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Studio 5: Voices of Fire

Pharrell Williams previews his Netflix series Voices of Fire. Actor and model Antonio Sabato, Jr. opens up about his life in the memoir The Untold Story. And singing siblings Michael Taite and Lynda Randall share A White Christmas. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- And welcome to "Studio 5",

we've got lots to get to.

Pharrell Williams goeshome to build a choir.

Antonio Sabato Jr. writes a book

and the Newsboys MichaelTaite invites us to his home

along with his singingsister, Lynda Randle.

And we are still countingdown the five big stories

in the world of Uplifting Entertainment.

- [Narrator] At number five.

The filmmaking brothersbehind "I can only imagine".

- Alright guys, we'vegot Jeremy Camp here.

- And I still believe the Erwin brothers,

announce they're turninganother inspirational

true story into a movie.

- [Narrator] "The Unbreakableboy" leaves the beautiful

and often humorous tale ofhow Austin teaches his father

and everyone else he encountersto have faith in God.

- This is the casting callfor "The Unbreakable Boy".

It's the story of ateenager, Austin Lorette,

born with autism and arare brittle bone disease.

At number four.

- God is dead.

- I can't do what you want (mumbles)

- [Announcer] The makers ofthe movie, "God's not dead"

make headlines this week,selling it's Pure Flix streaming

subscription platform to Sony.

It's the studio's latestmove to reach audiences

looking for faith friendly content.

- You're here becausethat voice inside you,

isn't happy with the choices everyone else

wants you to make.

- And so begins our countdown this week

and brings us back homehere to "Studio 5",

located in Hampton Roads Virginia,

which is also the birthplace

of music producer Pharrell Williams.

Who says when it comes totalent here in Hampton Roads,

there's something in the water.

And he sharing a bit more of that talent

in a new Netflix seriesthat documents his journey

to build the best choir possible.

It's called "Voices of Fire."

- Gimme a second.

- It's okay.- You're all right.

♪ At last ♪

♪ My love has come along ♪

♪ And love is like a song ♪


- I am Bishop Ezekiel Williams.

I've always had a dream

to build the world'smost inspirational choir.

Pharell is my nephew andwe've recruited a panel

of expert judges.

- If we didn't have to pay for it,

I tell you to drop the mic.


- Each singer we'll just have one shot.

(singers vocalizing)

- Yeah.

- There will be no callbacks.

( singer vocalizing)

- And you should probably judge them

on their ability to be compatible.

- Would do what I liketo call a shade of truth.

- Now, if she killsthis, the spot is hers.

- I wanna share my life through music.

I wanna help others the wayothers music has helped me.

- We have a lot of peoplethat are doing things that

they should not be able to do.

- I suffer from social anxiety.

- When I came to, I wasparalyzed from the neck down

and told I'd never walk again.

- Suicide attempts, they failedso like I have no choice,

but to keep going.

- Wow!

- How many real opportunitiesin life do you get?

- I wanna be in this choir pretty bad

and contribute to somethingbigger than my self.

(upbeat music)

- Without further ado,the boy singers of Fire.

- Patrick, you being a choir master,

how does putting togetherthis choir compared

to other choirs you've put together?

- I would say putting this choir together

definitely helped to validatethat term choir master.


Because it was unlikewhat I had done before.

Here I am now introducinggospel music (mumbles)

way that I've known it to some people

that have never sang gospel before.

It challenged my creativeness

and really helping people to understand.

And then it was sorewarding seeing them get it

and just like, "Oh my God, I love it,

"give me more, give memore, give me more."

- How would you describeyour role in this series?

Are you the Simon Cowellfor "Voices of Fire?"


Watch it like a star, Ithink he's the hardest.

- Yeah I would definitelysay I was depicted

as the Simon of the (mumbles)

I think what made it reallygood is while I was the Simon

I was also the personthat can help you fix

what wasn't right.

- Right (giggling)

Tell us who's all sortof leading this charge?

- Yes so there's BishopWilliams of course,

who is the pastor, there'smyself Patrick Riddick Cruz,

the choir director.

There's Peggy Britt who wasour area's legend called

the queen of gospel here,there's Larry George,

who is the main musician and the MD.

(mumbles) the pastor Ray

who does a lot of work behind the scenes,

is the executive pastor she handles a lot

of our administration, so that's our core.

- Tell me about Pharell'svision for this choir

and you connecting with himboth of course hometown people.

Tell me about that connection.

- He told me flat out, hesaid, "Man, I really wanna

"make this great."

"I want to put it that to thedays when everyone they sang

"Rock and Roll, R&B,Pop, Hip hop, whatever.

They look to the church forinspiration and influence.

Any (indistinct) 50, 60, & 70'severybody that was somebody

they really gleaned fromthe church and said,

we gotta put that backbecause now it's the opposite.

The church is looking to fumble.

He said, let's put ittogether including everybody

and do it in an excellent waythat it's just mind blowing

that everybody's goingto look to (mumbles).

- I've seen the series of course

and one of the beautiful things

are all the differentstories that come out.

What did those stories do to you?

- Those stories inspire me to know that

no matter what your limitation is,

you can make it on broken pieces.

- What is your prayer for this project

as it's now released for the world to see?

- My prayer is that itreally sends the message

and everybody reallygrabs that opportunity

all of them together.

We live in a time whereeverything is really trying

to separate and everybody's (mumbles)

I want the world to feel thislove and to sense this unity

and know that it's real.

And we are better together.

- And "Voices of Fire" begin streaming

to Netflix, November 20th.

You should check it out.

- [Narrator] Coming up.

- Yeah she doesn't knowanything about business.

- [Narrator] From Hollywood heartthrob.

- One connection peoplemay or may not be aware of

that's fun to know isthat you had a connection

with Madonna too.

- Yeah, we dated.

- [Narrator] To big time builder.

We're talking faith andfamily with Antonio Sabato Jr.

- [Announcer] Life it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said, I came to give you life,

life to the fullest, life in your family,

life in your finances, lifein your body, mind and spirit.

Life in your every day. we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully.

- [Announcer] At number three.

- A little holiday hope from a "Lego

and Star Wars" partnership.

Starting today you can getinto the holiday spirit,

the Lego spirit and the StarWars spirit at the same time.

"The Lego star Wars" holiday special

features your favoritecharacters from Chewbacca

to baby Yoda and of course,C-3PO voiced by Anthony Danner.

He says this special is comingat exactly the right time.

- Because it, as well as thedrama of it would be adventure,

the crazy charactersand you had this fake,

basic feeling of love and family and hope.

- [Narrator] "The Legostar Wars" holiday special

is out now on Disney plus.

- [Announcer] At number two.

- [Emmie] Today is the dayfor the ride of our lives.

When it confetti of colorwill fill up the sky.

- [Narratorr] That voiceis the 10 year old daughter

of the famous "Fixer Upper" Joanna Gaines.

Reading the audio version of her mom's

latest children's book.

"The world needs who you were made to be."

- [Emmie] Some of us areteachers and share what we know.

But all of us are learningtogether is how we grow.

- [Narrator] Gaine sharing on Instagram,

"When they asked the kids,if any of them wanted

"to read the book for the audio version,

"Emmie Kay was the firstto raise her hand."

- [Emmie] See how beautiful it can be

when our differences share the same sky.

- And welcome back to "Studio 5"

we have only one more storyin this week's countdown.

We will get to that in just a little bit.

Actor, model AntonioSabato Jr. has an amazing

and incredible story.

Much of it you probably haven't heard.

So he's got a new book andit's appropriately titled

Antonio's Nevado Jr. "The untold story."

- You know, as well as Ido, the dad is controlling

the strings around here.

- [Announcer] Antonio SabatoJunior's career spans decades.

- Fix it and finish it, we'redoing another project today.

- [Narrator] Fans of the TV host, actor

and cover model have often voted him,

the sexiest man alive.

- I had fun going backand looking at your resume

and the things you've done in the past,

one that down was fun to watch.

"Love will never do",Janet Jackson music video.

- First one, yeah the first thing.

♪ Our friends think were opposites ♪

♪ Falling in and out of love ♪

- [Efrem] Do you remember that?

- I do remember that I'll never forget it.

I was blessed to workwith a lot of people.

One of them was Stephanie,you know, Janet.

Janet Jackson wasamazing as a human being,

She's incredible.

You know I was a young teenager,

I was barely 17 years old then.

- Wow!

- And there I am working withthe biggest star at the time

in the world.

It was incredible.

I've been very, very blessed in my career.

My name is Antonio Sabato Jr.


Renovating is what I do, buthelping people is what I love.

Do it again (screaming)

- [Narrator] It's a careerAntonio has had to build

and rebuild as he shares in his memoir.

"Sabato the untold story."

- "The untold story."

What made you decide to tell it?

- Well, there's a lot ofuntold stories between myself

and my family, what we've been through

and I thought it was compellingto kind of reevaluate

my whole life and what's beengoing on now for so many years

and the things that I'vebeen through like I said,

with my family, coming to this country

and the things thathappened with my mother

and the history with the Czech Republic

and coming to Italy and so forth.

There's a lot of amazingstories in the book

that are really compellingand I think can help

a lot of people, youknow my love for Jesus

and all the things thatI've been able to accomplish

and been through andblacklisting and so forth.

There's just a lot of stuff.

I actually had to cut a lot of things out.

- [Narrator] Not left out.

- You know, my mother wasborn in a communist proc.

Escaped the Czech Republicand met my dad in Italy.

I know what socialism looks like.

I don't want that for my children.

- [Narrator] Pain Antonioendured for speaking his truth

at the Republican NationalConvention in 2016.

He lost jobs, left Hollywood

and picked up constructionwork in Florida.

Never losing hope but instead holding onto

his family's history.

- Your great grandparents,exterminated it Auschwitz?

- My grandmother was theonly survivor, her brother

and her family from mymother's side were taken

into the train and taken toAuschwitz and eventually killed.

My grandmother was able tochange her name and hide

and fraud while the family was taken away.

Her at a young age andshe was able to survive.

And then later on,obviously my mother was born

and they had to go through the same things

with the communist partyand the Russians invading

the Czech Republic.

So my family has been through socialism.

We hate it, we don't like it.

And I thought it wasanother compelling argument

that you know, listen, Ihave something to say here.

- Your mom and your dadboth success stories

in their own creative, right?

And you following in their footsteps,

what did it mean for themto abandon the success

that they had to venture to America?

- My parents did everythingfor us, for me and my sister.

We left our mothercountry, not once but twice

to come here and succeed in America.

We took advantage of the fact that

this is the greatest country in the world.

And we were so proud to come here

and become Americancitizens and do it right.

You know, by hard work and perseverance.

And that's what I learnedthe most about my parents

'cause they did it for usand they put family first.

- You yourself barelyescaping the family home,

burning to the ground, what happened?

- Yeah, we lost our homethen back in the 80's,

early 80's, before we came to the States,

our house was set on fire.

It was completely demolished, destroyed,

we lost everything we ever had.

I was a little boy wanderingin the middle of the street

with my parents going, whyis our house burning down?

Why did we lose everything?

We met, you know, a family of strangers.

And they invited us(indistinct) in their home.

Their friends (indistinct) to this day.

But (mumbles)strangers helped us out

in the middle of nowhere whenwe lost everything (mumbles)

quite amazing, God is good.

- Again, Antonio's book iscalled "The untold story"

and it's available right now.

We need to take a quick break right here,

but before we do, it'stime to say it in pictures.

Here's this week "Studio 5" snapshot.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Remembering Rance Allen.

The family of the gospel singerhas now laid him to rest.

Allen was the founding memberof the Rance Allen Group.

Often called the father ofcontemporary gospel music.

He died October 31st at age 71.

His wife called him thesweetest most humble patient,

loving giving man this side of glory.

His life and legacy are thisweeks "Studio 5" snapshot.

Still ahead.

♪ I am dreaming of a white ♪

♪ Christmas ♪

- [Narrator] Singingsiblings, Michael Taite

and Lynda Randle serenade "Studio 5"

and jump start the holidayseason, that's next.

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- [Announcer] Get "Protectyour Brain" a free DVD.

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- If you wanna improvethe quality of your life,

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- And welcome back to "Studio 5."

Believe it or not it is now time

to start thinking aboutthe holidays already.

And we've got two peopleto get us in the mood.

The Newsboys Michael Taiteand his sister, Lynda Randle.

♪ I'm dreaming ♪

♪ Of a white Christmas ♪

♪ Just like the ones I used to know ♪

- I'd love to talk aboutChristmas in the Taite household,

seven kids, dad's a taxidriver and minister,

mom works for the government,

what's life like in theTaite house at Christmas?

- A zoo.

- Totally a zoo.

Mine is the stinking

- Right? Right, right.

- It's fun, it was the best time ever.

That's all I can say,

we all have our ownlittle Christmas stories

and all that kind of stuff.

But Mike got great Christmas memories

but it was loads of fun and lots of food.

- And a big family I means, it's always,

a lot of my friends arefrom single kid homes

and I can't even fathom it

'cause I always had lots of siblings.

We had siblings, youknow, we had each other

and toys are great and toys are wonderful

but there's nothing can replaceher soul, a living soul.

You can talk to, loveon, laugh with, cry with,

fight with some times.

♪ I'm dreaming of a white ♪

♪ Christmas ♪

- I'm imagining musicwas a big part of it.

'cause I know you two sing

and some of your othersiblings sing as well, but...

- But it wasn't, right that's true.

But it wasn't until later,I didn't start singing

until I was like maybe 16, 17.

And as a matter of fact, it kinda,

I got kinda thrown into it because

I went to this Christian school

and they had me in thechoir, next thing I know

I'm learning songs, but it wasn't anything

I had intended on doing.

But five out of seven sayingtwo of those siblings,

Bill and Sharon are with the Lord now.

But we did, we did sing andwe had beautiful harmony.

And my mother sang, my motherwas my first Mahalia Jackson.

- She was.

- She was amazing, amazing.

And our dad thought hesang, which was fun.

- He probably shouldn'thave said, but he did.

♪ Be merry and bright ♪

- Everyone's of course excited.

You have a new Christmasproject, "White Christmas",

Lynda and you've invitedyour brother to sing

a couple of songs with you.

What made you decide this was the year

that we needed new Christmas songs?

- You know, I hadn'tdone one in like 10 years

and since 2005, and we actually

started tracking everything last year

and I did pretty much allthe vocals and everything

but we hadn't released it yet.

Just the timing we hadno idea what the pandemic

or anything but I thinkit's really a God thing.

It really is a God thing.

Especially when peoplejust need to hear about

the joy of Jesus and the peace of God.

And music has a way of justsettling the trouble soul.

It's like a healing ball you know.

- This is average based on a tree yeah.

It's a COVID-19 year on top of that.

- Right, so it's just been crazy

in all of the racial unrest it's just been

an unbelievable, unprecedented year.

And so I just felt likeGod just kinda saved this

because he knew thatthis would be a good time

for it to just hit, youknow and really touch

a lot of people.

♪ And may all your Christmases be white ♪

♪ May your days be Merry ♪

♪ And bright ♪

♪ And may all your Christmases ♪

♪ Be white ♪

- So good.

- Merry Christmas.

- And Lynda Randle's projectis called "A White Christmas"

and it's available right now.

So you don't have to wait to check it out.

Before we go to break, we have made it

to the number one story in this week's

look at UpliftingEntertainment, check it out.

- [Announcer] At number one.

- Once upon a time livedthe greatest inventor

that ever there was, Jeronicus Jangle.

- Merry Christmas.

- [Narrator] A "Studio 5" first look

at the whimsical new Netflix holiday film,

"Jingle Jangle; a Christmas Journey"

from writer and director David D Talbert.

- Jangle for the last 30 years,

you've been promisingsomething sensational.

- I need one time.

- Either come up withthe money you've borrowed

by Christmas or show me therevolutionary invention,

you once promised.

- I will lose everything.

- What sparked this idea?

Where was it born for you?

- For me, it was just wantinga piece of my childhood back.

- What's wrong grandpa?

- Had a perfect life, loving family

and a magical shop to theold friend, took it all.

- Speaking of your childhood,

you grew up in a family of ministers,

I believe your uncle,grandmother and so forth.

Did their messages of faithinformed this production

in any way for you?

- It informs everything I do.

And we grew up in storefrontchurch, Emmanuel Assemblies.

All I did was listen to Bible stories.

I listened to, I fell in love with words

'cause I watched wordschange people's lives.

So I knew the power of words

and the power of words with theright intention behind them.

- No matter who you are, what you do,

the magic lives inside of you.

- [Narrator] Just a moment (mumbles)

- It's demo time andthe entire carpet gone.

- [Narrator] Mr. Fix it,Antonio Sabato Jr. is back

with tools to make yourlife just a little better.

- [Announcer] Are yousuffering from feeling tired

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- Hi, I'm Dr. MichaelBreus, the sleep doctor.

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- [Announcer] Nutrition,exercise, essential oils,

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- [Announcer] Find outwhat you need to know

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Watch "Healthy Living"Tuesday night at 9:30.

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And you are back in"Studio 5" as you know,

music fuels this productionevery single week.

And this week soundtrackis a bit sentimental.

Uncle Charlie, CharlieWilson, and smokey Robinson.

And the song is called "All of my love."

Take a listen and see whythis is playing in my ear.

♪ If all of my love ♪

♪ Just aint enough ♪

♪ Then take all my heart ♪

♪ My soul my money my gold ♪

♪ Whatever you want oh ♪

♪ If all of my love ♪

♪ Just aint enough ♪

♪ Then I'll keep giving reasons ♪

♪ Until you believe in all of my love ♪

- Charlie Wilson and SmokeyRobinson, they never age.

On that musical note, weare almost out of time

for this edition of "Studio 5"

So let's look ahead right now

and see what's coming upfor you, come next week.

♪ There's a place that no one sees ♪

- [Narrator] Music fans are familiar

with Skillet dropping new music.

But one band member is dropping

a little something different.

- You're spending timein or have spent time

writing a book "Awake & Alive to Truth."

What made you decideit was time to do this?

- [Announcer] John Cooper takes "Studio 5"

inside the pages of his very first book.

- I started noticing somany of even my friends,

some people have been Christiansfor 10 years, 20 years

began to get reallyconfused about what it means

to be a Christian.

- We hope you'll join us for that story

and so much more come next week.

As for the final word for this show

we wanna give that to ourguests, Antonio Sabato Jr.

If you could go back in time

and give young Antonio someadvice what would you tell him

in light of all that you've lived for?

- I would say to him, never change man.

I mean, you gotta go through the bad stuff

to learn the good stuff.

I wouldn't change anythingbecause I am more secure

and I know what I wantmore in life than never so

those good and bad moments that seem

to be tough and hard to pass.

Those are the moments thatmake me a better person.

The time where I wasblacklisted was pretty low

but I was never in a placeof being really uncomfortable

or not being sure.

I was skeptical, I might'vebeen scared at times and afraid

but everything came together.

I have a great family andfriends and kids supporting me

through all this and they always told me,

never give up, keep moving forward.

- That's a great finalword for this edition

of "Studio 5."

And this week's look atuplifting entertainment.

Until next time, make timeto uplift someone around you

And then please come on backand see where "Studio 5"

takes you next week.

Bye bye everybody.

Thank you so much for watching.

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