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CBN NewsWatch PM: October 22, 2020

The day of the second presidential debate – what to expect and word of attempts at election tampering by Russia and Iran. Amy Coney Barrett confirmation moves out of Senate Committee ready for a full vote. A huge revival coming to the National ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is "CBN NewsWatch."

- Thanks for joiningus for "CBN NewsWatch."

I'm Mark Martin.

Senior National Security officials say

Iran and Russia haveboth obtained voter data

in their efforts to interferein the 2020 US election.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump

and former Vice President Joe Biden

will meet again tonight intheir final scheduled debate.

This one will feature a mute button.

Dale Hurd has the story.

- [Dale] The debatecomes less than two weeks

before election day, after many Americans

have already voted and, as polls show,

the President trailing Joe Biden

in several battleground states.

CBN News chief politicalcorrespondent, David Brody,

says sources tell him the President

is going to hit Biden hard

over the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

- And here's why, becausethe campaign believes

this isn't a Hunter Biden issue.

They believe it's a Joe Biden issue.

They believe that this is aJoe Biden corruption issue

in terms of potentially taking some money

off the top, if you will,

from some of Hunter Biden's dealings,

and a potential coverup.

Joe Biden said he didn'tknow anything at all

about some of these business dealings

that Hunter Biden was doing.

- [Dale] And while Joe Biden

has been conspicuously out of sight,

former President Barack Obama returned

to the campaign trail Wednesday

on behalf of his formerVP, unloading on Trump.

- This is not a realityshow, this is reality,

and the rest of us have had to live

with the consequences of himproving himself Incapable

of taking the job seriously.

- [Dale] Trump fired back.

- There's nobody that campaigned harder

for crooked HillaryClinton than Obama, right?

(crowd cheering)

He was all over the place.

- [Dale] Rather than preppingfor tonight's debate,

President Trump wasmaking an aggressive push

through key swing states he won in 2016.

- Thank you, North Carolina.

(crowd cheering)

Go out and vote.

- [Dale] The Presidenthas been criticizing

new debate rules that willmute a candidates' mic

during the first two minutes

of their opponent's answer.

- I think the mute is very unfair.

- [Dale] Meanwhile,there are new allegations

that Iran and Russiaare working to interfere

in the US election.

- We have identifiedthat two foreign actors,

Iran and Russia, havetaken specific actions

to influence public opinionrelating to our elections.

- [Dale] Officials say Iran has already

used the information to contact voters,

sending spoofed emails.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- You can watch tonight'spresidential debate live

with CBN News at our website,,

on our app and YouTube channel

at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.

White evangelicals are breaking away

from other Christians in their opinion

of what's important to themheading into the election.

A new poll shows that 63% of them

say abortion is their greatest concern

and just below that a fair election

mattered most at 62%, then,concerns about terrorism at 57%.

Only 35% of white evangelicals named

the COVID-19 crisis as a concern.

Voters in other faith demographics,

some as high as 79%, includingwhite and black Protestants

and Hispanics ranked theCoronavirus their top concern.

President Trump's latest United States

Supreme Court nominee is onestep closer to confirmation.

Amy Coney Barrett's nomination

passed the SenateJudiciary Committee today.

The Republican majority on the committee

pushed the vote through.

There will be a rare weekend session

for procedural actions aheadof the final vote on Monday.

Another huge prayer and praise event

is set to take place on theNational Mall in a few days,

and you may have seenit in a city near you.

It's called "Let Us Worship,"hundreds of Christians

taking to the streets,praising, worshiping,

and praying for one another,

and the results, salvations, healings

and even peace restored

to some cities riddled with violence.

Worship leader, Sean Feuchthas been leading these events

and he joins us now to share more.

Sean, the event is Sunday, October 25th.

Why is this date significant

and what are your hopes for it?

- Man, it is so significant.

There is no way that we could have

possibly planned this moment

and it feels like it's God ordained.

You know, they're making a decision

that on the 26th of October

is when they're gonna makethe final confirmation vote

on the floor, and so, we just feel like us

being the last worship andprayer gathering on the Mall

is such a historic momentfor us to see a shift

in a pro-life Justice being confirmed

and the reversal of the deathdecree of Roe Versus Wade.

- We have a report on our website

about witches prayingagainst President Trump.

Do you pray for him, Joe Biden

and other leaders inAmerica at these events,

and why is it so important for Christians

to pray for all our leaders

and not just the ones we support?

- Well, I think it's important,

one, because we're commanded to.

It's a biblical responseto a command that we have,

but I also feel like, you know,

that the decisions that they're making

are affecting the future generation

and, you know, I'm herein Washington DC today

walking around the city with my four kids,

realizing that the decisionsin this city that are made

are going to affect their generation,

and are gonna affect their schools

and their cities and their communities,

and so, it's importantfor Christians to engage

and really, it gives usthe heart of the Lord.

When we go to the place of prayer,

we really get God's heart,

whether or not we like the candidate.

- Has the turnout andsuccess of these events

surprised you, Sean?

- Yeah, I mean, I think it really has.

You know, we gathered,you know, in Nashville

a week and a half ago,

and we changed the venue three times

and made it very difficult for people

to know where we were doing it,

and over 10,000 people showed up.

So, we're just constantlyblown away, you know.

We're not doing Facebook marketing pushes.

We're not really advertising, marketing.

We're just throwing itup on an Instagram page,

and it feels like it's a holy stirring

from the Holy Spirit.

So, we're just supersurprised and always grateful

and can't wait to see whathappens here on Sunday in DC.

- We're lookin' at some wonderful images

of these revival services.

There's people crying out before the Lord,

people of all ages,just beautiful pictures.

I guess God is the onewho's marketing for you.

For the last 20 years, Sean,

you have traveled to countries

that are very hostile to Christianity,

including North Korea, Iran and China.

Is the hostility startingto happen in America

and, if so, how do you thinkthe church should respond?

- Yeah, I don't thinkit's starting to happen.

I think it is happening and, you know,

that's been one facet of this journey

that's really really blownmy mind is the resistance,

the resistance againstthe church gathering,

the resistance against worship is just,

it's so mind boggling, you know,

and meanwhile, they're doing marches

and they're doing, you know,

people rioting in the streets, and I mean,

they did a woman's march here in DC,

I think it was last weekend,

and yet, they focus onour gathering Sunday

and target that in the press.

You know, the Mayor's targeted.

We've had, you know,politicians come out against us

in a lotta these moreliberal, left-leaning cities.

So, I haven't seen thislevel of persecution

or intimidation towards the church,

and I think it really is revealing to us

of the state of America,

and we have to rise up and be courageous,

standing not only on ourFirst Amendment right

and the Constitution, but also standing

on our biblical mandate in Hebrews 10:25

to not forsake meetingand gathering together.

- Why would you say thatDC is so significant?

You mentioned the praiseand worship service

right before the confirmation vote.

Why else is DC so significant?

- Well, I think it's, you know,

I mean, just look at the season we're in.

You know, 2020's been crazy, you know,

and we have eight daysbefore the election.

People are torn to piecesbetween blue and red,

and we're here gathering together.

We're saying, no no, it's purple.

It's royalty, it's King Jesus.

He's the only hope for America,

and we're gonna gather together

tens of thousands of us aregonna gather on the Mall

with one purpose, tolift up the name of Jesus

over the nation and to declare

the government is upon His shoulders.

So I think we all need that perspective.

I know I do.

We all need that revelation

at such a divisive time in our nation.

- Very very true, very well said.

All right, Worship Leader Sean Feucht,

thank you so much againfor your time, Sean,

and blessings to you onthis upcoming service

and in the future.

- Thank you so much.

You guys gotta tune in.

It's gonna be incredible.

- Thanks again, Sean,blessings to you, sir.

- Bless you, bless you.

- And we'll be right back.

- [Announcer] This election night,

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- [Announcer] CBN News presentsan election night special

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- Vernon Robinson andBruce Eberle point out

that black Americans were at one time

overwhelmingly Republican.

Then came the presidency ofFranklin Delano Roosevelt,

which led to a big shiftbecause of what they call

a charm offensive from Democrats.

Well, it hasn't shiftedback in almost 75 years.

The authors expect 2020to usher in a big swing.

- This movement of black Americans

from the Democratic Partyto the Republican Party

is the biggest untoldstory of the 2020 election.

- Vernon Robinson and Bruce Eberle

co-authored the book, "Coming Home,

How Black Americans Will Re-elect Trump."

They contend that blacks,a sought-after demographic

long beholden to the DemocratParty will make a switch.

- I really think we'regonna see 20 and 25%

of the black vote beingcast for Donald Trump.

- [Eric] They believethe Republican message

is resonating, especiallyon issues like abortion.

- The issue of life is important

because it's a gateway issue

for both black and Hispanic voters.

We would not be in aminority status to Hispanics

if 21 million blackbabies hadn't been killed.

- [Eric] They see the blackchurch being a catalyst.

- Because they have much more

and feel the same way aboutthe issues that we do,

with conservatives than

they certain do with liberal Democrats

like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

- [Eric] This, despite Harris becoming

the first black woman to be nominated

as Vice President for a major party.

- I don't think this was a home run

with the bases loaded or even a home run.

I think it was probably a nice double

to have her on the ticket,

but I'm not convincedit's gonna really change

the way voters, black voterswill look at this election.

- Those two individuals have put

more black men in prison than possibly

anybody else on the planet.

That's why I refer to it asthe mass incarceration ticket.

- [Eric] Bottom line,they say black voters

are ready for the GOP to reach out.

- When Republicans climb outfrom under their table hiding

and go on the offense,then a significant number

of black voters will supportthe Republican candidates

and it doesn't take that much.

- You have to ask for their business,

and this year, millions ofdollars are going to be spent

by the official Trump campaign

by black Americans toreelect the President.

- The men say the RepublicanParty has regained

the moral high ground on issues like life,

job creation and wealth creation,

all areas that couldattract the black vote.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- In other news, theCenter for Disease Control

has a new definition for close contact

when it comes to its COVID-19 guidelines.

It originally stated close contact

was spending 15 consecutive minutes

within six feet of someone.

The new definition is15 cumulative minutes

within a 24 hour period,

from two days beforethe onset of the illness

or a positive test result.

Meanwhile in California,

the state's new Coronavirus rules

have now been issuedfor holiday gatherings.

They include no more than three households

assembling at a time,keeping gatherings outdoors

with chairs six feet apart andmaking face masks mandatory.

The document also states gatherings

should be two hours or less

and warns against singing, chanting,

shouting and physical exertion

because they can increase the risk

of COVID-19 transmission through the air,

and more Coronavirus chaos,

a private Christian school inOregon is suing the governor.

Hermiston Christian School says

it was discriminated against

when the governor saidthey will not be allowed

to provide in-person instruction

until their countymeets health guidelines,

but then allowed a public school to open

in a county that did notmeet those same standards.

Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom

will defend the school in the case.

Still ahead, a David and Goliath story

where one small business owner

stood up for his rights

against a government shutdown and won.

(upbeat music)

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- [Announcer] CBN News presentsan election night special

with live coverage starting at 7 pm.

Get updates on the campaigns

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- Welcome back.

A county prosecutor in Michigan says

he's dropping all charges against

77 year old barber, Karl Manke.

Manke defied Governor Gretchen Whitmer's

COVID-19 lockdown orders andkept his barbershop open.

The Michigan state Supreme Court

recently ruled against the governor,

saying her executive actionswere unconstitutional.

On this week's episodeof "The Global Lane,"

Manke explains what heexpects will happen next.

- The Michigan SupremeCourt ruled seven to zero

against the Governor's actions,

that she return my license without a--

because she didn't give me a hearing.

It was more of a police state tactic

which was pretty typical of this governor.

So they had to return my license,

but now, they're giving me the hearing.

So, you know, but nonetheless,

I predict that it'll probably

go the same way asthese other things have.

The Supreme Court alsocame back against her

and said that everything that she has done

after April 30th of this year is invalid.

So, she's having to start all over again

with a lotta things andshe's shifting things around,

trying to somehow or other save face,

but the Supreme Court haspretty much ruled against her.

- Well, I understand the Supreme Court,

the state Supreme Court said she needed

to have legislativeapproval on these things.

You just can't go and passlaws without the legislature.

That isn't what the governor does.

Well, I remember the start of the summer.

10 Michigan state troopersdescended on your shop

just to serve you thatcease and desist order.

That seemed a bitexcessive to most people.

Why did that happen, Karl,

and how did mostMichiganders respond to that?

- Well, you know, for the most part,

those guys were doing the jobs

that they were, you know, they have to do.

I have a good relationshipwith the law and order,

the police departments.

I knew, I understood it, you know,

that they had to do that.

They had to bring those in.

I offered them all a haircut, you know.

I said that they lookedlike they needed one

and, you know, they came in and...

But, there was no resistance here.

I had families throughout this barbershop.

Good heavens, I remember that day

because I had quadruplets in here,

and they were jumpin'around and, you know,

just having fun with being kids,

and all of a sudden, thesestormtroopers come in,

you know, with, you know, all serious.

Well, you know, I kinda softenedit up a little bit by...

I had no hostility against them.

They were just doing their job.

- How did the localmedia depict you there?

Were they depicting you as someone

standing up for your constitutional rights

or as a crazed, reckless barber?

- Well, I think, you know,that's a good point here.

You know, I've been thinking this over.

They really didn't supportme, but that was okay.

I would much rather err on the side of

being a little crazy, pushingthe edge maybe a little hard

than ever err on the side of,

where people would consider that I was

walking the same path as cowards.

I can't do that.

So I would much rather take the,

you know, the road that I've taken

regardless of our localnewspaper here, it's pretty left.

So there--

- Has anyone in your shopgotten COVID-19, Karl?

- No, no, none that I've ever heard.

They contact traced, frommy understanding was,

is that they contact traced 3000 people

that had gone through the shop.

You know, those that, theyweren't all getting haircuts.

A lot of them were just coming in to,

you know, to support me, andnobody, nobody got Covid.

So, I mean, this has been six months,

and I'm still standing here.

I haven't got Covid.

- And I know you've always said,

the reason you wanted to stay open is

you have to feed your family.

You had to pay your bills.

So how is business now?

Is it still down or bouncing back?

- Well, it's off a little bit.

You know, it's off a little bit.

There's still people that,

see, you know what, itsort of distresses me

that we are developinga nation of neurotics,

you know, with this stuff,

and there isn't a good balance, you know,

of information that's comingfrom both sides of this thing.

There are scientists that are saying that,

at this point now, that original narrative

has been turned on its head,

that we're not all dying.

There are not 2 million of us

or 2 and a half millionof us dying of Covid.

Our hospitals are not overrun,

but we don't hear that news.

We only hear the fearful stuff, you know,

and I like that littleanachronism, you know,

or anacronym called fear, F-E-A-R,

false evidence appearing real.

And that kind of fits thiswhole narrative right now

that the government is putting out, that--

- Okay, quickly, quickly, Karl

'cause we're running out of time,

finally, what do you say togovernors of other states

that are still shut down?

- Stand up, you know, open up, you know.

Quit acting like a neurotic, you know.

Look at the science behind this thing.

Don't just look at your political career.

Look at the truth behind this stuff.

I challenge those guys,they're cowards, you know.

They won't stand on the sideof what's true and right.

They stand on the side of

what's politically correct forthem at the particular time,

for their own, for their own advancement.

- Okay, the man who stoodup for the constitution

in Owosso, Michigan, Karl Manke.

Thank you for sharing with us today.

- Thank you.

- You can watch "GlobalLane" tonight at 9:30 Eastern

right here on the CBN News Channel.

When a church saw their giving go up,

they decided to give that money away.

Alfred Street Baptist Churchin Alexandria, Virginia

has donated more than $1 million

under their "Tithe the Tithe" initiative.

Since April, the church gave 10%

of their tithes to the community.

69 community-based andnational organizations

benefited from the fundraiser,

all in an effort to supportCOVID-19 relief and other needs.

Good for them.

Coming up, an actor whoseInstagram bio reads,

"I love Jesus," takes heatfrom progressives on Twitter.

We're gonna tell you why.

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(upbeat music)

- Heavenly Father, we do thank you

for the work of your Spirit, Lord God,

with this movement of getting the Bible,

- Yes.

- Lord, into public schools.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Watch "The Prayer Link,"

Tuesday nights at 6:30.

(dance music)

♪ Joy, and where there'sjoy, there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ With a little more satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy, joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy, I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy, joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy, joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

- Cancel culture leftists are accused

of coming after actor Chris Pratt again,

saying Hollywood shouldstop working with him

because of his allegedconservative political beliefs

and the church he attends.

It started when filmwriter Amy Berg tweeted

"One Hollywood Chris needs to go."

Then she pitted Chris Prattagainst Chris Hemsworth,

Chris Evans and Chris Pine.

The negative attacks on Prattcame in fast and furious

from progressives on Twitter,

calling him a conservativeTrumper and a Bible pusher.

Among others, fellow Marvelactor Robert Downey Jr

stepped forward to speakout against the criticism.

You can see him there in that photo.

Even Berg, who made theoriginal Tweet followed up,

telling internet users to stop,

saying it was only meant to be a play

on the one has to goHallowe'en candy meme,

but it turned hate-filled from both sides.

And we mentioned earlier in the show

that Chris Pratt, on his Instagram bio,

it reads right off the start,

"Philippians 4:13," then "I love Jesus."

So he's not shy about his Christian faith.

That's gonna do it for thisedition of "CBN NewsWatch."

Remember, you can findmore of our news programs

on the CBN News Channel anytime

or online with

Also, tell us what you thinkabout the stories you've seen

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Have a great day.


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