One family refuses to give up on a hopeless addict. Plus, prayer enables a sidelined mom to return to her active life as wife, mother, teacher and coach.
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(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up.(gentle music)
- They started prescribing me opiates...
- [Narrator] One junkie's addiction.
- [Brandon] Almostinstantly. I was hooked.
- [Narrator] And his family's agony.
- If I leave, he'll die.If I stay, he'll die.
- [Narrator] The race to save their son.
- Every time the phone rings,you think, "This is the call."
- [Narrator] And his cry for help.
- [Man] I'm gonna end up dead someday.
- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- Welcome to the 700 Club.
His story caught the attentionof Director Steven Spielberg,
who put it on the bigscreen in the hit movie,
"Catch Me If You Can."
His name is Frank Abagnale
and he used to be one of theworld's most famous con men.
- Mark Martin talked withthe former con artist
who now works to help preventthe crimes he used to commit.
- I'd like to cash thischeck here, and then,
and then I'd like to takeyou out for a steak dinner.
- [Mark] Leonardo DiCaprio played
former con man Frank Abagnale
in a 2000 film, "Catch Me If You Can."
- I can't stop. It's my job.
- [Mark] Tom Hanks plays the FBI agent
who finally tracked down the21-year old Abagnale in France,
after a five-year crime spree.
- I ran away from home when I was 16,
basically 'cause my parentswere getting a divorce
and a judge in familycourt was making me choose
which parent to live with.
So I chose to run away instead.
- [Mark] He admits life on the run
was by no means glamorous,
regularly crying himself to sleep.
CBN News sat down with the now 70 year old
at a Scam Jam event.
- And I started writingchecks to support myself.
When money ran out, Ikept writing the checks.
I'm personally an airlinepilot for a couple of years.
I worked in a hospitalas a doctor for a while.
I took the bar in Louisiana
and practiced law there for awhile.
And by the time I was 21,
I'd written about two anda half million dollars
worth of bad checks in 26countries and 50 states.
- Nearly 50 years later,
part of life involves being the face
of AARP's Fraud Watch Network.
He speaks on avoiding scams
and ways to protect families from crimes,
including identity theft.
Abagnale has served as AARP'sFraud Watch Network Ambassador
for four years now.
He shares his criminal past
and turn around with audiences
and also talks about potentialpitfalls created by criminals
in today's high-tech world.
Life on the other side began
after the pursuing FBIagent rescued Abagnale
from a federal prison in Virginia.
The movie character'sname is Carl Hanratty.
In real life, it was Joseph Shea.
- He persuaded the government that he felt
that I would be a greatasset to the government
if they took me out of prison
to basically not only help educate agents
to think out of the box
and to look at thingsnot as black and white,
but also to do undercoverwork for the Bureau,
because I could take on theseroles as different people
and get enough time doing itto get enough information.
- [Mark] After six years,
Abagnale was free to leave the FBI.
He chose to stay.
And has worked for the Bureaufor more than 40 years.
Abagnale credits those close to him
for helping him turn his life around.
- So it was more aboutmy wife changing my life
and my family and theresponsibility of family
and then the learning the love of country
and being surrounded by people
who influence you as a young person,
as what really changed my life.
- [Mark] Today, Abagnaleteaches at the FBI Academy,
trains agents in the field,and assists agents on cases.
He's also an author, publicspeaker, and consultant.
His website describes him as,
"One of the world's mostrespected authorities on forgery,
"embezzlement and secure document."
- Last 20 years all been cyber related
about breaches and cybercrimes and malware,
ransomware, and those things.
- He says, a few years ago,
AARP contacted him about sharing ways
to protect the elderly from fraud.
A survey showed fraud asthe number one concern
for the organization's morethan 38 million members.
- The actual incidentsof fraud and ID theft,
fraud mostly, it'sdrastically under reported
because someone feels vulnerable
and they don't want to admit it.
Having people come together,
it makes people realize,I'm not in this alone.
And one of the first steps
to being able to remedy the situation,
is to admit that it happened.
- [Mark] Abagnale says people should know
that every scam is basically the same.
- At some point in that conversation,
I'm going to either ask you for money,
or I'm gonna ask you for information,
social security number, dateof birth, bank account number.
Those are the red flags.
- [Mark] He adds, eachscam is simple to solve
by what he calls, "Stop and verify."
- So if I call and say,
"I'm the IRS and you owe back taxes
"and you need to payimmediately, right this minute,"
I just hang up the phoneand go to the white pages
and look up the IRS.
I go to the governmentpages and look up the IRS,
call the IRS that I received this call,
this is the person's name,
and they're gonna tell methat's a scam, ignore the call.
- [Mark] Abagnale says educationis the most powerful weapon
in fighting crime.
And this former con artisthas chosen to spend his life
on the right side of thelaw, sharing that knowledge.
Mark Martin, CBN News, Virginia Beach.
- Now, giving the numberof scam phone calls
we all seem to be getting these days,
we need to be very awareof what's going on,
that these are scam artists,
and they're trying toget personal information.
They're trying to trick youinto giving out details,
particularly credit carddetails over the phone.
Please be aware of it.
Please put yourself onthe "do not call list,"
and please report it.
We'll be back with more ofthe 700 Club after this.
(upbeat music)
100 years ago,
a bizarre and deadly accidenthit the city of Boston,
a tidal wave, 25 feethigh and 160 feet wide.
Well, it killed more than 20 people.
As Paul Strand tells us,
it wasn't water thatswept through the streets.
(air whooshing)(gentle music)
- [Paul] Paul Revere madeBoston's North End famous
when he began his historicmidnight ride from here in 1775.
Over time, it became a melting pot
of Italian American culture.
But history is mostly forgotten.
Another extraordinary event
that happened on thesestreets, 100 years ago.
(siren blaring)
January 15, 1919, a 50foot tall tank collapses
on the Boston waterfront,unleashing a massive tidal wave.
- It absolutely picks upeverything in its meets.
A messenger with about a four ton truck
is delivering produceand it gets picked up
and swept right into Boston Harbor.
- 21 People died as aresult of the disaster,
including two children.
What takes this story
from the tragic to the bizarre,is the contents of the tank,
2.3 million gallons of molasses.
As it turns out,
molasses was originallya part of the economy
the Bostonians would just as soon forget.
- Boston and the Northeastwere heavily involved
in the slave trade.
The so-called triangle trade.
- [Paul] Ships sailed fromBoston to West Africa,
exchanging rum for slaves.
Next stop, the West Indies,
where the slaves were traded for molasses,
which was then distilledinto rum back in Boston
as part of the continuing cycle.
(cannon firing)
Fast forward to 1914 at World War I,
when demand for molassesreaches an all time high.
By then, companies wereconverting molasses
into industrial alcohol,
a key component in manufacturing weapons.
As historian Stephen Puleo describes
in his book, "Dark Tide,"
United States IndustrialAlcohol company, or USIA,
rushed to build a high capacitytank in Boston's North End.
In charge of the project,Treasurer Arthur P. Jell.
- The problem is, he has noarchitectural experience,
no technical experience,
is unable to read plans and blueprints.
Doesn't know anythingabout a factor of safety,
and barely asks anythingabout any of these things.
- [Paul] By the timeJell locks in a location,
he has only two months
before the first largeshipment of molasses
is due to arrive.
In the rush to finish theproject, quality suffers.
- The tank begins to leakalmost from the beginning.
So much so that childrenfrom the North End
would go down to the site
and scoop up molasses withtheir pills and bring them home.
At one point,
Arthur P. Jell has the tankpainted the color of molasses
to disguise those leaks.
- [Paul] After the warends in November, 1918,
as the likelihood ofprohibition approaches,
the company switches gears
to produce as much rum as possible
before the 18th Amendmentgoes into effect.
Three months later, January15, 1919, shortly after noon,
a Boston police officer makes
a routine call to the headquarters.
- When he hears what he describes
as this tremendous rumbling grinding sound
and the rat tat tat
of what he feels is likemachine gun bullets,
he turns around and he seesthis tank disintegrating
before his eyes, the rattat tat of the rivets,
thousands of rivets inthe tank pulling away.
- The 160 foot widewave of molasses travels
at a speed of 35 miles per hour,
leveling off to a height of 25 feet.
It crushes everything in its path,
tearing this firehousefrom its foundation,
completely collapsing the first floor.
The waterfront is unrecognizable.
A criminal inquest finds USIA responsible
for the catastrophe, but agrand jury files no charges.
The only hope for justice for the victims,
is the civil suit.
- It really is a David versusGoliath kind of situation.
United States Industrial Alcohol
is a large industrial corporation.
Up against them are these 119 plaintiffs
who are almost exclusivelyIrish city workers
who worked for the city of Boston
or Italian immigrants whoworked in and around the docks.
- [Paul] The MassachusettsSuperior Court assigns
one of Boston's most well-known lawyers
to oversee the case,Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Ogden.
The son of an Episcopalian minister,
Ogden left a lucrativelaw practice at age 45
to enlist in the Army.
The war profoundly changed Ogden
who would later writeof his fellow soldiers,
"They did not give their lives
"so the great might have further privilege
"to oppress the small."
The hearings take three long years,
in part because Ogdeninsist each victim be heard.
In a decision that changesthe course of history,
he finds United StatesIndustrial Alcohol libel.
- Almost everything wetake for granted today
in the building construction industry
that architects need to show their work,
engineers need to signand seal their plans,
building inspectors need tocome out and check projects,
almost every single oneof those comes about
as a direct result of the greatBoston molasses flood case.
(gentle music)
- [Paul] It has been saidthat God uses ordinary people
to carry out His extraordinary plans,
such as the case with Hugh Ogden.
Although his name hasbeen lost to history,
his legacy is undeniable.
Paul Strand, CBN News.
- And what a great legacy.
If you ever wonder why youneed to get a building permit
just to modify your home, well,blame it on this molasses.
That's why.
But it's for the protection of all of us
to make sure we can allbe safe in our houses,
safe in our buildings.
Building codes are an absolute necessity.
Terry.- Fascinating story. Goodness.
Well, up next, a younghusband turns to painkillers
after he's injured in a car crash.
(air whooshing)
- They started prescribing meopiates and I took the opiates
and the pain went away almost instantly.
I was hooked.
- [Terry] Watch how thisman finally breaks free
from me years of drug addiction.
(upbeat music)
- Brandon Henderson had abeautiful wife and daughter
that he absolutely adored.
He also had a drug habit he couldn't kick.
For years, Brandon was inand out of jail and rehab,
and through it all, his wifeand parents stood by him,
praying for the day he would be set free.
(air whooshing)(gentle music)
- They said I was just ajunkie. That's all I'll ever be.
- [Narrator] The voiceof a hopeless addict.
And the family who was trying to save him.
- He said, I got it. Tellyou guys, I'm shooting up.
- We just kept saying,"This is not gonna happen,
"this is not what Godhas intended for you."
- I tried to controlhim, I tried to love him,
I was angry at him,
none of it worked.
I would pray for him that Godwould get ahold of his heart.
- [Narrator] Brandon Hendersonwas not always an addict.
The son of a minister,
he gave his life toJesus when he was seven.
- I had a strong encounterwith God at that time.
I became really, at ayoung age on fire for God
and had a hunger for Him in my life.
- [Narrator] But a storm would come
that would shape hislife for years to come.
It happened at a boy's club sleep over.
- Couple of the older boys molested me
and several of the otheryounger boys in there.
And so when this happened in my life,
it really shook my faith.
Again, I blamed myself fornot being able to stop it
and so there was shame and guilt.
- [Narrator] Embarrassed andafraid, Brandon told no one.
By his early teens, hewas using marijuana,
alcohol, and sex, to dull his pain.
- I started to do thingsto validate who I was,
and every line that I'd cross,
I would begin to feel more,more guilt and more shame.
And so I just continued to spiral
and to slip further and further from God.
- [Narrator] There was abright spot in Brandon's life.
Her name was Julie.
They met at a church camp,became high school sweethearts,
and married shortly after graduation.
He still smoked pot and drank on occasion.
But in 2008, he foundsomething more effective.
- Got in a bad car accident,really hurt my back,
got sent to a pain management.
They started prescribing meopiates and I took the opiates
and the pain went away almost instantly.
I was hooked.
- [Narrator] Within the year,
Brandon's drug use hadescalated to heroin.
He was also selling prescription drugs.
Julie had seen signs of addiction,
but then she found the needles.
- I think, Lord, he istrying to kill himself.
There is no hope. I don't know what to do.
And so many times I want to leave,
but I thought, if I leave, he'll die.
If I stay, he'll die. Lord, what do I do?
- [Narrator] In 2010, he wasarrested during a drug bust
and sentenced to twoyears on house arrest.
In that time he and Julie had a daughter,
but even becoming a father wasn't enough
to keep him from going back to drugs.
- I absolutely loved her.
And I kept trying to quit them on.
And I remember lookingat her and thinking,
this little girl was gonnabe better off without me.
(slow intense music)
- [Narrator] Over the next several years,
Brandon was in and out of jail and rehab,
unable to control his addictions.
- The reason I kept going backis 'cause I wasn't dealing
with the emotional pain andthat was driving me to do that.
I still had that hurt on the inside
'cause I saw myself as trash.
- Every time the phone rings,you think, "This is the call."
That they're gonna,
they found him ODed oron side of the road or...
- The Bible talks about God calling things
that are not as though they are.
There I would call himsay, "Hey, man of God,"
and he said, "Dad, don't youknow? I'm not a man of God.
"I just shot up. I'm gonnaend up dead someday."
- And I remember when he'd say that to me,
it would hit me like right in that heart,
something in my heart said,"Yes, I wanna be a man of God,
"but I don't see how that's possible."
- [Narrator] All this time,there was Julie by his side,
crying out to God for her husband.
- I just said, "Lord,whatever Your will is,
"please let it be done.
"If it's to save him, save him now.
"If it's to take him, thentake him so we're not hurting
"and he's not hurting anymore."
- [Narrator] Then in2012, Brandon was placed
in Dunklin ChristianRehabilitation Center.
One month later,
he was returned to jail forviolating his probation.
When he was released,
he quickly resumed hisdestructive behavior.
That's when Julie knew it was time
to take their daughter and leave.
On her way out, she sadly reported Brandon
for violating his probation again.
- I finally just cried out to God.
I was like, "God, I don'tcare what it looks like.
"If I go to jail, if I goto prison for however long,
"I can't keep doing this.
"With whatever you want from my life,
"I'm gonna serve You."
- [Narrator] The next day,Brandon stood before the judge.
- So I go to court and Ihad that surrender moment.
Even still though, I'msitting there shackled
and I'm more nervousbecause I had a daughter now
and I felt something, apresence settle on my shoulders.
And I just heard a softwhisper, "I got this."
The judge came back fromthe sidebar conversation,
he's like, "I don'tknow why I'm doing this.
"So I'm gonna give youyour prison sentence,
"but I'm gonna suspend it
"in lieu of you going back to Dunklin
"and getting your life back together."
- [Narrator] It was therewith a Christian counselor,
Brandon was finally able totalk about his molestation
and break the bondskeeping him in addiction,
and learn his true value in Christ.
- And I walk through forgivenessfor the guys who did that
and forgiveness with myselfand my parents and my God.
So much freedom and forgiveness.
I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror
and I no longer saw junkie,
but I saw somebody who was afather, and a husband and a son
and somebody who actually had hope.
(kids chattering)(girl laughs)
- [Narrator] Brandon is still drug free
and is a sales manager
for a national telecommunications company.
He spends most of his free time
with his beautiful wifeand three children.
- Today, he's the son that we lost
during the span of years.
The little boy that was full of joy.
- And God was just restoring my identity.
And He was telling me,
"You are precious. You are valuable."
And see, He was takingthe mess that I made
and He was making it something beautiful
into His own masterpiece.
- You are His masterpiece. Realize that.
Right where you are,you are His masterpiece.
Now, don't laugh at that.
Don't reject that. Becausethat's who you are.
The Bible says that you'refearfully and wonderfully made.
The Bible also says
that before the foundationof the world was laid,
He thought about you.
He created good works, goodthings for you to walk into
that would satisfy your heart,
give you a purpose, give youa hope, give you a future.
He did all of these things just for you.
Now, if you're like Brandon,and you're caught in addiction,
here's something for you.
It's from the book of Hosea.
And it's an interesting parallelwhere the Bible says that,
new wine and harlotry andidolatry are all the same.
And the problem with it isthat they enslave the heart.
So your heart starts to long
for the very thing that's killing you.
And you want that feeling,you want that comfort.
You know it's destructive,
you know you can die from it,
but you keep going back to it.
You keep going back to it.
Why? Because your heart is enslaved.
But I've got good news foryou. He can break that.
He can change that.
And He can change you back towhat He originally intended.
All the good things Heoriginally intended for you,
you can have again.
And the wonderful news,it's all free of charge.
He doesn't charge anything for it.
He loves you so much that Hewas willing to die for you.
He was willing to takeall the consequences,
all the sin, all therejection, all of that.
He took it all so thatyou wouldn't have to.
Now, how do you get this?
How do you break free?
How do you unslave your heart?
Well, you turn to Jesus.
What is He looking for?
He's just looking for a little sign.
And just what Brandondid, God I'll serve You.
I'm tired of this. Iwant something different.
It's not gonna be on your own willpower.
It's going to be on Hiswillpower, His ability.
And when He fills you with His love
and shows you who you really are,
that you really are Hischild, He really loves you,
He's not mad at you,He's not rejecting you,
He's anxiously waiting for you to come.
All you have to do is show up.
Well, the prodigal son in the Bible,
all he had to do is come to himself
and turn and say, "I'm going home."
And the father saw himfrom a long way off,
and ran out to him andembraced him and said,
"Let's have a big partybecause my son has come home."
The same thing happens in heaven.
All of heaven rejoices, and iswaiting to rejoice over you.
All you have to do is turn.
So if you wanna do this,if you want a fresh start,
all you have to do is ask for it.
So let's do that.
Let's pray together, andlet Jesus do all the rest.
Pray with me.
Jesus. That's right, just sayHis name. Say it out loud.
Jesus, I come to you,
and Lord, I need to breakfree from what I'm doing.
These things that enslaveme, I need to break free.
And Jesus, I confess I can't do this,
but I know that You can.
So come into my heart,
forgive me of all thethings that I've done wrong.
Set me free.
And Jesus, if you do this for me,
I want to follow You.
I want to serve You allthe days of my life.
Hear my prayer.
Fill me with Your love.
For I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Father, for those who just prayed,
I ask that Your presencejust come upon them,
breathe on them, Lord God,
baptize them in YourSpirit and in Your love
and let them know right now
that their prayer has been heard
and has been answered today.
Lord, do it. Change lives.
Do it, Lord. For we ask it in Jesus' Name.
Amen and amen.
If you prayed with me,
there's one more thing I want you to do.
I want you to get a freepacket, it's called "A New Day."
What do you do now? How doyou live the Christian life?
What are the important verses in the Bible
to help guide you?
It's all free.
All you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.
Just say, "I prayed with thatguy on TV and I want this."
It's called "A New Day."
So you can ask for it when you call.
I also encourage you to get a Bible
and start reading it every day.
It's through the Word ofGod that you renew your mind
and stop the old way of thinking
and get into the newway of God's thinking.
Let's start with thatphone call, 1-800-700-7000.
Terry, over to you.
- Still ahead, a militaryfamily loses everything
when a hurricane floods their home.
(air whooshing)
- We had nice things and a nice house,
and now it's all gone andwe have to start over.
- We finally didn't owe anyoneor any bank or anything,
and just in the blink of an eye,
now we're facing that again.
- [Terry] See how this couplereceives an extreme blessing.
That's coming up.
(gentle music)
- Just out of the blue,
the pain would hit me and I would fall.
My arches were falling,
and I also had bone spurs, arthritis,
and pneumocystis, which isan infection of the foot.
The 700 Club was on and itwas the last 10 minutes.
Gordon Robertson came on.
- There's a woman, you'resaying the soles of your feet.
You've got problems withswollen arches in both feet,
it's very difficult foryou to walk, very painful.
God's healing you now.
- I just had this supernaturalknowledge that I was healed.
So I stood up and juststarted jumping up and down
like a rabbit, just rejoicingand laughing and crying
and hysterical because the pain was gone.
My feet weren't hurting,my legs weren't hurting,
my hip wasn't hurting,my back wasn't hurting.
And it was so remarkable.
God just wanted me to know
He was in the business of healing.
He did complete what He started.
(upbeat music)
- After Hurricane Florenceflooded their rental home,
Jim and Rose Langwellbegan living in a camper
with their three children.
All the family's belongings were ruined.
And to replace them,
the couple would haveto go deep into debt,
at least that's what they thought,
until they received some great news
from CBN's Helping the Home Front.
(gentle music)
- [Narrator] Jim Langwelland his wife Rose
are dedicated to servingtheir community and country.
She's in the US Air Force.
He works as a Sheriff's deputy
in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
They never imagined they'dbe the ones needing help
after Hurricane Florenceflooded their home,
they were renting.
All of their belongingswere destroyed by the storm.
- It's hard.
We've both worked our wholelives to get where we are
and we've had, we had nicethings and a nice house,
and now it's all gone andwe have to start over.
- [Narrator] Rose andthere are three kids lived
in this borrowed camper
on her sister Dawn's and herhusband Randy's property.
Despite that part of Randy and Dawn's roof
blew off their own home, andthe master bedroom destroyed,
they took the Langwells in.
- I'm eternally grateful for it.
I would do anything to tryand repay them for this.
I mean, it's just huge.
- [Narrator] Jim and Rose planned to move
into another rental homeas soon as possible,
but they wouldn't have any furniture
unless they bought whatthey needed on credit.
- We finally didn't owe anyoneor any bank or anything,
we were in a really goodspot, really comfortable spot.
And then just in the blink of an eye,
now where we're facing that again.
- We struggled before
and God (laughs) always pulls us through.
So I'm hopeful.
- [Narrator] Their situation changed
because the Lord's Table Church
contacted CBN's Helping the Home Front.
- We want to make sure
that you can replace a lot ofthe things that you've lost.
So we wanna give you some commissary
and exchange gift cards.
So $2,500 worth of that. (Jim sighs) So...
- [Jim] Thank you.
- In a way to help youguys get back on your feet,
we wanna take care of yourdeposit first month's rent
when you find a place.(Jim and Rose laughing)
And then later today,
we're gonna take you to Ashley Furniture,
and they want to make sure you guys have
all the furniture you need for your house.
So putting your heads on realbeds, sit on real couches.
- I'm speechless.- Awesome.
- [Narrator] It was thenthat Pastor Ken told them,
CBN's Operation Blessing
was going to help Rose'ssister and brother-in-law.
- They have gotten somehelp from Operation Blessing
so that they can help your family as well.
- It's amazing. I can't believe it.
- [Narrator] Back outside,they told Randy and Dawn
that Operation Blessing was going to pay
to fix all the damage tothe roof and master bedroom.
- Good man. That's--- We need to go, man.
- I don't even know whatto say. I really don't.
Thank you, man. (Ken laughs)
I love that. (laughs)
Thank you guys so much.
- [Narrator] Afterwards,they headed to Ashley's
to pick out furniture for their new home.
Ashley's was more than happyto provide a deep discount
to honor the couple's service.
Today, the Langwells are in their new home
with all the furniture they need,
thanks to Helping the Home Front.
- I am grateful for CBN becausethis really means a lot.
- When people are in situations
that are out of their control
and it's devastating andthey've lost everything,
700 Club members, that's when you show up.
I love that.
I love that you go rightinto the midst of their need
and you provide not just the little bit,
but what they need to really flourish
and to thrive and to move forward.
We say, thank you.
To those of you who haven'tyet joined the 700 Club,
I want you to know it's a 65 cents a day,
$20 a month commitment.
And while that might not sound like a lot,
when we all join hands together,
it really does touch lives bythe thousands and thousands,
not just here at home,but all around the world.
Will you go to your phoneand join with us now?
We need you to be apart of what's going on
in the move to touch peopleright at their point of need.
So there's our phone number.
Even it's toll free, 1-800-700-7000.
Call us and just say, "I'dlike to join the 700 Club."
When you do, if you'll use Pledge Express,
that's electronic monthly giving,
it means your bank does all the work.
I really love it.
No stamps, no envelopes onhand, it's just done for you.
We wanna send you "Powerfor Life Teachings."
You'll get one of theseevery single month.
And we think they'll bea real blessing to you
even as you're blessing others.
And, we live in a day and age
where we all wanna say to our military,
"Thank you for your service."
Well, there's a wonderfulway you can do that.
Support the work ofHelping the Home Front.
We're reaching out on a regular basis.
This is one story of afamily whose life was changed
by your kindness and generosity.
If you'd like to be a part of that,
just send your gift to Helpingthe Home Front CBN Center,
Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23463.
You can also give bycalling 1-800-700-7000,
or you can give online at
We say, thank you in advance.
You really are makinga difference. Gordon.
- Well, up next,
a basketball coach issidelined by neck pain.
(air whooshing)
- I kind of pride myselfon being a good passer
and I went to throw a pass andit just fell out of my arm.
- [Gordon] Watch whatgets her back in the game
pain-free, after this.
(upbeat music)
- For six months, HeatherKelly had a problem in her neck
that affected every aspect of her life,
especially her job as ateacher and basketball coach.
Heather saw several doctors
and spent thousands ofdollars getting massagers,
but nothing helped.
Until the day she cameacross the 700 Club.
(air whooshing)
- [Narrator] In additionto being a wife and mother,
there's something elsethat defines Heather Kelly,
her love for coaching high school sports.
- And this is my livelihoodand my calling, I feel.
I love it. Without adoubt. It's my passion.
- [Narrator] And for Heather,being a successful coach
includes scrimmaging with the athletes.
But when she startedfeeling neck pain in 2015,
she found it difficult to do her job.
- It really hit me in basketball practice.
When I kind of pride myselfon being a good passer
and I went to throw a pass andit just fell out of my arm.
- [Narrator] Eventually shecouldn't participate at all.
Even the most simple movementscaused excruciating pain.
- And I would get to a stop sign
and I would get so frustrated
because I didn't have that mobility
to look left and right.
So I'd stop and I literallyhave to turn my whole body.
- [Narrator] Before long,
the pain was affectingher home life as well.
- So I felt like I was
definitely lettingeverybody around me down.
Especially when I got home,
I felt like I was letting my family down.
I didn't wanna cook. I didn't wanna clean.
I didn't wanna be the wife
or the mother I was supposed to be.
- That's actually all she reallytalked about was her neck.
My neck, my neck.
Just seeing her being depressed like that
was just awful to see.
- I went to several different doctors
and they kept giving mepills to mask the pain
and help me with the pain,
but we really couldn'tfigure out what was going on.
I spent thousands ofdollars getting massages,
trying to work it out.
I was trying to do everything I knew
and using every resource I knew how,
and just not seeing any type of results.
I've read all the time.
I felt like God was nothearing, hearing me at all.
And I didn't understand.
I remember one time getting so depressed
and just sitting on the floorand just crying and saying,
"I don't know what to doanymore. I'm just over it."
- [Narrator] Heather had beenin pain for about six months,
when she stumbled onto the 700 Club.
Terry and Gordon weregiving Words of Knowledge.
- I honestly thoughtit was all hocus-pocus.
I thought, this is really weird,but I had folded my hands.
I was sitting on thecouch and I bent my head.
And while they were praying for people,
and Terry came on and said...
- There's someone else, you have a problem
with some of the vertebraeat the top of your spine
and it makes your neck tight.
God is just healingthat for you right now.
You're gonna feel a kind ofa warmth in that upper part.
Just move your head around
and there's freedom there for you.
- I was so overcome as, thatGod, she's talking to me.
And as soon as I lifted my head,
it was like a snap ina release from my body.
I was so overcome withjoy. I started crying.
I remember the first thing I did
was moving my head left to right,
'cause I could not do that for so long.
I knew I was healed.
First I said, "Thank You, Godfor healing me. Thank you."
And I just started crying.
- Then my wife called me and she said,
"Shane, I've been healed.I've been healed."
And I was like, "What do you mean?"
She goes, "I can move myneck. Jesus healed me."
I mean, as soon as she was healed, it was,
she got back to her old self.
She started to, wanna get back to work
and do things like she couldn't do before,
and it was just, yeah, itwas an immediate change.
And just to see herback to her normal self
was just amazing to me.
- [Narrator] Heather has beengoing full speed ever since.
- I can get back out there, Ican play with the kids again.
I'm not very good,
but (laughs) I can get outthere and be a part of it.
Being able to pass and just,
little stuff you takefor granted every day.
And you know what a blessing.
That was the biggest thingfor me is He knows my name.
He knows Heather.
And how amazing that is to know
that God really does knoweach and every one of us
and how much He loves us andreally does care about us.
- He knows your name.
He numbers the hairs on your head.
He knows your beginning.
He knows everything and you'rewritten in His Book of Life.
It's not hocus-pocus. It's God.
If we can understand it,well, then it's not God.
The reason it seems somysterious is because it's God.
If we can explain how miracles happen,
well, then it's not God.
But when God comes in andyou see the transformation
and you see the healing,well, then it's undeniable.
You just go, "Wow, yay God.
"What a wonderful thingto do for Your children."
Now, if you think that somehow or other,
you have to bargain with God,
that you have to plead with Him,
or you have to live life a certain way
to get His attention or any of that,
get rid of all of those thoughts.
And here's a thought to replace them.
If you're a parent and your child is sick,
what would you do?
You would do anything.
You would pay any doctor bill,
you would do anythingfor that child to recover
and to be normal and to behealthy, you would do anything.
Well, start thinking ofyour heavenly Father.
That's exactly how He feels about you.
He would do anything.
And He proved it on across 2,000 years ago.
He would do anything for you.
He gave His life so that wewouldn't have to suffer anymore.
And by His stripes we are healed.
The apostle Peter changes that verse.
He says, "By his stripes we were healed."
It's already accomplished.
It's past tense. He's already done it.
So we don't have to beg Himfor what He's already done.
Now, Jesus gives us the key to miracles.
When you stand praying,
believe that you have alreadyreceived and you will have it.
So when did your healing happen?
Well, ask yourself this question.
When were your sins forgiven?
Well, they were forgiven 2,000 years ago
before you even committed it,
which is a pretty amazing thought.
When were your diseases healed?Same time. 2,000 years ago.
So in God's universe,it's already happened.
In heaven, it's already happened.
All we have to do is say,
"May God's will be done onearth as it is in heaven."
When we pray in accordance with that,
realizing these are great facts,then faith gets very easy.
Healing gets very easy.
Do we ever understand it?
No, 'cause if we did, it wouldn't be God.
But realize He loves you.He loves you infinitely.
Now, Terry and I aregoing to pray for you.
And before we pray, we'vegot some wonderful miracles.
Other people who've been healed
by watching a television show.
So here is Isabel fromOlympia, Washington.
She had cataracts.
The implant surgery she underwent failed
due to a wrinkle in her cornea.
Her doctor suggestedmore aggressive surgery.
Well, one day, watching this program,
Isabel heard Terry say, "Godis healing you right now."
And Terry specificallycalled out her condition.
Well, Isabel knew it was for her.
And by faith believed,
and when Isabel returned to her doctor,
he confirmed she's healed.
- Praise God. Well, this is America.
At the age of 25, fromPuyallup, Washington,
she was diagnosed withEpstein-Barr disease
and spent seven days in the hospital.
After being released, shewas watching this program.
She heard you, Gordon pray in detail
for someone with her exact symptoms.
She said she felt her body healing.
When America went back toher doctor, it was confirmed
the disease is no longerin her bloodstream.
That's a miracle.- Hallelujah. (laughs)
God performs miracles.
Can we explain them? No!
But can we believe in them? Yes.
And when we believe thatwe have already received,
we will have it.
So let's pray.
And I just challenge you right now.
Believe that it's already been done.
Believe that it was done 2,000 years ago.
And now let it manifestin your body right now.
Let's pray.
Lord, we lift the needsof the audience to You.
And as people are believingand believing in You,
we look to You, the authorand the finisher of our faith.
We look to You.
And now we say out loud to our bodies,
be healed now in Jesus' Name
and be restored and made whole.
No more disease, no morepain, no more suffering,
for by His stripes I am healed,
and I was healed 2,000 years ago.
So I receive it now in Jesus' Name.
There's someone watching,
you heard that story about Epstein-Barr.
You have a blood condition andit's in your red blood cells.
God is healing your blood.
He's restoring, givingyou energy and vitality
that you've never experienced.
You are going to be a newcreation now in Jesus' Name,
receive it now.
- There's someone named Dan,
you've had recurring health problems,
and God wants you to know He's got it.
He has got it. He's got yourback, He knows your name.
He's in the midst of yourcircumstances, do not be afraid.
And there's also someone named Danielle.
And this is not a health...
Not Danielle, but Daniel,
this is not a health issue,but God would say to you,
hold fast to the vision He's given you
because though it maynot happen immediately,
it is going to come to pass for you.
- And someone, you've got a virus
that causes blistering around your mouth
and God is healing you
and He's taking away all theembarrassment, all the shame.
In Jesus' Name, be healednow. Amen and amen.
If you need prayer, we're here for you.
All you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.
Here's a word from Jeremiah,
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed,
"save me, and I shall besaved, for You are my praise."
(gentle music)