♪ Adonai ♪
- Why did America need, "The Return,"
and a day of prayer and repentance?
We're a nation that startedout in covenant with God
and spread his Gospel to the whole world,
but now we've spiraled downto legislating immorality,
calling evil, good, tossingGod out of our schools,
and killing our own unborn children.
The only way to stop thespiral, repent and return.
- We drove God out of our hearts,
out of our government, outof our ways, out of our laws,
out of the education of our children,
out of the public squares.
- [Paul] The only way tostop the spiral downward?
(shofar sounding)
Appeal to the one true God.
- When you pray, you rememberthat you are appealing
to the highest authority there is.
Nobody can go over His head.
- We deserve your judgment Father,
but we ask for Your grace.
We ask for Your mercy.
- Return our love to Youthat we'll stand fearless
in the face of evil.
- [Paul] CBN's Gordon Robertson,
and his father Pat, joined in.
- We ask You would come and heal our land,
and take charge for, Lord,we don't know what to do,
but our eyes are upon You.
- [Paul] At the same time, Franklin Graham
led a prayer march thatthronged the Lincoln Memorial
and grounds around it withmany tens of thousands
of prayer warriors.
Vice President Mike Penceand his wife, joined Graham.
- On the president's behalf,
I want to say thank you for your prayers.
Not only for the firstfamily and our family,
but for all of those who servein positions of authority.
- [Paul] With the crowdtoo massive to gather
around one figure, theybroke into prayer circles
all over the mall.
- We bless our military, webless our police officers,
those who secure peace.
- [Paul] Steve Morgan hada special prayer request.
- You know, the intangible blessing,
kind of an earthquake of blessing,if I can put it that way,
that will be like tremorsthat the whole nation
will feel as a resultof the oneness in prayer
that's being experienced today.
- I feel something really big coming.
I feel another spirit of revival coming,
and I'm so excited about it,
and my prayer is that allthis craziness in 2020,
this leads people to God, and to question,
and to real life changing power
that I've experienced personally,
and I want it for everyone.
- These events and effortswere all to the same purpose,
bringing America back to its first love,
repenting before a Holy God.
Paul Strand, CBN Newsrecording from, "The Return."