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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - December 3, 2020


- Well it's time forsome email, you ready?

- [Pat] Yeah let's go for it.

- Okay Pat, this first onecomes from Irene who says,

"If God has chosen PresidentTrump for another four years,

"which I truly believe,why has he not won?

"If the college doesn't choosehim for the electoral votes,

"God's judgment is comingsooner than we think,

"don't you agree?"

- I think you're makingtoo many conjectures.

I don't know God has chosenhim for four more years,

I don't know that if we don't choose him,

some terrible thing's gonna happen.

I think you're jumping totoo many conclusions, but,

I do think, with many Christians, that

God chose him for thismoment, he has been used

of God to recognizeIsrael, to move the embassy

to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv,

he has also given the Golan Heights,

and he has brokered the Abraham Accords.

It's been a marvelous thingthat he has done for everybody.

Beyond that, it's in God's hands.

And what am I gonna say but, I'd say

don't put too much on it.

I mean you know, God puthim in for this time period,

and I'd leave it at that, okay?


- And He can make ithappen anytime He wants to.

- [Pat] Yeah it's up to theLord from then on, all right?

- Okay.

This is Linda who says,

"At what point, if any,are Christians to confront

"non-believers who continuallydegrade our beliefs?

"I know we're to turn the other cheek,

"but is that our only defense?

"I have a family memberwho is guilty daily

"of making posts slamming religion.

"Don't we have a right tospeak and defend our faith?

"If so, how should we proceed?

"I'm tired of being silent

"and condoning this kind of treatment."

- Well, we're always supposed to be ready

to give an answer for thefaith that's within us,

and I don't think there'sany reason that we can't

stand against people, especially,there's so much error,

so if somebody's pointingout error, and if you're

into that posting, tweeting game,

which I'm not, but if you're in it,

there's not a thingthat says you can't say,

all right, Maisie X hasstated the following,

here's why Maisie iswrong, because A, B, C.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Of course, defend yourself,defend your faith.

Always ready to givean answer for the faith

that's within you, that's Biblical, okay?

- This is Sunasia who says,

"Pat, how can I tell whatmy purpose is in life?"

- Well I tell you how you can tell

more than any other thingis, what are you good at?

You know, if you werefive years old, let's say,

and that's one of the tests they give you,

what made you happy when you were five?

What kind of activity made you happy?

And then you can begin todraw a parallel from that.

God will give you somethingthat fits who you are.

You ask, what is your purpose,and you know the man said,

I had a revelation and said PC,

and that meant go preach Christ.

And he's a farmer, and his friends said,

well maybe it means goplow corn, you know?

So I mean, just do what you're good at.

That's what your purpose is.

That's what God made you to do.

What are you good at, all right?

- Okay, this is Leslie who says,

"What are your thoughts on purgatory?

"I thought that when we die, we either

"go to heaven or to hell.

"However, our priest saidthat for those who are judged

"worthy of heaven butstill need to be purified

"of their sins, undergo a process

"of purification called purgatory.

"So, who exactly goes to purgatory?"

- Oh you know, I loveour Catholic friends,

and I hate to differ in any point but,

the idea of purgatory is not in the Bible.

Jesus told a thief on the cross,

"This day you will bewith me in paradise."

Paul said, "I'm in a strait betwixt two,

"whether to depart and be with the Lord,

"or to remain in the flesh."

There's no purgatory.

I mean, we're either withthe Lord, or we're not.

We either go, the angels take us

to be in Abraham's bosom, or we are put

in Hades, but there's no purgatory.

The Bible says nothing about it,

and I'm a Baptist, so I've got to disagree

with my Catholic friendson this one, okay?

- This is Angela who says,

"Why so many different sinner's prayers?

"Some are long, some are short.

"Why isn't Romans 10:9sufficient for salvation?

"'If you confess with yourmouth, the Lord Jesus Christ,

"'and believe in yourheart that God has raised

"'Him from the dead, you will be saved.'"

- Well that's nice, but yougotta have a change of heart.

And the idea of repent is that you go

in one direction, andyou turn into another.

And you've got to change, there has

to be a completelyreorienting of your life.

So it isn't enough to say oh God,

I believe in Romans whatever.

It's more than thatso, it's a question of,

how deep the sin is in your life,

and what you're doing wrong.

And I think you have tosay Lord, I'm a sinner,

I've been doing this, andI'm sorry, I'm gonna change.

And with your help, I'm goingto lead a different life.

Let's repent.

Metanoia means to changeyour mind and go another way.

You didn't just say aquick prayer, all right?

- This is Ian who says,

"Hi Pat, it's in my nature to give.

"Not large sums, but here and there.

"My family severely disapproves of this,

"and they claim I am not rich, let 'them'

"donate their money, youdon't have that kind of money.

"It makes me sick inside and very angry

"that I'm discouragedand brow beaten for doing

"what is right, giving tocharity, and having a seed

"of faith in my heart thatwhat I do will come back to me.

"Why is it such a badthing to my loved ones?"

- Well your loved onesare greedy, you know.

That's the bottom line, they're greedy.

They're greedy and greed is a sin.

You know, you rememberthat little lady who had

two dineri, and shedropped in an offering,

and Jesus said, that widow has given more

than all the rich people.

But no, don't let the rich, I mean,

that was the whole thingin the Christmas story

was Scrooge saying, look,

this charity is set up,I give my money to them,

and let them take care of the poor people.

No, you know if you wantto get blessed, you give.

And out of the abundance of your heart,

and then God gives back, and so,

do what'll bless you and don't worry about

whether people criticize you.

- All right.

This is Mitchell who says,

"Pat, how can people lie andstill be saved by grace?"

- The Bible says thatno liar is gonna come

into the kingdom of God, soif they're habitual liars,

you know outside ofthe dogs and adulterers

and all who make a lie, the Bible is full

of things about lyingand, you cannot really

be a Christian and telluntruths, you know.

So, I mean you asked me,the Bible's very specific

about that, so I wouldn't worry so much

they're telling lies,but you know it says,

"You rebuke a fool and he'll hate you.

"You rebuke a wise man,and he'll love you."

But if you rebuke a liarand you know, he'll get mad

'cause you catch him at it.

But you know, politicsthese days is so full

of lies, it makes you sick.


you know.

- That's true.

- And they get elected to high office,

and they're just a bunch of liars.

And we don't like that.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth.

God desires truth in the inner man.

He wants us to be truthful and honesty.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life.

"No one comes to the Father but by me."


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