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Praise the Lord - The Superbook Show

Alex and Alitheia share scriptures that show us how we can always praise God no matter the circumstances. Read Transcript

- Praise the Lord, let allthat I am praise the Lord.

I will praise the Lord as long as I live.

I'll sing praises to myGod with my dying breath.

- We serve a mighty and powerful God

who never fails to show His love for us.

- And the Bible shows us countless ways

in which we can praise Godand His pure awesomeness.

- In both good times and bad,

let us never forget to praise God.

(logo whooshing)

(bright upbeat music)

- [Alex] Praise the nameof God forever and ever

for He has all wisdom and power.

(bright upbeat music)

- [Alitheia] Oh Lord, I willhonor and praise your name,

for you are my God.

You do such wonderful things.

- [Narrator] Do not be afraid Mary,

for you have found favor with God.

- [ALex] He alone is your God.

The only one who is worthy of your praise.

the one who has done these mighty miracles

that you've seen with your own eyes.

(crowd cheering)

- [Narrator] May the spiritof the Lord come upon you

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Alitheia] Let all thatI am praise the Lord.

May I never forget thegood things He does for me.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Send a message to theJews in the King's name,

telling them whatever you want.

- [Alex] Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord

for though I was poor and needy

He rescued me from my oppressors.

- You will write a decreegiving the Jews in every city

authority to unite, to defend their lives.

- And Jews in every province in city

will be filled with joy and gladness.

- [Alex] And then I heardevery creature in heaven

and on earth, and under the earth,

and in the sea, they sang.

- [All] Blessing andhonor and glory and power

belong to the One sitting on the throne

and to the Lamb forever and ever.

(saints chanting)

(logo whooshing)

- Praise the Lord, praiseGod in His sanctuary,

praise Him in His mighty heaven.

- [Narrator] And thereshall be no more curse,

(bright music)

but the throne of God andof the Lamb shall be in it.

(bright music)

- [Alitheia] Praise Himfor His mighty works,

praise Him for His unequaled greatness.

- [Alex] Praise Him witha blast of the ram's horn.

Praise Him with a lyre and harp.

- [Alitheia] Praise Him withthe tambourine and dancing.

Praise Him with strings and flutes.

(logo whooshing)

- [Alex] Praise himwith a clash of cymbals.

Praise him with loud clanging symbols.

♪ 'Cause we know Jesus ♪

- [Alitheia] Let everything that breaths

sing praises to the Lord.

Praise the Lord.

♪ cause we know Jesus has overcome ♪

- As you go through yourweek, remember to pause,

take time and praise the Lord.

- Praise him for the bigthings and the little things.

- Praise him all the time.

- His Word is forever alive.

(logo whooshing)

- Thanks for joining us today.

Don't forget to downloadthe Superbook Bible App

so that you can follow along with us

as we quote the Bible.

- And visit

for more videos and devotionals.

- [All] Bye.

(logo whooshing)

- And visit The Superbook...oh,I say it to this camera.

(beep)- Thanks for joining us today.

Don't forget to downloadThe Superbook Bible App

so that you can follow alongwith us as we quote the Bible.

- And visit superbookshow.comfor more videos

and devotionals.

(upbeat music)Bye.

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