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The Movement - Obedience

Adam explores the concept of Obedience to God’s word. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- I would love to encourageyou to be obedient

and share the Gospel.

I was reading in 1 Corinthians 9 today,

and it was talking about how Paul,

like Paul was describing himself

as he wasn't just sharingthe Gospel voluntarily.

He'd actually, he feltcompelled to share the Gospel,

like a stewardship hadbeen entrusted to him

and God actually had entrusted Paul

with his stewardship to share the Gospel.

The manifested grace of God,given through the Son of God,

and by the Spirit ofGod towards Paul's life

had entrusted Paul with graceto actually share the Gospel.

Like, nothing in the Christianlife actually originates

from ourselves.

It's all from Jesus.

Jesus actually has calledus and given us His Spirit,

which is His grace to live His life

and part of that is an actual boldness

and like a grace toactually share the Gospel

so that people who are far away from God,

forever separated fromJesus can be brought

and reconciled back to Him.

Just yesterday I was outand was talking and shared,

was able to pray and sharea little bit about Jesus

with a couple people and Iwas talking to this one man,

I actually felt in my shoulder pain,

'cause I never have pain in my shoulder,

and I knew it wasn't me.

It wasn't my pain wasactually for this other man.

And I asked him if he hadpain matching that description

and he did.

And so I was able to prayfor him and like God started

just to do a cool thing in his life

and was able to plant a seed of the truth

and the reality that Jesus,

isn't just an idea,He's not just a theory.

He's actually real and alive.

And so I just I'veexperienced this over and over

that when we act obediently,

God adds grace and power to our lives

to actually do whatHe's commanded us to do.

When we are obedient tothe commands of Jesus

to actually go and make a newdisciple, to share the Gospel,

God adds power to it becauseof grace given through His Son

and by His Spirit.

So you don't share theGospel apart from Him.

You're actually partnered withGod to do His work His way.

So I want to encourage you tobe obedient and in so doing,

God will move through your life

because you're acting according

to what Scripture has told you to do.

(upbeat music)


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