- [Heather] Tonight!
- Power can't be taken or asserted.
It flows from the people.
- [Heather] The latest on Election 2020.
The razor thin marginsand the legal challenges.
- But this is rampantcorruption and it can't happen.
It simply can't happen.
- [Heather] As the racefor the White House inches
closer to the finish line.
- But our ministry isstuck on the sidelines.
- [Heather] Should a CatholicFoster Agency be forced
to service gay couples?
The Supreme Court weighs in,
including newly swornJustice, Amy Coney Barrett.
- Wear the mask, wear it.
- [Heather] A record setting100,000 new COVID cases
in the U.S. in just one day.
The concern from health experts,
with Thanksgiving just weeks away.
All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.
(upbeat music)
Welcome to Faith Nation.
I'm Heather Sells in for JohnJessup and Jenna Browder.
Two days after electionday and the outcome
is still undecided, as statescontinue to count votes.
Former Vice President, Joe Biden,
is closer to the 270electoral votes needed to win,
but his race is far from over.
CBN's White HouseCorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
joins us now with the latest.
- Well Heather, PresidentTrump is down but not out.
As you were talking about,several states have yet
to be called and they could tip the scale
in either direction.
The Trump campaign requesteda recount in Wisconsin
and filed lawsuits in Georgia,Michigan, and Pennsylvania
to demand better access towatch the ballots being counted.
A Pennsylvania judge grantedthe Trump campaign access
to observe up close,but they say their view
is still obstructed.
- Our votes are being suppressed.
We cannot count the votes properly.
What's happening is theyhave moved the barrier
up to six feet, but theytook away the ballot machines
that were in the front row and moved them
to the back of the building.
It's unbelievable whatthey're trying to do
to our votes that have been legally cast.
- The Trump campaignreleased a message today
from the Commander in Chief.
He said, "If you count the legal votes,
"I easily win the election."
"If you count the illegal and late votes,
"they can steal the election from us."
Joe Biden responded,tweeting, "Be patient folks,
"votes are being counted and we feel good
"about where we are."
Now if Trump loses Pennsylvania,
his reelection hopes are over.
We'll continue to watchthe ballots as they come in
and keep you posted.
- All right, thanks very much, Ben.
And Chief Political Analyst, David Brody,
joins us now.
David, you've learned "neverto count Donald Trump out",
but he needs victories inPennsylvania, North Carolina,
Georgia, and Nevada right now.
Is that too tall an order?
- It's a tall order.
Is it too tall of an order?
Once again, never countDonald Trump out quite yet.
And here's the thing, Heather,
it's not just an electoralmap, if you will.
It's also a legal fight, as you know,
as Ben was just explaining there.
So here's the point.
Donald Trump has lived in courtpretty much half his life,
if not more than half his life.
He enjoys going to court.
He has no problem with doing it.
And that's exactly what we're gonna see.
It would not surprise me atall if all of this ends up
at the Supreme Court.
But getting back to theelectoral position here,
he's gotta have Georgia.
There is concern in theTrump camp that Georgia
may not be as secure as it is now.
And it's not secure atall now, but it could be
a potential problem for them.
So he's gotta have Georgia,North Carolina, Pennsylvania.
Nevada we should know first,
but North Carolina is gonna be awhile.
So we've got plenty ofwaiting still to do.
- Absolutely.
There's a lot of conversation right now
about this stealing the election,
which ranges from charges of vote dumping
in the rust belt states to curing ballots.
And Twitter has censored anumber of tweets about this.
How seriously shouldwe take these charges?
- Well look, what Twitter is doing,
and you can chalk it up to analysis,
whatever you wanna do, is reprehensible.
I mean, it really is.
I mean, think about what they did today.
Jason Miller, the Trumpcampaign PR guy, if you will,
the Senior Advisor there.
I call him a PR guy, heprobably wouldn't like that.
Anyhow, Senior Advisorbasically said there's a massive
announcement coming on whatwe're gonna do in Nevada.
And also he said there'sgoing to be a big decision
coming out of Pennsylvania today.
All of a sudden, Twitterblocked it, or I say blocked it.
They put a warning on it.
I mean, the fact that Jason Miller,
all he's doing is sayingbig news coming out
of Pennsylvania today.
And that's getting censored by Twitter?
Where is this going exactly?
And I think that's a real big problem.
- All right, there isa lot to sort through.
And I know we're going to come back to you
a little bit later in the show.
David Brody, thanks for your time.
- You bet.
- Well, not only is it unclearwho will win the presidency,
control of the Senateis also a question mark.
We go now to SeniorWashington Correspondent,
Tara Mergener, who isfollowing that story for us.
- Well Heather, right nowthe Democrats' ambitions
of taking over the chamber are literally
hanging by a thread.
They have flipped twoseats, one in Arizona,
the other in Colorado.
Republicans picked up one in Alabama.
Dashing Democratic hopes ofa crucial pickup in Maine,
Republican Susan Collinswins a fifth term,
after the fight of her political career.
In what was the most expensiverace in the state's history,
Collins beat back anavalanche of Democratic money
in the race against Sarah Gideon.
Collins faced big backlashafter supporting the nomination
of now Supreme CourtJustice, Brett Kavanaugh.
Walking a political tightrope, Collins spoke out early
against the election seasonnomination of Amy Coney Barrett.
And it appears Democratswill keep one of their most
hotly contested seats in Michigan.
Gary Peters survived a tight race against
Republican challenger, John James.
The contest became oneof the most competitive
in recent weeks and a toppriority for Republicans.
James, who still hasnot conceded the race,
would have become thethird black Republican
elected to the upper chambersince reconstruction.
CBN Senior Editor, JohnWaage, weighed in on what
could still happen in this race.
- Even there, I don't knowif there will be recounts
or challenges.
This Michigan race where GaryPeters, the Democrat incumbent
has been declared thewinner, you know, John James
may challenge that one orat least call for a recount.
- Now the remaining chancesfor Democrats are Alaska,
North Carolina, and two seats in Georgia.
Meanwhile if Joe Bidenwins the presidency,
Democrats need to gain threeseats to retake control.
If President Trump isreelected, Democrats need four.
- It's a lot of math and alot of money going out, Tara.
Thanks for your report.
Well, we are joined nowby Hans von Spakovsky,
Senior Legal Fellow atThe Heritage Foundation
and he has been following allthese election developments
closely, and he is hereto help us understand
what is going on.
Hans, thanks for joining us.
- Sure, thanks for having me.
- Well, we have differentstates with different deadlines
for absentee ballots.
We have a lot of stateswhere all kind of entities
made decisions about these deadlines,
in large part due to the pandemic.
So if these absentee ballotschange the margin of victory
in a state, could either campaignargue to the Supreme Court
that those ballots should not be counted?
- Yes, and the TrumpAdministration's already worked
on that issue in Pennsylvania.
In Pennsylvania what happenedis the State Supreme Court
stepped in and they extended the deadline
for the receipt of absentee ballots,
even though they really don'thave the authority to do that.
The campaign has alreadysaid that it intends to go
to the Supreme Court to try to overrule,
get the court to overrulethe State Supreme Court.
The court refused to dothat when an emergency stay
was requested prior to the election,
but they didn't decidethe merits of the case.
And there's some indicationthat those ballots
that were received after electionday are being segregated.
So there's still a possibilityof pulling them out
of the election count.
- All right, and I understandthis absentee ballot
and the extension of deadlinesby different entities
that might be not be constitutional.
It's an issue in otherstates as well, correct?
- Yeah, in North Carolinait's an issue because,
look, the Constitution saysit's the state legislatures
that can set the rules.
In North Carolina it wasthe State Board of Elections
that simply overrode the statestatute and they extended
the deadline for thereceipt of absentee ballots
to more than a week after the election.
- A lot going on here.
Let's talk about recounts.
The Trump campaign isrequesting one in Wisconsin.
Historically in that staterecounts have changed the tally
by only a few hundred votes and Biden led
by more than 20,000.
Does a recount in Wisconsin makes sense
for the Trump campaign?
- Well, if they have theopportunity to call it,
they probably should.
But the chances of it, as yousaid, overturning election
are pretty slim.
If you look at the history ofrecounts across the country
in many elections, you'llfind that they only make a
difference occasionallywhen the margin of victory
or the difference betweenthe two candidates
is extremely small.
I mean, we're talking about hundreds
and not more than a coupleof thousand ballots.
When it's as much as 20,000ballots, you almost never
find that a recount has made a difference.
- All right.
And Hans, of course ourcountry is all about
a peaceful transfer of power.
Do these lawsuits,recounts, do they jeopardize
an inauguration in January in any way?
- No, 'cause I think thecourts will act very quickly.
They're well aware thatwe need to have an outcome
in each state determined bythe time the Electoral College
meets in early December, for the electors
to cast their votes for President.
So I think they will act with expedition,
probably within just daysof lawsuits being filed.
- All right, Hans von Spakovsky,
thanks so much for your time.
- Sure, thanks for having me.
- And the fate of aChristian Foster Care Agency
is in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The latest on this case after this.
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- And we are back with Faith Nation.
Joining me now is CBN'sChief Political Analyst,
David Brody and blogger,Allie Beth Stuckey.
Thank you so much forjoining us, both of you.
And a lot to unwraphere with this election.
Allie, so much going on.
I'm wondering what you are hearing
from your particular audience.
What are their concerns, aswe have all these developments
post election?
- Yes, so I host a podcastactually called Relatable.
We talk about culture, news, theology,
from a Christian perspective.
My audience there is worriedabout the potential of fraud.
I'm not willing to say thatthat's a decisive factor
in this election.
I just don't know.
I think that we are seeingindicators of potential fraud,
certainly in some of these states.
I'm glad the Trump administrationand the Trump legal team
is calling for transparency.
That's certainly what I want.
The people that I'vespoken to feel the same way
that I do, that no matterthe outcome of this election,
that I want our voting process to be done
with honor and integrity.
And I hope that whoeverwins, that we take the steps
to ensure that that ishappening and that if it's not
happening, that we rectifythat and we make sure that
it happens the next go round.
- Got it.
Yeah, and David, what is yourexpectation going forward?
What other political plays doyou expect to see this week?
- Yeah, it really doesfeel like an electoral
"As the World Turns".
I don't think there'sany question about it.
I do wanna say somethingabout election integrity,
something that Allie was bringing up.
I agree. I think we have to be careful.
You see a lot of stuff on Twitter.
You wanna make sure you'regoing to a verified source.
But let's also remember, thestate officials in Pennsylvania
did not allow, this is 100%accurate, it is happening.
State officials inPennsylvania did not allow
certified poll watchersfrom the Republican side
to take a look at some of theresults in certain counties.
That, according to legalexperts, is illegal.
So this is somethingthat the Trump campaign
is gonna look at.
In terms of, you know,where we go from here,
I'll just say this.
I think what we're gonna seea lot in the next 24 hours,
potentially, is if Joe Bidengets to that magical 270,
let's remember, and for Trumpsupporters hold your breath,
or I say, just remember,take a deep breath,
because just because he "gets to 270",
results have to be certified.
There are a lot of legal challenges,
most likely going to the Supreme Court.
Just because ABC, NBC, CBS and AP call it,
doesn't make it official.
It's something important,though politically,
I think it'll be a PRproblem for the President.
- Right, and to that point,I'd like to ask both of you,
starting with Allie,we've got this incredible
polarization problem inour country right now.
We have a President who weultimately all need to support.
What steps do you see ourcountry taking that can lead
to us all coming together tosupport a new president, Allie?
- And we're seeing some ofthat divisiveness right now
with the disagreement aboutthe integrity of our elections.
It seems like only the peoplethat support Donald Trump
are concerned about some of the things,
like potential voterfraud, or even just a lack
of transparency inplaces like Pennsylvania.
So the fact that concern withintegrity of our election
seems to be, at least rightnow, falling along partisan
lines is a really bad indication,I think, of where we are.
If we can unite on somefundamentals that say,
okay, we need free and fair elections
in a free and fair society.
We need to come together tosupport whoever is the President
of the United States, evenif you didn't vote for him
and you don't agree with his policies.
Honestly, it seems like weare a long way from there.
The supporters of whoeverwins, let's not gloat.
The supporters of whoeverloses, let us not, you know,
wallow in our misery or our resentment.
Our neighbors who have, youknow, the sign of the politician
that we didn't vote for arestill gonna be our neighbors
when all of this is said and done.
And we've gotta learn howto love those neighbors
and to live alongside those neighbors
without allowing ourpolitical disagreements
to take over our lives.
- David, good point aboutthe neighbors there.
What do you see as someof the ways we can begin
to come together again here?
- Yeah, 100%, I think Allie's right on.
We have to talk to each other.
We have to get out of our cocoons.
We have to figure out a way to bond
over certain similarities.
For example, if I'm a New York Mets fan
and if I'm a conservativeand someone who's a radical
left liberal is also a New York Mets fan,
hey, how about you bond over that?
We have to figure outways to talk to each other
in this country.
- All right, thanks toyou both for joining us.
- Thank you.- You bet.
- A case before the U.S.Supreme Court this week
could be one of the firstcases in which the new
6-3 Republican appointedmajority has an effect
on the court's judicial philosophy.
A Catholic Foster Agency inPhiladelphia had told a reporter
that because of its beliefin traditional marriage,
it would refer same-sex couplesto other foster agencies.
Now the city of Philadelphia called that
anti-gay discrimination.
Attorneys arguing thecase before the high court
said it's not.
- The city is reaching out andtelling a private religious
ministry, which has been doingthis work for two centuries,
how to run its internalaffairs and trying to coerce it
to make statements that are contrary
to its religious beliefs.
- Still, an attorney forthe city says the government
has the power to imposeconditions on contractors,
like Catholic Social Services.
And Nick Reaves serves aslegal counsel at Becket Law
and represents theCatholic Foster Care Agency
in this case.
He joins us now.
Nick, the high court heardthis case just yesterday.
How did it go?
And what's your take onhow the Justices responded?
- We're very excited abouthow oral argument went
in this case.
And, like in a lot of recentreligious liberty cases,
we expect a broad coalition of support
for the Catholic Agency.
We saw the courtinterested in finding a way
to both protect religious liberty,
as a crucial First Amendment value,
while also ensuring that same-sex couples
across Philadelphia can continueto foster as they do today.
And we saw some of the Justices,including Justice Breyer,
express concern andfrustration towards the city
over what is really ahypothetical problem.
They tried to close downa Catholic Foster Agency,
even though they've admittedthat not a single same-sex
couple had come to thatagency seeking to foster.
So I think we're gonna see broad support
for the Catholic Agency andfor the individual families,
like plaintiff Sharonell Fulton,
who has fostered for over25 years and who wants
to keep partnering with this agency.
- Well, something that really struck me,
I've been hearing thisphrase "religious privilege",
which I haven't heard in the past.
And those who support thecity of Philadelphia believe
that religion should notenjoy a privileged status,
is what they're saying.
That is, it should not beconsidered at the expense
of LGBTQ couples.
What is your responseto these LGBTQ couples
who say you're putting religion before us?
- What we're asking forhere is for diversity
and pluralism in the foster care system.
There are 30 different private agencies
that serve families across the city.
Three of them specialize inserving the LGBTQ community.
And allowing families, likeToni Sims-Busch and plaintiff,
Sharonell Fulton, to continuepartnering with the agency
that has served them andthat has supported them
for over 25 years iscrucial to ensuring that
the most kids in need can find homes.
The only people excludedfrom foster care today
are our plaintiffs, like single mother,
Sharonell Fulton, who hasempty beds in her home.
And she's testified that shewants to care for more kids,
but can't do so today inpartnership with the agency
that's meant so much to her.
- Nick, just briefly, ifthe court does rule in favor
of the city of Philadelphia,what would be the implications
for not just CatholicSocial Service Agency,
but other religious ministries?
- This came up at oral argument.
We got some questioningfrom multiple Justices,
asking what this mightmean for Catholic hospitals
that can't provide abortion services
or religious homeless shelters.
And I think the Justices were concerned.
The city didn't put any limitingprinciple on its arguments
and suggested that it couldforce religious social services
providers of all kinds to dowhatever the government wanted.
So I think it's very troubling to see
what the city is arguing here.
- Nick Reaves with Becket,thanks for your time.
And we'll be right back.
- Thank you.
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- Coronavirus cases continue to surge
in every state in America.
Yesterday, the U.S.recorded a record 100,000
new infections in just one day.
CBN's Medical Reporter, Lorie Johnson,
joins us to talk about whatthis means going forward.
Lorie, Thanksgiving is justthree weeks from today.
How concerned are health officials?
Heather, they're extremely concerned.
We know some families, notall, will be getting together
inside for long periods of time.
They'll be eating together,which means mask wearing
will be tough.
And that likely means we'llsee an increase in cases.
And that's the last thingwe need on top of the
current surge, over 100,000new cases in one day;
but perhaps more concerninga jump in hospitalizations.
Health and Human Serviceswarning in an internal memo
obtained by ABC News thatdoctors may have to start
prioritizing patients based onage and severity of illness.
Meanwhile, a reminder of therisks hospital workers face.
Utah ICU nurse, Patrice Grossman, died
after contracting the virus.
- Wear the mask, wear it.
- Really.
- If not for you, then for others,
because my mom was gone in 24 hours.
- Hospital workers whoare on the front lines
of this pandemic will be thefirst ones to get a vaccine.
That may be as early as next month.
Both Pfizer and AstraZenecahave hinted their vaccines
will be ready to give outby year's end, Heather.
Okay, and so Lorie, does thismean that different people
will be getting different vaccines?
- Yes, it's likely a numberof different vaccines
will be approved.
The Moderna and Johnson andJohnson vaccines are also
very close to wrapping up.
The U.S. Government hascontracted with all of these
companies to produce millions of doses.
After the first respondersand highest risk people
get theirs, presumablyat the end of the year,
and at the beginning of 2021,the rest of us can get ours
by March or thereabouts, Heather.
All right, and Lorie, thanksfor keeping us updated.
Also, if these case numberscontinue to increase
and Joe Biden becomes President,
is it possible we'll see more lockdowns?
What do you expect?
- Well, if Joe Biden iselected President, he has said
that he hasn't ruled outinstituting more lockdowns
and a national maskmandate, but keep in mind,
if he becomes President, hewon't take office until the end
of January and Heather,I'm sure we're all hoping
and praying that the COVID-19situation will improve
by then, if not through a vaccine,
then through some other way.
- Yeah, absolutely.
Thank you so much, Lorie Johnson.
- Sure.
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- And finally tonight, aftera Mississippi School District
banned a third grader fromwearing a mask that said,
"Jesus loves me", fellowbelievers are running
to her defense.
Alliance Defending Freedomis representing Lydia Booth
in a lawsuit against the school.
And her courage is being noticed
by people across the country.
That is our inspiring story for today.
We hope you have a great night.
Thanks for joining us.
(music resolving)