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You Supported Holocaust Survivors During COVID!

COVID-19 forced Holocaust survivors, like Zulya, into isolation for months on end. However, your support of CBN Israel ensured Zulya received the groceries and encouragement he needed while keeping him safe! Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Zulia is an84-year-old Holocaust survivor

who lives in Israel.

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak,

he's been isolated for months.

That's caused memories of thewar to come flooding back.

- [Interpreter] Therewas no time to escape

before the Nazis overrunour village in Moldova.

It was winter when we wereforced to walk a death march,

and I remember stepping overthe many dead in the snow.

- [Narrator] Zulia spentthe rest of the war

in a concentration camp,

where his grandmother andsister died of starvation.

- [Interpreter] It's very hardto think back to those times.

It feels like something stabbing my heart.

- [Narrator] Israel has set strict rules

that protect Zulia andother Holocaust survivors

from the coronavirus,

but he can't leave hishome to get groceries.

Not having enough foodcan create real trauma

for Holocaust survivors,

so CBN Israel volunteersfrom a local church,

regularly deliver bags of food to Zulia

while wearing protectiveequipment to keep him safe.

- [Interpreter] I am very thankful

for all your love and support.

I have been in difficult situations before

and the Christians from the church

have always been there to help me.

- [Narrator] With the support

of CBN Israel donors and volunteers,

Zulia knows he won't be forgotten.

- [Interpreter] I don't haveenough words to say thank you

for all you have done for me.

I believe we will make itthrough this time together.


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