report

said children should get out and play.

As a matter of fact theyfound that 40% of young people

were considering suicide,why, because they can't play,

they can't go to sports.

There is no reason in this world

that people can't goout and enjoy football,

or soccer, or whatevergame they're interested in,

baseball, and why we haveto shut these venues down

to a few thousand people whenthe stands would hold 70,000,

it isn't necessary.

Now, the elderly, the vulnerable,people in nursing homes,

they should be locked down,

but the kids outta go back to school.

We cannot stop childrenfrom going to school,

or from playing, but this iswhat's happening with the,

well when the bureaucrats take over.

And I think in California

they're having a tremendous kickback,

but the whole idea ofa lockdown is insanity.

So I just give you that.

And in that-- Do you think

people are adhering to this,

if you wanna call it that,

because they're afraid of therepercussions if they don't?

I mean, when, when a government,

or a government officialcreates a lockdown scenario,

I think people are afraid

of being arrested.- Well, of course they are.

- I mean, what did they do?

- But think what happens,

your little restaurant is closed up, okay,

so you don't buy vegetables,

so what happens to the poor farmer,

he can't work.- The laborers.

- Yeah, those laborers are out of work,

they can't harvest the vegetables

so they waste the vegetables

and it goes all the way through the chain

and people are suffering all over.

When what we oughta dois take the vulnerable,

those in nursing homes,

the extremely ill, onlythose that have had

some kind of a debilitating condition,

and put them in some kind of quarantine.

Let the kids go to school,let them play sports,

let them get out and then before long

we've got what you call a herd immunity.

And you know, we're not, wedon't have that big a threat,

but this lockdown isbureaucratic insensitive,

it's just insanity.

- Um-hum, yeah.- So.

- And I, I do think that, you know,

many people are doing what you're saying,

they're using their common sense,

if they have underlying conditions

they aren't out and about.

- Yeah, I mean, but for example,

you say you shop at abig-box store, it's okay,

you go to a little store,a little grocery store,

and it's not.

You can go into a big restaurant

and you can handle the vegetables,

just you can't do it in a little store.

I mean, the whole thing is just insanity

because it's not being based on science

it's being based on political correctness.

And I understand in termsof the schools in New York

it has to do with the teacher's union.

They had set a goal,

when they're over 3% of thepeople have got this COVID,

they were gonna shut the schools down,

if it's 2 1/2% they will open 'em,

I mean that again, insanity.

Well, that's my littleopening remarks to scare you,

or maybe make you mad andtell you that bureaucrats,

we could not run the countrybut by these bureaucrats.

Well, there's a flurry of activity

at the White House this week

with President Trump predicting quote,

"Big things" over the next couple of days.

The main question will the Supreme Court

hear an appeal challenging Pennsylvania's

mail-in voter law, and that's not all.

CBN's Washington reporter,Jenna Browder, has more.

- President Trump ispromising a big week ahead

as his legal team continuesto mount challenges

in states where the race was close,

but so far more setbacks than successes.

The Pennsylvania case challenges a law

passed by the legislaturethat allows mail-in voting.

The plaintiff arguing that it takes

an amendment of the Constitution.

If the high court hearsthe case and agrees,

it could invalidate most ofPennsylvania's mail-in votes.

Senator Ted Cruz, who has woncases in the Supreme Court,

told Fox New's, Sean Hannity,he would argue the case.

- In Pennsylvania theproblem was made worse

because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

is a partisan democratic court

that has issued multiple decisions

that were just on theirface, contrary to law

and that's not how electionsare supposed to work.

- [Jenna] Meanwhile, at the White House

the President predicted evenmore activity this week.

- But you'll see a lotof big things happening

over the next couple of days.

- [Jenna] CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst, David Brody,

spelled it out on CBN's "Faith Nation."

- The U.S. Supreme Court

could get involved inthe Pennsylvania case

and then you've got Georgia,excuse me, Georgia, Michigan,

what's going on in Michiganwith Antrim County and those,

the forensic audit of theDominion voting system machines,

we're gonna hear more aboutthat in the next day or two,

and then Wisconsin, there is a case

before the U.S., or theWisconsin Supreme Court.

So lots going on.

- [Jenna] And Arizona'shigh court has agreed

to review an appeal based on the state

Republican parties challenge

to the state certification of votes.

But so far legal challenges,on behalf of the President,

haven't met much success.

On Monday suits filed by Sidney Powell,

a former member of Trump's legal team,

were thrown out in Michigan and Georgia.

The suits claimed rigged voting machines

switched massive amounts ofvotes from Trump to Biden.

- Sidney Powell made herdebut in Georgia court.

Her case has been thrown outfrom the bench by the judge,

he didn't even take thetime to consider it.

Her case was so bad the federal judge

literally threw it outof court from the bench.

- [Jenna] Despite the President's calls

for the governor to intervene,

Georgia's Secretary ofState recertified the vote

that gave Biden the stateby nearly 12,000 ballots.

- We have now counted legallycast ballots three times

and the results remain unchanged.

- Today is the deadline forstates to ratify their electors

to qualify for safe harbor status.

That means Congress mustaccept the slate of electors

that have resolved their disputes.

At the end of the day though

the Supreme Court could be thewild card in this election.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, "CBN News."

- In other news Joe Biden

continues to put togetherhis potential cabinets

and one candidate hasconservatives up in arms.

John Jessup has more from Washington.

- That's right, Pat, Bidenis considering naming

retired four-star ArmyGeneral, Lloyd Austin,

as Secretary of Defense.

But it's his pick

to head the Department ofHealth and Human Services

that has conservatives sounding the alarm.

As California's AttorneyGeneral, Xavier Becerra,

has tried to requirepro-life pregnancy centers

to post advertisements for abortion

and to force religious groupsto pay for contraceptives,

the Supreme Court ruledagainst those policies.

The Reverend Albert Mohler,

President of SouthernBaptist Theological Seminary,

said, "Becerra is a threatto freedom of religion."

In his daily podcast, "The Briefing,"

Mohler said, "It would be hard to create

even in imagination a nomineefor this kind of position

who would be of deeper concern

for anyone who is pro-life, pro-marriage,

or pro-religious liberty,than Xavier Becerra."

If the GOP holds the Senate

Becerra's confirmation is expected

to face strong opposition.

Well Biden's would be foreign policy team,

would likely mark a profound change

in its approach to a potentiallyexplosive Middle East.

CBN's, Chris Mitchell,reports from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] Sunday markeda third anniversary

of President Trump'srecognition of Jerusalem

as Israel's Capital.

To celebrate Israeli Prime Minister,

Benjamin Netanyahu,put Trump's declaration

alongside President HarryTruman's recognition

of the newly born state of Israel in 1948.

- These two historic proclamationswill never be forgotten.

They'll never be forgottenby the Jewish people

and by the Jewish state,

they will be cherished for generations.

- [Chris] However, there are concerns

that some of the advances madeby the Trump Administration

could be changed, or even reversed.

So far Joe Biden has indicated

he would likely keep theU.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

if he becomes President,

but what about other Trumppolicies in the middle East?

Michael Oren is Israel'sformer Ambassador to the U.S.

- With respect to Iran,

both the former Vice President,

and his running mate, Senator Harris,

have said unequivocally that they intend

to renew the Iran nuclear deal of 2015.

If Iran returns to the levels

of uranium enrichmentestablished by that deal,

it's not very difficult for Iran to do,

and that means lifting sanctions

and that has profoundramifications for Israel

in the Middle East.

- [Chris] Netanyahu also noted

other positive moves madeby Trump on Israel's behalf.

- You recognize Israel'ssovereignty over the Golan Heights,

you recognize Israel's legitimate rights

in Judea and Samaria.

You proposed a realistic peace plan

that acknowledges those rights

and maintains Israel'sability to defend itself,

you forged the historic Abraham Accords.

- [Chris] Oren believesa Biden Administration

would not invest in those Accords

the way the Trump Administration has.

- I don't think they'regonna invest money,

for example, in buildingthe Israeli-Sudanese peace

because that belongs to the Trump era.

And again, the emphasis willbe on the Palestinian issue

and not on the Abraham Accords.

- [Chris] On the Palestinian front

Senator Harris has embraced a return

to negotiations with thePalestinians and stated,

"We are committed to a two-state solution,

and we will oppose any unilateral steps

that undermined that goal."

That signal's opposition to building

in the Jewish communitiesin Judea and Sumeria,

the West Bank, and restoring funding

to the Palestinian authority.

From Tehran to the West Bank,

it's clear a Biden/Harris Administration

would set a dramatically different course

than what President Trumphas for the past four years

for Israel, and the Middle East.


Chris Mitchell, "CBN News," Jerusalem.

- Well, Chris joins us now from Jerusalem.

Chris, it looks like those Palestinians

were blocking any deal,there was no way in the world

you could make a deal

and even the best thingsI remember, Yasser Arafat,

in the old days, he opposed everything.

And how in the world though,I mean the reason we got

The Abraham Accords is 'cause

they totally bypassed those Palestinians

and made a deal with the Arabs.

Well, how has the current uncertainty,

and power vacuum in the U.S.,

affecting Israel andaffecting the Middle East?

- Well, to your point, Pat, you know,

you met one time with Yasser Arafat,

and they were very intransigent then,

they still are now under aPalestinian president authority,

President Mahmoud Abbas.

In fact, I was talking toan expert earlier today

about the Palestinians,he said that PA officials

have been in touch withthe Biden Administration

and what they say theywant to do, or help to do,

would restore funding tothe Palestinian authority,

restore funding to UNRWA,

and also see what they can do

to restart the negotiations with Israel.

But as you say about the vacuum right now

I think, Pat, everyone right now

is recalculating, and watching,

and waiting this transitionperiod, this vacuum.

That would be Iran, Saudi Arabia,

the Palestinian authority.

Yesterday I asked Danny Danon,

he's Israel's former Ambassador to the UN,

about this period, this vacuum,

he said Iran is trying totake advantage of this period,

but said that Israel willdo whatever is necessary

to prevent Iran from gettingnuclear capabilities.

He said he couldn't beany more clear than that

and they're keeping awatchful eye on Iran,

especially now, Pat,after the assassination

of Iran's top nuclearscientist about 10 days ago.

And by the way, the other thingthat people are calculating

is I was in Ariel, that's in Samaria,

Israel's biblicalheartland a few days ago,

and they're building around the clock

in case Biden comes in, becomes President,

and he wants to stop building

in Israel's biblical heartland.

- Well, you know, thatUNRWA was so incredible

they kept those Palestinians in bondage

and the United Nations yearafter year, after year,

saying you have a right to return

and you, we'll give you back the land

that you abandoned in 1948,

it was insane what they were doing.

- Exactly, and they were payingUNRWA millions of dollars

and they defunded UNRWA right now,

and another thing, Pat, you know,

generations of Palestinian children,

we've documented this,

we've had kids on camera saying, you know,

I wanna return to my homeland,

I wanna drive the Jews into the sea.

So not, so what this,this funding was doing,

was actually training, indoctrinating,

a generation of Palestinian students

whether here in Jerusalem,the West Bank, or Gaza,

that they want to eliminatethe state of Israel

and that's exactly what U.S.taxpayer funds were doing

until the TrumpAdministration stopped that.

And I would add Pat, you know,

for the last four years,

really the Trump administration

has changed the whole paradigm here.

From Iran they hadmaximum pressure on Iran,

they get out of the nuclear deal,

the Palestinians as I say,they defunded the Palestinians,

and also the Abraham Accord,

so really they've changed theMiddle East in a dramatic way

in the past four years.

- Are the Israelis concerned

that this might lead to some kind of war

if the Biden Administration takes over,

that America will be soanti-Israel in those days?

- I think they are and I thinkthey're especially concerned

right now, Pat, aboutthe, the nuclear deal,

getting into the what's called the JCOPA

and I think the top concern for Israelis,

in fact, the top three concerns

would be Iran, Iran, Iran.

Across Israel's society and politics,

they see Iran as the number one threat,

so the concern is, Pat,

that the Biden Administration will come

and maybe even try to punish Israel

and soften its approach to Iran

and remove the maximum pressureof the Trump Administration,

reenter the nuclear deal actuallyfrom a weakened position.

Because right now what Iran is saying

is that they wanna reenter the deal,

but they want reparationsfrom the United States

for the years of being sanctions

under the Trump Administration.

So that would actually give wind

to the sails of Iran right now,

probably just at the wrong time.

- Well, Chris, one more time,

and we're, we look with horror

at what may be happening toAmerica in the Middle East.

Thanks so much for being with us.

Well, John, what you got next?

- Well, Pat, in the UnitedKingdom a major turning point

in the battle against COVID-19.

Today British health authorities

rolled out the firstdoses of a widely-tested,

and independently-reviewed vaccine.

The first shot wasgiven to Margaret Keenan

who turns 91 next week.

She had some helpful advice

for those worried about getting the shot.

- [Margaret] Well, I would say, go for it,

go for it because it's free

and it's the best thingthat's ever happened

at the moment, so, do please go for it,

that's what I say, you know.

If I can do it, well,so can you, you know.

- [John] The first 800,000doses of the vaccine,

produced by U.S. drug maker Pfizer,

and BioNTech of Germany,

are going to people over 80who are either hospitalized

or already have outpatient appointed,

appointments rather scheduled

along with nursing home workers.

Pat, she looked great for 90

and she said that that wasthe best early birthday gift.

- That's great, well,

we got some other stuff in there.

If you haven't scared people enough

you got something really horrible.

- Yeah, well, here we go with that.

Up next, a new, new world order,

the global elites areplanning to radically change

your way of life.

Think this sounds likea conspiracy theory,

well, we've got news for you.

Stay tuned for The Great Reset.

Plus on a positive note,

"Carol of the Bells"

performed by a family trained by Julliard.

The Annie Moses Band is coming up

and it may sound like somethingfrom "Christmas Vacation,"

but this was no joke.

A dad falls from his roofwhile putting up lights

and he nearly dies, see howhe made a miraculous recovery.

All of that's later on today's show.

(orchestral music)

- Well, that sounds likea science fiction movie,

but it's terrifyingly real,

what is called, The Great Reset,

is a plan to radically change our world.

But one man stands in the wayof the socialist nightmare.

Who is that one man, Dale Hurd explains.

- Here's a video of your future

if some people at the WorldEconomic Forum get their way.

They say you'll own nothingand be happy about it.

Energy will be green,rationed, and expensive,

and travel will be restricted.

Even your diet will be controlled

and currency will be digital.

This left wing dystopian dream is called,

The Great Reset, and yoursupposed to be excited about it.

The Great Reset has beenlabeled a conspiracy theory

and even sounds like a conspiracy theory,

but everything we know about it

comes from the global elites themselves

who have been quite open about it.

- This is not a conspiracy theory,

this is a well-documented movement

among many of the world'smost powerful people.

- [Dale] Justin Haskinsis a leading authority

on The Great Reset.

- Fundamentally, this is a radical

and complete transformation

of everything that we do in our society

to control people's behaviors,

to control businesses,

and to move society in the direction

that you wanna move it.

It will change the waybusinesses are evaluated,

it'll coerce businesses topursue left-wing causes.

- [Dale] The Great Reset was unveiled

at the World Economic Forumin Davos, Switzerland,

where many of the world'smost powerful people

go to offer solutionsto the world's problems.

And the World Economic Forumsees the coronavirus pandemic

as a historic opportunity

to change the way the world operates.

- [Man] Right now we're facing

a crisis of international proportion,

it's going to havelong-term impact for us.

- [Dale] Their solution isessentially global socialism.

Think of the Green New Deal combined

with the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions

and throw in something called,

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

in which technology issupposed to radically change

the way we live and work.

Klaus Schwab is the Founderof the World Economic Forum.

- What the 4th Industrial Revolution

will lead to is a fusion ofour physical, our digital,

and our biological identities.

- [Dale] It has the support,not only of world leaders,

but of global corporationslike MasterCard and BP,

brought to you by peoplewho think they know

what's best for you.

- By giving, you know, the elites,

the technocrats in society,the most educated people,

the ability to manipulate society,

pull the levers in society,

and manage and manipulate society

so that it's in their minds, perfect.

- [Dale] But a Trump re-election

would blow a massivehole in The Great Reset.

One week before the election,

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano,

wrote an open letter to the President

warning him that The Great Reset is,

"Inhuman faceless tyranny

that seeks to subdue all of humanity

and that President Trumpand the United States

are the wall against the deep state,

the final assault of thechildren of darkness."

- Over the past four yearsDonald Trump has been

the single greatest roadblock for people

who are pushing this internationalist

globalist sort of agenda.

- [Dale] The elites at Davos

are now counting out a Biden victory

for their Great Reset to go forward.

The World Economic Forum,and the Biden campaign,

even share the sameslogan, build back better.

- To build back better.

- It's also a phrase you've heard

being used by Justin Trudeau, by the Pope,

by Prince of Wales, and byleaders around the world.

- [Dale] English journalistand author, James Delingpole.

- You'd be amazed byhow many world leaders

are on board with this globalist plan,

even people that claim to be conservative.

This is worse than Nazism,

this is worse than communist,

and this is worse than fascism,

these guys are planning ontaking over the whole world.

- [Dale] We'll hear moreabout The Great Reset

when the World EconomicForum meets again in January,

and whether he's inthe White House or not,

Donald Trump is expected to be a force

which could remain a problemfor the hopeful backers

of The Great Reset.

Dale Hurd, "CBN News."

- Well, that sounds like something

out of the book of Revelation, doesn't it,

you can't buy or sell withoutthe mark of the beast.

I mean, there, there it is.

But you know, if you wanna control people,

you have one or two authorities to do it,

and I think Satan hasalways wanted to have

a very few elites who control everybody

and the will of the majorityis always a good thing,

but we don't have that.

But that those leaders in Devos,

they're the big money people,the big corporate heads,

the heads of government who meet,

we used to talk about The Bilderbergers,

and here you've got these others

and the question is they're not hiding it

they're laying it out on the line

exactly what they have in mind.

And folks, you talk abouthaving a need to pray,

it's still God's worldthat's the thing I like.

it rests me in the thought, you know,

with rocks and hills, it's your world,

this is my Father's world

and he's not gonna giveit over to the devil,

I do not believe, Terry.

- Well, still ahead on today's program

an unforgettable Christmas celebration

from the world famous Annie Moses Band.

You don't wanna missthis dynamic performance.

But first a 30 foot fallright onto his head.

Why the paramedics say it was useless

trying to help this dadand what saved his life,

find out when we return.

(orchestral music)

- Well, the holidays aresupposed to be happy,

but can they be a dangerousperiod in your life,

just ask Burt Sommer.

Burt was fixing a strandof lights outside his house

when he fell 30 feethead-first off his roof.

Kill him, well, find out,

it's a Christmas miracle.

- [Narrator] Thanksgivingnight, 2016, Burt Sommer,

a part-time pastor and father of five,

was fixing Christmaslights with his son, James.

Being a window specialist Burtwas used to scaling ladders,

but this time as he climbed tothe second story of his home

he lost his footing.

Burt's wife, Audrey, still remembers.

- [Audrey] The next thing I know

is I hear the tumbling off of the roof.

- [Narrator] Burt fell headfirst,

30 feet onto the concrete driveway.

- [Audrey] James was like, "Mom!"

- He wasn't responding whatsoever,

there was about a three foot area

where it was just coveredin blood, this is not good.

- I told him, I said,

you're just not gonna die on me,

you're not, you're not,you're not leaving us,

and then all of a suddeneverything went silent.

- My soul was just blowingup, in the name of Jesus, God,

protect him right now, raise him back up.

- And I was like, okay,God, I know this looks bad,

I know this, this really looks bad,

but I need you to takeover and I need you,

I need you to do what you do.

(sirens wailing)

- [Narrator] Paramedicsarrived within minutes,

but it would take another half hour

before they got a pulse.

Burt was then transportedto the nearest ER

where he was put into amedically induced coma.

Burt had suffered amassive brain hemorrhage

and without surgery wouldn'tlive through the night.

Even then one neurosurgeon

believed an operation would be pointless.

- He was like, "I am notgonna do the surgery,"

and I'm like, "Please do the surgery,"

and he was like, "He's gonna die anyway,"

and I said, "My husband is a beast,

you do your part and God will do his part,

and my husband won't do his part,

you know, don't count him out yet."

- [Narrator] Reluctantly,

the neurosurgeon agreed to thesurgery and it was a success.

The following day Burt'svitals remained stable,

but doctors were still concerned

about the possible residual effects.

- The left side was paralyzed

because of the impact onthe right side of the brain.

And they said that, "Youknow, it could be permanent."

I mean, they really,

they painted the bleakestpicture imaginable.

- [Narrator] It was thenthe reality of what could be

began to overwhelm the family.

- And when I see all these tubes

and him hooked up to all this stuff,

I was like, oh good God,it was heartbreaking,

it really was.

- What is going to be his quality of life?

What if he can't feed himself?

What if he can't walk?

What if he can't rememberhe has a wife and kids?

I finally just had toturn it over and be like,

"Okay, Lord, I can't do this,

I can't sit and what-if myself crazy."

"You know my doubts, you know my fears,

you know, you know everythingand you know, this man."

God just proved himself to me

and that he was the comforterand that he, he had it,

you know, he had this, thiswasn't anything for him.

He created my husband and he was going,

going to take care of him.

- I was like, you know whateverything's gonna be fine

'cause I know who my God is,

I know what he's doneand what he's capable of.

I've read it.

I've been taught it,and I've even seen it,

and if God don't do it, it's all good,

and God's still God.

- [Narrator] Alongside the Sommer family

church members and friendsfrom all over agreed in prayer.

- I really drew a lot of strength

from just our church people.

Whenever I just felt like I couldn't pray,

I couldn't pray anymore, they came in and,

and stood in the gap.

- [Narrator] Then 10 days after his fall

doctors brought Burt out of the coma.

even though he couldn't talk

Audrey knew immediatelythat her husband was okay.

- I was able to see the brown eyes

and he knew that I was there.

It was amazing, it wasamazing, I was like,

"Okay, God, you didn't failme, you know, he's here."

- I said, "Lord, I'mnot sure what happened,

I'm not sure, but I know I need you."

"Lord, I just wanna do your work again."

And he said, "You will, just trust me."

- [Narrator] In the weeks that followed

Burt continued to defy expectations.

- His personality, allof his formulas for work,

and all of the scriptures andthings that he had memorized,

everything just came back.

- [Narrator] On Christmas day

the Sommer family gathered at the hospital

and celebrated their miracle.

- God worked in an impossible circumstance

and that's how the miracle happened.

- It meant everything.

I mean, 'cause we could've very easily

been celebrating our firstChristmas without him.

And to be able to sit thereand have our children,

my husband and their dad,in total restoration,

it was magical, it wasreally truly magical.

- And I was getting better and quicker

and they had taken that fall risk,

that was on my wrist,that was a big deal to me,

I'm not a fall risk anymore.

I can walk, I can get up, I can move,

it just made me so thankful.

God can do a miracle anytime,any place for anybody,

and he chose me.

- [Female] No, no, no, no.

- [Narrator] A few days after Christmas

Burt was released from the hospital,

by March he was back at hisjob as a window specialist,

and by September hewas back in the pulpit.

- Hey, hey.(laughing)

- It doesn't matter what goes on,

it doesn't matter what doctors say,

people, no matter what, Jesushas the final say regardless.

- You never have toquestion God's character

he is who he says he is.

He is the healer.

He is the comforter.

- The Bible says he's nota respecter of persons.

God cares for the drugaddict on the street

as much as he cares for me,

as much as he cares for you.

If you need a miracle today

you could get your miracle today too.

- He should've died, but God says, "No,"

and that song, "WhoseReport Do You Believe,"

I'm gonna believe the report of the Lord.

Well, here's some testimonies

that have been called in to us.

These will build your faith

and we're gonna pray for you.

In her early sixties and without warning,

Ella of Philadelphia started experiencing

significant hearing loss.

She had to turn up the volumeon her phone and television.

While watching this program,

Terry said, "There issomeone with hearing issues,

don't think it's an injury,

but all of the sudden you'vejust begun to lose hearing,

God is restoring your hearing completely,"

and Ella said, that's me andGod healed her completely.

- [Terry] Well, praise the Lord for that.

This is Brenda, she livesin New Market, Alabama.

She says, "Hi Pat, I have a daughter

who was having some medical problems

with her pregnancy.

The doctors were uncertain

that the baby was going to make it.

Her lungs weren't fully developed,

and they thought thatwhen the baby was born

that they would have toput her on life support.

Well, a few weeks ago I waswatching, 'The 700 Club.'

I heard you say that therewas a woman out there

having some kind of medicalproblems with their pregnancy

and then you said, God ishealing that pregnancy.

I claimed that for my daughter.

She had her baby, ahealthy, beautiful little

6 pound, 13 ounce, baby girl.

She had no problems with her lungs,

and she was not put on life support.

Praise God!"

- God's loves you and before,

while you were in the womb, God calls you.

God's got his hand on the unborn,

on the elderly, on everybody.

And Terry and I aregonna join hands together

we're going to believe God for you

and we're going totrust God for a miracle.

So today can be yourday, let's praise God.

Father, we thank you forthese answers to prayer.

We know you're the God of miracles.

You formed us, you created us,

you put us together and you can heal us.

Someone has a digestive issue,

you've been having, it's like colitis,

and God has just healed you right now.

You'll feel a burningdown in the inside of,

your being touched, Terry.

- Yeah, there's someone,

you have been diagnosed withsome small tumors in your brain

and you've yet to determinewhat the prognosis is,

or what the treatment will be,

but God's healing those for you right now,

they're just going todissolve, they'll be gone.

Believe him, trust him, andbegin to worship him right now.

- Someone I believe the name's, Marsha,

you have what's called pleurisy,

you have a problem inyour lungs, an infection,

just breathe deeply and then cough

and from that moment on you're gonna be

completely healed, Terry.

- Yeah, someone else, youhave an issue with your lungs,

it's some kind of a,some kind of a growth,

or a coating on the inside of them

that does hamper your breathing.

You have a tremendous fearof COVID because of that.

God's healing that condition.

Just take a deep breath and exhale

and breath of heaven fillher lungs and make them well

in Jesus' name we pray.

- There's somebody, Ibelieve the name is Bernard,

and you are so discouraged,you are so discouraged,

and God wants to lift you up right now.

And he says, just begin to praise God,

look, lift up your hands,

wherever you are right this minute,

lift 'em up and start thanking God

and you will see a miracle.

All that heaviness isgonna taken away from you

in Jesus' name.

- And I believe there's another Bernard,

that you are-- Yeah.

- You don't know the Lord andyou live with tremendous guilt

because of the lifechoices that you're making.

Bernard today-- Amen.

- Make Christ your Savior,

Salvation has come

to your house-- Amen.

- In Jesus' name.

- Praise God, wherever you are,

please give us a call.

If you need further prayer

we've got folks at the phones right now,

even if this program isn't on the air,

we're still here waiting for you.

We've got prayer for calls all over.

The number is easy to remember,

it's 1-800, a toll free number,


that's easy, 700-7000.

So pick up the phone,call in, and also tell us

what miracles happened in your life.

We'd love to hear about it

and we'd love to share them, Terry.

- Well, Christmas is sucha time of wonderful music,

isn't it, and stillahead a Christmas concert

delivered right to your living room.

The Annie Moses Band is coming up next

so stay with us.

(upbeat jazz music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this "CBN News" break.

Chuck Yeager, the legendary test pilot,

and world War II fighter pilot ace,

has died at the age of 97.

Yeager made history in 1947

when he became the first person

to fly faster than the speed of sound.

He flew for more than 60 years

and was awarded several military honors.

Yeager was born in a smalltown in West Virginia.

He once said, "I was just a lucky kid

who caught the right ride."

Well, this Christmas season

many are struggling due to the pandemic.

That's why one New Mexico tree lot

decided to forego sales andto instead give away trees.

The lot set up a, donatewhat you can system,

and for those who couldn't afford to give

they got a Christmas tree for free.

The lot ran out of treesin just a few days,

but not before it raisedabout $5,000 in donations.

Well, you can always getthe latest from "CBN News"

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be back

with more of, "The 700Club" right after this.

- Well, Annie Dupredidn't have to search far

to find uber-talented musicians

to make up the rest ofthe Annie Moses band.

In fact, she didn't have to search

farther than the dinner table.

She and her family areclassically-trained musicians

and together they bring an unforgettable

upscale Americana sound, take a look.

- [Narrator] Annie Dupreis a violinist and vocalist

whose love for makingmusic with her siblings

led her alongside with her family

to found the Annie Moses Band.

Known for their eclectic sound

these extraordinary musicians

have performed on stages around the world.

This Christmas you canenjoy the Annie Moses Band

perform stunning arrangementsof holiday carols,

when you download the CBN Family App.

- Well, Annie joins us now, via Skype.

Annie, welcome back to "The 700 Club."

- Hello, Terry, it's greatto be with you today.

- I understand that yourfamily is back touring again.

How does it feel to beback in front of a live,

socially distanced of course, audience?

- Well, it is wonderful tobe back out on the road.

Obviously every musicianloves the chance to perform

because what we desire to do

is bring joy to people in music,

and of course the Christmas season

is maybe the best time of year to do that

and so we love that opportunity.

We haven't been able to donear as extensive as a tour

that we normally do,

but still audiences havereally been craving live music

and so we find thateveryone is really ready

to get into the spirit of the season.

- Right, especially atthis time of the year

I think people are hungry

for the celebration that music brings.

Well, tell us about yourbrand new DVD series,

"The Wonderful World of Benjamin Cello."

- Yes, so the Annie Moses Band

has long had a missionin the realm of creating

godly works of excellencein the realm of the arts.

And of course the musicof the Annie Moses Band

was the very first foray for us.

We felt that God had a call on our family,

in the realm of music,

but as our families grew, wehave a lot of children now.

We have 15 grandchildrenwho are nine and under,

so it's a very growing family,

and we found that the mostimpacting media in our world

was the media that wewatch on our devices,

you know, almost everybody listening,

or even those who are gonna watch

the Annie Moses Christmas Special

on the CBN App, right,

they're watching it on the device,

and we said if we're going to capture

the imagination of the next generation,

we need to speak into that world.

And so my brother, Benjamin,

stars in, "The WonderfulWorld of Benjamin Cello,"

and it's something akin to" Mr. Rogers"

and "Mary Poppins," allkind of thrown together

in one magical imaginative world

filled with faith andthe truths of scripture.

- Well, your family seems so, so together,

not just in your performing,

but also in your vision, andthe call upon your lives.

We're gonna hear your familyperform in just a few moments,

but first tell us what Christmas was like

growing up in your household.

- Oh, it was a very sacred time.

I grew up with the ideaof family being together,

the idea of Jesus as the Bread of Life

and that there was kind of a depth

to the communion of Christmas,

of the family being gathered.

We grew up with Advent and the idea

of kind of looking towardthe coming of Jesus

and now when we have thechance to perform and tour,

of course, those traditions

take a different form thanthey did when I was a child.

But even now when we areable to perform the music

of Annie Moses Band, and these songs

that are really part ofthe canon of our faith,

you are touching something

that's very deep within the church

and my brother, Alex,

he talks a lot aboutthis scripture in Matthew

where Jesus says that he'sbringing something new

out of the storehouse,which is an unusual concept

because you typically think of the things

you store in the storehouseas being old things.

And yet part of what we do every Christmas

is bringing something newout of the storehouse.

And when you hear hopefully the music

of the Annie Moses Band,

and the, Oh Holy Night Christmas Special,

folks will be connectingto this ancient path.

This ancient idea that God came to earth

and his name is Jesus and we can know him.

- Beautifully, put Annie.

We wanna thank you for being here today.

We want the rest of you to know

you can catch the Annie MosesBand's Christmas Special,

right on the CBN FamilyApp, that she mentioned,

but right now for a sneakpeek at what you'll find there

here is the Annie Moses Band

with, "Carol of the Bells."

("Carol of the Bells")

("Sing We Now of Christmas")

♪ Sing we now of Christmas ♪

♪ Noel sing we here ♪

♪ Sing your grateful praises ♪

♪ To the maid so dear ♪

♪ Sing we noel ♪

♪ The King is born, noel ♪

♪ Sing we now of Christmas ♪

♪ Sing we here, noel ♪

♪ Sing we now of Christmas ♪

♪ Noel sing we here ♪

♪ Sing with grateful praises ♪

♪ To the maid so dear ♪

♪ Sing we noel ♪

♪ The King is born, noel ♪

♪ Sing we now of Christmas ♪

♪ Sing we here, noel ♪

♪ Sing we here, noel ♪

♪ Sing we here, noel ♪

♪ Sing we here, noel ♪

♪ Sing we here, noel ♪

♪ Sing we now of Christmas ♪

♪ Noel sing we here ♪

♪ Sing we now of Christmas ♪

♪ Sing we now of Christmas ♪


- [Announcer] You can seemore from the Annie Moses Band

and other great artists bygoing to the CBN Family App.

Download it on your phone, or smart TV,

and look for CBN Family Christmas.

And still ahead on today's show

time for another round of,

Your Questions/HonestAnswers, so don't go away.

(upbeat orchestral music)

- Well, it's that time,email questions for you,

and this first one comes from Andrew.

He says, "Hi, Pat, I'veprayed for many healings

for the past five years,

and I watch your program five days a week,

You, Wendy, and Terry mention items

I've asked healings forand I have claimed them,

but those healings have not happened.


- How can I tell you why,

I don't know, I don't know, you know,

if I regard iniquity in my heart,

have you done something wrong,

or do you, do you haveresentment in your heart

towards somebody else,

are you truly believing,are you surrendered?

I mean, there's so many things,

you said why don't youget my prayers answered,

go before the Lord and say,

"Lord, teach me, show me,show me," and God will,

he will show you exactly andput his finger right on it.

And if you're willing toobey, you'll find a miracle

and that's what, ask him, say, Lord,

don't ask me, you askGod, okay, all right.

- This is Cheryl who says,

"John 20:23 in the NIV says,

'If you forgive anyone'ssins, their sins are forgiven.

If you do not forgive them,they are not forgiven.'

Does this mean that if someone I wronged

is holding a grudge againstme and has not forgiven me,

my sin against them is unforgiven?

Even if I've asked them to forgive me,

but they're choosing notto, so I'm not forgiven?"

- You know, a lot of times we,

we read into the Biblepersonal message to us.

The Bible says Jesusmet with his disciples

and he gathered them together,

he said within, for you guys,

if you forgive sins, they're forgiven.

But I think broader, the bigthing was binding and losing.

The, the whole idea is to the,

if you bind a regulation on somebody

then it's bound in heaven,

if you loosen it's loosed in heaven.

So as the church, we havethe power to lay on people

the obligations, or we havethe power to take them off.

But in terms of that, yousaid that's personal to me,

no, it's not, it was said

when Jesus was meeting

with a small group of his disciples, okay?

- This is Pat who says, "Please help me.

Most of my family are not saved.

My sister-in-law just died,

and my concern is that she was not saved.

Her son keeps saying, atleast she's in heaven now,

but is she?

According to Jesus, theonly way to the Father

is through Jesus.

What do I say?"

- Look, it's not for you to say

what somebody's ultimate destination is.

You just say, well, look Ipray you're right (laughing)

and you know in your heart they're not,

because there's only oneway to come to the Lord

and that is through being born again,

except a man be born again heshall not enter the kingdom,

he shall not see the kingdom of heaven.

So if a guy's not born again

he's not going to heaven, bottom line,

but you don't have tobe the ultimate judge,

say it's in God's hands, and it is.

I mean you don't know the answer,

but maybe he cried out to God for he died,

you don't know.

Here's one last one.

- Okay, this viewer says,

"I gave my life to Jesus in March of 2015.

It's been a constantstruggle with the devil.

My wife's not saved,

it makes it that muchharder to live with her.

I keep asking Jesus to touch her heart.

I try to talk to her,but she doesn't really

wanna hear what I have to say.

How long should I keepliving in this environment?"

- Until she leaves?

The Bible says, if theunbeliever is pleased to depart,

let 'em depart.

The brother or sister isnot bound in that case

and if they don't leave,

you made the decision,oh buddy, it's yours,

(laughing) so just pray

that somehow the Lordwill lead her to the Lord

and in the meantime you getright with God's yourself

and maybe by your godly example

she'll see something inyou that's so wonderful

and wanna know how come.

We'll leave you with, Today'sPower Minute, from Proverbs.

"If you help the poor, youare lending to the Lord,

and he will repay you."

Hey, tomorrow, we've got special editions

of, Your Questions/Honest Answers,

your voicemails, you don't wanna miss it

on tomorrow's "700 Club."

We'll see you then, bye-bye.


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