Jeffress on Trump: 'There is Not a Racist Bone in His Body'
Jeffress on Trump: 'There is Not a Racist Bone in His Body'
Jeffress on Trump: 'There is Not a Racist Bone in His Body'
Robert Jeffress to CBN News: 'I Think Things are Being Set Up for a Landslide Victory for Donald Trump
Robert Jeffress to CBN News: 'If the President is Removed from Office, It's Going to Cause Lasting Wounds in...
White House Spox Tells Faith Nation Trump Rally 'Sidetracked' by Chant
A woman suffering from anxiety and depression finds a new source of joy. Plus, a man spends 16 years...
Netanyahu's Message to Iranians: 'Don't Let Your Dreams Die'
Russia Lowers Its Threshold for Using Nukes Against Ukraine After Biden Okays Long-Range US Missiles