(dramatic music)
- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
Get ready for a very different approach
to Israel and the Middle East.
That could be the case undera Biden administration,
especially concerningthe Iran nuclear deal,
Middle East peace, andaid for the Palestinians.
- Israeli officials and analysts believe
that would actuallyerase the progress made
in the past four years.
Chris Mitchell brings usthe story from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] For the Biden campaign,
a renewed Iranian nucleardeal would be on the table.
While President Trump madehistory with the Abraham Accords,
some believe a Biden White House
would renew focus on the Palestinians.
- A Biden presidency wouldreturn to the policies
of both the Obama administration
and Clinton administration,where putting precedence,
giving precedence to achievementof a Palestinian state
based on the '67 borders, withEast Jerusalem as capital.
- [Chris] While the Biden-Harris website
does not address the issue directly,
Senator Harris told the"Arab American News,"
"We are committed to a two-state solution,
and we will oppose any unilateral steps
that undermine that goal.
We will also oppose annexationand settlement expansion.
And we will take immediatesteps to restore economic
and humanitarian assistanceto the Palestinian people."
In 2018, the Trump administrationended funding to UNRRWA,
the UN Relief and Works Agencyfor Palestinian refugees.
- Over a period of 2 1/2years, he got information
that showed that UNRWA wasactually a terrorist advocate
and he did what needed tobe done and cut them off.
UNRWA is making every sign
that they expect that Bidento reverse that process.
- [Chris] David Bedeinhas investigated UNRWA
for two decades.
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency
is a terror advocate openly, without any,
they don't mince words about it,
with military training in their schools,
with school books whichpraise those who murder Jews,
with school books whichget children in the morning
to start their day with singing songs
about wiping out the state of Israel.
This is not appropriate fora United Nations agency.
- [Chris] More than300,000 young Palestinians
attend these schools in theWest Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem.
Bedein asked Vice PresidentBiden about UNRWA in 2016.
Biden's written response said, in part,
"While there is still work to be done,
the Palestinian governmenthas made significant progress
in reducing inflammatory rhetoric
and revising official textbooks."
- Now, I want to be very fair about this.
If UNRWA has shown signs
that they were having a new curriculum,
listening to feedback, you'dhave to be fair about it,
but they're not.
And UNRWA is continuingto teach the theme,
right of return by forceof arms as their theme.
- [Chris] CBN News reachedout to the Biden campaign
for a response on aid to UNRWAbut has yet to get a reply.
In a documentary producedby Bedein's group in 2019,
filmmakers asked students in a Bethlehem
Palestinian refugee campabout what they're taught.
- [Interpreter] There's notwo-state or one-state solution.
There's only one-state andit will be Palestine forever.
And what was taken by battle
will be reconquered through battle.
- [Chris] With teaching like this,
Bedein sees UNRWA incitingan entire generation
of Palestinians away from peace.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Well, this is absolutely chilling to me
that we could return tosomething where the US taxpayer
is funding terrorism.
And that is what happenedand what was going on,
and it goes back a long way.
It's not just the Clinton administration
and the Bush administration,the Obama administration.
All of our aid to thePalestinian Authority,
a portion of it, went to pay the families
of suicide bombers.
Anyone who was convicted in Israel
of a terrorist attack,anyone who had killed Jews,
their family would then receive a stipend.
And on a monthly basis, they would be paid
and they were considered martyrs.
They were considered heroesin the Palestinian Authority.
You go to their city squares
and you will find acelebration of bombers.
the famous refrigerator bomber
who set off a refrigeratorfull of explosives
in the middle of Zion Square in Jerusalem,
well, there's a statue to him.
So they honor them andthey pay their families.
And this is somethingthat I really applaud
the Trump administration for waking up to,
that US taxpayers shouldn'tbe a part of this.
Now Congress has passed two acts.
One is called the Taylor Force Act,
and it says that, as longas the Palestinian Authority
is paying the families ofsuicide bombers, of terrorists,
as long as they have thisstipend, that the US is prohibited
from funding the Palestinian Authority.
Let me add another act to it,
and this one you may not have heard of,
the Anti-TerrorismClarification Act of 2018.
Now what that provides isthat you and I, US citizens,
get to sue anyone who receives US aid
if they in turn fund acts of war,
and terrorism is included in that.
So this campaign of war against Israel
is something that thePalestinian Authority
is actually funding,and they're funding it
through these payments to the families.
So you and I, we get theopportunity to sue them
to recover our tax dollarsthat went into that,
so there's a privateenforcement mechanism.
So far,
Joe Biden hasn't answered these questions,
but do pay attention toKamala Harris' interview
with that Dearborn newspaper.
She did it in advance of the election.
She did it specifically to get votes
within the Muslim community in Michigan.
But when you look at that andsay there's an absolute pledge
to restore funding to thePalestinian Authority,
well, there needs to bea follow-up question.
What about the Taylor Force Act?
What about this terrorism act?
What about those kinds of provisions
that protect American taxpayers,
that our tax dollars are notbeing used to fund terrorism?
Those are hard questions.
So far, there haven'tbeen the hard answers.
Well, here at home, thenumber of coronavirus cases
is setting new records across the country,
so cities and statesare clamping down again.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN news bureau in Washington.
- That's right, Gordon.
State and local governments
are trying to hold off asecond wave of the virus,
but there is also somegood news on the horizon.
CBN's Eric Philips has the story.
- 150,000.
That is the number of new COVID cases
in the US just yesterday.
That's a record.
And consider this,
one in 378 Americans has testedpositive this week alone.
But new medical advances signal a light
at the end of the tunnel.
Major cities across the country
are imposing new restrictions
that sound all too eerily familiar.
In Chicago, where therate of positive tests
has tripled to 14%, themayor is asking Chicagoans
to only leave home foressential activities
like work or groceries, andto restrict social gatherings
to 10 people starting Monday,
less than two weeks before Thanksgiving.
- Our goal now is the same as it was
during the early days of this pandemic,
and that is to bend the curve.
We are back there.
- [Eric] In New York,Governor Andrew Cuomo
also restricting privategatherings to 10 people
and ordering restaurants, bars, and gyms
to close at 10:00 PM starting Friday,
a major blow for small businesses
still struggling fromprevious restrictions.
- There's only a few people
sitting down in therestaurant at 10:00 or 11:00,
and now we can't even acceptthose 10 to 20 customers
that we get late at night.
- [Eric] In California,restrictions are being renewed
as cases now top a million.
And Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine
issued a new mask mandate there.
- We know that masks work.
They are the easiest,most cost-effective way
to limit the spread of COVID-19.
- [Eric] The CDC now predicting that,
by the end of Thanksgiving weekend,
at least a quarter of a million Americans
will have died from COVID.
- I said, "if we didnot get control of this,
that we could reach a100,000 infections a day
and people thought I being hyperbolic,
and now look what's happening.
- [Eric] But Dr. Fauci believesnew vaccine development
will be our saving grace.
Pfizer says early data shows
its vaccine could be 90% effective
and may apply for emergency authorization
as soon as next week.
And Moderna, not farbehind with their vaccine,
saying they could be readyto apply for FDA approval
by next month.
- The good news about vaccines means that,
if we hunker down foranother six or eight months,
we may be in a much, muchbetter place next year.
- [Eric] Plus, new antibody treatments
are beginning to stave off the virus
for those who have mild to moderate cases
and catch it in the early days.
- This is a treatment that can keep them
from becoming sick enoughto be in the hospital.
So it keeps them out ofthe healthcare system.
- As restrictions tighten,
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
is asking the SupremeCourt to block limits
on in-person church attendance.
The church argues itshould not be effectively
forced to close while othersecular businesses remain open.
The court rebuffed similarchallenges over the summer,
but church leaders are hoping that,
with the addition ofJustice Amy Coney Barrett,
they will find success beforea now more conservative court.
Eric Phillips, CBN News.
- All right, thank you, Eric.
Well, Supreme Court AssociateJustice Samuel Alito
is sounding an alarm aboutsome coronavirus restrictions.
Alito told the Federalist Society,
"We've never seen limitationsas severe and prolonged."
He warned that laws givinggovernment officials
so much discretion to imposesuch regulations can be abused,
adding that religious freedomwas particularly at risk.
- It pains me to say this,but in certain quarters,
religious liberty is fastbecoming a disfavored right.
- Alito was also criticalof two cases this year
where the high court imposed restrictions
on religious gatherings.
Well, President Trump's legal team
scored its first court victory
challenging voter issues in the courts.
The Pennsylvania case involves
a small number of mail-inballots and voters
who still hadn't providedthe proper identification
more than a week after the election.
The case is still goingthrough the courts.
The Trump team has filedat least 15 challenges
in Pennsylvania, along with others
in Arizona, Nevada, and Michigan.
Well many Christians are divided
during this post-election season.
Whether they believe it's notover or it's time to move on,
most can agree it is acritical moment for the church,
no matter what the outcome.
Wendy Griffith brings us that story.
- This is the greatest hour of the church.
- [Wendy] Prophet Charlie Shamp
told the Elijah List'sSteve Shultz recently...
- The justice scale isresting in the center,
the heart of the nation,
and it is either going togo one way or the other way.
And the only deciding factorthat is going to change
this moment in history is the church.
The church has to rise, takehold of the prophetic word,
decree and do not let go of it,
and we would tip the scales of justice.
- [Wendy] Some Christians question,
"If God has already spoken,why do we need to pray?"
Dutch Sheets, author of"Intercessory Prayer"
and many other books, says...
- And don't buy into that theology
that says, "Well, God's just in control
and He's predestined everything
and He's gonna get it done anyway."
No, God needs our prayers.
He's using our prayers and,therefore, they matter.
And that means, you know, listen, yeah,
be a part of prayer meetings.
Get on prayer calls.
- [Wendy] Sheets adds this is not the time
to get discouraged.
- Don't be surprised thatthe enemy is fighting this.
Daniel, even though Godhad heard his prayer
for the restoration of Israel
and released angels immediately
to start working to bringforth the answer to Daniel,
Daniel had to fast and prayfor three more weeks, 21 days,
against a principality over Persia
before the battle could bewon in the invisible realm.
- [Wendy] Reverend Robert Jeffress,
a faith advisor to President Trump,
calls this a rubber meets theroad moment for Christians.
- Over the last fouryears, we've told people
that you need to respectthe governing authorities.
We quote Paul in Romans 13,
who says, "There's nogovernment authority that exists
that hasn't been established by God."
And when Paul wrote that, remember, Nero,
the evil emperor ofRome, was on the throne
and he was the one who ultimatelybeheaded the apostle Paul.
And yet, Paul would say Nero'sthere by God's permission.
- [Wendy] Still, otherslike Prophet Jeff Jansen
told Sid Roth the churchwill have the final say
in this election.
- We need to lift our voices
to have our voices countedin the courts of heaven
to be able to release theverdict that God wants.
God is looking for someone toagree with Him on the planet,
and that's the church.
- There's a saying, as thechurch goes, so goes the nation,
and many believe that statementhas never been more true.
Wendy Griffith, CBN News, Virginia Beach.
- Gordon, I like whatPastor Jeffress said,
whether it's Nero, Trump, or Biden,
God is still ultimately on the throne.
- He is on the throne, andrealize what He has done.
Let's go to the Book of Daniel.
And here you have the Ancient of Days.
God, He's seated.
And then the scrolls are produced
and the Son of Man is deemedworthy to open the scrolls.
And so the Ancient ofDays gives the government
to the Son of Man.
Then what does He do?
Well, He turns aroundand gives the government
to the saints of the Most High God.
And that's the great thingabout the American republic,
the great gift we havegiven by our forefathers.
We the people of theUnited States of America,
we get to govern ourselves.
We're no longer subjects.
We are citizens and wehave the right to vote.
That means we have the right
to have every single vote counted
and make sure that everyonefeels part of this system.
I remember, in the weeks leading up
to the elections, all the hue and cry
that there'll be Russianinterference again
or that somehow there'llbe voter suppression
and our entire democracy was at stake.
Well, all of that got proven wrong.
You talk about a display of democracy.
That's what we just went through.
In the middle of a pandemic,
record numbers showed up to vote.
Let's count those votes.
Let's go through whatever legalchallenges candidates have.
They have them under the law.
Those need to be honored.
Let's go through that process.
And at the end of the process,once again, recognize,
we the people of theUnited States of America
have chosen our leadership.
And the good news,
well, there's gonna beanother election in two years,
there's gonna be anotherelection two years after that,
and we get to have ourvote counted yet again.
So the republic is in good hands.
The republic is showing itself strong,
democracy is showing itself strong,
and most importantly, Godis always on the throne.