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These Key Battleground States Are Still Counting Votes as White House Race Too Close to Call

These Key Battleground States Are Still Counting Votes as White House Race Too Close to Call Read Transcript

- Five states hold the key to victory

for the president and Joe Biden.

All eyes are on Georgia, North Carolina,

Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

So far the early talliesshow the president

holding the lead in all five,

but mail-in ballots could narrow his lead.

President Trump won thebig states of Florida,

Ohio, and Texas, but JoeBiden surprised the president

by winning the States ofArizona and Minnesota.

- We believe we're ontrack to win this election.

(crowd applauding)

We knew because of theunprecedented early vote

in the mailing vote,that's gonna take a while.

We're gonna have to be patient,

until we the hard work oftallying the votes is finished,

and it ain't over tillevery vote is counted.

- Late Tuesday night,

the president declared election victory,

and warned a valid tampering.

- This is a fraud on the American public.

This is an embarrassment to our country.

We were getting readyto win this election,

frankly, we did win this election.

- He pledged to take legal challenges

over a questionable vote counting,

all the way to the U S Supreme court.

Faith and freedom coalitionfounder and chairman,

Ralph Reed predicts thepresident will be re elected

and evangelical Christianvoters will make the difference.

- I believe we're gonnasee the largest turnout

of conservative Christianand evangelical voters

in American history, andI think they're gonna give

Donald Trump a higher level of support

than they did four years ago.

- National Hispanic Christianleadership conference

President Sam Rodriguezsays, pro-life Latino voters,

gave the president the margin of victory

he needed in Florida.

- Latinos have just emergedas America's firewall

against socialism.

Latinos just said no to socialism.

- Economist, Steven Mora agrees.

He says many votersrejected the extreme leftist

economic policies of the Democrats.

- How do you win Pennsylvania and Ohio

by promising to destroyhalf a million jobs there,

that are related to theoil and gas industry,

and the same thing in Texasin Oklahoma and so on,

so I think, you know, Bidenreally foolishly embraced

a very left wing Bernie Sanders agenda.

- Meanwhile initial votetallies for the U S Senate,

show Republicansmaintaining their majority.

In Kentucky, Senate majorityleader Mitch McConnell

won reelection and SouthCarolina Senator Lindsey Graham

defeated democraticchallenger Jamie Harrison.

In Alabama, Tommy Tubervilledefeated democratic incumbent

Doug Jones, and RepublicanThom Tillis is leading

in North Carolina,

but Republicans lost seatsin Colorado and Arizona.

As for the house of representatives,

so far Republicans havepicked up four seats,

including Florida District 27.

That's where Maria Elvira Salazar,

defeated Democrat incumbent Donna Shalala

in Miami-Dade County.

But they're expected tofall short of the 17 needed

to win a majority.

Baseball legend YogiBerra said it ain't over

until it's over, and that'sso true this election year.

As many congressional racesand the presidential race

are yet to be determinedbecause of those millions

of ballots cast by mail.

And some states thatcounting will continue

for several more days.

In North Carolina, countingwill officially end

until November 12th.

And legal challenges over ballot counting

means some final resultsmay remain unknown

possibly four weeks.

Gary Lane, CBN news.


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