(orchestral swell)- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
Two days after the election,we're still counting.
And in the race for the WhiteHouse, Joe Biden is now closer
to 270 electoral votes needed to win.
President Trump is down but not yet out
with a much tighter path to victory.
- The Trump campaign isnow contesting vote counts
in four battleground states.
Meanwhile, protesters on both sides
have taken to the streets,George Thomas reports.
- All eyes are on the countin the key states of Arizona
Pennsylvania, Georgia,Nevada, and North Carolina,
as the nation holds its collective breath
to see who wins therace for the White House
Biden got closer lastnight with projections
that he'll win Michigan and Wisconsin,
putting the Democratchallenger's electoral tally
at 253 to Trump's 214.
The Trump team is callingfor a recount in Wisconsin.
270 electoral college votes are needed
to win the presidency.
- I'm not here to declare that we've won
but I am here to reportwhen the count is finished
we believe we will be the winners.
- [George] The Trump campaign believes
it still has a chance.
The president would have towin either Arizona or Nevada
and still sweep Georgia,Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.
While the counting continuesthe president's team
filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania,Michigan, and Georgia
laying the groundwork
for contesting battlegroundstates' election results.
In Pennsylvania, thepresident is leading Biden
but with large amounts of mail-inballots yet to be counted.
The Trump campaign is seekingto stop counting ballots
that arrived after election day,
claiming it's not beinggiven proper access
to observe the process.- Not a single Republican
has been able to look at anyone of these mail ballots.
- [George] In Michigan,Trump supporters protesting
at vote counting centers inDetroit over similar claims.
Michigan's attorney generalinsisting both parties
have access to the counting process.
Meanwhile, Republicans lookpoised to hold the Senate
even as Michigan's DemocraticSenator Gary Peters
has been declared the winner there.
On Wednesday, Maine'sSenate race was called
for Republican incumbent Susan Collins.
GOP candidates arecurrently leading in races,
still undecided in NorthCarolina, Alaska and Georgia.
Overnight as votescontinued to trickle in,
this was the scene in Portland, Oregon
as the National Guard was called out
to stop widespread violenceand destruction by protestors.
11 people were arrested asauthorities and the city
said the protests had turned into a riot.
George Thomas, "CBN News."
- Well CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody is with us.
And David, it looks like President Trump
has a hard path forward.
What are the chances of himsweeping the remaining states?
- Well, Gordon, I'mgonna take it like this
because I've been thinking a lot about
how do we relate this to everybody
and just kind of dumbit down, if you will?
Think of it like a football game.
Donald Trump, down by a fieldgoal. Time is running out.
He's got four downs, first and 10,
second, third, and fourth down, right?
You've got four chancesto get it in the end zone.
The first chance, let's just assume
he wins Georgia, North Carolina.
'Cause he's got to have those.
The first chance is for him towin Pennsylvania and Nevada.
If he does that, he's thepresident of the United States.
But if he fails on firstdown he goes to second down.
Second down, once again,Georgia, North Carolina.
Then he needs to win Pennsylvania
and hope that Arizona goes backand goes into his category.
And we'll talk about thatif you want in a moment.
That's second down. If thatfails, we're at third down.
Third down is a canvassing and a recount
of Michigan, Wisconsin,a harder sell for sure.
But that's third down.
If that all fails, then Gordon,we're in the Hail Mary stage
and that's where the Supreme Court
in many of these legal lawsuits come in.
And if he can potentially have a Hail Mary
at the end of this thingin December possibly,
late November, that'swhere we could end up.
- Well, the Federalist came out
with a post yesterday,
talking about vote dumping in Michigan
and two unusual cases.
One 130,000 votes beingadded into the tally
and every single one of them for Biden.
Another one where a county that broke
29% to Trump four years ago
is now breaking 30% to Biden this time.
It just seems to be some unusual things
happening in the vote tally,what's your take on that?
Is this something
that the president'slegal team will pursue?
- 100%, they're gonna pursue that.
And we've heard a lotabout that on Twitter.
Well, I say we heard alot about it on Twitter
then it got out there,
but Twitter tried to shut allof that vote dumping down,
but that's a whole nother issue.
But look what's happeningin Pennsylvania right now
the new Hanging Chadcould be cured ballots,
C-U-R-E-D, these cured ballots.
In other words thereare ballots coming into,
especially down in that Philadelphia area
that either have a smudged signature
or it hasn't been signed.
And so what they're doing,
normally those ballotswould be discounted.
That's not happening in Philadelphia.
What they're doing isthey're getting the voter,
long story short but they'rebringing the voter back in
to say is this your signature?
Is this correct?
And then go ahead andcounting the vote potentially
if it does match up.
Well that sounds like,okay, that's nice to do,
you have the whole vote situation there.
But hold on for a second.
The rest of the counties inPennsylvania, aren't doing that.
They're not curing ballots.
So you have PhiladelphiaCounty, a huge county
and Montgomery and Bucks andall that, curing ballots,
but you don't have curing balance going on
in many of the ruralportions of the state.
That's also gonna be apart of a legal contention.
- Well, if it into a lawsuitwhich it already has,
it's already gone that route.
Then how long are we looking at
before we actually have a declared winner,
that everyone says, you won?
- Well, it's gonna be expedited.
And what does expedited mean exactly?
Look, the bottom line is this,
there are laws that basically say,
you have to literally stopcounting all votes in America,
all states by November 23rd, has to stop.
So we know it's probably gonna go on
at least until November 23rd,
in terms of all of the ballot counting.
Even though we've heardNorth Carolina November 12th,
we've heard Pennsylvania, November 6th.
But the bottom line is,you have to literally
put down the pen, the number two pencil,
if you will, on November 23rd.
At that point, you could see something
maybe in late November or early December,
but definitely sometime for Christmas.
2020, I'll tell you what,
it's more of the anti-loveletter from 2020 to all of us.
- (laughing) All right.
2020 is going to be in historyas anti love letter year.
All right.
The GOP, assuming it doesn'tchange by the end of the month,
it looks like it's goingto hold onto the Senate.
What does that mean going forward,
assuming Joe Biden winsthe presidential election?
- Well, at this point, if he does,
if Biden becomes the nextpresident of the United States
it's everything, Gordon, it'severything for Republicans.
It will be the difference
between court packing or non-court pack.
In other words, therewill be no court packing
if Senate Republicans maintain control.
And I can go on and onin terms of a list of,
whether or not SupremeCourt Justices are nominated
there'll be more centrist,I can go on and on.
Bottom line is, it'll be huge.
And most likely we're lookingat 51 49 is my sense right now
in terms of Republicans, keeping control.
There's another Senaterace, obviously in Georgia
that has to be determinedsometime in January.
Gordon, I did want to mention,
and this does relate to the Senate,
but also to the presidential race.
It's interesting tolook at the electorate.
I've been doing some number crunching.
You look at Donald Trump'svote of the Latino vote.
He's up 4% from 2016 withLatinos across the country.
He's up 4% among the Black vote as well
but he is down 2% in thenon-college white educated voter.
And if you go into Michigan and Wisconsin
you see those numbers evenmore he's down about 2 or 3%.
Look, Gordon, right there.That's game set match.
If Joe Biden becomes president, we'll see.
- All right well, Republicans,sort of against all odds.
Only one I heard sayingthis was John Walkie
that they were gonna pickup seats in the House.
Is there hand wringingon the Democrat side
in terms of they were predicting it
they thought they wouldget the super majority
and then Republicans were predicting it,
but it looks like the GOP added seats
and the Democrats lost.
What does that mean?- Well, that's right.
It looks like Democrats willhave control of the House,
but you're right, whathappened to the blue wave?
John Walkie was correct.There was not a blue wave.
And indeed there's goingto be a few House seats
picked up by Republicans.
They can actually go morethan just plus two or three.
It could be a lot more than that.
And they're doing well in Orange County,
the OC out in Californiasome of the districts,
they lost the Democrats in 2018.
They're starting to pick some of those up.
So bottom line is, Nancy Pelosi
is under a considerableamount of pressure now
in terms of her leadership at this point.
There's a movement by centrists.
If there are such a thingin the Democrat party,
but there are, I guess, at this point,
centrists are still to theleft but the bottom line is
Nancy Pelosi could be in abit of trouble, we'll see.
It's something to bear watch.- Okay.
When do you predict 2024election cycle will start?
- (laughing) I'll be honest with you.
It started at the RepublicanNational Convention
about a couple of months ago
when Nikki Haley was on stageand Mike Pence was on stage
and there were others as well.
This has already begun,but in true earnest,
in answer to your question, let me think,
maybe in about two to three months.
It's gonna start right away.
And the odds on favorite.
Do you like how I'm already starting
with the odds on favorite?
The odds on favorite, obviously,
people will put Mike Pence there.
But you gotta watch Nikki Haley.
Those would be the two to beat. (laughing)
I'm already talking four years.
I'm in an electoral coma at this point.
- (laughing) Well, it seemslike the cycles never end.
And the good news it gives you
a lot of job security, David. (laughing)
- Good point Gordon.
Glad to hear that from you, by the way.
- All right. (laughing)
Well, David, thanks for being with us.
We talked about the city of Philadelphia
and how crucial they are tothe vote count on the election.
But here's another storycoming out of the city.
They are calling out aCatholic foster care agency
because they say they wouldrefer same sex couples
to another agency if they wanted to adopt.
The Supreme Court has heardthis religious liberty case.
And as Paul Strand reports,
it has far reaching implications.
- Catholic Social Servicesnever actually had
a same-sex married couple
ask to foster a child through the agency.
- [Hashim] There aredozens of foster agencies
that are available to serve gay couples
in the city of Philadelphia.
And there's no evidencethat any gay couples
ever even tried to use CSS as its agency.
- But just the idea thatit would turn them away
was enough for Philadelphia
to boot Catholic Social Services
out of the foster carebusiness in the city.
- [James] We stand readyto provide loving homes
for children in need,
but our ministry isstuck on the sidelines.
- [Paul] Philadelphia arguedit has every right to do that.
- [Neal] The government has broad powers
to impose conditionson contractors like CSS
that stand in the government's shoes
performing government functions.
- [Lori] Here the city is reaching out
and telling a private religious ministry
which has been doing thiswork for two centuries
how to run its internal affairs
and trying to coerce it to make statements
that are contrary toits religious beliefs.
- This is a religious liberty case.
Philadelphia was basically demanding
the agency give up it'sbiblically based belief
about marriage to do work with the city.
Or as Justice Alito put it-- The city
can't stand the message theCatholic Social Services,
and the archdiocese aresending by continuing to adhere
to the old fashioned view about marriage.
Isn't that the case?
- [Hashim] The statementsthat have been made
by various officials make clear
that the reason they're doing that,
is they view this as somesort of odious anachronism.
- [Paul] A foster mom in this case
said Philadelphia is harmingchildren who need families.
- [Toni] It felt like I hadbeen kicked in the stomach.
The day I learned thecity was closing down
Catholic Social Services Foster Program
despite a severe shortageof foster families.
- Even as they legalizedsame-sex marriage a few years ago
the justices warnedmany religious believers
would have to be protected
because their beliefs about homosexuality
aren't just personal opinions,
they're determined bytheir holy scriptures.
Now it's time to see ifthe justices themselves
will protect those beliefs.
Paul Strand "CBN News" reportingfrom the Supreme Court.
- Want you to remember what that lawyer
for the city of Philadelphiasaid, "An odious anachronism."
That's how he views Christianity
and how he views a Biblebased view of marriage.
He called it "An odious anachronism"
in front of the US Supreme Court.
This is not an isolated case.
Look at what happened in New York City
where Samaritan's Pursesaid we want to volunteer.
We want to have Christiandoctors and Christian workers
come to Manhattan and help deal
with the coronavirus outbreak
and be able to takepatients and treat them.
We're not gonnadiscriminate against anyone.
If you've got the virus,we want to help you.
We want to help the medical system there.
We all saw the reports. Weall saw the overcrowding.
but here a single city councilman said
well, because you don't allow
active homosexuals to be on your staff,
we think you're discriminating.
And so we want to make surethat that never happens.
And we're gonna stationwatchers over what you do.
And then he adds some kickers
that there aren't any Christiansin New York City anymore.
And we don't want you.
So this is where our culture is going.
And here's another fact to consider
in the City of Philadelphia case.
There's not a single gay couple
that ever applied to Catholicservices for adoption.
It's completely made up by the city.
The city is sayingbecause you're Catholic,
because you're Christianbecause you believe
in traditional marriage,you're not gonna be part
of our foster care system.
And we don't care thatthere's a lot of foster kids
that need foster parents,
we're going to exclude all of them.
And we don't want you in here
even though you've beendoing this for now 200 years.
These are incredible cases.
Where our country is going is absolutely
mind-boggling to me.
It's like we've lost all common sense.
Whatever happened to freedom of religion?
Whatever happened toCongress shall pass no law?
Here the city of Philadelphiais trying to pass a law
that is openly discriminating
against a Christian organization.
We'll await what the Supreme Court says
but realize that thesethings are very important
and what these justicesdecide as to whether or not
this is religious discrimination
is going to affect every singlecity in the United States.