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Faith Nation: October 29, 2020

The American economy. The latest on third quarter growth, unemployment and what it all means for Americans. And appealing to Christian voters ahead of the election. How both campaigns are reaching out to people of faith. Plus the clean-up begins ... Read Transcript

(bell ringing)

- [John] Tonight, the American economy.

- The market is right now looking

at the word uncertaintyin all capital letters.

- [John] the latest onthird quarter growth,

unemployment, and whatit means for Americans.

And appealing to Christianvoters ahead of the election.

How both campaigns are reachingout to people of faith.


- [Homeowner] Oh my God.

The roof just blew off.

- [John] The cleanup begins after

Hurricane Zeta crashedashore on the Gulf Coast.

Where the storm is heading now.

All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.

(uplifting mood music)

- All eyes on the economyand some new, very positive

numbers just five days from Election Day.

Hi everyone, thank you for joining us.

I'm Jenna Browder.

- Good evening, I'm John Jessup.

Well the rivals for the 2020 race

for the White House held dueling rallies

in the battleground state of Florida,

and a new talking pointin President Trump's

closing argument, the economy.

- A new report out todayshowing the US economy

roaring back at a recordpace as businesses

recover from the initialcoronavirus shutdown

and people get back to work.

Senior Washingtoncorrespondent Tara Mergener

joins us now with tonight's top story.


Well John and Jenna, thisis one for the books really

with the US economy growing at a record

33.1% last quarter and recovering much

of the historic groundit lost last spring.

A fact the president will surely highlight

on the campaign trail in thelast days of the election

as Joe Biden attacks hishandling of the pandemic.

- I think it's gonna be maybe the biggest

number in the history of our country.

- [Tara] A campaign trailprediction comes true.

- You're so lucky I'm your president!


- [Tara] In the largestquarterly gain on record,

the commerce departmentshowing the US economy grew

by more than a thirdbetween July and September.

President Trump tweeting"GDP number just announced.

"Biggest and best in the history

"of our country, and not even close.

"Next year will be fantastic."

A dramatic three month recoveryafter the second quarter

imploded at nearly thesame rate after lockdowns

closed businesses, putting tens

of millions of Americans out of work.

Crediting the gains to the first round

of stimulus money, House Speaker

Nancy Pelosi downplayed the news.

- So it's as if, somebodyused an example this morning,

as if you lost $100 in the second quarter

and now you're making up $65.

Glory hallelujah, no.

- [Tara] And in another positive sign,

the number of Americansseeking unemployment

benefits fell last week to 751,000.

The lowest since March.

Economists credit the rapid rebound

to more consumer spending in areas

like healthcare,restaurants, travel and cars.

Still, as COVID infectionsspike and cooler weather begins,

some experts say this remainsa marathon, not a sprint.

- We are still underwater with respect

to output for the US economy.

I look at this a littlelike a football game.

The home team suffered a significant

setback in the second quarter,

it has rallied in the thirdquarter, but there's still

a way to go before we can declare victory.

- All right, and after days of slides

in the stock market WallStreet ended the day up today.

The Dow Jones industrial averageclosing about 140 points.

That's up, the S&P about 40 points,

and the NASDAQ endedthe day up 180 points.

John, Jenna.

- All right, thank you.

CBN's Tara Mergener.

Well here now for more, author, economist,

and independent advisor toPresident Trump Stephen Moore.

Stephen, no doubt theseare phenomenal numbers,

no disputing that, but Business Insider

has a report that says the economy

is still three and a half percent smaller

than where it was this point last year.

What does the annualized33% GDP mean for the economy

overall and its impactfor the average American?

- Well John, I just haven'tbeen able to stop smiling today.

I mean this is the best economic report

I've seen in the 35 yearsI've been doing this.

It's incredible.

As you heard Donald Trump just say

it's double the previous record.

I went back all the way to 1948

when we started collecting this data.

And so it's just, I just had to laugh

when Nancy Pelosi triedto put a negative spin

on this incredible,incredible performance.

And you're right, we alsogot really good numbers

on jobs where we've now created,

15 million Americans have dropped off

unemployment insurancein the last six months.

It's a blockbuster economy.

It comes at a perfecttime for Donald Trump

four days before an election.

He just has to say look, you don't

want to change pilots right now.

We're flying high.

- You mentioned jobs, Steve.

The economy has added back some

11 million jobs over the last five months.

As we head into the holiday season

do you expect the unemployment rate

to continue this downward trend?

- I do.

Look, this gets tough.

I mean we've gotten back well over half

of the jobs that were lost, you're right

about that, and that'sfantastic performance.

By the way, nobody expectedus to be where we are now.

You go back six months ago and listen

to all the economists on Wall Street,

all the government economists,the people at the fed,

they didn't think we'dbe anywhere near this.

They thought we'd havean unemployment rate

of 12 or 13% now, we're down below 8%.

And one of the things that's going on

is that all the growth ishappening in the red states.

It's happening in Georgia and Florida

and Texas and Utah and the Dakotas.

Whereas New York andIllinois and Connecticut

and those states drags on the economy.

Now the Christmas season,you asked a great question

Jenna about the Christmas season.

That's gonna be huge for our retailers

who really got flattened in the first half

of the year, will really determine

how many of these companies,the big retail companies

will be able to surviveand how many will not.

But as long as we keepthe economy open, yeah,

I think we're gonna seecontinued good numbers.

- Stephen, you hit on this a little bit,

but can you dig down a little deeper

and explain if economists had predicted

the unemployment rate wouldn't be this low

even by the end of2021, what changed here?

- Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has beenan incredible economic

steward in terms of this crisis.

He hasn't done everythingright and there were

certainly mistakes made at the beginning

of this crisis with respectto how we handled it.

But what Trump has done is learned

as we've gone along,and what he has become,

this whole presidentialrace has really become

do you wanna elect somebody who's

gonna shut down the economy?

I'm looking at a lot of these,

I was in Chicago this weekend,

Chicago's locking downtheir economy again.

They've got a democratic governor who just

loves locking and shutting things down.

Trump wants to open it up.

He said in his speech todayI'm the open the economy guy

and the media, not themedia, but the public

is coming around to that idea

that we have to soldier through this.

So it's gonna be anamazing next four days.

I think this is a, I really do think

Trump has turned a corner here.

And I think you're gonnasee real improvements

in his poll numbers as people digest

these really, really blockbuster numbers.

All right, Stephen Mooreit's good to see you.

Thank you for joining us this Thursday.

- You too, guys.

Have a great weekend.

Take care.

- Thanks Steven.

Well to the campaign trail,both campaigns appealing

to religious voters with two new op-eds

published today by the Christian Post.

In one Vice President Mike Pence

makes the argument that President Trump

is the best choice for people of faith,

highlighting theadministration's pro-life record.

In the other op-ed Joe Bidenoffers his own personal appeal

for why Christians shouldvote for him, explaining how

God's greatest command iswhat drives him, writing quote

"Loving God and loving others are at

"the very foundation of my faith.

"Throughout my career in public service

"These values have kept me grounded

"in what matters most," end quote.

Well John Grano worksat the Christian Post

as its senior managing editor.

He joins us now withsome inside information

about these op-eds and howboth campaigns were eager

to get their message tothe Christian audience.

John, welcome.

Can you tell us the backstory

of reaching out to the campaigns

and getting them toparticipate in these op-eds?

- Oh yeah.

We've always had contactswith both campaigns.

It is markedly differentfrom the democratic side

this election compared to Hillary Clinton.

She wasn't that interestedin the faith vote.

Very different for BarackObama who did reach out

and develop an organization that tried

to respond to Christian interests.

That's back to 2008, really.

2012 Barack wasn't asactive, but certainly

Biden is back to the2008 version of Christian

involvement in terms ofthe democratic party.

Now the republican party has always

considered the Christian vote

a rock solid piece of their voting puzzle.

- John, real quicklyhere, why did we hear from

Vice President Mike Penceand not President Trump?

- Well you know, wediscussed, they offered both

and I had a conversation with them.

I think many Christiansreally like Mike Pence.

I mean he's the leaderof the Christian leaders

who have been tapped inthe Trump Administration.

If you step back and just look at that,

how have Christian leaders fared

in a Trump administration,they've comported

themselves quite well, quite nicely.

They've done an excellent job and Pence

is at the top of that list,so we decided that Mike has...

I'll use the word credibility.

Not that Trump doesn't have credibility,

but he's, Donald is an impresario,

he's braggadocio, he'sall New York all the time.

What can I say?


Often the Christian witnessdoesn't meld well with that.

- John, we know youraudience, your readers

are both Republicans andDemocrats, are the campaigns

reaching out to two different audiences

within the Christian space here?

- Oh that's a great question.

That's a question that'sgonna be continued

to be unpacked in the future here.

Since Roe V. Wade, theChristian vote has been

pretty solid because of that issue.

And now that Amy Coney Barrett

has been added to the Supreme Court,

you wonder whether bothcampaigns realize that Christians

are gonna begin to think about

other issues besides Roe V. Wade.

I mean we have seen anexplosion of interest

in the subject of can a pro-lifer

vote for Biden this yearbecause of other issues.

Christians are interested in healthcare,

Christians are interested in education,

Christians are interestedin police reform.

These are seemingly democraticissues that resonate.

So we definitely have that division,

I mean it's a very divisiveelection and there are

divides in the Christian community too,

so no one should be surprised about that.

But the far reaching thing here is both

campaigns have decided to say you know,

we have to start to make our case.

What's important to theChristian community?

- All right, John Granowith the Christian Post.

We have to leave it there,but it's great to have you on.

Thank you for joining us.

- Thanks.

Appreciate it.

- [John] How accurate arethe polls This time around?

We break down someElection Night predictions

when Faith Nation returns.

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- [Narrator] CBN News presentsan Election Night special

with live coverage starting at 7 PM.

Get updates on the campaigns plus analysis

on the shifting balance of power.

Watch on the CBN News Channelor on the CBN News App.

Welcome back.

Just five days from Election Day and most

polling showing formerVice President Joe Biden

with a lead over PresidentTrump, but according

to White House CommunicationsDirector Alyssa Farah

the Trump campaign feelslike it's in a good place.

- Well I don't trustThe Economist on much,

and definitely not that polling.

We're feeling great.

The president is out on the campaign trail

meeting with real Americans.

Last week he was doingthree rallies a day,

this week he's up to five rallies a day.

So that means 90 minutesor longer that he's

talking to the American people selling

his message of promisesmade and promises kept.

We're feeling good, we're taking our case

right to the American people, but we also

don't take any vote for granted.

We know we need to win theAmerican people's support.

- And joining us now, CBNChief Political Analyst

David Brody who conducted thatinterview with Alyssa Farrah,

and CBN News Senior Editor John Waage.

Guys, good to have both of you.

As we look toward ElectionDay what do you make

of the polling this time around?

David, to you first.

- Well what we learned in 2016

is that the polling definitely is off.

There's no reason to believe the polling

isn't off again this time around, Jenna,

so I guess we wait and seeexactly how much it's off

and I think the keything here is enthusiasm.

The real question Ithink is it's one thing

to poll someone on theircell phone while they're

cooking dinner or they'reon their couch watching

a rerun of their favorite television show

and that person who saysthey're a likely voter

is gonna go out and votefor a Biden or a Trump.

It's a whole 'nother thing, I call it

the broken glass strategy,it's a whole 'nother thing

for that voter, that same voter to say

on Election Day hey, you know what?

I'm gonna go.

I'm gonna miss a soccer practice.

I'm gonna miss dinner and I'm gonna

just go out there for two hours and vote.

I mean the questionthen becomes enthusiasm

and that is what Donald Trump has

to rely on if he's gonna win this thing.

- I agree.

I agree with David that it's really hard.

I feel for the pollsters to some extent

because how do you even ask the right

questions in an environment like this?

And so we know that the economy

is the number one issue on many polls

from voters who have spoken to pollsters.

The problem is that so many people

don't even wanna speak topollsters, and the ones

that do, some have admittedthat they would lie.

So you know, pollsters arein a tough spot right now.

I think that, as Davidsaid, the enthusiasm gap

is pretty solid around the country.

And I just drove through a big part

of the undecided battleground states:

the north, central states, the Midwest.

Lots of Trump signs in rural America.

If rural America turns out in huge numbers

and the city numbers are a little bit

down that helps Trump too,

but we just don't know at this point.

- Yeah, that's what I saw in Pennsylvania.

We did a Rust Belt roadtrip and just like you,

a lot of support forTrump in the rural areas.

Cities a little bit different.

- David, in your interviewwith Alyssa Farah she talks

about all these ralliesthe president is holding.

Clearly just by the looks of it

the president's support is not waning.

- Yeah, I mean I think there's

a visual aspect to this for sure.

I mean look, you seehis rallies and then you

compare them to Biden wherewe've talked about this.

There's like seven people,a couple of social distance

squares and a barbecue, that's about it.

And I think it makes a difference

I think visually, aesthetically,

but let's also rememberthe closing message

of this president is going to be

very strong with thoseGDP numbers out today.

I mean just think about it, he's saying

that we're turning the corner.

Now understand from a health perspective

we may not necessarilybe turning the corner,

but from an economic perspective I think

you can easily make that argument.

And look, momentum iseverything and elections

are won, as John knows, on the margins,

and I think all of that together could be

a potential winningticket for the president.

- Let's talk about the Senate, guys.

Many are predicting a blue wave.

John, your thoughts on that?

- Well I know, and thereare so many more chances

for the Democrats to pulloff a takeover of the Senate

because the Republicans aredefending so many more seats.

I just think theseRepublicans are coming back,

and I am counting to someextent on a Trump effect

that he's gonna pullsome of these senators

who are incumbents withhim, the Lindsey Grahams,

the John Cornyns, even the Joni Ernsts.

So that's, it remains to be seen whether

that will actually happen, but that's

what I'm predicting will happen

and that the Republicans will hold on.

- John, earlier today--

- Yeah, no I...

- I'm sorry.

David, go ahead please.

- No no, I was gonnasay I agree with John.

How's that for being quick?


- David, I've never knownyou to be that concise.

- One word.

- John, earlier todayyou were on the 700 Club

and you made some parallelswith the election,

the 1980 election, can you explain

what you're seeing there, and then David

if there's time, theparallels that you see

with the 2000 electionand today's election.

- Yeah, the biggestsimilarity is that hundreds

of thousands of people gathered

in the Mall of Washington for Jesus

and to pray, to ask God to heal our land,

to bring us leaders thatHe would provide for us.

And we saw the samething earlier this year

with the return and themarch in Washington,

Franklin Graham and Jonathan Cahn,

and really I was struck bythe sincerity of the heart,

the repentant hearts of thepeople during that time.

And that's what I guessis the biggest parallel

is Christians gathering before the Lord

and asking Him to answerand heal our land.

- And I would just say,guys, that if Trump loses

it's gonna be because of Trump fatigue.

I don't think there'sany question about that

and that makes me thinkof a parallel to 2008.

Remember George W. Bush and Dick Cheney

and war on terror andweapons of mass destruction

and waterboarding, all that and along came

Barack Obama talkingabout hope and change.

Now look, Joe Biden is not Barack Obama

which is good news forTrump, but Joe Biden

is preaching this messageof kumbaya, if you will.

It does remind me a lot of that.

We'll see if that can dothe trick, but once again

the key is Joe Biden is not Barack Obama.

That's Donald Trump'spotential saving grace.

- All right, David Brody,John Waage, thank you both.

We'll see you guys election night.

- Thank you.

- Thanks guys.

- [John] Still be come, the aftermath

of Hurricane Zeta leaves millions

in the storm's wake without power.

More on that when Faith Nation returns.

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- People along the Gulf Coast yet again

picking up the pieces after the latest

hurricane hit America shores.

- That's right Jenna,Zeta pounded Louisiana

Wednesday afternoon and then moved on

to batter the region and the Southeast.

CBN's Eric Phillips is following

the storm and its aftermath.

Eric, the Gulf Coast has been hit

relentlessly this hurricane season.

- That's right, John and Jenna.

As a matter of fact thisis the fifth named storm

to hit Louisiana in what has been a busy

and brutal hurricane season this year

It left nearly two millionpeople without power,

not to mention a trail of destruction

in Louisiana, Mississippi,Alabama, and Georgia.

- [Homeowner] Oh my God.

The roof just blew off.

- [Eric] Zeta made landfall in Louisiana

as a category two hurricane,nearing category three

with winds of more than 100 miles an hour.

Flashes and sparks lit up the sky

leading to widespreadpower outages as at least

one person died after being electrocuted.

Parts of Louisiana completely underwater.

Punishing rain and wind ledto all kinds of destruction.

- [Worker] Prepare for collision, bro.

- [Eric] This barge breakingloose from its mooring.

A new Orleans apartmentbuilding severely damaged.

This batting cage now amangled mass of twisted metal.

A fisherman struggling to untangle his net

that got caught in the trees in the storm.

And businesses in the village

of Cocodrie, Louisianaleft to pick up the pieces.

Two deaths reported in Biloxi, Mississippi

where cars bogged in this casino

parking garage fromthe strong storm surge.

the Hard Rock Cafe sufferedmajor damage as you

can see parts of thebuilding completely gutted.

A church steeple toppledand power lines everywhere.

And in Alabama, this image indicative

of the damage there as atree landed on top of a car.

Zeta is now the strongest hurricane

to hit the continental US this late

in the season in more than a century.

It's now a tropicalstorm, but it could still

cause problems for theMid-Atlantic states.

John, Jenna.

- [Jenna] All right Eric, thank you.

The pandemic also makingit trickier to treat.

Still ahead, this creative workaround.

- [Narrator] This ElectionNight, with a country

divided and America's future hanging

in the balance, go toa place you can trust.

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(upbeat mood music)

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- Well finally tonight, Jenna, they may

be hundreds of years out of fashion,

but catapults are making a comeback.

- They sure are.

It comes as families acrossthe country have to get

creative with their COVIDtrick-or-treating plans.

People all over are building these candy

catapults like the one you see here

built by this Pennsylvania family.

They load the candy and launchit at trick-or-treaters.

It is their socially distantsolution to make sure

this weekend is still fun and festive.

- What happens if ithits someone in the head?

- Liability.

I love the creativity though.

That's wonderful.

- Thanks for watching Faith Nation.

- Have a great night.


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