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The 700 Club - October 23, 2020

After being struck down by COVID, a dying man sees a vision that sustains him during 71 days in the hospital. Plus, CBN News shows us the world’s most dangerous paper route on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Today.

- [Narrator] Gettingstories from the battlefield

can be harrowing, even deadly.

- [Gordon] The world'smost dangerous paper route.

- People have died deliveringthis paper to the troops.

- [Gordon] Plus.

- He was on a ventilator.

His kidneys stopped working.

- [Gordon] Struck down by COVID.

- I saw the face of God

and He was reaching out His hand to me.

- [Gordon] A dying man sees a vision.

- [Laura] He could have died.

- On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

Well welcome to "The 700 Club."

The rancor was dialed down,but the barbs still flew

in the final face-off betweenPresident Trump and Joe Biden.

- After last night's debate,

the former vice president scrambled

to defend himself overa stunning statement.

What was it?

Eric Philips has the story.

- Both candidates behavedmore this time around

while still getting in their jabs.

Many answers and lines sounded familiar

until one sweeping statementhad the former vice president

backpedaling after the debate.

The debate parked on theenvironment for several minutes.

- We can grow and we can be cleaner

if we go the route I'm proposing.

- I know more about wind than you do.

- [Eric] Then Biden said this.

- Would you close down

the oil industry?- By the way,

I would transition fromthe oil industry, yes.

- Oh, that's a big statement.- I would transition.

- That is a big statement

- That's a big statement.- because I would stop-

- [Kristen] Why would you do that?

- Because the oil industrypollutes significantly.

- Will you remember that, Texas?

- Okay.- Will you remember that,

Pennsylvania, Oklahoma.

- [Eric] Biden clarifyingduring an interview

after the debate.

- We're not getting rid of fossil fuels.

We're gonna get rid of thesubsidies for fossil fuels,

but we're not getting rid offossil fuels for a long time.

It will not be gone for, probably 2050.

- [Eric] It was the formervice president himself

who made the first reference

to the alleged scandalinvolving his son, Hunter,

facilitated by Trumpattorney, Rudy Giuliani.

- What is happening with his buddy,

well, I shouldn't, oh, I will,

his buddy, Rudy Giuliani,

he's being used as a Russian pawn.

- [Eric] The emails,

allegedly found on a laptop in Delaware,

indicated Biden met with an executive

of a Ukraine gas company while he was VP

and while his son Hunterwas employed by it,

raising questions of conflict of interest.

- I did my job impeccably.

I carried out US policy.

Not one single, solitarything was out of line,

not a single thing.

- [Eric] Biden calls itpart of a smear campaign

possibly involving Russian interference.

- You mean the laptop

is now another Russia,Russia, Russia, hoax?

You've gotta be-- That's exactly what,

- Is this where you're going?- That's exactly

what was told.- This is where he's going.

The laptop

is Russia, Russia, Russia?- Gentlemen,

I want to stay on the issue of race,

okay?- You have be kidding.

- [Eric] On the hot buttonissue of race relations,

Trump said that no US president,

with the exception of Abraham Lincoln,

has done more for black people, adding...

- I'm the least racistperson in this room.

- [Eric] But Biden reminded viewers

of the president's reluctanceto denounce white supremacy

during their first debate,specifically, the Proud Boys.

- Last time we were on stage here,

he said, "I told 'em tostand down and stand ready."

- [Eric] The night includeda discourse on the pandemic.

The optics clear, as Bidencame on stage with a mask,

the president without.

- I can tell you from personal experience

that I was in the hospital,I had it, and I got better.

And I will tell you that I hadsomething that they gave me,

a therapeutic I guess they would call it,

some people could say it was a cure.

- Anyone who's responsiblefor that many deaths

should not remain as president

of the United States of America.

- [Eric] There was a mic kill switch

implemented for this debate.

- And we're gonna do even better...

- [Eric] But it was used sparingly,

though both candidates got in their jabs.

- There's no way he can protectpre-existing conditions.

He's never come up with a plan.

I guess we're going to get thepre-existing condition plan

the same time we gotthe infrastructure plan

that we've waited for since'17, '18, '19, and '20.

- You put tens of thousands

of mostly black, young men in prison.

Now you're saying, you're gonna undo that.

Why didn't you get it done?

You had eight years with Obama.

You know what, Joe?- Because-

- Because you're all talk and no action.

- The moderator asked both men

why a new coronavirus reliefpackage have not been signed,

especially with indications thepandemic is worsening again.

Both sides blamed the otherfor the lack of progress

while insisting they areready to move forward

for the American people.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Well, the debates arenow over and, finally,

we're going to be getting to Election Day.

From where I'm sitting,it can't come soon enough.

But I already know, as soonas the election's over,

the next campaign is going to start.

And you look at thedivisions in America today.

How can we possibly come together?

How can we get through thevarious divides that we have?

And it seems like, for political reasons,

people are trying to amp up the divisions

as opposed to preach unity,

that we are the United States of America.

So the challenges are there.

In the past month, we'vebeen praying for our country

and we were going to continueto pray for our country.

I encourage you to joinwith us in this prayer.

If you haven't joined yet,

all you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.

You can go to

You can also text us.

Text PRAY, note just thatword, P-R-A-Y, TO 71777.

And I encourage you, don'tjust pray up to the election.

Let's be in prayer after the election.

And specifically, how do we come together?

And let's just spend sometime right now and let's pray.

I know we're all tired of the politics.

I am, especially.

And how can we get through to saying:

How do we face the challenges together?

Whether it's the economy,whether it's COVID-19,

whether it's whatChina's threatening to do

in Southeast Asia, whatRussia's doing on the internet,

what North Korea'sdoing, what Iran's doing,

all of these various hotspots,what Turkey is trying to do,

we need to pray and we needto come together as a people.

If we are the leader of the free world,

we at least need to be ableto govern our own selves.

And right now we're divided.

How can we come togetherand come to agreement?

Well, let's agree to prayand ask God to intervene.

Pray with us.

Lord, we just come to you,

and Lord, we just repentnow for the division.

We repent of the hatred.

And we ask that you would heal our hearts,

that you would intervene andcalm and bring your peace,

the shalom of God would come to America.

Lord, you see what'shappening in our cities.

You see the racial divide.

You see the unrest.

Lord, we just asked for healing,

that we would once again be anation where we're one nation,

under God, indivisible.

Teach us to love one another.

Teach us to even love our enemies

so that we can cometogether and be one again.

Be with us now.

We ask this because we can't do it,

but we know with confidence that you can.

Come and be in our hearts.

Visit us with your presence.

For we ask it in Jesus' name.

Amen and amen.

Again, if you want to joinus in prayer, please do so.

Now more than ever, weneed to pray for America

up to the election and even beyond.

This is...

We're seriously divided.

And how can we come together?

Call 1-800-700-7000.

Well, in other news, Republican senators

are investigating the charges

about Hunter Biden'sinternational business dealings.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN news bureau in Washington.


- That's right, Gordon.

Tony Bobulinski, aformer business associate

of Hunter Biden's, willbe providing documents

to a Senate committee andspeaking with them as well.

Bobulinski, a retired Navy lieutenant,

says he has no political axe to grind.

He's claiming that theBiden family used their name

to make millions of dollarsfrom foreign entities,

including some in communist China.

Speaking before the debate last night,

he said Joe Biden's claimsabout never talking with Hunter

about his internationalbusiness dealings is false.

- On numerous occasions,it was made clear to me

that Joe Biden's involvementwas not to be mentioned

in writing, but only face to face.

In fact, I was advisedby Gillier and Walker

that Hunter and Jim Biden were paranoid

about keeping Joe Biden'sinvolvement secret.

- Bobulinski said he was in a 27 meeting

along with Joe Biden aboutthe family's business plans.

Despite claims that the HunterBiden story is from Russia,

the director of national intelligence says

there's no evidence of aforeign disinformation campaign.

The Biden campaign has denied the story.

Well, Secretary of State MikePompeo is scheduled to meet

with the ambassadors ofArmenia and Azerbaijan

here in Washington today.

Pompeo hopes he canbring an end to the war

between the two countriesthat began in late September.

As Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem,

the war involves manynations in the region,

including Israel.

(missiles shooting)

- The decades-old conflict reignited

over a region called Nagorno-Karabakh.

Azerbaijan claims the area,

though most living there are Armenian.

The disputed area sits herebetween the two countries.

When the Soviet Union fell in 1991,

this self-governed region of Azerbaijan

voted to join Armenia.

The conflict pits oftenfriendly powerhouses

against each other.

Turkey supports Azerbaijan,

while both Russia andIran side with Armenia.

Israel also plays a role.

Over decades, it and Azerbaijanhave developed close ties.

For Israel, it's partgeopolitics and part economic.

- Azerbaijan is a veryimportant country for Israel

because it supplies much of Israel's oil.

It's a country that hasalso a Jewish community

and it is a Muslim country,

and we are very much interested

in having good relationswith Muslim countries.

And finally, it borders Iran,

and of course, we areinterested in looking into Iran.

- [Chris] Ironically, thealliance with Azerbaijan

also puts Israel on the sameside of its adversary, Turkey.

Azerbaijan's ambassador, Elin Suleymanov,

confirmed its close relationship to Israel

with CBN's George Thomas.

- Out of the 57 member states

of the Organization ofIslamic Cooperation,

Azerbaijan is probably theclosest friend of Israel.

We have a 2,600-year-oldJewish community in Azerbaijan.

We have Christians,

we have Muslims living together in peace.

- [Chris] The relationship includes Israel

selling advanced militaryequipment to Azerbaijan.

When the war broke out,Armenia's ambassador to Israel

protested the arms sales toAzerbaijan and left the country.

- The amount of weapons thatwe are selling to Azerbaijan

is very large, and PresidentAliyev of Azerbaijan

said the sum is $5 billion.

It is a useful export market

for the Israeli military industry.

- [Chris] This reportedlyincludes sophisticated drones

that can be a game-changeron the battlefield.

- We buy on the open market,including from Israel.

Now remember, precision weapons are good

in terms of minimizingcivilian casualties.

They're targeting only,and only military targets.

Azerbaijan has repeatedly said

we have no intention to harming civilians.

Our goal is to fight with themilitary, not with civilians.

- [Chris] Armenia says civilianareas have been shelled,

forcing many residents tospend the conflict in shelters.

Inbar calls the war tragicand hopes to see it end.

- The Armenians have adispute with Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan has a dispute with Armenia.

And we would love tosee those two countries

be able to co-exist in that region.

No, we have nothing against Armenia.

Armenia was never an enemy of Israel.

- [Chris] But after two failed ceasefires,

the fighting rages onwith no end in sight.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thank you, Chris, and Gordon,as you were saying earlier,

so many hotspots amidstso much crisis today.

- Well, this is one of thehottest of the hot spots

because Turkey has nowsaid we're going to come in

and support Azerbaijan.

Keep in mind what Turkey did to Armenia,

how the Armenian genocide

was actually quoted by Adolf Hitler,

that no one is going toremember the genocide.

Just look at what Turkey did to Armenia.

It's now been 100 since that genocide,

and for Turkey to come inand be in a military action

against Armenia is absolutely shocking.

But that's what Erdogan is doing.

He's trying to assert Turkish authority

throughout the region.

He has dreams of restorationof the Ottoman Empire,

and part of that wouldbe asserting control

over Azerbaijan and overArmenia, and so that's the game.

It's obviously very complicated.

Here's Azerbaijan, a Muslim country,

but they have very friendlyrelationships with Israel,

a main supplier of oil to Israel.

In return, Israel is supplying them

with advanced military weapons,

which are now being used against Armenia.

At the core of the conflict,

and you see that mapthat was in that story,

that explains it all.

You have sections of Azerbaijan

that are surrounded by Armenia,

but within those sections,you have ethnic Armenians

and they want to be part of Armenia.

They voted that way.

That's the source of the conflict,

and instead of drawing artificial lines

for nations states thatdon't take into account

the ethnic divisions,the religious divisions,

you know, that's what'sultimately going to solve this,

is let the people decide whichcountry they want to be in.

They've already voted.

Now there's an ongoing military struggle

trying to negate that vote.

It's been a long establishedinternational policy

of self-determination.

You go back to Woodrow Wilsonand the League of Nations.

That's where that started.

And in international law,you need to recognize

people have a right of self-determination.

The ethnic Armenians have that right

and they have decided wewant to be part of Armenia.

And the internationalcommunity should recognize it.


- Well, still ahead, like a red Ferrari.

That's how this fast trackentrepreneur was once described.

So what happened when he thought

he was about to meet his maker,

and how did it transformhis entire family?

Find out. That's coming up.

But first, the world'smost dangerous paper route.

People have died deliveringthe "Stars and Stripes."

Why was this newspaper almost shut down?

And how did a moviemake all the difference?

(tense music)

(dramatic music)

- Not on my watch.

That's what President Trump tweeted

about cutting fundingfor "Stars and Stripes."

It's been the newspaper of record

for the US military formore than a century,

and people have died deliveringthis paper to the troops.

Well now, a filmmakerhopes his documentary

on "Stars and Stripes" willbecome a call to action.

Eric Philips explains.

- When Steven Barber firstcame up with the idea

for his film, "The World'sMost Dangerous Paper Route,"

he believed it would be wildly popular,

especially among servicemembers worldwide.

He did not expect it to play a role

in keeping the newspaper'spresses printing.

- [Announcer] This is thehometown paper away from home.

- It's about being connected to home

because, a lot of times, these guys,

once they're gone, they'regone and they don't,

they can't make phone calls,they can't send emails,

and the only thing they haveis the "Stars and Stripes."

- [Eric] Steven Barber has made

several military-themed films

but admits this one is his favorite.

- I've seen this movie 10 times.

- [Eric] Told in documentary style,

"The World's Most Dangerous Paper Route"

focuses on the 150-year-old"Stars and Stripes."

- [Narrator] Gettingstories from the battlefield

can be harrowing, even deadly.

- A lot of journalists havebeen killed in these wars.

- [Eric] Something formerreporter Linda Rouch

knows all too well.

- You know, when you see that, you're...

Sorry. God.

I, it's just hard for me to go back.

- [Eric] Every single day,the paper is distributed

to US military installations.

- The "Stars and Stripes" paper route

is all over the MiddleEast, Kuwait and Iraq,

Bahrain, Qatar,

Saudi Arabia.

- [Eric] Hence the title of the film,

suggested to Barber by oneof the paper's reporters.

- And he just looked at me and he said,

"I got a great, great title, mate.

We'll call it 'The World'sMost Dangerous Paper Route,'"

and I was like, "Oh my god."

I mean, I'd love to tell you

that I came up with thetitle, but I didn't.

And that was what really blew my mind,

was it's not very often you get a title

that draws you in immediately.

- [Eric] Little did Barberknow that, during production,

the Defense Department would plan

to stop publishing the paper,

moving its $15 millionbudget to other areas.

A group of bipartisan lawmakers

lobbied to stop it, however,

including Senator Lindsey Graham.

- But when I went to Germany,

it was a big deal when the paper came.

When you're in Iraq and Afghanistan,

it was a really huge deal.

- And he told me,

you know, I interviewedhim a couple years ago,

"There's no way that thispaper's ever going down,

not on my watch.

I won't let it happen."

Lindsey Graham got it to the White House.

The president saw it.

- [Eric] And that ledto a presidential tweet

that said, "The United States of America

will not be cutting funding

to "Stars and Stripes"magazine under my watch

and will continue to be awonderful source of information

to our great military."

The Pentagon rescinded itsorder to stop the presses.

- You know, 'cause anybodywho would watch the film,

there's no way they'dshut this newspaper down.

People have died deliveringthis paper to the troops.

I don't think any other publication

in the world can say that.

And a movie is like a cake.

You know, you put it in theflour, you put in the sugar,

you put in the baking powder,and it doesn't always rise.

But in this particular case,this film rose to the occasion.

- Though the paper is stillbeing published for now,

the question over its funding remains.

Lawmakers have indicated

Congress may directly fund the paper,

though that line was notincluded in its initial budget.

"The World's Most Dangerous Paper Route"

is available on Amazon Prime.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- Well although the "Stars and Stripes"

is part of the Departmentof Defense budget

it also must earn mostof its operating budget,

and that's what helpskeep the paper independent

and then free from censorship.

If you want to support themission of "Stars and Stripes,"

all you have to do is go to

and we'll give you a link to the paper.


- Well, still ahead,septic, undergoing dialysis,

and on a ventilator.

This man was losing hisbattle against COVID-19.

So how did a song sustain him?

Stay tuned to find out.

And then, up next, a highroller gets sacked by sickness

and hit with $84,000 of debt.

What does he do next?

He'll tell you himself right after this.

(dramatic music)

(inspirational music)

- Luis Medina couldbuy whatever he wanted,

and what he wanted was luxury cars.

Lots of them.

Ultimately the spending caught up with him

and he couldn't keep up with the bill.

Then Luis was blindsided bysomething he never saw coming.

What was it?

Take a look.

- So it was when I wasinterviewing for a project,

the owner of the business said,

"You're like a red Ferrari on the highway.

You can write your own ticket.

You can write your own pass."

- [Andrew] Luis Medina was a successful,

self-taught IT contractor.

He made six figures andbought everything he,

his wife Yvette, and two children wanted.

- It felt really good knowingthat I could go anywhere

within the industry so Ibegan to buy cars and BMWs.

Every model you couldimagine back then, I bought.

My wife had a a Mercedes, an Infiniti.

I got caught up in my job.

At the same time,

we were slowly driftingaway from the church.

- [Andrew] Spending goteven more out of hand

when the couple, on the adviceof a bank representative,

switched from using cash to credit cards.

- And the gentlemen, inorder to build credit,

you need to have a credit card

and then that we maxedthat credit card out.

Whoa, we'll get another one.

- [Andrew] Ultimately, the Medinas

couldn't keep up with their monthly bills.

- And I was always thinking,

"Geeze, he makes such good money.

Why are we always, it seems like

we never end up with anything."

- We weren't good stewards of our money.

It's like a sewer pipe.

If you're not careful, it starts to leak,

but eventually, it's just gonna bust

and then it's gonna seep into everything.

Even my health.

- [Andrew] Luis was diagnosedwith stage 4 liver cirrhosis.

It shocked him since he workedout and didn't drink alcohol.

Doctors said all of his organs

would likely shut down and he'd die.

The couple drained all of their savings

and still ended up withover $84,000 of debt.

It was a wake-up callfor both Luis and Yvette.

- I said, "I'm about topotentially face a holy God."

And there was shame, you know.

I felt like I hadn't lived up

to who I should have been as a believer.

- I had my moments where I was just, like,

"God, I want my husband.

I want to grow old with him."

And Luis has always been the provider.

But God gave me, like a peek.

It's like, he reminded me,"Luis isn't your provider.

I'm your provider."

- [Andrew] So during this crisis,

the couple stoppedputting their confidence

in paychecks and their possessions

and chose to return to God,to church, and to tithing.

- It brought us to apoint where it was just,

"I surrender my pride.

I surrender my money.

It's not my money tobegin with. It's yours."

We just began to study His Word

and stand on His promises.

And tithing was just, wejust did that out obedience.

- The focus wasn't on how wewere gonna make the money.

It was just depending on God.

- Man, we just beganto see God's hand move.

- [Andrew] Luis underwent35 surgeries in 15 months.

The Medinas continuedgiving throughout that time

and Luis eventuallyrecovered from his sickness,

allowing him to once againenjoy life with Yvette

and their grown kids.

Then, within a year and a half,

they paid off their $84,000 debt.

- I could finally put onthat spreadsheet paid in full

for all of our accounts.

We cut up the credit cards.

- [Andrew] The hospital forgave

a big portion of their medical bills

and Luis started a family-ownedIT business with his son.

It's been doing well, evenduring the coronavirus pandemic.

- It feels so liberating.

We have our priorities straight now.

Number one is God.

- [Andrew] Now, instead ofbuying things for themselves,

they prefer to give to othersthrough ministries like CBN.

- We love donating to orphans and widows.

You look at people differently.

There's so much love.

It's not about you.

It's like what can I do for somebody else?

- Life does not consist of the abundance

in the things that you possess.

And that peace I thought I could get

with another 740 or a Mercedes,you just can't buy it.

It's from God.

- It's something I learnedfrom my father a long time ago,

that the purpose of moneyis to give us the ability

to help other people.

It's to give us the ability

to preach the gospel around the world.

It's all about that.

If it becomes about our consumption

and somehow we feel betterby having the bigger car

or the bigger whatever, no, it's not that.

And it follows whatPaul instructed Timothy.

Here you find it in I Timothy 6:

"Tell those who are rich not to be proud

and not to trust in theirmoney, which will soon be gone,

but their pride and trustshould be in the living God

who always richly gives usall we need for our enjoyment.

Tell them to use their money to do good.

They should be rich in good works

and should give happily to those in need,

always ready to share with others

whatever God has given them."

You saw the change in Luis,how God transformed his heart.

And he goes from debt,he goes from poverty

into a wonderful, happy life,

all because he made adecision that I will give.

I will give to others.

I will help others in need.

I will use what God gives to me

and I will use that to help others.

When you have that attitude,

when you have that joyous generosity,

God loves a cheerful giver.

Wonderful things can happen.

You'll be put in relationship.

Your heart will be filled with love.

Your life will be filled with joy.

If you want to start doing that,

give us a call, 1-800-700-7000,

and say, "I want tostart a life of giving,

and not a one-time thing,

but I want to do this on a regular basis."

Now, when you give to the 700 Club,

realize you're helpingpeople around the world.

You're also preaching thegospel around the world.

A portion of every gift to the 700 Club

goes into the work of Operation Blessing.

Another portion goes into the work

of CBN International todo just those things.

We want to see the gospelgo around the world

and we want to help people,

here at home and around the world.

And you're a part ofall of it when you join.

How much is it?

It's just $20 a month.

That breaks out to 65 cents a day.

Some of you can join at 700 Club Gold.

That's $40 a month.

We also have 1000 Club.

That's $1,000 a year.

That breaks out to $84 a month.

At whatever level, when you call,

make sure you ask for Pledge Express.

That's electronic monthly giving

and you know the bank's gonnatake care of everything.

Your gift is gonna comeevery single month.

When you join Pledge Express,we send as our gift to you

Power for Life monthly teaching CDs.

So if you'd like those,

ask for Pledge Express when you call,

or when you go to thedonation page at

and you give monthly,you automatically sign up

for Pledge Express.

Either way, do it now.



- Well, still ahead, aserious case of COVID-19.

This man was near deathwhen he saw a vision.

What was it, and how didit lead to a miracle?

You'll see for yourself. That's coming up.

(dramatic music)

(tense music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN news break.

Witches say they're getting together

to bind President Trump.

Communicating by social media,

they're planning multiple binding events

with the biggest attempt toattack the president spiritually

coming on October 31st,right before the election.

They've been using the hashtags #BindTrump

and #MagicResistance.

Witches have been regularlytrying to cast spells

against the president for years.

Well CBN's Operation Blessinghas provided a new home

for those in need in the Philippines.

Young Angel lives withher father and siblings.

After a devastating typhoondestroyed their home,

they had nowhere safe to stay.

Their precarious living situation worsened

after her father, Roland,lost his job due to COVID-19.

Unable to find a newhome, he build a shack

from leftover scrapwood after the typhoon.

Now, thanks to support from its partners,

Operation Blessing has built Roland

and his children a safe, stable new home.

He also got materials needed

to start a new business selling fish.

You can find out moreabout Operation Blessing

by visiting

Gordon and Terry will be back

with more of today's "700Club" right after this.

(tense music)

(inspirational music)

- James Story went inand out of consciousness

as COVID-19 ravaged his body.

His condition was so dire,

doctors were considering atracheostomy and a feeding tube.

Then James had a vision thathe was already in the grave.

What happened next, and howdid it lead to a miracle?


- The first time I heard about COVID,

we were in a staff meeting at church

at Gallatin First United Methodist Church

in Gallatin, Tennessee.

The administration fromthe bishop's office

had sent down somerecommendations of how to prepare

for this pandemic that wewere about to experience.

- [Andrew] James Story,a retired high school

and college music professor in Tennessee,

began feeling ill in March of 2020.

- I started to have chills and fever

and I had gone to the emergency room

and they had sent me home.

But over the weekend, I had gotten worse.

I went to my regular PCand he did some blood work.

Of course, there was nomark at that point in time

to distinguish that you haveCOVID at this point in time.

- He called and askedme if I could take him

to the hospital, to the ER,

said the doctors, hisblood work had come back

and the doctors wantedhim to go to the ER.

We didn't know what was gonna happen.

I was getting the calls every day

and I was seeing what wasgoing on with his vitals

and everything that wasgoing wrong with him.

So yeah, it was scary.

- I had become septic.

I had started dialysis

because the kidneys were failing.

And from there,

it was pretty much downhill.

- [Andrew] James spent several weeks

going in and out of consciousnessas his condition worsened.

- He was on a ventilator for 15 days.

He required beginning hemodialysis

because his kidneys stopped working.

So his COVID case wouldhave been considered

a severe case of COVID-19.

- [Andrew] James' friendsset up a Facebook page

and began a prayer vigil for him.

Meanwhile, James decided to use this time

to grow spiritually.

- I took advantage of thetime that I had to wait

to meditate and read scripturesand become closer to God.

- [Andrew] At one point,James saw a vision.

- I felt like I was in a grave

and I was trying to pullmyself up to the sunlight.

I felt as though I saw the face of God

and He was reaching out His hand to me

and all I could do wasbow down and worship.

My friends, my church members, my family,

and people around theworld were praying for me.

- There were a few days

where, you know, we wonderedif we were going to be able

to wean him from the ventilator

or if his family was goingto have to make a decision

regarding considering atracheostomy, a feeding tube,

things of that nature.

- [Andrew] Several months before,

James had written a songfor his deceased sister

that he says actually helped sustain him.

- Our pastor, James Johnson,

had used as our missionstatement to love now.

Let us love not only in words and deeds

but in truth and action.

So I sat at my piano,

and using the missionstatement of love now,

the song wrote itself.

There were times that I was fighting,

not wanting to have the vent taken out.

But over a series of a fewdays that song was playing,

I finally calmed down and they were able

to remove the ventilationand I was breathing

pretty much on my own.

How could I have known that that song

written for my sister would be part

of the miraculous healing for me?

- [Andrew] James began to turn the corner.

He was taken off the ventilator,

his kidneys began functioning better,

and he was transferredto another facility.

In all, he had beenhospitalized for 71 days.

- I truly believe thatprayer was part of it.

Every Wednesday night, we did that at 7:00

'cause that was our choir practice time.

So yep, I believe it was trulya part of it, of his healing.

- [Andrew] Since James was released

from Hendersonville Tristar Hospital,

he has made a near full recovery.

- I'm just overcome withjoy in his recovery.

You know, he could have died.

And I think that, you know, God spared him

and he's just a wonderfulsuccess story to,

you know, his faith, and also,

you know, the excellenthealth care that he received.

- But there was a group of choir members

and some of his friends that had gathered

and they were singing "Oh Happy Day."

I think there couldn't havebeen a more appropriate song

for that day 'cause it was a happy day.

- Not only is there amiracle that happened to me,

there is a miracle within every one of us

if we seek and find.

I know it was Hishealing, grace, and power

that gave me a second chance.

I don't consider myself lucky,

but I consider myself blessed.

(inspirational music)

- Well, you just rejoicewith him, don't you

as you listen to the storyof what James went through.

I mean, that was a lot.

I love the part of his vision

where he said, "God wasreaching down toward me

and all I could do wasbow down before Him."

Because the power of God

is beyond our understanding really.

But He has the power to touchus right at our point of need.

He has the power.

Scripture says He reachesdown and lifts us up,

sets our feet on a rock,

pulls us out of the miry pit,

gives us hope and a future,

gives us life in James' scenario.

You know, we all have needs

and I know many of you watch this program

specifically for this point in time,

where we pray together,where we commit to you

to stand with you in whatever your need is

and where we ask God to hearus all as we come before Him

and as we bow down and worship who He is.

So we want to take sometime to pray for you today

and to encourage you in your faith.

If James' story hasn't done it,

we've got a couple of othershere to share with you.

Gordon, this is Duncan, wholives in Bellevue, Nebraska.

Clearly remembers the day in 1965

when he seriously injured his shoulder.

More than 50 years later, hewas still in agonizing pain.

He was watching this program

and he heard you, Gordon,describe his injury

and proclaim God's healing during prayer.

So Duncan stood with you inthat, claimed his healing.

Today, after 50 years, he's pain-free

and giving God all the glory

- [Gordon] Praise God.

Here's Linda from North Carolina.

She had two very serious conditions

which brought her totremendous pain, discomfort.

Her doctors did all they could,but they couldn't heal her,

and so Linda learned tolive with chronic symptoms.

She was watching "The 700 Club."

Terry, you said, "Someone namedLinda," called her by name,

"I don't know your condition,

but this is what I feel you are to know.

You've been diagnosedwith some serious things

and you have accepted it as part of life.

God is healing your condition right now.

You are being made completely whole

and everything botheringyou is healed now."

Well Linda believed, was healed,

and her doctor has confirmed her healing.

- Praise God.- Wow, wow.

These are wonderful miraclesbecause it's a wonderful God.

Now, ask yourself this question.

How does faith work?

How does it work?

Well, the Bible's very clear.

It works through love.

And you saw in James' storyhow much he dwelt on love,

how he sang about it,

how his church communitysurrounded him with love

to let them know thatthey were there with him,

they were going to go through it with him.

You heard it from the doctors,

from all the medicalprofessionals who surrounded.

They surrounded him with love.

In that environment, faith works.

Faith works through love.

So, right now, ask for thelove of God to surround you.

When you have that, you knowhow much He cares for you,

and faith becomes veryeasy in that environment.

You know that you don't have to bargain.

You don't have to beg.

You just have to receive.

You have to receivewhat He's already done.

Now, this is love,

that while we were yetsinners, Christ died for us.

That means He died for you,

even when you were alienatedfrom Him in your own heart.

Leave all that alienation.

Turn your thinking to the love of God,

how His love was poured out for you,

as His blood was poured out for you.

His love is all around you.

Let it be in you.

Let it be in your every breath,

your every thought, Jesusloves me, this I know,

for the Bible tells me so.

Let's pray,

let's believe,

and let's let God's love do all the rest.

Lord, we just come toyou and we thank you.

We thank you for your sacrifice.

We thank you that you took all our sin.

You've forgiven all our transgressions.

While we were alienated fromyou, you made a way back.

So we turn and we're reconciled to you.

We want to be in your presence.

We want to feel your love,

your overwhelming, overflowing love.

Pour it out on us, Lord God.

Let us dwell in it.

Let us know the greatness of your love.

Be with us now.

And now, in your love, we reach out.

We ask for those who are injured.

We ask for those who have chronic illness.

We ask for all those who arehaving difficulty breathing.

We ask for everyone who is sick,

who has any kind of infirmity.

We bring them to you andwe lay them at your feet

and we ask for them to be healed.

Stretch forth your handto do miracles now.

For we ask it in Jesus' name.


Terry, God's given you something.

- Yeah, someone, you have a...

I don't know if thehemorrhaging has started

or there's a fear of hemorrhagingin the back of your eye

and the loss of your eyesight.

God is stopping that right now.

Whatever the condition is

that's causing all of this concern

and the potential diagnosis,God is stopping that.

Your sight is being restored to you.

Receive it in Jesus' name.

- There's someone named Mary.

You've been praying for a child.

And the picture I have isthat you have your left hand

under the child's headand shoulders, neck,

and the other hand under their legs,

and you've been literallylifting them to God,

asking for healing for your baby.

God is healing right now.

He's answering that prayer right now.

In Jesus' name, yourchild will be restored,

will be completely healed.

Just receive it, believe it.

In Jesus' name.

There's someone else,

you've sustained an unusual fracture

above your eye and thatgoes into your forehead.

God's going to knit thatbone together properly.

And all the pain,

all the discomfort's gonnabe leaving your right now.

In Jesus' name, justreceive that, believe that,

receive it, and experienceHis healing touch right now.

That pain's leaving you.

It's going away now.

In Jesus' name.

- There's someone else,you've been experiencing

for a long time hostility in your family.

You'll know this as youbecause, earlier this week,

you came across thescripture where it says

before we come to Him for anything,

if we have ought against any,go back and resolve that.

God is going to open somedoors for you to walk through

to resolve the hostility in your family.

Don't be afraid to walk through that door.

He's going to give you allthe wisdom, all the words,

all the peace of heart and peace of mind.

Do what He leads youto do, in Jesus' name.

- Lord, we thank you.

We thank you that you are thehealer and you are the Savior.

You are our peace.

And Lord, let your love dwell in us.

Let it be in us.

Let every word that comesfrom us be spoken in love,

in your anointing, in your Spirit,

for we ask it in Jesus' name.

Amen and amen.

If you've been healed, let us know.

We'd love to share the story

of what God is doing in the world today.

So call us, 1-800-700-7000.

And if you need prayer,

we absolutely believein prevailing prayer,

the prayer that doesn't restuntil it gets an answer.

If you want us to stand withyou in prayer, we're here.

All you have to do is call 1-800-700-7000.

Up next, we've got email questions.

Stay with us.

(dramatic music)

(inspirational music)

- Well, it's time for somequestions and honest answers.

Gordon, this first onecomes from Greg, who says,

"I have a question for Gordon.

It seems as if in the New Testament,

when Jesus quotesscripture, he mainly quotes

the Greek translation of the texts

instead of the Hebrew versions.

Why, especially whenspeaking to Jewish followers?

And if Jesus quoted the Septuagint,

couldn't we base our OldTestament translations

off of this instead offthe Masoretic texts?"

Hello.- That's a,

that's a- Yeah.

Theology.- theology,

seminary question.

- Let me give you the short answer.

The Greek writers of the New Testament,

there's some indication

that Matthew may havebeen written in Hebrew,

but the other gospels werewere all written in Greek,

including the gospel of John,

because that was the Greek-speaking world.

That was the language of theworld in the first century.

And so they're doing it inorder to communicate effectively

with the audience who is receiving it.

The primary text for the Old Testament,

even in Israel in the firstcentury was the Septuagint.

It was the Greek text

because that was the one that they read.

So when the Greek writersof the Greek New Testament

are using quotes from the Old Testament,

they're using quotes from the Septuagint.

Now, a wonderful thing happened

and it's called the Renaissance.

In the Renaissance, people got the idea

we need to go back to the original text.

They had been using Jerome's Vulgate,

and Jerome was a greatscholar, but frankly,

his Greek translation intoLatin has some flaws in it

as well as his translation from Hebrew

into Latin had flaws in it.

And there was a drive,

let's go back to the original text.

That, in turn, launched the Reformation.

When people startedreading in the monasteries,

they were learning Greek primarily,

but some also were learning Hebrew,

they came to the conclusion,

well we've got this thing wrong.

There's great freedom.

There's great liberty here.

Let's go back to the originallanguage, the original intent.

Let's have that be our drive.

And the wonderful thingfor all us Protestants

is that we have thesewonderful translations,

and now there are a whole bunch of 'em.

But we look back to the original texts

and that has been the drivesince the Renaissance.

Go back to what was originally written,

the earliest versions you can find,

and let's use those as our inspiration.

Now, if you want to read the Septuagint,

it's available, it's wonderful.

We have all these thingsavailable, wonderful translations.

I encourage people to read them all,

but primarily read theoriginal, if you can.

Here's a word from Matthew 5:

"Let your light so shine before men

that they may see your good works

and glorify your Father in Heaven.

(inspirational music)


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