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Faith Nation: November 13, 2020

Faith Nation: November 13, 2020 Read Transcript

- [John] Tonight.

Facing a possible COVID surge,

Joe Biden lays out hisplan to fight the pandemic,

while a Supreme Courtjustice sounds the alarm

over past restrictions.

And, despite recent reforms,

allegations of abuse andmistreatment of women

among one of America's moststrategic Middle East allies.

Plus, is the falloutsurrounding the election

the greatest hour for the church?

- And the only decidingfactor that is going to change

this moment in history is the church.

- All this and moretonight on "Faith Nation."

(rhythmic music)

COVID cases on the rise across the globe

and here in the United States.

Welcome to "Faith Nation."

I'm John Jessup.

Well more than one million cases

have been confirmed this month alone,

with Joe Biden now makingthis a top priority

as he prepares to assumethe role of president.

"Faith Nation" co-anchor Jenna Browder

has tonight's top story.

- Vice President Joe Bidenis laying out his plan

to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.

This week, his transition team

announced a new coronavirus task force

that includes doctors, researchers,

and public health experts.

He also announced a seven-pointplan to tackle the crisis.

So what does that mean for you and me?

Well first, Biden wants to implement

a mask mandate nationwide.

According to the Biden-Harrisofficial transition website,

Biden plans to personallycall mayors and governors

to encourage mask mandates.

But it looks like all16 Republican governors

who oppose statewide mask mandates

are ready to reject Biden's plea.

This according to "Politico."

Second, quicker and free COVID-19 testing.

That means increasing the numberof drive-through test sites

and investing in technologyfor at-home testing.

Third, paid sick leave.

Biden wants to give emergency paid leave

for anyone who gets COVID-19

or is caring for someone with the virus.

And finally, Biden's planincludes working with the CDC

to increase or loosen uprestrictions for communities

based on research and relative risk.

This includes determiningwhen to open or close schools.

And last night, at a public health forum

at the National Cathedral,

we heard from one of those members

on Biden's coronavirus taskforce, Dr. Luciana Borio.

She says these restrictions

do not need to go as far as lockdowns.

- When we implement public health measures

that are prudent in consistency,

we're able to contain the outbreak

in the absence, you know,without having to do lockdowns.

In a lockdown, a lot ofmeasures are curtailed

that do not need to be curtailed

because they don'treally offer an advantage

to contain the epidemic,but I think it's fact

that the American istired and they're confused

about what really needs to be done.

- And this week, Bidenalso announced Ron Klain

as his chief of staff,another signal that COVID-19

will be central to the earlydays of his administration.

Klain was the Ebola czar underthe Obama administration.

And it's worth noting, hesaid the Obama administration

did, quote, "everythingwrong with its handling

of the H1N1 pandemic.

The only saving grace," he said,

"is that it wasn't that deadly."

So Klain is gettingsome criticism for that.

Hopefully a lessonlearned as they get ready

to take on the coronavirus pandemic.


- All right. Thank you, Jenna.

Great to see you.

Well, meanwhile, SupremeCourt Justice Samuel Alito

expressing concern overCOVID-19 restrictions,

saying they're an alarming example

of how government can quicklyabuse regulatory authority.

He told the Federalist Society

religious freedom is amongthe constitutional rights

being threatened in current culture.

- It pains me to say this,but in certain quarters,

religious liberty is fastbecoming a disfavored right.

- Alito was also criticalof two cases this year

where the high court imposed restrictions

on religious gatherings.

Another case filed by theRoman Catholic diocese

in Brooklyn is pending.

Well, as the number ofcoronavirus cases nationwide soar,

cities and states arebeginning to clamp down again

like they did last spring, only this time,

we're much closer to a vaccine.

160,000 new cases werereported on Thursday.

That set a record.

After a startling increasein positive cases,

the mayor of Chicago is asking residents

to leave home only for essential activity

and to limit socialgatherings to just 10 people.

Similar restrictions in California,

now second only to Texas inreaching a million cases.

In New York, the governor there

ordered all bars, restaurants, and gyms

to close by 10:00 p.m.

Meanwhile, promising news asPfizer says its COVID vaccine

is 90% effective and wantsto distribute it soon.

Drug maker Moderna may not be far behind.

- The good news about vaccines means that,

if we hunker down foranother six or eight months,

we may be in a much, muchbetter place next year.

- In the meantime,

health officials urge vigilanceas the CDC predicts that,

by the end of Thanksgiving weekend,

at least a quarter million Americans

will have died from COVID.

Well, as Joe Biden moves forward

with presidential transition plans,

President Donald Trump and his supporters

refuse to concede the election.

The president told the"Washington Examiner"

that he's confident he'llreach 270 electoral votes

by winning the states neededto achieve that total,

claiming, quote, "We're goingto win Wisconsin, Arizona,

it'll be down to 8,000 votes,and if we can do an audit

of the millions of votes,we'll find 8,000 votes easy.

If we can do an audit,we'll be in good shape."

Meanwhile, Lou Dobbs ofthe Fox Business Network

tweeted that the president'spersonal attorney,

Rudy Giuliani, says he hasuncovered enough unlawful ballots

in Pennsylvania and Michiganto turn the election

in favor of Donald Trump.

Another idea gaining traction in politics

is the idea of a so-called Trump purge

of any and all Trump supportersin government and politics,

presuming an incoming Bidenadministration in January.

Here with more on that is Jarrett Stepman

of the Heritage Foundation.

Welcome, Jarrett.

- Thank you very much.

- Well, Jarrett, you wroteabout the so-called Trump purge.

Tell us what you're seeingand hearing about that.

- Yeah, this is something that,

obviously, it's been goingaround social media quite a bit,

but it's something that's been promoted,

especially by many left-wing politicians,

Democratic staffers, as the so-called

Trump Accountability Project,which essentially makes a list

of people who not only workedfor the Trump administration,

but anybody associated withthe Trump administration.

We're talking donors,we're talking contractors,

to essentially no longer,

telling people to no longerdo business with them,

to no longer have anyassociation with them.

I think you've seen a numberof calls from a number

of activists and politiciansto essentially purge those

who were friendly to theTrump administration,

no longer dealing withthem in civil society.

This despite the fact thatVice President Joe Biden

has called for unityfollowing this election.

- Jarrett, how do youreconcile the disconnect

if Joe Biden is calling for unity

but you have others who are saying,

"Hey, let's purge theseso-called Trump supporters."

How do you reconcile that in a democracy

where you have a full-fledgeddebate of competing ideas?

- Yeah, that is a deep problem.

I think it flies in the face

of Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural,

when he said we were all Republicans,

we were all Federalists,referring the parties at the time,

saying that we're reallyall Americans here,

that those who believe in the republic

is an idea that'saccepted across the board.

I think you have this growing belief

that simply, if you disagreewith people politically,

they must be eliminated and liquidated.

They must be removed fromsociety, never to be seen again.

And I think you see that growing,

especially on the hard leftthat does have such power

in America's most potent political

and cultural institutions in this country.

I think that's really wherea lot of this is coming from.

Biden has the problem that, while he ran

on sort of being more moderate

than the general Democraticbase, that base is very angry.

It demands purges.

It demands retribution.

He's gonna to have a lot oftrouble balancing his message

with what is the common sentimentwith a lot of his allies,

with a lot of the people whoultimately supported him.

- Jarett, and how hasthis harmful to society?

- It's deeply harmful.

It's this idea that it'sreally us versus them.

We're a nation of enemies,not fellow Americans.

And I think that that is becoming,

certainly, over the last few decades,

you know, there's all thistalk of increasing partisanship

and ideological separation.

But this is reallyhappening, and it's happening

at the same time we have- Right.

- this prevailing cancel culture,

where people are simply canceled

because of something they said.

And I think it's,- Right.

- it's very worrying in a country

of free speech and free debate.

- Real quickly, I'd like tosqueeze in one last question.

With the way things standin the House and Senate,

do you see another contentious four years,

or is there a chancelawmakers can find a way

to work together forthe good of the nation

in about 20 seconds?

- I think it's gonna be avery contentious four years,

and I think, if Biden doesultimately become president,

I think there's gonna bea lot of battles with him

and a Senate and House thatmay see more Republican gains.

And I think you're gonna have

a lot of the pen-and-phone presidency.

- All right, Jarrett,Stepman, we are out of time.

Thank you so much.

Jarett Stepman with theHeritage Foundation.

Well, with the wake of theelection leaving many divided,

including Christians, whetherthey believe it's not over

or that it is time tomove on, most can agree

it is a critical moment for the church,

no matter the outcome.

Wendy Griffith brings us that story.

- This is the greatest hour of the church.

- [Wendy] Prophet Charlie Shamp

told the Elijah List'sSteve Shultz recently...

- The justice scale isresting in the center,

the heart of the nation,

and it is either gonna goone way or the other way.

And the only deciding factorthat is going to change

this moment in history is the church.

The church has to rise, takehold of the prophetic word,

decree it and do not let go of it,

and we will tip the scales of justice.

- [Wendy] Some Christian's question,

"If God has already spoken,why do we need to pray?

Dutch Sheets, author of"Intercessory Prayer"

and many other books says...

- And don't buy intothat theology that says,

well, God's just in controland He's predestined everything

and He's gonna get it done anyway.

No, God needs our prayers.

He's using our prayers and,therefore, they matter.

And that means, you know, listen,

yeah, be a part of prayer meetings.

Get on prayer calls.

- [Wendy] Sheets adds this is not the time

to get discouraged.

- Don't be surprised thatthe enemy is fighting this.

Daniel, even though Godhad heard his prayer

for the restoration of Israel

and released angelsimmediately to start working

to bring forth the answer to Daniel,

Daniel had to fast and prayfor three more weeks, 21 days,

against a principality over Persia

before the battle could bewon in the invisible realm.

- [Wendy] Reverend Robert Jeffress,

a faith advisor to President Trump,

calls this a rubber meets theroad moment for Christians.

- Over the last fouryears, we've told people

that you need to respectthe governing authorities.

We quote Paul in Romans 13, who says

there's no governmentauthority that exists

that hasn't been established by God.

And when Paul wrote that, remember, Nero,

the evil emperor ofRome, was on the throne

and he was the one who ultimatelybeheaded the apostle Paul.

And yet, Paul would say Nero'sthere by God's permission.

- [Wendy] Still, otherslike Prophet Jeff Jansen

told Sid Roth the churchwill have the final say

in this election.

- We need to lift our voicesto have our voices counted

in the courts of heavento be able to release

the verdict that God wants.

God is looking for someone toagree with him on the planet,

and that's the church.

- There's a saying, as thechurch goes, so goes the nation,

and many believe that statementhas never been more true.

Wendy Griffith, CBN News, Virginia Beach.

- [John] Thanks, Wendy.

Some good reminders there.

Coming up, how some of the top issues

Christians are concerned about

could change under a Biden administration.

(dramatic music)

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(rhythmic music)

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- Welcome back.

Well, as you're well aware,

it's been another whirlwindweek with a lot of news.

Here to break it all down for us,

David Brody, CBN Chief Political Analyst.

David, always great to see you.

First of all, PresidentTrump and his supporters

continue to contest certain vote counts.

The president is predicting

something big is about to happen.

David, what can we expect here?

- Well, you know, we have to...

Let's wait and see whatthe big is, John, exactly.

I mean, you know, the presidentis talking a good game,

his campaign is talking a good game,

but we don't know exactlywhat the big smoking gun is.

I mean, is it the Dominion voting systems?

You know, at this point,we have to wait and see.

I talked to Erin Perrine,

one of the deputy press secretaries

over at the Trump campaign today.

They obviously have fileda lawsuit with Michigan,

but other than Michigan,they're not really filing

in any other cities, or excuse me, states.

So, you know, I thinkit remains to be seen

whether or not this is gonnago, how far this can go.

I will say this, that thisidea that we have seen

the last of all the lawsuits and...

I mean, this is gonna dragout for a very long time.

I expect it to go atleast until mid-December.

- David, later today,we heard that Georgia

was indeed called for Joe Biden.

North Carolina called for President Trump.

On the other side, with Biden

still the presumed winnerhere, he's moving forward.

When it comes to the issue of life

or America's close alliance with Israel

and how that affects things like Iran,

these are all majorconcerns for Christians.

How do these play out, David?

- Well, it's gonna be a total 180.

So, congratulations, America.

I mean, the folks thatvoted for Joe Biden,

and there've been, there weremany evangelical Christians

and Catholics as wellthat voted for Joe Biden,

so, folks, believersof faith in that regard

are going to get Joe Biden's policies.

And Joe Biden's policiesare gonna re-up with Iran

and the Iran nuclear deal.

Most likely that will start again.

On the life issue, there's gonna be

more access to contraception.

There'll be more fundingfor Planned Parenthood.

There'll be a reversal ofthe Mexico City policy,

which outlawed abortions overseas.

That'll be gone.

So, it's gonna be thewhole kit and caboodle.

Everything that Donald Trump did

from an executive orderwith the stroke of a pen.

- David, I got a little bitof a two-parter here for you.

There's grassroots conservative support

for the audits and the recounts.

They say it's not solelyabout President Trump,

but about fair elections.

Meanwhile, the calls for recountsat the top of the ballot,

critics contend flies in the face

of Republicans' strong Election Day gains

where they made gains in the House

and they're keeping the Senate.

How do they square that argument?

- Well, I mean, there's acouple things they're saying.

You know, a couple things.

One, they're saying, look, Joe Biden,

you know, this is aguy that there's no way

that you can vote for president,

or excuse me, you can vote for Biden

and then go ahead and votefor Republicans down ballot.

It doesn't make any sense.

What they're contending, theTrump campaign is contending,

is that many of these ballots were either,

they're no good, they're illegal.

In other words, you know,they're trying to say

how do you get 30, 40,50,000 votes in a row,

and once again, you haveto show the evidence,

but you know, a batch of votesthat only check Joe Biden

and don't check any of thedown-ballot candidates?

So that's kind of their view.

I will say this.

On the grassroots issue,

John, let's wait and see whathappens in DC this weekend.

You know, there are two orthree big pro-Trump rallies,

tens of thousandsexpected, maybe even more.

It could be into thehundreds of thousands.

It'll be interesting whenwe talk Monday morning

to see what that grassrootsappeal does to the conversation

and if folks in America take notice.

'Cause if MAGA Nation's upset,

I think we're gonna knowabout it this weekend.

- All right.

A little bit of another tease there.

A great tease, David.

CBN Chief Political Analyst David Brody.

David, have a great weekend.

- You too, John.

- [John] Well still ahead,treating women as equals

in one Middle Eastern nation.

What leaders are doing andwhat still needs to be done.

(dramatic music)

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- Welcome back.

Women in Saudi Arabiahave gained more freedoms

in recent years.

Still, some say Islam and its tenets

severely restrict their rights,

especially under what's knownas the guardianship system.

CBN's George Thomas takes a closer look

at a system which manysay renders Saudi women

as second class citizens.

- Here to describe the guardianship laws

and how they severelyrestrict religious freedom

and the rights of women inSaudi Arabia is Gayle Manchin,

chair US Commission onInternational Religious Freedom.

Thanks for coming on the show.

Gayle, can you explainthe guardianship system?

- Certainly.

Guardianship refers to rules,laws, judicial decisions

that severely restrictall women so that the men

totally control their lives,

who they marry, where they live,

and it's all strictlybased on Sunni Islam.

So it has nothing to do withthe individual's religion.

- A Saudi woman reportedly once said,

"We all have to live inthe borders of the boxes

our dads or husbands draw for us."

These laws affect every Saudi woman,

irrespective of her economicor social class, right?

- Absolutely.

Saudi Arabia actuallycriminalized domestic violence.

However, if a woman tries toleave an abusive relationship,

they will use her religious freedom.

I mean, they restricther religious freedom

and use that pretenseto actually invest funds

to bring her back intothis abusive household.

- What are Saudi womendoing to repeal these laws,

and what happens, Gayle, whenthey speak out against it?

- Well, unfortunately, and of course,

I do want to say that Saudihas made some changes.

Women are allowed to drive.

They're allowed to travel abroad.

They're allowed to list birthsand deaths in their family.

And we commend that.

So it shows that Saudi canchange and reform their laws.

But unfortunately, women who speak out

against these abusivelaws, these restrictions,

are thrown into prison andhave been treated horribly.

And in fact, so we certainly call,

for people that have been harassed

and subject to this mistreatment,for them to be released.

- [George] How do guardianship laws

affect religious freedom?

- They use religion asa way to get around.

As I used as that examplewith domestic violence,

they actually use religion as a loophole

to bring women back to their husbands

into an abusive relationship,so it's unfortunate.

And see, that is actually total,

it's totally against the United Nations

Human Rights Declaration, Article 18,

that says you cannot do that.

- All right, Gayle,

thank you so much forcoming on the broadcast.

- Thank you.

Always a pleasure.

- You're welcome.

- [John] Well coming up,images of hope for America

in the middle of unrest and uncertainty

as Christians answer the call to pray.

(dramatic music)

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- Well, finally, tonight,

for years, we've seen growing unrest

and division in America,especially after the election,

but here's a different image

you might not see anywhere else,

a group of Trump supportersand counter protesters

actually praying together ata rally after the election.

We close tonight withmore scenes like these

only on "Faith Nation," as people pray

for a United States of America.

(gentle music)(fingers snapping)


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