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Food and Encouragement for Holocaust Survivor During COVID-19 Lockdown

Thanks to those who support CBN Israel, Tanya, a Holocaust survivor, receives the food and encouragement she needs during the COVID-19 crisis. Read Transcript

- [Reporter] Tanya was 14 yearsold when the Holocaust began

in Ukraine.

The stress of the recent COVID-19 outbreak

and lock down in Israel

has caused Tanya's memoriesof those terrible times

to resurface.

- I remember life was sonormal until that day.

The war started and every thing changed.

Many of our family and friends died.

- [Reporter] Tanya's motherworked at a local hospital,

so they escaped on a hospital train.

Tanya tended to the woundedas the hospital train

accompanied the Red Armyalong the front lines.

- It was very difficult tobe around all that blood

and this, but we knew what theNazi were doing to the Jews.

I would have felt shame notto doing my part to help.

- [Reporter] Tanya washonored by the Soviets

for her heroic service during the war.

Now, living in Israel,Tanya had to self isolate

to avoid catching the coronavirus,

which means she can'tgo out to get groceries.

So CBN Israel brings herfood while taking precautions

to keep her safe.

- Thank you so much for this food.

It's very noble thing foryou to want to help me

and other Holocaust survivorswithout even knowing us.

- [Reporter] Thanks to thosewho support CBN Israel,

Tanya is able to get the foodand encouragement she needs

during this crisis.

- I am so very gratefulto God to have met you.

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