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Christmas Trivia - The Superbook Show

Alitheia and John talk about common Christmas candy and decorations, and share what they represent. Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The Superbook Show."

- Wow, that's cool.

- What are you looking at whileI'm solo hosting the show?

- Sorry.

Welcome to "The Superbook Show"

and I know what I wanna talk about.

- What's that?

- Christmas trivia!

(sleigh bells ring)

(air whooshes)

I found some triviaabout Christmas online.

Some of it is weird.

- You know what's really weird?

My grocery store has theChristmas decorations

in October!

- That is way too early!

- Yeah they've got their Christmas candy

right next to the Halloween candy.

So confusing.

- Speaking of candy, what doyou know about the candy cane?

- That it's deliciousness on a stick.

- Legend says that it started as a candy

given to young kids so theywould keep quiet during church.

- That would work.

You know what wouldn't work?

Potato chips.

I munch way too loudly on them.

- Back to the candy cane.

Do you know why it's shaped like a cane

and has red and white stripes?

- 'Cause that's how theygrow on the candy cane tree.

- Not grown on trees.

- Gotcha.

- The shape and colorsare to remind us of Jesus.

The hook is made to looklike a shepherd's crook.

- Yeah, Jesus said, "Iam the Good Shepherd."

- Right on.

The white represents Jesus' purity.

He was without sin.

- And the red?

- The red reminds us ofHis sacrifice for our sin.

- Nice, a parable in candy.

- Speaking of sin, Christmas ornaments

are often shaped like balls.

They're supposed to remindus of apples on a tree.

- Is that 'cause JohnnyAppleseed really liked Christmas?

- No, to remind us of theapple Adam and Eve ate

in the Garden of Eden.

- That's not very Christmas-y.

It's the first sin.

- Right and how do we conquer sin?

- By accepting Jesusas our Lord and Savior.


- You get it!

Christmas celebratesJesus coming as a baby.

- And those apples symbolize why He came.

On a side note, do youknow that nobody knows

what type of fruit Adam and Eve ate?

- I did know that.

Apparently the guys who cameup with the ornament tradition

didn't know that.

- What else ya got?

- Well, one of the most popularsongs sung around Christmas

is "Jingle Bells."

(holiday music plays)

- Oh no, it's already stuck in my head.

Do you know the Batman version?

- No, what I do knowis that "Jingle Bells"

is not a Christmas song.

(record scratches)

- What!

- James Lord Pierpontwrote the song in 1857

as a Thanksgiving song.

- You know it's hard tosay James Lord Pierpont

without sounding rather posh.

- Speaking of songs, Christmascarols became popular

when Francis of Assisi wrote songs

for the first nativity pageants.

- I actually do know this.

Christmas was originallyassociated with a pagan holiday

where the church wantedthe people to sing hymns

to remind them of theirreason for the season.

- That's exactly right.

Most hymns were written in Latin.

Francis had his carols writtenin the language of the people

so everyone can sing them.

- That's an important idea,

reminding people to sing about Jesus

reminds us that this isn'tjust a holiday about presents

or giving each other gifts.

- It's a season to remindourselves that Jesus came to us

to save us from our sins.

- Both the apples onthe tree and the stripes

on the candy cane.

- His Word is forever alive.

(air whooshes)

(air whooshes)

- Thanks for joining us today.

- What do you do duringChristmas to help keep your eyes

on Jesus?

- Remember to check out the links

to take you to more"Superbook Show" episodes

to let you learn more about Christmas.

- Merry Christmas to you all!

(beep)One of the most popular songs

sung around Christmas is "Jingle Bells."

- No!

Sorry! (laughs)

(beep)- What I do know is

that "Jingle Bells" isnot a Thanksgiving song.

- [Woman] It is, it isa Thanksgiving song.

- I keep on saying that.

(boy laughs) (woman laughs)(beep)

- [Woman] What are you angry about?

- Potato chips!

- [Woman] No, what are you angry about?

(girl laughs)Grocery stores.

- Yeah (laughs), the grocery stores.

- [Woman] What are youangry about grocery stores?

- They've got their Christmas stuff

next to the Halloweens stuff!- [Woman] No.

- They've got their Christmasdecorations in October!

- [Woman] What are you angry about?

(boy laughs)

- They have their Christmasdecorations in October!

- [Woman] And what's nextto the Halloween candy?

- The Christmas decorations!

(kids laughing)

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