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Teaching Children to Worship God

Songwriters Brooke and Scott Ligertwood are passionate about worship and they believe that teaching children to worship will introduce them to the wonder of who God is. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Brooke and Scott Ligertwood

are authors, songwriters,

and members of the Hillsong Worship team.

Their Grammy Award winningsong, "What a Beautiful Name,"

has garnered more than360 million YouTube views.

♪ The Name of Jesus ♪

♪ What a powerful Name it is ♪

♪ What a powerful Name it is ♪

♪ The Name of Jesus Christ my King ♪

♪ What a powerful Name it is ♪

- [Narrator] TheLigertwoods also co-authored

a children's book with the same title,

teaching kids about the worship

and wonder of God.

- Well Brooke and Scott arejoining me now via Skype.

It makes me wanna juststart worshiping right now,

listening to that song.

Brooke, you have achieved so much success.

You co-wrote that song.

What inspired you as you wrote it?

- I mean, Ben Fielding,who he and his wife,

Karalee, co-wrote the book with us.

We wrote that song for ourchurch and we wrote that song

because we wanted to takepeople on a little journey

through the beauty andthe wonder and the power

of the name of Jesusin a four-minute song.

And, and we really justwanted to write a song

that would equip believersto remember that,

to focus in on that, and toget perhaps a fresh revelation

of the power and then use this.

- So Scott, how did this song,that's had so much success

develop into a book that youand Brooke have co-written

and that you illustrated.

It's really, theillustrations are charming.

You did a wonderful job,but how did that come to be?

- Well, obviously withthe success of the song

and how wide reaching itwas, it's been a great part

of the lives of our families

and one rainy New York morning,

we were sitting in a hotellobby and I was like,

"What if we made this into a book

where we can pass onthe message of this song

on to our children?"

So it became a little passionproject for our families.

And so with me doing the illustrations

and the four of us authoring the book,

it's been a real family project

and it's been really coolto see it come to life.

- Neither of you grewup in Christian homes.

Is that one of thereasons behind the book?

- Yeah, actually I think weare always seeking as parents

to fit, to position Jesus inthe lives of our children.

And of course, hopefullythey're going to experience that

just because that's theenvironment of our home.

But certainly when it comes to,our kids are three and five,

so we read to them everynight and we saw a gap for,

we wanted more children'sbooks that provoked

those conversations aboutJesus with our own kids.

So we wanted to helpfill a gap that we saw.

- Do you find that it's sortof an easy thing if you will,

to bring children intothat place of wonder,

because they're so full of it anyway.

- Absolutely. Absolutely.

And we've found puttingJesus on your bookshelf

and then pulling him off atnight and reading a story

that they can rediscoverthe beauty and the power

and the wonder of the name,

has really provoked those conversations.

I know in our home with our kids.

- Why do you think the words of this song,

which are used in the book,

have such a powerful impact on people?

- Well, I mean, it was a balancefor us trying to obviously,

the themes and the song is so grand.

And so, and the thing is a lot of the kids

are singing the song already.

So a lot of kids knowthe words to the song,

"What a Beautiful Name,"but don't necessarily

grasp all the concepts.

And so we wanted to basicallysimplify those concepts

and put them in storyform so that they could be

really accessible to kids, sothat kids would kind of have

that light bulb moment andhave their own revelations

about the person of Jesus Christ.

And about the wonder thatit is to worship him.

- You're not just gifted,talented singers, musicians.

I mean, you take yourcalling very seriously,

and I know that your musichas had such a deep impact.

What do you wanna say to families today

as we take a look at"What a Beautiful Name,"

what do you wanna say?

- Do you wanna?

- I would say just that ministrystarts in your home for us.

It starts as parents. Itstarts with who we are.

It starts with me loving mywife and loving my daughters.

Everything that God hasdone through my life

has come from the overflowfrom starting in my home,

who I am.

And so I love that thisbook can be a part of that.

- I love it too.

It's an overflow from yourhearts to the rest of us.

It's called "What a BeautifulName," great illustrations,

and those of you who arewatching are gonna love it too.

It's available wherever books are sold,

Thanks to both of you for being with us.


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