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Sheila Walsh: Young Girls, Your Presence Pleases God

Best-selling author and TV host Sheila Walsh wrote, "Praying Girls," for young girls to develop their relationship with God, deepen family connections, and change culture for the better. Read Transcript

(uplifting music)

- Well, let ma ask you,

do you struggle to know howto pray and what to pray?

If you do, you're not alone.

And it may surprise youto know that Sheila Walsh

has experienced the same struggle.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Prayer hasbecome more vital than ever

to sought after authorand speaker, Sheila Walsh.

The cohost of life todaywith James and Betty Robeson,

is reaching out to young girls with a book

she wishes she'd had at their age.

- I'd love to say allthrough all my years,

as I grew up, I becamea great prayer warrior,

but that's not really true.

I often struggled to knowhow to pray and what to pray.

- [Narrator] Sheila wrote "Praying Girls",

a 60 day devotional to showyoung girls how to develop

a meaningful relationship with God.

- Well, welcome back tothe 700 Club, Sheila Walsh.

Sheila, how great tohave you with us today.

- Thanks Terry, it's great to be with you.

- First of all, I just want tosay how pretty your book is,

big seller right there.

You've written so manywonderful books about prayer,

I think it might be hardfor people to imagine

that praying has everbeen a struggle for you.

How have you experienced that?

- Well, you know, Terry,sometimes it's a question of,

am I just repeating myselfover and over again?

Is it something that,

if God already knows what he's gonna do,

some people have said tome, "Why bother praying?"

But, it's particularlyduring this COVID crisis,

'cause I'm used to being out on weekends,

speaking and now I'm home.

I mean, I have a jacket on on the top

and I have my jammies on on the bottom.

And it's been different.

So I've had to ask myself,ask the Holy Spirit,

"How do I live in these days?

Teach me how to live in these days."

And so, in this season, prayerhas become everything to me.

And it's really about understanding,

I wrote this in the book for young girls.

It's about a conversationwith a God who loves you.

- People are all feeling pretty isolated

with this COVID worldthat we live in today,

but young girls are usually going through

life issues in any way,just maturing, growing up,

trying to figure out who they are.

How was it especially hard for them?

- You know, it's interesting Terry,

'cause somebody asked me,"Why did you write the book,

"Praying Girls", you have one son?"

But it was like, "Well, Iused to be a little girl."

And when I wrote a book called"Praying Women" last year,

and when I was recording theaudio version of the book,

I found myself thinking,

"I wish I'd known thiswhen I was 11 or 12 or 13."

And so that's when I began to sit down.

'Cause the main thing Iwant young girls to know

is Jesus is the best friend

you are ever gonna have in your life.

And you get to come as youreally are into His presence,

you don't need fancy words,

and you can come and yourbest days and your worst days,

you can talk to Him whenyou're being bullied at school,

when you feel insecure, whenyour parents are arguing,

God just wants your presence.

- You held a Facebook live event

that really helped youwrite the book, right?

- Yeah, I did and it was so interesting,

because I basicallyasked moms and daughters,

what are the kinds of thingsthat you are interested about?

And words came up, Terry,that would not have come up

when you and I were 11 or 12.

It's like kids are thinking about suicide.

They're thinking aboutdepression, anxiety.

What does the future hold?

And what I wanted young girls to know,

I mean, the thing I took away from that,

is I want them to know Godis still on the throne.

Nothing that's happening inour nation or in your life,

or your family is a surprise to God.

And it's like I was readingthis morning before I came on,

Psalm 116, "Because Hebends down to listen,

I will pray as long as I have breath."

I want young girls to know

God bends down to listen to your prayers.

- You know for all ofus, men and women alike,

but I, like you, think of young girls,

because I was a young girl once,

but you do wonder who am Iin the midst of the world

and the bigness of everything around me,

how do I figure out who I am in that?

What's the main message

of your book for young girls?

- The main message is that God is for you,

that God loves you, He made you,

there's no one on this planet like you,

and you can navigate everysingle thing you're going through

hand in hand with Jesus.

Every morning during thepandemic and I'll continue it,

I go outside and I raise my arms up high,

and it's just my way ofsaying, "Father I'm here."

And (indistinct).

And for young girls too to know,

sometimes the most powerfulprayer in the world

is one word, Jesus.

And you're connected tothe God of all heaven.

- Yes, it's good to connectthat name with help.


- Yes, exactly.

- We've both done it in our lives.

It's a good message thatyou bring to young girls.

Sheila's book is called"Praying Girls Devotional.

60 Days to Shape Your Heart

and Grow Your Faith Through Prayer."

That's something we all need,

but for young women especially.

Thank you, Sheila.

- Thanks Terry.- Great writing

Nice to see you.


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