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Brooke and Scott Ligertwood Teach Children about the Wonder of God

Hillsong musicians Brooke and Scott Ligertwood teamed up with Ben and Karalee Fielding to write and illustrate the children’s book, “What a Beautiful Name,” which teaches children about the wonder of God. Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- "What a Beautiful Name."

This Grammy-winning song

of praise and worship

has been called

the genre-smashing single

and now it's also inspired a book.

- [Journalist] Brooke and Scott Ligertwood

are authors,


and members of the Hillsong Worship Team.

Their Grammy award-winning song,

"What a Beautiful Name,"

has garnered more than

360 million YouTube views.

♪ The name of Jesus ♪

♪ What a powerful name it is ♪

♪ What a powerful name it is ♪

♪ The name of Jesus Christ my King ♪

♪ What a powerful name it is ♪

The Ligertwoods alsoco-authored a children's book

with the same title,

teaching kids about

the worship and wonder of God.

♪ The name of Jesus ♪

- Please welcome to The 700 Club,

Brooke and Scott Ligertwood.

It's so nice to have you with us today.

Brooke, if you will talk about

the song first

because you co-wrote it.

Why do you think it's had

such a powerful impact on people?

- Yeah, so we,

I wrote the song with my friend

Ben Fielding

to Ben and his wife, Karalee

also co-authors of the book

and Ben and I wrote the song for,

you know, for our church

we try to be diligent

and prayerfully labor with everything

that God has entrusted to us

but God will breathe on

what He's gonna breath on

and we have been so humbled

by the way that the Lord

has breathed on the song

seeing it around the world

and then it feels heavenly.

- It's a powerful, powerful song.

Scott, the two of you

were inspired with another couple

to write this children's book

called "What a Beautiful Name",

what was the inspiration for that?

- Well, first and foremost,

it was the song

and what God has done through the song

but then we got together cause

we co-authored it with

friends of ours

who Brooke co-wrote the song with

and so we got together

and were like

we need to take this song

we need to create a book

where it puts Jesus

on little kids' shelves

and we're really happy

with how it turned out.

- [Interviewer] Brooke,what's the storyline

of the book?

- The storyline of the book is basically

it's about a little boy

that goes on an adventure

he hears his mother singing the song

through the door

but doesn't quite hear

the end of the line.

So what is this name?

What is this beautiful,

wonderful, powerful name?

Goes on a grandiose adventure

through land, sky and sea

and of course he'd end up coming back

to his house,

opening the Bible

and finding the name

that he'd been searching for all along

the name of Jesus.

- You know,

I saw that the two of you

had written this with your friends

and then, after I read the book

I went back to see

who illustrated this?

Because it's such a fun illustration

and Scott it was you.

- Yeah.

- It really is beautifully illustrated.

I mean for parents who read books

it's a fun, fun journey for them as well.

What message do you want children

to take away from it?

- Honestly,

that there's wonder in worship

and that the name of Jesus is

beautiful, wonderful and powerful

and that's what the little characters

discover along this journey

and so we love it.

- Brooke,

I think it's so easy for children

to grab hold of that message

and to participate

because wonder is justa part of their lives

it's what we sometimes

lose when we grow up,

isn't it?

- Exactly, wonder is so central

to the life of a child

and I think, you know,

hopefully in reading this book as well,


we are parents of a three year old

and a five year old

so it was written for our kids

you know, as well

but you know,

hopefully, when we'reteaching our children

about the wonder of Jesus

that we're being reminded of it ourselves

we're being reminded

that we are children of God.

So that's a really powerful intersection

of how parents and kids

can both experience Jesus

through this book we pray.

- So, tell us about your most recent

Hillsong Worship album

it's called "Awake"?

- Yes, it's called "Awake"

and you know, really,

I think it felt very timely.

A lot of our songs and albums

out of Hillsong Worship,

come out of that,

our Senior pastor Brian and Bobbie,

what they're speaking to at church

and comes out of the vision

and the life of our church

and so,

this album really is about awakening

to what God is doingon the earth right now

and awakening to our paths

as individual believersin the body of Christ,

how we awake to what God is doing

and how can we partner with him

in building His kingdom

and glorifying His name

on the earth right now.

- We'll we thank you foryour spiritual attitude

toward what it is God's gifted you to do.

It's impacted so many lives here

in the United States as well.

The book is called

"What a beautiful name."

It's available wherever books are sold,

it is charming,

most of all, it's filled with the wonder

of the name of Jesus,

it's great for you to read to your kids.

Thanks both of you,

so nice to have you with us.

- Thank you.

- Bless you.


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