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'This Is the Greatest Hour for the Church': Why Your Prayers Still Matter in This Election

'This Is the Greatest Hour for the Church': Why Your Prayers Still Matter in This Election Read Transcript

- This is the greatest hour of the church.

- [Wendy] Prophet CharlieSchamp told the Elijah List's

Steve Schultz recently...

- The justice scale isresting in the center,

the heart of the nation,

and it easily gonna goone way or the other way.

And the only deciding factor

that is going to changethis moment in history

is the church.

The church has to rise,

take hold of the prophetic word,

decree it and do not let go of it.

And we will tip the scales of justice.

- [Wendy] Some Christians question,

"If God has already spoken,why do we need to pray?"

Dutch Sheets, author of"Intercessory Prayer,"

and many other books says...

- Don't buy into that,that theology that says,

"Well, God's just in control

and he's predestined everything

and he's gonna get it done anyway."

No, God needs our prayers.

He's using our prayersand therefore they matter.

And that means, you know, listen, yeah,

be a part of prayer meetings.

Get on prayer calls.

- [Wendy] Sheets adds,

"This is not the time to get discouraged."

- Don't be surprised thatthe enemy is fighting this.

Daniel, even though Godhad heard his prayer

for the restoration of Israel,

and released angels immediately

to start working to bringforth the answer to Daniel,

Daniel had to fast and prayfor three more weeks, 21 days,

against a principality over Persia

before the battle could bewon in the invisible realm.

- [Wendy] Reverend Robert Jeffress,

a faith advisor to President Trump,

calls this a rubber meets theroad moment for Christians.

- Over the last four years,

we've told people that you need to respect

the governing authorities.

We quote Paul in Romans 13, who says,

"There's no governmentauthority that exists

that hasn't been established by God."

And when Paul wrote that,

remember Nero, the evil emperorof Rome, was on the throne,

and he was the one who ultimatelybeheaded the Apostle Paul.

And yet Paul would say, "Nero'sthere by God's permission."

- Still others like ProphetJeff Jansen, told Sid Roth,

"The church will have thefinal say in this election."

- We need to lift our voices,

to have our voices countedin the courts of heaven,

to be able to release theverdict that God wants.

God is looking for someone toagree with Him on the planet,

and that's the church.

- There's a saying as thechurch goes, so goes the nation.

And many believe that statementhas never been more true.

Wendy Griffith, CBN News, Virginia Beach.

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