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News on The 700 Club: October 29, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” October 29, 2020.: Read Transcript

(gentle music)

- Well, welcome.

We've got a jam-packed show for you today

and some excitingpredictions from John Waage.

But first of all.

- First, I am holding in myhand the cover of your new book.

- Yeah, ain't that nice?

Look at that, get a close-up on that.

- "The Power of the Holy Spirit In You".

- "The Power of the Holy Spirit In You".

- I love that.- It's ready to go.

And that's the cover

they just put together.- It's beautiful.

- Ain't that pretty?- So when is it out?

- Well I hope to have itavailable for our partners

for the February-- [Terry] For January.

- January telethon.

But we are working on it,

but I've got all the copies put together,

we just closed it up.- I remember this

because when you were writing this,

every day you would come in and say,

"It's like God just downloaded this-"

- I asked the Lord to showme something about Himself

and every day something elsecame and I would dictate it.

And then next day, it'd beanother and another and another

so we've done the lastdraft of the manuscript

a couple of days ago and thisis the cover, and the cover,

"The Power of the Holy Spirit In You",

that's the name of the book.- It's beautiful.

- Okay. Well the eyes areon the presidential election

but what about the Senate?

Which seats are most likely to flip

and which ones are toss-up?

Our fearless prognosticator,

John Waage has come back to give us,

John, tell us about the Senateand how do you know about it?

(John chuckling)- A lot of prayer Pat.

I drove through about12 states to get here.

And I went through,deliberately went through,

all the states in the UpperMidwest and a lot of the states

where there are contested Senate races,

and of course, the presidentialbattlegrounds are there too.

And so it was a lot ofdriving, a lot of praying,

a lot of mulling over the election.

And so the Senate, youasked about the Senate,

I'm predicting there's notgonna be a change in the Senate.

Currently, the makeup of the Senate

is 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats.

And I know that a lotmore Republican seats

are at stake this year,23 of them to 12 Democrat.

But I just believe that, thatthis is a base turnout year

and that there will be nochange in the election.

So the Republicans willcome out of it, 53-47.

Now I know that flies in theface of almost every pundit,

especially the ones based in Washington,

but that's what I'm sticking with.

- Alright John, now you predicted,

for example you said SusanCollins is going down in Maine

and Cory Gardner is goingdown I believe in Colorado

to Hickenlooper.- Right.

- But you say that Jamesis going to win in Michigan

and Tommy Tuberville will win in Alabama,

so that's the trade-off.- Right.

The Alabama race is pretty, fairly certain

that Tuberville is gonna pull that off

and so this, the Republicansstart basically with one,

one seat up

and then I do see

an upset in Michigan with John James.

This is his second straight election.

He ran in 2018 against Debbie Stabenow.

And now he's running against Gary Peters.

He's hanging right in there in the polls.

And I think that the turnout for Trump

may push John James intothe Senate this year.

- You've got some others that,

you've got McSally in Arizona.- Right.

- You got, what about some of those races?

- Well, and I think we have a map

where it shows states that Democrats

would like to take away from Republicans

and states that Republicanswould like to take away

from Democrats, you see it there.

The light blue states are states

that I'm not picking to flip

but all those blue states areones that Democrats could win.

And among those are LindseyGraham in South Carolina

and Thom Tillis in North Carolina

and David Perdue in Georgia.

They're on the East Coast.

Montana, Steve Daines is battling

the current governor, Steve Bullock.

In Kansas,

there's an open seat tofill Pat Roberts retirement.

And the Republicans having abattle with the Democrat there.

And then of course, Joni Ernst in Iowa

and Martha McSally in Arizona.

So, you know, there aremany more Democrat seats

to choose from than Republican,

but I still think that in thelast days of the campaign,

that the voting is going to break

for President Trump and the Republicans,

and I think that that willrescue some of these senators

who are in big trouble.

- I suppose that were we supposedto talk about the Senate?

And that of course, but

shall we, do you trust thepolls this year by the way?

- I don't trust the polls Pat.

I think that it showed four years ago,

that people don't tellthe truth to pollsters,

especially conservative people.

And I think that they haveoversampled in many cases,

Democratic voters.

And I also think that there's a shift

among Democratic voters

who will show up for Trump

on Election Day.

We used to say on Election Day,

and now we say for the lastsix weeks, you know, but-

- What parallels are you, you mean,

you and I were the firstones to call Trump's victory.

Everybody else saidthere's no path to victory

and you figured it out.

It was gonna be Ohio, it'dbe Pennsylvania, Michigan,

Wisconsin and so forth.

What parallels do you seeto the election of 1980

that you got on now?

- Well, the election in1980 was interesting, Pat.

You were one of the leaders

of getting upwards of a halfmillion to a million Christians

to the Capitol in Washingtonand for Washington for Jesus.

And this year, FranklinGraham and Jonathan Cahn

organized The Return andThe March in Washington,

and I was struck watchingit at home in Kansas,

of some of the,

the sincere repentance andthe calling on the Lord.

And it reminded me of that time where I,

I got to walk down thestreets of Washington in 1980,

just a few feet away fromour beloved Ben Kinchlow

and the Lord did something in that time.

Nobody was predicting that year in 1980

that there would be an 11 seatchangeover in the US Senate,

but that's exactly what happened

along with the election of Ronald Reagan.

There came in a changeover in the Senate

for the first time in decades.

And I'm not saying that it'sthe exact same thing this time

but I think that the repentanceand the calling on the Lord

at these gatherings andnot just those gatherings,

there are others that arehappening this weekend,

prayer events in Washingtonand all over the country,

people have been reallysincerely before the Lord.

And I think that He isgonna hear and answer

in the similar way that He did in 1980.

- This isn't part of theformat but let's go ahead

and get the overall.

You think the Republicanswill hold the Senate,

maybe gain a few seats in the Senate,

but you've made an amazingprediction for The House,

and that to me is a little strange

but what do you think on that one?

- Well, I think that thisis a base turnout election

and yes, it's true.

A lot of the Washington pundits,

the peoples who have studiedit and are experts in it,

are saying that the Democrats

are gonna gain five to ten seats.

I see the Republicans winning enough seats

to take back The House of Representatives

and 20, 20 something in the seats.

I, you know, I've been praying

and I feel like what I heard was,

"The results are going to be astounding."

Now, they may be astoundingin a way that I can't believe,

where it's a landslide blue election,

but I am gonna take it to mean

that astounding means some things

that are unforeseen coming along,

and the results, whenever we get them,

whether it's Tuesday night

or sometime in the days or weeks ahead.

- What we'd all love to see,I mean I'd like to say all,

but so-called shift to shift,

some of the, he's made up somany things over the years

and maybe if he loses his chairmanship,

it might not be a bad thing.

Last one John, whatabout the presidential?

Where are you calling now?

- Well, I see PresidentTrump getting elected

with about 323 electoral votes

to 215 for Joe Biden

that, you know, that could go either way.

It could be a much narrower victory.

I know a lot of people areforecasting a Biden win

but if you look on the ground,

if you see what's happening on the ground,

it's just not imaginable

that there's gonna be asweeping Biden victory.

And I think Trump's frenetic

and really energetic campaigning

over the next few dayswill make a difference.

I think this breaking at the last minute.

And there are some thingsPat I just wanted to mention,

I think this electionis about several things

that may not be as high on theradar screen as it should be.

One of them is Israel.

The Lord has eternal plansand purposes for Israel.

And that is a factor in this election

whether it gets mentioned a lot or not.

The second thing is the children

and those who are beingformed now in the womb

and those who are being trafficked

around the world globally.

And a third thing is thetwo-tiered system of justice,

where some people arepunished severely for crimes

and others are allowed to skate,

where the balance of scalesis off in Washington, DC.

And the fourth thing is endemic corruption

that has been there for decades.

And I think these thingsare beginning to be exposed.

And I think that the resultsof the election will accelerate

the process on exposing thecorruption in Washington.

- Well John, we appreciateyour fearless forecast.

Isn't that?- Yes, it is so.

- It's amazing.

Well, he called it last time,

and he and I togetherwere the only ones saying

there was a path to victoryfor the president to win.

And lo and behold, he won andthen it was challenger Trump.

- Yeah. You said earlier than I did.

You called it earlier than I did.

(Pat laughing)

- Okay. I'm giving you credit for it but-

- I was stressing out on the Sunday

before the election saying,

"Can I really do this as an analyst?"

(laughing progressing)

- Well, you heard it hereladies and gentlemen.

We'll see what happens.

- Well our country needsprayer like never before

and that's why we've beenfocused on praying for America

in the 40 days up to the election.

If you haven't joined us yet, please call

and join with us 1-800-707-7000or go to

You can also text PRAY to 71777.

Pat, let's pray for our country right now.

- Of course.

I think, you know,


spirit of the leader isin the hands of the Lord

and He raises up one, He puts down another

and this country is in God's hands.

And we're here, close to the place

where the first Englishsettlers knelt and prayed

and claimed this land forthe Lord in 1607, April 29th.

And I want us to prayright now for America.

Father, we pray rightnow for this great land

as this election is coming so near

and a great decision is going to be made

on the future of this great land.

This is your country Lord

and we ask that You wouldtake control of Your country

and let the anointing ofthe Holy Spirit be here,

touch people's livesand Lord take control.

This is Your country and weask that You will intervene

to bring forth righteousnessand the power of God

here in America.

Thank you Lord in Jesus name,

amen.- [Terry] Amen.

- Okay.


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