'The Devil and Karl Marx': Did The Father of Communism Make a Deal with the Devil?
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- An economic and social disaster
in every country whereit's ever been tried,
communism is intrinsically evil,
and the devastation from communism
reaches about 100 million dead people,
so it's no surprise that its founder
had a fascination with the Devil.
Karl Marx once wrote, quote,
"My soul is chosen for Hell."
Now a new book by Paul Kengor
exposes the dark rootsof this wicked ideology.
Take a look.
- [Reporter] In his CommunistManifesto, Karl Marx
called for a government inwhich the state owns everything,
with everyone supposedly sharing equally
in the benefits of labor
through the redistribution of wealth.
For more than 100 years,Marxist communist ideology
has been tried around the world,
and without exception hasresulted in oppression,
poverty, and death.
In the 20th centuryalone, communist regimes
led to the slaughter of morethan 140 million people.
Atheism is a core tenetof communist ideology.
In a new book, The Devil and Karl Marx,
author Paul Kengor suggests that for Marx
there may have been moreat work than a rejection
of God and religion.
Marx may have made a pactof sorts with Satan himself.
- Well, Paul Kengor joins us now by Skype.
Paul, Karl Marx was born Jewish,
converted to Christianityat some point in his life,
and then rejected God completely.
Why did that happen?
- Hi, Pat, it's great to be with you.
Yeah, he rejected Godwhen he went to college.
Kind of the same old story,he had a professor in college
who taught systematictheology, who was an atheist,
so you can see not much haschanged with our universities
in 200 years, and thatprofessor, by the way,
was very anti-Semitic, and Karl Marx,
who came from a family of rabbis,
became very anti-Semitic, and by the way,
as I also document in this book,
he was an out and outracist, and you know,
there's one thing that I really like
I have the memoirs of Patrisse Cullors,
the founder of Black Lives Matter,
she says that they spent ayear reading Marx and Lenin,
and Mao, and she saysshe's a trained Marxist.
I'd like her to knowthat Marx is a racist,
and an out and out racist,who used the N-word often,
and in very vulgarways, but unfortunately,
so many young people todaythat have been educated
by our universities,they know none of this
dark, nasty side of Karl Marx.
- Paul, that beard of his,was that some kind of a
Satanic priest that--
Is it a symbol with his beard?
- Yeah, I deal with itvery carefully, Pat.
I'm very careful about what Ican say and what I can't say.
I don't want to overstate things,
but his poems and hisplays, they're chilling.
I mean, that line that you quoted,
that's from an 1837 poem and he says,
"Thus Heaven I've forfeited,I know it full well.
"My soul, once true toGod, is chosen for Hell."
And I also open up thebook with another poem,
where he says, "You see this sword,
"this blood dark swordwhich stabs unerringly
"within my soul.
"The Prince of Darkness sold it to me."
In his poems, his plays, hewrites about suicide pacts,
pacts with the Devil,destruction, despair,
but I think this is really chilling, Pat.
Two of Marx's daughters committed suicide
in suicide pacts with their husbands.
They took poison.
Marx, in his poems,writes about suicide pacts
and pale maidens who killthemselves by taking poison.
By the way, one of the suicide pacts,
was a son-in-law, who was from Cuba,
and so in Marx's viewthat meant that he had
part N-word blood.
He was partly Negro, as Marx put it,
so Marx called himNegrillo, or the gorilla,
and this poor guy was soabused and so insulted
by Marx and Engels, heeventually took his own life
in a suicide pact with Marx's daughter.
- Paul, there's somethingcalled socialist,
and we're running onepolitical party in America
that is embracing socialism.
One of the big candidates who dropped out
was an avowed socialist.
As a matter of fact, he wentto Moscow on his honeymoon.
What is the differencebetween the socialists
and the communists, according to Marx?
- Great question, thankyou for asking that.
Yeah, according to Marx,according to Marx and Engels,
according to Lenin,Marxist-Leninist theory,
Marx said that socialism isthe final transitionary step
to full communism, soa friend of mine says,
when he's asked the difference
between a socialist and a communist,
he says, "Well, asChristians go to Heaven,
"a socialist goes to communism," right?
I mean, that's what they aspire to.
That's their utopia, their new Jerusalem,
and it's funny, Pat, because as you know,
they're atheists, right?
Karl Marx said religion is not only
the opiate of the masses, but the heart
of heartless conditions, thesoul of a soulless world,
the sigh of the oppressed creature.
He said communism beginswhere atheism begins.
Lenin said all worship of adivinity is a necrophilia.
There's nothing more abominable than God,
and yet, yet, they treatedcommunism like a faith.
In fact, I quote a letterbetween Engels and Marx,
where Engels says toMarx, he's talking about
the draft of the Communist Manifesto,
and he says Karl, givea little more attention,
if you would, to ourcommunist confession of faith.
I think we should dropthe catechetical forum
and simply call it the Manifesto.
So they use this kindof religious language.
There's a lot of kindof chilling aping of God
throughout Marx's writing,throughout Marx and Engels,
and throughout communism, and again,
our young people don't understand this.
They don't understand that socialism
is supposed to lead to communism.
- Have you found any reasonwhy this thing spread so fast?
I mean, we're talking about100, 120 million people
who've been killed because of Marxism.
Why has it spread so fast?
- Yeah, it was neverspread democratically.
In fact, the Bolsheviks tookover in the Soviet Union,
what would be the Soviet Union in 1917,
Bolshevik Russia, and they used force.
They used force andgulags, and you know, Pat,
young people, I'llspeak around the country
on topics like why communism is bad,
and they'll come up to me andthey'll say well, you know,
I hear the CommunistManifesto's a pretty good book
if you just read it, and I'llsay why don't you read it
and then come back and tell me that?
There's a line in there.
The entire communistprogram may be summed up
in the single sentence,abolition of private property,
and as soon as you hear that,
I mean, you talk aboutgoing against biblical law,
natural law, God's commandments,
the Old Testament, the New Testament,
if you try to abolish private property,
you're gonna have tokill 100 million people,
which is why it's amystery that it would ever
spread that fast.
I think the answer is not a rational one.
I think the answer hereis a spiritual one.
- They wanted also to reallocate people,
and they forced the people from the cities
into the countryside.
Mao Tse Tung did exactly that in China.
- Yeah, and Pol Pot in Cambodia,
the beginning of themovie, The Killing Fields,
when the people are walkingout of the capital, Phnom Penh,
going out into thecountryside, and you know, Pat,
that's actually pointsix in the 10-point plan
of the Communist Manifesto,
where Marx and Engels write about
a more equitable distributionof the population
across the countryside.
It's right out of the book.
They wanted to not onlyredistribute your property.
They wanted to redistribute you,
so it wasn't enough to take your stuff
and take your churches,but to spread people
more equitably around thepopulation, the countryside,
and by the way, speaking of the churches,
the longest part of thisbook is not my part on,
my section on Marx.
That's maybe around 120 pages,
but the part on theinfiltration of churches,
and I really want thisaudience in particular
to see how communists in the United States
targeted the mainline denominations.
They really went afterthe Episcopal Church,
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.,
and the United Methodist Church,
and I quote Earl Browder,one of the leading heads
of Communist Party U.S.A., speaking at
Union Theological Seminary in 1935.
He said to these guys, "Youmay be surprised to know
"that we have preachers,preachers active in the churches,
"who are actual membersof Communist Party U.S.A."
Actual members of Communist Party U.S.A.
- Well, actually, inRussia, Archbishop Nicodim
was a dedicated communist, wasn't he?
He was in charge of theRussian Orthodox Church,
am I right there?
- He was, the Russian OrthodoxChurch was so co-opted
by the Soviet government
that they were forced to comply,
and in fact, they really became--
I mean, I want to becareful how I say this
because there were so many good people
in the Russian OrthodoxChurch who resisted this,
but they eventually came to a point
almost of accommodationwhere I guess they felt
that in order to survive, andhold any services whatsoever,
even with official KGB churchwatchers sitting in the pews,
that they had to simplyaccommodate and get along.
But yeah, that was heavily penetrated,
the Russian Orthodox Church.
- Well, Paul Kengor, thank you so much.
The book is called TheDevil and Karl Marx.
Remember, we have a political party,
the key leader of which
was a dedicated socialist.
He actually ran as a socialist.
He was from Vermont.
He and his wife hadtheir honeymoon in Russia
because they embrace communism,
and they were one of the key factors
in one of the major political parties
in the United States of America.
The one thing we don't want is socialism,
and the nice thing aboutthe Hispanics in America
is they have seen the devastationthat's resulted in Cuba,
in Nicaragua, inVenezuela, with communism,
and they don't want it here in America,
and that's one of the reasons
they're voting for Mr. Trump
because they don't embrace the socialism
that is coming about from leaders
in the Democratic Party.
But this book is calledThe Devil and Karl Marx,
interesting book, and it'savailable wherever books--