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Faith Nation: October 22, 2020

The Senate Judiciary Committee moves forward with the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. What comes next for the president's pick. Plus the 2020 Race for the White House. What to expect during President Trump and Joe Biden's final ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Tonight.

- Mr. Grassley.

- All right.

- Mr. Cornyn.

- All right.

- [Narrator] The SenateJudiciary Committee moves forward

with the Supreme Courtnomination of Amy Coney Barrett.

What's next for the president'spick plus the 2020 race

for the white house.

The candidates battle itout on the debate stage.

What to expect during thepresident Trump and Joe Biden's

final showdown before election day.


- I think it has remainedfor us to pass it

before the election.

- [Narrator] As unemploymentapplications drop,

where things stand interms of the next round

of coronavirus relief on Capitol Hill.

All this and more,tonight on "Faith Nation."

(upbeat music)

(air whooshing)

- Just one more vote standsbetween judge Amy Coney Barrett

and a seat on the Supreme Court.

Hi everyone.

Thank you for joining us.

I'm Jenna Browder.

Good evening.

I'm John Jessup.

Judge Barrett's nominationcleared the penultimate hurdle

today with The SenateJudiciary Committee approving

the president's pick tofill the seat left open

by the death of the latejustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

- Today the committe's 12 GOP members

were all there to vote in person in favor

of Barrett's nominationwhile no democrats showed up.

Senior Washington correspondent,Tara Mergener is here now,

Tara, there are no shows left.

They didn't stop chairman Lindsey Graham

from holding the vote?

- No Jenna, they did not.

In fact Republicans powerto pass the Democrats

boycott of the session this morning.

Her nomination is nowheaded to the full Senate.

- Well VA's, 10 no votes.

- [Narrator] A new showat this morning session.

- I Joined with my colleaguesin a great tradition

of non-cooperation andboycotts of these proceedings.

- [Narrator] Democratsprotest instead of voting

on advancing Amy Coney Barrett nomination,

for the high court.

- The Senate majority is itconducting the most rushed,

the most partisan and theleast legitimate process

in the long history ofSupreme Court nominations.

- [Narrator] Warning Barrett'sascend to the Supreme Court

would jeopardize the affordable care act

and access to abortion.

Democrats have beenunsuccessfully trying to stall

the process until after the election.

- The nomination will bereported favorably to the floor

with a unanimous vote.

- [Narrator] The committee's vote puts

President Trump's one step closer

to replacing liberal justice.

The late Ruth Bader Ginsburghad locking a 63 conservative

majority on the court.

- When you look at Trump's accomplishments

with the Supreme Court nominations,

getting them across the finish line,

along with the great economy,

this is kind of the crowning jewel of it.

- [Narrator] With Republicans holding

a 53, 47 Majority in the Senate,

there it is almost sure to be confirmed.

Senator Lindsey Graham blames Democrats

for the nomination moving forward.

- In 2013, when they changed the rules

to require a simple majorityto pack the DC circuit court,

you could see days like this coming.

- And senator's plan toconvene a rare weekend session

for procedural actions aheadof a final confirmation vote

expected Monday, John and Jenna.

- All right, thank you.

That's CBN's Tara Mergener.

Well to the election now,

the stage is set Nashvillemusic city as president Trump

and former vice presidentJoe Biden face off

for their final debates.

- It's just a few hours from now.

Millions are expected to tune in to see

if tonight looks anythinglike the last chaotic debate

we saw between the two.

CBN news correspondent toBen Kennedy joins us now.

Ben, less than two weeksaway, it is crunch time.

- Yeah.

Jenna, John you're right.

We'll have to see whatdevelops in tonight's debate.

It is critical for both candidates.

Also, we're waiting to seeif the recent developments

regarding under Biden does come up.

- We're going to win fourmore years in the white house.

(crowd cheering)

- [Narrator] WhileTrump's been campaigning

in key battleground States,

- Thank you, Arizona.

- I'm going to try veryhard to focus on the issues.

- [Narrator] Biden's been layinglow off the campaign trail.

- Okay if you fire it up.

Sending former presidentObama to stump for him

at a drive-in rally in Philadelphia.

- The thing is, thisis not a reality show.

This is reality.

And the rest of us have hadto live with the consequences

of him, proving himself

and capable of taking the job serious.

- [Reporter] The presidentialdebate commission taking

matters into their own handsafter the chaotic first debate.

- You just don't.- Here's the deal.

I know a lot more about let them finish.

- Cut down on interruptions.

Candidates Mic's will bemuted when it's not their turn

during the two minutesprovided to answer questions.

- I think the mute is veryunfair and I think it's very bad

that they're not talkingabout foreign affairs

they are supposed to betalking about foreign affairs.

- He's kind of signaling that.

It's all gonna be about personal attacks.

- [Reporter] One issueof the Trump campaign

will likely hit on is recentdevelopments regarding

a laptop with questionable emails,

allegedly sent from Biden's son, Hunter.

At least one pointing to the possibility

that the vice president was aware

of Hunter's business dealings in Ukraine.

- This is the same garbageRudy Giuliani Trump's henchman.

It's the last ditch effort.

This desperate campaignto smear me and my family.

- [Reporter] A new morningconsult poll shows Biden leading

in most States,

with Trump ahead in Arizona,Ohio, and South Carolina.

In both candidates, even amonglikely voters in Georgia.

- Thank you North Carolina


- Voting has hit record numbersso far more than 40 million

Americans have made their mark early.

As for tonight's debate,

it will begin in less than three hours.

- John, Jenna.

- All right.

Ben Kennedy thank you very much.

And chief political analyst,David Brody joins us now,

David, what do bothmen need to do tonight?

Joe Biden to maintainhis lead in the polls

and president Trump toperhaps shake up that trend?

- Well, Jenna and John Joe Biden needs

to make sure he doesn'tcommit a major gap.

We talked about this last debate.

He didn't commit a major gap pretty much

because Donald Trump wastalking all the time.

The good news for Trumptonight is that he doesn't get

to talk as much.

I know that's probablynot good news for him,

but let's inject a little truth serum

into even Trump supporters.

They probably wish DonaldTrump would be muted maybe

15 to 20% of the time.

And that's exactly what'sgonna happen tonight.

As for the Trump campaign,I think Donald Trump,

what he has to do on stagetonight pretty much is talk about

how Joe Biden has been in DC for 47 years.

And he's a quintessential DC insider.

And then he'll bring up Hunter Biden.

You can be sure that's gonna happen

and he'll try to tie the two together.

- David, the Trumpcampaign wants to expand

tonight's list beyond the topics

that were announced toinclude foreign policy,

to highlight some of president Trump's

international accomplishments.

David, some speculate it reallybe an opportunity for him

to hit Biden on his son, Hunter.

Any chance of the presidentwill not go there?

- No, I don't think--

(background noise interrupts speech)

I don't know if you can hearthe dog in the background,

but this is Skype and this is not live.

So what are you gonna do?

I'd like to tell dog to calm down.

Hold on for a second.

I'm not sure.

I don't know if you can hear me,

but it's like being at aTrump campaign rally in a way.

And there's a lot of--

- We need a new pie.

- Jenna's right.

We need a new pie.

This sounds excited about the campaign.

David, while you maybe try to get,

get your dog to a mute for a little bit,

the president is attackingdebate host NBC's Kristin Welker.

She's known as a tough questioner.

Today, he also followed through

and released a clip of his interview

with CBS is Leslie stall.

And what they said wasthat contentious interview.

Some say he's calling out media bias.

Others say he knows attackingthe media is easy fodder.

- Well, he knows the attacking the media

is easy fodder for sure.

But this is unprecedented.

I mean really.

He's actually going to release

the whole interview beforehand.

It's one thing to see the 60 minutes piece

and then go wait a minute.

They took that out of context.

I'm gonna release the whole thing.

That'd be one thing.

But to release it beforehand is prettier.

that's pretty unprecedented for sure.

But Donald Trump and president,

it goes hand in handand I'd like to answer

the Hunter Biden questionif you don't mind.

After I was being distractedby my, my wonderful dog,

I'll just say this.

That Hunter Biden situation isgoing to come up quite a bit.

And the key tonight is canDonald Trump tie the corruption

that Donald Trump believesthat Hunter Biden and Joe Biden

had been involved in to JoeBiden's 47 years in Washington.

And by the way, some late breaking news,

the guy that was involved inall of this apparent apparently

in Biden world, the one thatsaw Hunter Biden, Joe Biden,

make those deals ordiscuss business dealings.

He's gonna be DonaldTrump's special guests

at the debate tonight.

Tony Bobulinski sounds like a mafia guy.

I'm not saying he's mafia, butit sounds like a mafia name.

He's gonna be one of DonaldTrump's debate guests

tonight, oil boys.

Leave it to Trump.

- David, just about 30 seconds left here.

Maybe a final thought oncourt packing Joe Biden.

Hasn't really answeredthe question on that.

He's now saying he wouldput together a bipartisan

commission to review theissue, your thoughts.

- So it's nothing at all.

I mean, it's such a DC answer.

I know let's solve itby having a bipartisan

commission for 180 days.


That doesn't solve it for conservatives.

They're not buying it andliberals don't like it

'cause it's a punt on bothsides of the equation.

- All right, David Brody,we'll leave it there.

Thank you very much.- Thanks David.

- Well.

- Russia and Iran are targetingAmerican voters ahead of

the election and a lastminute briefing late Wednesday

Intelligence has warned of the new attempt

in election meddling,

including a widespreademail spoof campaign

where foreign entitiesclaim to be members of

right wing groups andthreatened to go after voters

who didn't cast theirballots for president Trump.

- We are not going to tolerate

foreign interference in ourelections or any criminal

activity that threatensthe sanctity of your vote.

The president has instructed me--

- Intelligence officials sayIran and Russia were able to

target state and local election databases

to obtain voter contact information,

including names and addresses.

- A potential stimulus deal.

The latest unemployment numbers.

Coming up We're talkingthe American economy.

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- Welcome back.

House speaker, NancyPelosi remains hopeful

a coronavirus relief packagecould pass before the election.

Negotiations continue betweenPelosi and the white house

with the possibility of a dealin the next couple of days.

- Help is on the way, it will be bigger

It will be better.

It will be safer and itwill be retro active.

Somebody may make thedecision on their side

that they don't wantit before the election.

I think it is range for us topass it before the election.

But it's not up to me todecide what the Senate does.

- Despite Pelosi's optimism ona deal ahead of the election,

it is unclear if it wouldbe considered in the Senate.

Majority leader, Mitch McConnell says

he's warned the white house,

not to strike a deal before November 3rd,

adding that if a deal is made,

he'd put it on the Senatefloor quote at some point.

- Meanwhile, unemploymentapplications are falling,

but still remain historically high.

Data from the labor department today,

she has 787,000 soughtunemployment benefits last week,

that's down 842,000 the week prior.

But with many States seeinga rise in coronavirus cases,

some worrying unemploymentnumbers could soon begin

to increase again.

- And here with us now, Mark Hamrick,

Washington Bureau,

Chief and Senior EconomicAnalyst at Bankrate markets.

Always great to have you.

Mark, how do you interpretthe drop in applications?

The new data that's out today shows.

- I think we're continuingto see an economic recovery

in the us.

The strength of thatrecovery is in question

and what the absence of neweconomic stimulus legislation.

The fact that we stillhave Corona virus raging

in many parts of the country,

the recovery is a big question.

And the good news is wehad pretty strong recovery

in the earlier part of the year.

We've recaptured about halfof the 22 million jobs lost.

But as of this latest count,

we still had 23.1 million Americans

on some form of unemployment assistance

as of the latest week.

So this is still historically elevated.

- Okay, I am precedented in a situation

and election a pandemic interms of economic security Mark,

what are most Americans

at this point really worried about?

- So this is a topicthat we actually asked

Americans about by virtueof a survey at bank rate.

And we asked them sort of, well,

what are you mostconcerned about the outcome

of the election or the pandemic?

And it really turned outthat those who are more

economically secure are moreconcerned about the election

outcome and those who are not.

And we would put millennialsas part of that group

because they tend to bemore financially fragile.

They're more concerned aboutwhat the pandemic may do with

respect to their personal finances.

And when you bring all that together,

the majority of those whohave a concern of one type

or the other about theeconomic outlook say

they are spending less than they would be

otherwise spending less than before.

And this is one of thecontributors to, I would say,

stunted economic growth, mind you,

the consensus is that wewill still have a contraction

for the us economy forall of 2020 mind you,

we still have a good part ofthe fourth quarter yet to go.

- Interesting dichotomythat survey exposes.

Mark, key negotiators areexpressing cautious optimism

about a potential coronavirus relief deal

with less than two weeksto go before the election.

How likely is it thatAmericans will get the relief

they so desperately need?

- The question reallyJohn I think is timing.

Whether it will be beforethe election or after.

And then of course they allcome to the election will

dictate that as well, as wellas the size of the package,

we had Bernie Sanders basically saying

if the Democrats flip the Senate,

you can count basicallya massive relief package.

I would not be counting onthat relief package right now.

In other words, don't spend the money yet.

To me, it feels as if there'sjust too much of a Gulf

between the house and thewhite house on one side

and the Senate led byRepublicans on the other.

- Mark, what are some of the things,

the bigger things we can expect

to see you seal in a a possible deal?

- Well, I think first of all,

you just wanna see a continuation of

elevated unemployment benefits.

Remember we had the cares are providing

an additional $600 a week.

Then the president basicallyapproved an executive order

that gave an additional three or 400.

The payroll protectionprogram is a key priority.

People want to see at leastsome people want to see relief

for the airline industry.

Say local governments needmoney too, but that's a priority

of Democrats not the Republicans.

- Okay.

Mark Hamrick with Bankrate.

Thank you very much. It's good to see you.

- Great to be with you, thank you.

- Thanks Mark.

- [Reporter] Well, religiousfreedom and human rights

under attack in Europe.

We'll explain where and why.

When Faith Nation returns.

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- Growing calls tonightfor the Catholic Church

to clarify its stance on gay civil unions.

This coming as a new interviewfeatures Pope Francis

voicing his support for legal protection

for same sex relationships,

as Archbishop of one of Sarah's,

Francis endorsed civilunions for gay couples

as an alternative to same sex marriages.

But yesterday was the firsttime we've heard such comments

since Francis became Pope.

And it's contrary to theCatholic Church's stance.

A 2003 document from the Vatican States.

The church has respect for gay people.

Quote, "Cannot lead in any way to approval

of homosexual behavior

or to legal recognitionof homosexual unions".

- Well after months aftermonths protest in Belarus,

the head of Russia spy agencypaid a surprise visit there,

officially accusing foreign countries

of fueling massive demonstrations against

the country's authoritarian leader.

- The near daily protestswas security forces

often violently clashing againstdemonstrators has also led

to reports of human rights andreligious freedom violations.

CBN's George Thomas has more.

- Joining me to discuss some of

the religious freedomramifications of the Belarus unrest

is commissioner Gary Bauer.

Mr. Bauer, thank youso much for joining us

on the broadcast.

Belarus as you know,

has been gripped by thesemass protests for weeks.

What's going on there politically.

- Well Belarus has been calledEurope's last dictatorship

and it's a fairly apt description.

There's been unrest in thecountry for quite some time.

Basic human rights have been violated.

There's been a protest movement there

in the last year or so, arecent election was held.

It was a great deal ofexpectations in the country

that perhaps the incumbent government

that's been violating human rights

would be thrown out of office and behold.

Not only was it not thrown out of office,

but they claimed to get 85,

87% of the vote that didn'tpass the straight face tests.

Demonstrations have increased as well as

other general unrest.

- Yeah.

What are some of the religiousfreedom issues that have

cropped up during the unrest?

- Well, various pastors, priests,

other religious leadersthat have spoken out against

government policies arebeing discriminated against.

Some of them have beenarrested and beaten.

There are reports that in some cases,

Christians are being beaten on their backs

so that the bruises form,the sign of the cross,

a Catholic priest that hadbeen a critic of the government

had a visa denied so he couldn't,

re-enter his own country.

There's a religious Libertylaw on the books in two,

it's been on the books since 2002,

that already makes it almostimpossible for religious groups

to operate unless theyget the daily blessings

of the oppressive government.

And that just seems to be getting worse

as the public ends up reacting against

the oppression that's growing in Belarus.

- Yeah.

And to that point, Mr. Bauer,

Belarus has many of thesame problematic religious

regulations as other formerSoviet countries like Russia

and the central Asian republics, right?

- They do have all sorts of restrictions,

not only very typicalof the old Soviet union,

but the kind of restrictionswe see in communists

and atheist regimes all over the country,

being required to registerwith the government before you

can have services,

the government looking over your shoulders

as to what preaching,

limiting the sizes ofthe religious gatherings

and attempting to isolate religious groups

and keeping them out of the debate

that goes on in any free societyabout a variety of issues

with moral implications.

- I was there in the capital city,

Minsk Belarus aroundthe same time last year,

these mass protestsagainst Europe so-called

"last dictatorship" hasapparently United the country

as Christian community through prayer.

Talk about the impactevangelical community

has had during these times of unrest.

- Well, there's no questionthat evangelical leaders

have been an inspiration to the people.

Of course, the evangelicalmessage of the Bible

is that the world is amirror we see through darkly,

there's inevitably persecution.

You need to be strong.

You need to stand up against it.

And that's exactly what manyof the citizens of Belarus

are doing inspired by their pastors

and their religious leaders

to speak truth to power.

- All right, terrific.

We'll have to leave it there Mr. Bauer.

Thank you so much forjoining us on the broadcast.

- My pleasure to be with you.

(air whooshing)

- [Narrator] Healthy food on the go.

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(upbeat music)

- Heavenly Father,

we do thank you for the workof your spirit Lord God,

with this movement of getting the Bible.

- Yes.

- Lord into public schools.

(upbeat music)

- [Reporter] Watch "The Prayer Link",

Tuesday nights at 6.30.

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- And just a quick reminderfor those of you tuning

into the debate tonight,

you can catch the actionlive on the CBN news channel.

That's on our website,,

our app and our YouTube channel.

We of course,

hope you will join us onone of these many platforms.

- Indeed.

Well finally, tonight andStates across the country,

you can find what are calledfood deserts communities

lacking adequate access tofresh fruits and vegetables.

- That's what's so neatabout this next story.

Now with growing food insecuritybecause of the pandemic,

one New Jersey group ishitting the road to help.

The mobile grocery store isrolling out around cities

considered food desertsin the garden state.

Inside the 40 foot retrofitted bus,

it looks pretty similaractually to the produce

of normal store with all sortsof fruits and veggie options.

The bus will stop at senior centers,

low-income housingcomplexes and other places

where people need help.

- What a great way to solve that crisis.

- Yeah.

- John you're gonnawatch the debate tonight.

- I certainly am.

I'm gonna watch it on

- Me too, my CTV.

- All right.

Thanks for watching Faith Nation.

- Have a great night.


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