Worship leader Sean Feucht shares his bold political and evangelical moves for Christ in his new book, "Brazen." Plus, hear why a woman, who realized she cannot break the bonds of addiction, now declares nothing is impossible for God on today's ...
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(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up, the worshipleader taking center stage
in the middle of a pandemic.
Sean Feucht takes us inside hisnationwide protest concerts.
And then-
- It was very, very insane.
- [Wendy] Like father, like daughter.
- [Stephanie] We did what we knew.
We saw dad doing it, it was just normal.
- [Wendy] How did she breakthis generational curse?
- I was like, "Wow," my eyeskind of were like opened.
- [Wendy] On today's "700 Club."
- Welcome to this additionto "The 700 Club."
Here is my take on theelection, if you'll indulge me.
First of all, in my opinion, Trump won it.
Okay, that may shock you.
Secondly, I think that there was a failure
of his legal team toget before the election
to check on the voter rollsbecause people were voting
who were dead, peoplehad voted who had moved
out of the districtsand weren't qualified,
and there were thousands of those people.
But the Trump legal teamwasn't engaged at that time
so when those ballotswere in, they were in.
Okay, the second thing, there are cases
now are being filed in a number of courts,
but I don't give themmuch chance of success.
So nevertheless, there may be a few.
When you looked at theso-called battleground states,
they weren't but about 70,000votes separating all of them.
So they're a few thousand here,there, and the other place.
See what I'm saying.
The play isn't overuntil the fat lady sings
and it isn't over yet.
But at the same time, here iswhat's in the Constitution.
The electors have to come together
and they've got to certify a winner.
If there's a tie betweenone and the other,
then it goes into the House where
each state votes as a unit,
and there are more Republican states
than there are Democrats.
But that's probably not going to happen.
The next thing is the term
of the Senate and Houseis over January 3rd.
The term of the presidentis over January 20th.
So Trump remains presidentuntil January 20th of next year.
And so at this point of time,
there are going to be competing presidents
and who knows what's going to happen.
I don't see any massive effort by
the president to overturn this.
But he has every right to get every
legitimate ballot counted and to make sure
that there's no fraud.
Because without question,
there were packets of votes for Biden
that were placed into themix somewhere along the way.
But right now, it'svery hard to prove that
and the other, it's toolate, they waited too long.
So what pushback are they planning?
And will this election ultimatelybe settled in the courts?
Dale Hurd has that.
- The mainstream mediamay have already coronated
Joe Biden president-elect,but the legal challenges over
alleged voting irregularities begin today.
Joe Biden is moving forward as
if the election results are final.
He and Kamala Harris will have a briefing
with their transition COVIDadvisory board this morning.
- I'll work as hard for those
who didn't vote for me as those who did.
This is the time to heal in America.
- [Dale] But Donald Trump isready to fight it out tweeting,
"The big city machines are corrupt.
This was a stolen election."
His lawyer Rudy Giulianiclaims he has more
than 50 witnesses to voterfraud in Pennsylvania alone.
And will have four or five cases filed
by the end of the week.
- For violating civil rights,
for conducting an unfair election,
for violating the law of the state,
for treating Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
different than the rest of the state,
which was an equal protection violation,
which goes under Bush v. Gore.
I mean, this is somethingthat just has to be addressed.
- [Dale[ Missouri RepublicanSenator Roy Blunt,
for one, is not calling JoeBiden president-elect yet.
- I said on Friday I thought it was time
for the president to turn this discussion
over to his lawyers,a time for the lawyers
to make the case thatthey have both in court
and to the American people.
- President Trump stillhas a path to victory
and that path is to countevery single legal vote
that was cast.
The media does not getto select our president.
The American people getto elect our president.
- [Dale] Meanwhile, Biden's slim advantage
in the loss of at leastseven Democrats seats
in the House undercutany claims of a mandate.
Pennsylvania Senator PatToomey called the Republicans
down ballot success arejection of the radicalism
that has seeped into the Democratic Party.
- The woke left had a major setback.
Nobody thought we were gonnapick up seats in the House.
Nobody thought we weregoing to hold the Senate,
which I think is likely.
- West Virginia Senator JoeManchin says the results
show Democrats scared many voters.
- They were scared of this socialism
that was thrown out there
by a radical part of the so-called left.
- [Dale] RepublicanSenator Lindsey Graham says
if there was rampant voterfraud in this election,
it must be rooted outto save the integrity
of our voting process.
- If Republicans don't challenge
and change the US election system,
they'll never be anotherRepublican president elected again.
President Trump should not concede.
- Back in 2000, Al Gorewas given his day in court.
We should give PresidentTrump his day in court
and let the process unfold.
- The president is planning a series
of rallies in states he's contesting.
And just like in 2000, it may be that this
election will be settled in the courts.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- I don't think therallies are a good idea.
I don't think rallies aregonna settle anything.
You have a whole lot of people,
he had rallies beforeand didn't do any good.
But it's going to be a tough deal.
And we're going tofocus among other things
on the state of Georgia,
where at this point twoSenate seats are up for grabs.
We'll talk about thatlater in this program.
But the Senate is keybecause the Senate is the one
that confirms, not only the judges,
but the political appointees.
And if the Biden team is successful
in it's run for the White House,
then you're going to have Elizabeth Warren
as Secretary of the Treasury,
you're going to have BernieSanders as Secretary of Labor,
you're going to have who knows, maybe AOC,
in charge of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency,
and you'll find our Secretaryof State is somebody
who is also an extremist.
It will be tough.
But the Senate is the onethat makes the confirmation
on these people and the nuclear option
only had applied so far tojudges on the Supreme Court.
But if they take away the filibuster,
which is so important,I doubt very seriously
if a lot of Democrat senators will vote
to abolish the filibuster, but if they do,
then it takes away thevoice of the minority party
and the majority can ramanything through they want to.
And that's what those twoseats in Georgia are crucial.
CBN Chief Political Analyst
David Brody is joining us right now.
David, a few days ago you described
this legal strategy as a hail Mary pass.
Do you think they've got anychance of scoring with it?
- Pat, it's in the hailMary stage for sure.
The president has a political PR problem
and that is we see fireworks saying 46
with Biden going up in the air.
And the media has crownedhim the new president
of the United States, president-elect
and so many congratulationcalls are coming in.
So there's clearly a politicalPR problem for the president.
But I do feel like I'm living in two
polar opposite universes here.
You've got that whole mediacoronation of Joe Biden
and then all of a suddenon the other side,
you've got, "Well, wait a minute,
the last time I checked, thepresident has not conceded,
that there is a legal fight going on."
And I was doing someresearch over the weekend
and as I looked, I came across some video
of Al Gore speaking just daysafter the election in 2000,
that Bush v. Gore we know all about.
He said at the time, "Wemust count every vote
and once we count every vote,
then we can move on in this country
and we'll have a new presidentor we'll have a president
of the United States at that point."
So once again, he keptsaying, "Count every vote."
That is exactly whatDonald Trump is doing.
And it is journalisticmalpractice for the journalists
across this country to declare,
not only Joe Biden thewinner as president-elect,
you can do that, that's kindof a tradition what we've done.
But for them to run withthis narrative of like
it's a fait accompli, it's all over
and they are ignoring,and let's be honest, Pat,
they are ignoring this whole other side,
this other polar opposite universe
that Trump folks want to talk about.
But they did not ignore thatpolar opposite universe in 2000
when Al Gore said the exact same thing
that Donald Trump has been saying.
Pat, journalism is dead in America.
(Pat laughs)
- I'll buy that in.
What do you think Joe Biden will do first
if he is confirmed?
- There's so many different things.
Get ready for a federal mask mandate.
What does that look like exactly?
Yes, I understand thatstates have to decide
about masks and counties and all of that,
but there's going to be apush by President Joe Biden,
if that ends up becoming the case,
for some sort of federalmask mandate pushed
by the CDC and Anthony Fauci.
That's number one.
He's going to rejoin theWorld Health Organization,
the United States will.
They'll rejoin the Paris Climate Accord.
The fracking will, nofracking on federal lands.
I can go on and on.
Transgender rights for kids in terms
of bathroom use and all that,that'll be reimplemented.
I can go on and on.
We'll see about the packing of the court.
If it goes south inGeorgia for Republicans,
in other words, if Democratswin back the Senate,
get ready for court packing.
Joe Biden might not be a fan of it,
but you know, let me think, so what.
Because at this point, Democratsare gonna feel emboldened,
even though we know that this
election was anything but a mandate
It's funny, you hear NancyPelosi talking about a mandate.
What mandate exactly?
Anyhow, the whole thing iskind of bizarre to me, Pat.
- Some thought that NancyPelosi can't get a majority vote
in the House to become speaker.
She may lose her seat
because of the seats that had been lost.
It really surprised the Democrats
that they lost so many seats in the House.
- 100%.
It's funny to hear NancyPelosi talk about a mandate
because if there's a mandate,she may not be part of it.
There is a sense inside Capitol Hill
that they're looking for areplacement for Nancy Pelosi
and that she was part of the reason,
a big part of the reason why
Republicans did actually so well.
There's a lot of reckoning to be had.
It's interesting, a lot ofpeople really haven't thought
this through, which is. "Wait a minute,
Republicans actually didpretty well in the House,"
and they didn't have that blow out
that a lot of people were thinking
Democrats were goingto have in the Senate.
So Republicans did really well except
for the most popularRepublican, Donald Trump.
That's where a lot of folks wonder,
"Wait, what in theworld is going on here?"
And I got to tell you, Ithink we have an electoral
as the world turns coming up.
I think this is like anelectorate telenovela
and I think we're stillin the process of it all.
- We'll stay tuned for act two.
But when you think of the extreme things,
I imagine the electric,
if they defund the police,if the rioting continues,
if there's no law and order,if the taxes are being raised,
if people lose their jobsbecause the fossil fuels are out,
and if there's a demonizationof the Trump's supporters,
which you remember the Hillary Clinton
called them a basket of deplorables,
well, they're callingthese people other names
and how can we have unitywhen they insult the people
who opposed you and somethought the AOC crowd is seeing
to take away any privilege that
any Trump supporter had, it's insanity.
- Well, that's right.
And remember Joe Biden, justin the last couple of weeks
at the end of the campaign called
all of Trump's supporters chumps.
And it's kind of interestingto see Joe Biden saying
it's time to heal the nation.
Well, you know, the wayTrump supporters see it,
you try to impeach theguy, or actually you ended
up impeaching the guy, you'vebeen trying to get this guy
from day one, you've been demeaning and
demoralizing Trump'ssupporters left and right,
and now all of a suddenyou want them to just say,
"You know what, that'sokay, we're fine with it."
No, look, I think this is we're heading
down a very dangerous path in this country
and the Donald Trump doing rallies,
and you know that's coming,
I've talked to two Trumpcampaign sources this morning
that can confirm what Axiosis reporting this morning
which is that Donald Trumpwill be doing campaign rallies.
Look, this has a powder keg on it, Pat.
And one thing I can tell you,
if we think this is how it ends
with president-elect Joe Biden right now
then we haven't been paying attention
for the last four years.
Do you think Donald Trump isjust going to let this go?
Pat, something's coming around the bend.
Let's wait and see what it is.
- It's frightening becausethis country could explode.
And that's the thing that we all fear.
And when we do, you see
you've got a president-elect of one party,
you have the sittingpresident of another party
and they're fighting eachother like cats and dogs,
there's rioting out in the streets.
And all of a sudden,Erdogan or somebody like
that will say, "This is ourchance to move against Israel,"
and suddenly you've got another war.
And if the Chinese make a move
in the South China Sea, it's devastating.
But who's going to stopthem if the Chinese move up
and start taking those islands
and saying, "This is our territory."
Who's going to go after them?
But David, I understandthe Secretary of Defense
said he was going toresign, he's still in,
but who's running the Pentagon?
- Well, you're absolutely right, Pat.
And here's part of the problem.
It kind of goes to a broader issue.
There's a Trump appointee,
the General ServicesAdministration, the GSA,
allows federal money to be appointed,
as you know, Pat, for atransition from Trump to Biden.
Well, the GSA's not doing any of that.
They're not giving any moneyover yet to the Biden folks
to have some sort of transition process.
So there is a financial limbo,
not to mention the electoral limbo here
until the results are certified.
So we are in this strangeperiod of let's just wait,
even though if you look at the media
and you see a fireworks going off
in the sky, you'd never think it.
- Thank you, David.
I want to talk about Georgiaa little bit 'cause it's key.
There are two races down there
that are going to go into reruns.
And there's a lady named Stacy Abrams
who was running forgovernor and she didn't win,
but she came very close.
And instead of going back to her home,
she decided she wasgoing to organize voters.
And so in Georgia, thereprobably another million
registered voters because of her activity.
Now there are two racesdown there, Sonny Purdue,
who was the former agricultural secretary,
he didn't win a clearmajority, so he's in a runoff.
And the other lady, LoefflerI believe, she's in a runoff.
If those two lose in Georgia,
where the numbers are huge interms of new registrations,
at least another millionvotes, you can imagine
if they spent 400 milliontrying to defeat Lindsey Graham
and the majority leader of the Senate,
if they spent that kind of money,
they'll spend a billiondollars to hold the Senate.
So it's going to be chaos in Georgia.
And if those two flip,then you've got the,
well the steamer roller's in place then
to run through all the appointments
that the Democrats want andall their strange concepts.
And boy, it's going to be a mess.
But you know, you talking about the green,
sure this global warming, absolutely.
But are we the offender?
The answer is absolutely not.
The Chinese and the Indians are the ones
who are polluting the atmosphere.
And we're not doing it,
but they're not part of the Paris Accord,
but people went after Trump because
he doesn't believe in global warming.
Well, sure, there's global warming.
But if you want to fix the global warming,
what you ought to do isplant a bunch of trees
out in the Sahel thatwould change the climate
because of what you did.
But they don't want to do that.
The Green New Deal isa socialist opportunity
to limit American industry and put it
under the control ofthe federal government.
We don't want that.
- A lot going on.
- Wow.
Well, in other news, theDemocrats lose seats in the House.
Republican women made historic gains.
And what does that meanfor the pro-life movement?
John Jessup has more.
- That is right, Pat.
So far Republicans have flippedeight seats in the House.
One reason is the recordnumber of GOP women elected.
As Mark Martin reports,
those victories are beingcalled a stunning blow
to the pro-abortion agenda.
- In January, at least 14 new Republican
pro-life women will take the oath
in the House of Representatives.
That number will includeseven Congresswomen
who defeated Democratsin last week's election.
- We attribute their success to the fact
that life is winning in America.
And regardless of the uncertainty
in the presidential election,
it's clear to see that life isnot a losing issue this year,
especially because we seean unprecedented number
of pro-life women beingelected to Congress.
- [Mark] Those newlyelected representatives
join 11 incumbent GOP pro-lifewomen who won reelection.
In a statement, SBA List President
Marjorie Dannenfelser said,"These gains are repudiation
of abortion extremism and further evidence
that life is a winning issue in politics."
- And this is a diverse group of women
who will no doubt stand up for the unborn.
They come from various backgrounds.
We have Maria Salazar who was one
of our endorsed candidates.
She's a Cuban American woman
who understands the right to life.
We have Yvette Herrell in NewMexico who was newly elected.
She is the first womanfrom the Cherokee Nation
to be elected to Congressfor the Republican Party.
- [Mark] And it's not justhappening in the House.
At least six will be partof the Senate in January,
including reelected incumbent,Joni Ernst, of Iowa.
- I'm going to share myfavorite psalm with you
and let it be a reminder of how
we can get through this difficult time.
And my favorite psalm is Psalm121 and it goes like this.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills
and where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,the maker of heaven and earth."
- The founder and chairmanof the non-profit Christian
ministry Liberty Counsel spoke out
about the election saying these
pro-life women will bringnew energy to Washington
to preserve precious pre-born children.
This is another important step
to making the womb a safeplace again in America.
Mark Martin, CBN News.
- Thanks, Mark.
To health news, early analysisreveals a coronavirus vaccine
developed by Pfizer ismore than 90% effective
at protecting people from the virus.
An independent data monitoring committee
evaluated the data Sunday.
So far, there have been94 cases of COVID-19
in the 44,000 person trial,
less than nine of themreceived the vaccine.
The rest were given a placebo.
The results have not been peer-reviewed
and some scientists warn against rushing
to conclusions based on early results
before long-term safety andefficacy have been established,
and Pat, stock futures soared
on the promising news of the vaccine.
- It really is.
I don't know if you watched"60 Minutes" last night,
but they had a statementof a four-star general
who's heading the effortand it's all set up,
they'll deliver that vaccineinstantly across America.
And the analysis is so sophisticated,
it's just mind boggling that this vaccine,
when it comes, it's going to be brought
to the American people quickly.
And the sooner we can put the stop
to this terrible coronavirus,let's hope this stuff works,
but apparently it does.
- Apparently it's makingthe stock market very happy.
(Pat laughing)
- The stock market is happy because
there's a split government.
As long as the government in gridlock
and they're not passingtaxes and stuff like that,
the market is delighted.
And furthermore, the fedis just pumping money
in like crazy.
So you don't ever fight the fed.
The fed is going to give you money
and the market is going upand so it's time to enjoy it.
- Still ahead, from riots to revival.
He's the force of naturewho's led worship rallies
across the country's hotspots.
Sean Feucht joins us live later on.
But first, meet the watchmen.
They're protecting us fromthe worst-case scenarios
from asteroids tovolcanoes to solar storms.
What are they doing to keep us safe?
Find out after this.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- As if we haven't frightened you enough,
we've got a doozer right now.
Earthquakes, volcanoes,asteroids, even solar storms.
This little planet we're on is at risk
from a number of natural hazards.
And who are the watchmen on the lookout
for these global threats?
And what exactly do they do?
CBN's Gabe LaMonica has that answer.
- [Gabe] Existential scenarios
like an asteroid hittingearth face pretty long odds.
- The likelihood of that
happening are literally astronomical.
- [Gabe] But just in case,the earth has a watchman
on the lookout forexactly the kind of threat
that wiped out the dinosaurs.
- We now have the technology to detect
these things far in advance.
- [Gabe] Lindley Johnson is NASA's
planetary defense officer.
- We believe we have already found
all of the nearest asteroidsthat are of that size
that cause the same kind of catastrophe
that occurred to the dinosaurs.
But there are still a fewlarge ones to find out there.
- [Gabe] Johnson and other planetary
defenders have a planto redirect an asteroid
potentially heading for earth.
And next summer, NASAwill test that capability
for the first time by crashing a probe
into an asteroid's moon knocking it
off orbit and off-course.
- We've been given the tools to prevent
this ever happening to us againand so we should use them.
- [Gabe] The watchers call scenarios like
these high-impact, low-probability events.
- [Announcer] Up from the crater,
a 4,000 foot high MountVesuvius rise towering clouds
of smoke and volcanic ash.
- [Gabe] The 1944 eruptionof Mount Vesuvius rained down
on the Naples area some 2000 years
after it destroyed Pompeii.
- This sort of gets into social science.
- [Gabe] Geophysicists Michael Poland is
with the US Geological Survey.
- How do you coordinate anevacuation of a city of millions?
There are environments likethat all over the world,
not just Naples, butenvironments like that
in Indonesia and the Philippines.
There was an eruption of Taalvolcano in the Philippines,
which is only a few tens ofkilometers south of Manila,
where there's millionsof people that live.
And if there had beena very large eruption
of that volcano, fortunatelythe eruption was small
and no one died, but ifthere'd been a large eruption,
how do you coordinate areally mass evacuation?
- There's no stopping a volcano.
- No, occasionally weget this question like,
"Why don't you just drill into the volcano
and pump water down there?"
And the scale of the problemis really incomprehensibly big.
So no, you can't stop avolcano from erupting.
You might be able to divertsome of the products,
but the best mitigation methods
we have today are to get out of the way.
- [Announcer] The eruptionof Mount St. Helens-
- [Gabe] In just minutes,the 1980 eruption
of Mount St. Helensresulted in 57 lives lost
and hundreds of millionsof dollars in damage.
After destroying every livingthing within 230 square miles,
the devastation forced the world
to take volcano monitoringa little more seriously.
- The science of eruption forecasting
certainly has advanced quite a lot.
We can recognize eruptionsthat are becoming restless
based on patterns of earthquakes,
ground information, gas emissions.
- [Gabe] Poland also oversees
the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory.
- With Yellowstone, theworst-case scenario is always
a tremendous explosion, ofthe kind that last happened
about 631,000 years ago.
That was one of these super-eruptions
that occur on average maybe every
50 to 100,000 yearssomewhere on the planet.
- [Gabe] Scientists think that
worst-case scenario is alsothe least likely to happen.
But if it did-
- It's not going to cause our extinction.
That's not to say that itwouldn't be pretty devastating.
These sorts of eruptions wouldbe immediately devastating
to everything around them out to a radius
of hundreds to thousands of kilometers.
(rocks clattering)
- While hundreds of active volcanoes exist
around the world, another threat hangs
right above our heads.
Luckily, this July 23rd,2012 eruption on the sun
that sent giant particle clouds hurdling
through space at 6.7 millionmiles an hour missed the earth.
In 1859, one of these eruptions hit Earth.
Now known as the Carrington Event,
it's the largestgeomagnetic storm on record.
Today, a Carrington-likeevent would be similar
to an electromagnetic pulse or EMP.
In that case, the plan is a temporary
shut off to save the grid.
We might not be able to predict or prevent
every catastrophe or global disaster,
but having early warning systems
in place is always a good idea.
Gabe LaMonica, CBN News.
- We have been hammeringaway at this one so much.
An EMP blast is something
from the low-level nuclear explosion.
Something out of the sun, atrick from one of our enemies,
and the grid, it would cost really
just a few billion dollarsto harden our grid.
But if the electricity goesout, we're in a heap of hurt.
So that's something that doesn't seem
to want to come up on thetop of somebody's agenda,
but it's so cheap considering the millions
and billions of dollars wespend on everything else.
And I think we need toharden that electric grid
as fast as we could because we never know
when an EMP blast is going to hit.
It might come from the sun.
It might come from alow-level nuclear explosion.
It might come from a cybermalware of some kind.
But whatever it is, we ought to do it.
- Up next, he's prayed with the president
in the Oval Office,
been featured in "Rolling Stone" magazine,
and even attempted a run for Congress.
Meet the worship leaderwho will not be silenced.
We'll speak with Bethel Music's
Sean Feucht right after this.
(upbeat music)
- It breaks my heartto think in this land,
there are people goinghungry, but there are.
There are people who are justlooking for a box of food
because they don't have jobs
and they're out of workand they're hurting.
This coronavirus has dealttheir economy a body blow
and regardless of theelection or whatever.
So one thing I want to saycoming up Thanksgiving,
we have had a tradition that
I have established a long, long time ago.
I asked my wife, I said, "Whenyou go to the grocery store,
how much do you figure you'llspend on Thanksgiving dinner?
How much will you spend?"
And she'd given me a figure,it'd $70, $80 or whatever.
And I said, "Okay, I wantto take that amount of money
and give it to Operation Blessing
so that they can feed somebody else."
And then you sit down to your turkey
or whatever you've got for Thanksgiving
or your Christmas dinner or whatever,
you feel pretty good because at least
I'm not just sittinghere pigging out myself,
but I'm helping those who hurt.
And isn't that what the Lord said?
"I was hungry and you fed me.
I was naked and you clothed me.
I was sick and in prisonand you came to me.
In as much as you've doneunto the least of these,
my brother, and you've done it unto me."
And I want to do this Thanksgiving,
I would urge you to do the same thing.
Just figure how muchyou're going to spend.
Prices are a lot more than they were
when I was first made agreement.
Maybe it'd be $150, $200,I don't know what it is.
But whatever it is,just write out a check.
Operation Blessing,it's called Give Thanks,
CBN Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Give Thanks, CBN Center,Virginia Beach, Virginia.
And Lord willing, we'lluse that to help people
with Operation Blessing.
We're feeding all over the world.
- All right, well, let us worship.
That's the rallying cry of Sean Feucht.
He's fed up with the double standard.
Officials have orderedchurches to close their doors,
but they've turned a blind eye
as protestors pack the streets.
So Sean has toured the nation hosting
his own worship protests.
So-called protests.
He's stirred up his fair shareof controversy along the way
though and Sean Feuchtis joining us right now.
Sean, welcome to "The 700 Club."
- Thank you so much.
Good morning, everyone.
- Sean, I've been followingyou on social media
and of course interviewedyou a few times as well.
And the crowds thatyou've been able to gather
at these events, places from California
to New Orleans to DC are massive.
There's such a hungerout there, isn't there
for people that just want togather and worship the Lord?
- Yeah, there really is.
And it's evident.
I really believe they'renot gathering with us
for a brand or a band nameor it's not even a concert.
People just want to get together.
They need hope right now.
We're in the midst of such a divisive time
and that's what worship does.
Getting together and looking on Jesus
and singing together and praying.
It just fills us with such perspective
and hope people are really needing
that right now across America.
- You've taken some flackfor hosting these events,
these worship events,even from Christians.
What's your response to that?
- Yeah, governors, mayors,Christians, friends,
we've gotten it all around.
But I think I look at revival history
or I look even in the Bible and nothing
significant takes place to shift things
in a generation without somecontroversy and pushback.
And so, I think mayberun to be a conservative
in California in Congress,I think maybe that
might've prepared me for this season
that we're in right now.
- Sean, let's talk about that.
You ran for Congress.
You had never been in politics before.
What made you want to do that?
- Well, really, I think,I've spent so much
of my history in thenations, the last 20 years.
We've been investing ourselves in some
of the hardest and darkestnations in the world.
But when the pandemic happened
and especially in America right now,
I live in California and wehave some of the craziest laws,
some of the most intense regulations,
we have crazy things likeyou have to be 16 years old
unless you're with the parentto get your ears pierced,
but the state is fundingsex changes starting
at 12 and 13 years oldwithout even telling parents.
You see these things happening,
I would have ran just purelyon the pro-life issue.
That's something that has just been a cry
and a prayer since I was in high school,
actually in Virginia,that God would overturn
that death decree in America.
And I look at now and I have four kids
and I'm deeply concerned about the future
in America for my children.
And that's really whatcaused me to want to do that.
- Yeah, of course you, you did not win,
but are you still glad you ran?
(Sean laughs)
- I think it was a good experience.
I definitely got to peek behind the veil
in politics in Californiaand even in the US.
And I'll tell you, we'recalled as believers
to be salt and light,and there is not enough
believers going into that sphereof influence in the world.
And so it emboldened me to start calling
other people to do the same.
- Sean, you had a Riots to Revival concert
in Portland, Oregon, avery liberal stronghold,
plus one that drew tens ofthousands in Washington, DC.
What are some of the aftereffectsthat you're still hearing
about from these cities you were in?
- Well, what we're really going after,
we are believing that there is another
Jesus people movement coming to America.
And we believe that it'sone that's full of revival,
that's full of salvations,miracles, signs, and wonders.
And you've probably seen if you follow us,
we're baptizing hundreds ofpeople in every city we go to.
But we've really beentargeting these cities
that have just comeunder such crazy unrest
and we've really been going after them.
And we believe that in the same way
that the Lord's called us into nations
like Afghanistan andIraq and North Korea and
places like that, that thatsame power and presence
of God can shift the citiesinside our own nation.
So we went into Portlandin the middle of the riots.
We went into Seattle, actuallyto the CHOP autonomous zone.
And of course, Washington,DC, I think was a huge thing
for us on the eve of the confirmation
of the new Supreme Court justice.
We gathered almost 40,000 people
and we just worshipedin the freezing rain.
I was so encouraged bythe grit in Americans
to worship Jesus no matter what.
It was amazing.
- I have never seen so much prayer,
and I know you haven't either
in our nation's capitalbefore an election before.
Sean, what's your take onthis election right now?
Is God speaking to youabout what happened?
Do you think it's over?
- I think we have to letthe process play out.
Bush Gore went 37 days, Ithink, after that election.
And so I think we letthe process play out.
But I believe in the meantimethat we use this season
of where everything canbe shaken will be shaken.
And just like we saw in NewOrleans this last weekend,
preaching the simple gospelin the middle of a season
that's divisive, it always works.
People were running down to the alter
in Jackson Square to givetheir life to the Lord.
And I feel like we're carrying this word,
now is the time for a great harvest.
Even in the midst of all this,
even in the midst of the uncertainty,
the gospel still thrives.
- Sean, you have writtena new book called "Brazen"
and you said you had no idea how
timely this message would be.
Brazen means bold and unashamed.
And I love the photo on the cover.
Tell us real quick about that photo
and why you wrote this book.
- That photo is actually outsideof Mosul in Northern Iraq.
And that was a bus thatwas blown up by ISIS.
And we were just driving on the road
to another refugee camp andI saw that bus and I'm like,
"We got to go inside that bus."
And the guys were like,"We don't know if we can."
I'm like, "No, we should go in there."
And at the time I didn't write the book,
I hadn't written the book,
but when I was praying about this topic
and just one of my favoriteBilly Graham quotes
where he says, "When acourageous man takes a stand,
the spines of everyoneelse are stiffened."
And I really feel like that book, for me,
it's been a propheticprecursor to the season
that I'm in now but it showshow we have to have grit,
we have to have courage,we have to have boldness
and tenacity to goafter the things of God.
And regardless of the mobthat comes against us,
regardless of the pressure politically,
or regardless of what peopletrolls on social media,
we have to do what we'recalled to do in the kingdom.
And if we do that, it willencourage everyone else
around us to take a stand as well.
So that's essentiallywhat the book's about.
You guys should get it,I think it's pretty good.
- Well, I got it and I couldn'tput it down last night.
It's a fascinating story.
Sean's new book is called "Brazen."
It's available nationwide.
You need to get a copy.
Sean Feucht, thank you somuch for being with us.
God bless you.
- Thank you, guys.
God bless you too,thanks for having me on.
- All right, Pat.
- What a guy.
Still ahead, sex, drugs and booze.
That's what this dealer'sdaughter kept searching for.
She thought it would puther in an early grave.
So what saved her life?
The answer next.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN NewsBreak.
Fans are remembering jeopardyhost Alex Trebek today.
Trebek died Sunday at his home surrounded
by family and friends after abattle with pancreatic cancer.
Some are calling him a legendand the best at what he did.
He hosted "Jeopardy" 36years after it was brought
back in 1984 winning five Emmys
and the prestigious Peabody award.
His final episode willair on Christmas Day.
Alex Trebek was 80 years old.
CBN's Superbook Sunday school curriculum
Superbook Academy isnow available in Spanish
to stream online in the United States
and around the world.
Churches, schools, and familiescan stream the Sunday school
lessons directly from anymobile device or computer.
It's part of CBN's ongoing commitment
to share Christ's good news with children
throughout the Spanish-speaking world
and to disciple them with God's Word.
For more information visitescuelasuperlinro.com.
You can find out moreabout what CBN is doing
around the world by goingto CBN.com/international.
Pat and Wendy will beback right after this.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Hanging out at barsall hours of the night.
waking up beside astranger in the morning.
Stephanie Wedel was a blackout drunk,
strung out and headed for jail or worse.
So how did a simple sign helpher break this deadly cycle?
Take a look.
- I don't have a whole lotof memories of my young life.
I do remember standing outside the trailer
and hearing things crash against the wall
and people yelling, peoplejust acting very erratic,
having conversations withpaintings hanging on the wall.
There was a time that I walked out
and saw people having sex in the driveway.
It was very, very insane.
- [Narrator] Chaos wasnormal for Stephanie Wedel.
Her father was the biggest drug dealer
in their small hometown inFlorida and an alcoholic.
- My dad was a greatguy when he was sober,
but he was very distant a lot of the time
because he was out running the streets
and we wanted nothing but loveand acceptance from my dad.
And it hurt that we couldn't get it
because that wasn't a priority to him.
- [Narrator] Then when Stephaniewas just a young child,
her mother took off with another man.
- When mom left,
I felt abandoned and I needed my mom.
I needed her love and compassionand we didn't have that.
- [Narrator] That leftStephanie and her brother
with her father and easyaccess to drugs and alcohol.
- Smoking weed when Iwas 11, drinking by 13.
By the time I was 14, I was selling drugs.
We did what we knew.
We saw dad doing it, it was just normal.
I just stayed high, I stayed wasted.
- [Narrator] At 15, Stephaniedropped out of school
and moved in with her24-year-old boyfriend.
- That was probably oneof the stupidest things
I've ever done.
He used me for sex andhe would cheat on me
on a regular basis.
He told me to deal with it.
- [Narrator] Eventuallyshe found another man,
and then another, a patternshe would follow for years
looking, hoping to findsomeone who would love her.
- I think I was lookingfor love and acceptance,
looking to fill the hole in my life
that was left vacant bymy father not being there.
I hated that I let men use me for sex.
I hated that I would jump fromrelationship to relationship.
I hated pretty much everything
about myself for a lot of years.
- [Narrator] Then at23, looking at a future
where she'd be in jail,strung out, or dead,
Stephanie took a friend'sadvice and joined the Army.
There she earned her GEDand worked as a mechanic.
She also quit using drugs.
Her drinking and promiscuity,however, escalated.
- I ended up being stationed in
Baumholder, Germanywhere bars don't close.
And I drank more than I ever drank before.
I would stay in barsall hours of the night.
I would wake up with different guys.
I would continue insanity,
just looked a little bit different.
- [Narrator] After serving four years,
Stephanie left the armywith an honorable discharge.
Returning to her hometown,she picked up where
she left off using drugs and men
to fill the emptiness in her heart.
But one thing had changed.
Her mom was now a Christianand convinced her daughter
to attend a few church services.
♪ It's all because of You ♪
- There had to be somethingbigger than me out there.
I had been trying to getsober on my own for years
and I couldn't get me sober.
I couldn't change my behavioror the way that I was living.
- [Narrator] Then finally,
after a weekend of getting blackout drunk,
Stephanie reached out to God for help.
- It was finally my rock bottom.
It was finally enough.
I was so tired and Icouldn't do it anymore.
I just got on my knees andasked God to change me.
That weekend was thelast time that I drank
or drugged or took pillsor did anything like that.
And He completely freed me from it.
I found peace and acceptanceand love and mercy
and all those things that I had looked for
for so many years.
And I found that in Jesus.
- [Narrator] Soon after,she found a church
with a sign that said come as you are.
There she learned more about
this God, His love, and His grace.
- Our pastor talked aboutGod's forgiveness and love
and mercy and how it wasn'tthrough anything of my own.
I was like, "Wow," my eyeskind of were like opened
and that was the momentthat I just asked Him
to forgive me for everything I had done.
And He did.
He has completely transformed my life.
- [Narrator] Today, Stephanie is a wife,
adoptive mother, and founderof Freedom Life Compass,
a Christ-centered nonprofitrehab and recovery organization.
As for Stephanie's family,
her siblings have all gotten clean
and reconciled with their mother.
Her father, currently servingtime for drug trafficking,
not only overcame his addictions,
but also gave his life to Jesus Christ.
- Nothing is too broken for God, nothing.
And I'm just so excited to seehow God is transforming him
and me and my mother and my siblings.
And I just can't wait until we're all
out here one day talking about
how God completelyredeemed my entire family.
It's amazing to see what He can do
when we let Him work in us.
- What a story.
Just as I am without a plea,
but that by blood was shed for me.
That was the song they used to sing
in the Billy Graham Crusade.
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
The Lord is reaching Hishand out to you right now.
And He says, "Daughter,son, come home, come home.
I'll receive you, I'll forgive you.
And I love you and I'llput My arm around you
And you'll be part of My family."
You're looking for love, God loves you.
He loves you so much He died for you.
And He says, "Would you please come home
because I am waiting for you
and I will give you thekeys to the kingdom."
Would you like that?
Stephanie was living in hell on earth.
Drugs, drugs, booze, sex, love,sex, more sex, more booze,
life spinning out of control.
Many of you feel like yourlife is worth nothing,
but God says you are precious,precious in His sight.
You are made in the image of God Almighty.
Now, if you want what I'm talking about,
all I'm asking you todo is to bow your head
and pray right now.
God is speaking to youright at this minute.
What I want you to dois just bow your head
and pray a simple prayer.
And He says, "I'm standingat the door and I'm knocking.
If you'll open the door, I'll come in."
Jesus Christ loves you just as you are.
These words, now yourhead, do it right now.
Now, do it, pray these words.
Jesus, that's right, Jesus,
I know You died for me andI know that You rose again
that I might live forever.
And I know that You will forgive my sin.
And I say to You, Lord, bemerciful to me, a sinner.
I come to You without a plea.
I have no right to claim anything.
But I say, Lord, come into my heart.
Live Your life in me.
And from this moment on,
I will live for You and I will serve You.
Thank You, Lord, thank You.
Father, in Jesus' name,fill with the Holy Spirit
those who prayed with me.
And if you did pray, I wantyou to pick up the phone
and call and tellsomebody what you've done.
I'll give you this if you want.
It's "A New Day," it willtell you what to do next.
But I would just ask is you please
pick up the phone call us.
Say, "I prayed with that guy on TV."
Hey, listen, tomorrow's abig question and answer show.
We'll see you then, bye-bye.