When Bill and Ginger went bankrupt in their farming venture, life looked grim. But everything changed when Bill attended a business meeting where he heard an inspiring new message that brought the change he needed. Find out what he learned.
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- [Narrator] The following program
is sponsored by CBN.
- [Anchor] Today,
Iran's big secret.
- Iranian society isexceptionally less religious.
- [Anchor] The iron fist of the government
is losing its grasp.
- [Man] Islamic Republictried to shove religion
down the throat of the Iranians
to mask their authority grasp on power.
- [Anchor] The silentmajority is rising up.
- [Man] You've seen the Iranians
contest their authoritarianismby contesting faith itself.
- [Anchor] And they'refinding hope somewhere else.
- Iranians are turningtheir back to their faith,
to their institutional faith
and receiving Christianity as a new faith.
- [Anchor] On today's 700 Club.
Welcome to the 700 Club.
Four federal judges andone White House Lawyer,
all five of them women.
That's the president'sshortlist for what may be
one of the most importantdecisions of his administration,
Replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburgon the Supreme court.
- The president announceshis nominee tomorrow
and the gloves are already off.
Democrats are building a pressure campaign
to pick off Republicanvotes in the Senate.
Heather Sells reports onthis high stakes battle.
- [Heather] Even asJustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
lay in repose Thursdayat the Supreme court,
before becoming the firstwoman to lie in state
at the U S Capitol today,
the fight for her seat played out,
as the President paid his respects
he was greeted by boos andchants of vote him out.
(people chanting)
It didn't surprise pro-lifeactivist, Mallory Quigley,
who says if Democrats push back too hard
against the president's nominee,
They run the risk ofturning off swing voters.
- It really will depend on Joe Biden
and the tone that he sets, thetone that his campaign sets.
Will we experience somethinglike we did in 2018?
If we do, I think that thepresident has everything to gain.
- [Heather] The presidentsays he'll announce
his choice on Saturday.
His short list includes five women,
four federal judges, andone White House lawyer.
Amy Coney Barrett, who Trumpreportedly said in 2018
he was saving to be hisreplacement for Ginsburg,
appears to top the list.
- [Woman] She's alreadybeen very well vetted.
She was on the shortlistfor the Kavanaugh seat,
and she should be able to move
through that process very quickly.
A lot of senators have already met her.
- [Anchor] Barrett, a devout Catholic,
appeals to the president's religious base,
but Barbara Lagoa, thedaughter of Cuban exiles,
could help the president'sreelection chances
by energizing Latinovoters in her home state.
- He definitely could makea difference in Florida,
and that might be the electionthat's so close right now.
- [Heather] But the president,
who originally planned to meet with Lagoa,
now says he won't.
Although he says she's still a candidate.
Barrett is already facing attacks
for her reported affiliationwith People of Praise,
a charismatic Christian community.
In the past it used the term handmaid
to refer to female members.
Still most agree thatthere's little the Democrats
can do to block a Trump nominee
outside of a perfectlyexecuted pressure campaign
that would strip away fourcrucial GOP Senate votes.
So far two Republicans, SusanCollins and Lisa Murkowski,
have said the Senate shouldwait until after the election
to move ahead with theconfirmation process,
although Murkowski won'trule out the possibility
of voting to confirm the president's pick.
If the Senate approvesthe president's nominee,
a new conservative majority on the court
could decisively tip thebalance in many key cases.
It could also give thepresident an election boost,
and remind voters of the sharp differences
between the two candidates.
The president in Florida last night
calling on Biden to release his own list
of Supreme court choices,
something Biden hasn't done.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- Well get ready for a lotof anti-Christian bigotry
to be on full display.
I think this is goingto be no holds barred.
It's going to make the Kavanaugh hearing
look like a walk inthe park in comparison.
This is going to be a blood sport
and you're going to heara lot about whatever
whoever the nominee ultimately is,
you're going to hear a lot about
wherever they go to churchand what do they believe?
Is this radical?
Is this not radical?
You're going to hear a lot
about their dogmas speaking loudly.
Let me underline whatthe constitution says.
There is no religious test for office.
that is part of our constitution,
part of our secular republic
that you should never have that.
I've long believed thatan evangelical Christian
could never get confirmedto the Supreme court.
This is an unfortunate factof what we're dealing with
in terms of our politics today.
But get ready for this.
This is going to make every Christian,
you need to pay attentionto what they're saying
and why they're saying it,
and why they object so muchto anyone with a biblical view
being on the Supreme court.
Well, in other news, thepresident was criticized
and I think justly so,
for refusing to commit to apeaceful transition of power
following the election.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN News bureau in Washington.
- Thanks Gordon.
The president made those remarks
during a news conference Wednesday,
and after heavy criticism,
he fired back saying he onlywants the election to be fair,
but he has questions because of concerns
over mail in voting.
- We want to make surethe election is honest,
and I'm not sure that it can be.
I don't know that it can bewith this whole situation,
unsolicited ballots orunsolicited millions
being sent to everybody.
And we'll see.
- The White House alsosaying the president
will accept the results of aquote "free and fair election."
Some Republicans and Democrats,
including house speaker Nancy Pelosi,
had quickly criticized the president.
- You are in the United States of America.
It is a democracy.
So why don't you just try for a moment
to honor your oath of office.
- The president made similar comments
ahead of the 2016 election
when asked during an October debate
whether he would abideby the voters' will.
Trump responded by saying hewould keep you in suspense.
Well, on the campaign trail,
the president signed an executive order
on preexisting medicalconditions Thursday,
saying it was the firstever executive order
to affirm that it is theofficial policy of the government
to protect patients withpreexisting conditions.
During a visit to the keyswing state of North Carolina,
the president sketched out avision for quality healthcare
at affordable prices withlower prescription drug costs,
more consumer choice andgreater transparency.
- My plan expands affordableinsurance options,
reduced as the cost of prescription drugs
will end surprise medical billing,
increases fairness throughprice transparency,
streamlines bureaucracy,accelerates innovation,
strongly protects Medicare
and always protects patientswith preexisting conditions.
- Meanwhile the Trump administration
is also asking the Supremecourt to invalidate Obamacare.
Well, at least five States are now
saying they will conduct their own review
of any coronavirus vaccine,
as some Democrats andothers have raised concerns
that the White House is putting politics
into the coronavirus response.
Among them New York, governor Andrew Cuomo
saying his state willcarry out its own review.
- I'm not going to trust thefederal government's opinion.
And I wouldn't recommend to New Yorkers
based on the federal government's opinion.
- Polls have shown increasingpublic opinion concerns
about the safety of a new vaccine.
Well a woman at an Ohiomiddle school football game
was arrested and tased by the police
after she didn't wear amask as regulations require.
But the woman, identified as Alicia Kitts,
refused saying she has asthma.
They struggled repeatedlybefore police used the taser.
As other people watched,
many of them shocked atwhat they were seeing.
Police say she was not arrestedfor not wearing a mask,
but for criminal trespassingafter she refused to leave.
Police also say the force was used
after she resisted arrest.
Well, turning now to international news,
Jews around the world willmark Yom Kippor on Monday.
It's usually time of corporateprayer in synagogues,
but the Corona virus haspresented new challenges.
CBN Middle East bureauchief Chris Mitchell
takes a look at how some inIsrael are handling prayers
under the new country's lockdown.
- [Chris] Each yearpeople travel to Jerusalem
from around the world topray at the great synagogue
and hear the choir.
For the first time in more than 60 years,
the synagogue is closed andwill not mark the high holidays.
- The synagogue may be closed
but the gate of heavens are opened.
- [Chris] That change,however, isn't stopping prayer.
- When we knew that thesynagogue would not be open,
I got some ideas.
Let's bring the atmosphereof the synagogue
part of it to this place,whoever will come we'll come.
We'll bring some members of the choir.
I will conduct theservice in dual function,
both as conductor and as a counter.
- [Chris] World renownedconductor Elli Jaffe
also directs the synagogue's choir.
During Rosh Hashanah recently,
Jaffe and a few choir memberstook services outside.
The sound was heavenly.
(men singing)
- [Jaffe] This time was a difficult time.
So we really want to really repent
and to become better people
and to wait for the Messiah to come
after such a disaster year.
- [Chris] But now aweek into this lockdown,
Jaffe may find himself singing alone.
In the book of Leviticus,
the Bible says,
in the seventh month, onthe 10th day of the month,
you shall afflict yoursouls and do no work at all,
for on that day the priestshall make atonement for you
to cleanse you,
that you may be clean fromall your sins before the Lord.
It is a Sabbath of solemn rest for you.
For 25 hours, Jewish peoplefast with no food or water,
and usually spend much of that time
praying in the synagogue.
Since the March lockdown,
morning and evening prayerservices have moved outside
in neighborhoods like this one.
- [Jaffe] We are tryingto shorten the service
in order to make sure that people
will be able to adjust themselves
and not to get too tired.
But we hope to do the best andGod should hear our prayer.
- [Chris] On Yom Kippor,
some synagogues will open
for a limited number of worshipers.
But despite the hot weather,
many will likely be praying outside.
Though Orthodox Jews won't turnon electricity on holidays,
the reform movementsays it will live stream
it's Yom Kippur prayers.
Even with the difficulty of the situation,
Jaffe believes it's importantto see the good in everything.
- The virus brought a lot of tragedies.
Many people died, many people are sick,
but on the other hand, itbrought people together.
It brought unity.
It brought a laugh between people.
- [Chris] And there arelessons to be learned.
- [Jaffe] Love the otherperson, give charity,
and always think of the almighty.
That the best thing to do.
He never leaves you.
Even if you to think he does.
We don't understand everything he does.
It's not for us to understand.
That's the way and keep smiling.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
- A lot of people making adjustments
in the age of coronavirus.
Gordon, I really lovewhat the choir director
said at the beginning of the piece,
which is although synagoguesand temples may be closed,
the gates of heaven are still open.
- And they are still open
and they will especiallybe open this weekend
as people are gathering in Washington, DC
for the return for FranklinGraham's prayer march,
prayer walk.
You can be a part of that.
You can also be a part of it online.
The CBN News channel isgoing to be carrying it.
It starts tonight at 6:00 PM
and then 9:00 AM tomorrow morning,
all the way to 8:00 PM Easternstandard time timetables.
So adjust to your time zone.
But if you can't make it toWashington DC, please watch it.
Please be a part and more importantly
please pray, pray and prayfor God to heal our land.
If my people,
this isn't a call to unbelievers.
If my people will humble themselves
and pray and turn from their wicked ways.
Now Yom Kippor is a turning.
It is a repentance.
And if you think it's beenextinguished by the gospel,
think again, go to Lukechapter 18, read the parable
of the Pharisee who stoodjustified in the temple.
And then the tax collectorwho would take his hand
and beat his breast and say,have mercy upon me a sinner.
What Jesus is talking about
is the vittle wee prayer that's prayed
throughout Israel, throughoutthe Jewish community
on Yom Kippor it's the day of atonement.
And that prayer says from myheart these things have come
and it's a long list of thingsthat you need to repent of.
I encourage Christianseverywhere to get a copy.
You can get a copy of that prayer online,
run through it in your ownlife, examine your own heart.
It's a great way to do that.
And if there's anything in there,
this prayer will bring it to mind
and allow you to turn from it.
We need to turn fromour sins, turn to God.
And in that he will heal our land.
- Well coming up, the claimmore than 99% of Iranians
are Shiite Muslims.
The reality, a vastly different story.
So what do the people believe
and what does it meanfor the country's future?
The answers after this.
- A seismic shift,
that's what a stunning newsurvey from Moran reveals.
It uncovers what Iraniansreally believe about Islam
and how they feel abouttheir own government.
And it's not what you may think.
George Thomas brings us the story.
- For 14 days in June,
two Dutch professors interviewed
more than 50,000 Iranians online
for an unprecedentedsurvey covering topics
from faith to politics, to religious life.
The authors say theydiscovered a huge shift
that should fundamentally changehow we look at Iran today.
One major stand out from professors
Pooyan Tamimi Arab and Ammar Maleki
is that despite Irancensus claims that 99.5%
of the population is Shiite Islam,
only 32% of their respondentsidentified as such.
The next largest groupare the nones at 22%,
which led the authors to conclude
that Iranians are abandoningreligion for secularism.
- Broadly speaking,
this survey is importantbecause it puts data
behind the largely non empirical argument
that analysts have beenforced to deal with,
which is that Iraniansociety is less religious.
This survey, this dataproves that Iranian society
is exceptionally less religious.
- [George] Approximatelyhalf of the population
reported losing their religion.
60% said they do not pray any more.
Younger people reported higher levels
of dissatisfaction with religion.
And an overwhelming numberof respondents were critical
of authorities using strict Islamic laws
to govern daily life.
For example, 72% of thosesurveyed oppose the law
mandating all women to wear a hijab,
the Islamic veil covering.
And when the authors dug a little deeper
on questions central to that faith,
even less numbers believedin the core tenants
of Shia Islam.
Only 37% believed in life after death.
30% believed in heaven and hell,
and even lower number,25% believed in the coming
of their Islamic savior knownas the Mahdi or 12th Imam.
- All of these trends isthe pushback on the hijab.
The lack of belief inthe coming of the Mahdi,
the lack of a willingness to identify
with choose the willingness to identify
with other faiths areall a result of politics
in the past 40 years ofthe running government.
And as the Islamic Republichas tried to shove religion
down the throat of the Iranians to mask
their authoritarian grasp on power.
You've seen Iranians contesttheir authoritarianism
by contesting faith itself.
- [George] The survey also revealed
that as Islam diminishesChristianity is growing.
1.5% of those surveyed identifiedthemselves as Christian.
- And that is compared to 30 years ago,
being less than 1% on this.
That less than 1% everybodythought it was less than .5%
- [George] Mike Ansari of Mahabharata TV
a ministry that broadcastthe gospel into Iran,
tells CBN News the survey is significant
because it lends credence
to what mission groupshave been saying for years.
- This data is important becauseit's indicative of the fact
that in the country of Iran,in the midst of persecution
and Islamic rule, Iraniansare turning their back
to their faith, to theirinstitutional faith,
and receiving Christianity as a new faith.
- [George] Iran is one ofthe most dangerous places
for Christians and otherminority faith groups.
Non Muslims are oftenarrested or severely tortured
for sharing or practicing their faith.
Yet, in a sign of changing times,
the survey found that 41% of respondents
believe all religionsshould have the right
to public proselytizing.
And around 54% said it was a good idea
for their children to learnabout other faiths in school.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Well, this is a hopeful report,
hopeful for ultimatelypeace in the Middle East.
Iran has been funding terror,
has been funding terrorist groups,
funded attacks againstSaudi Arabia just this year.
And to see this kind of result
that the people areextraordinarily dissatisfied
with their leadership.
We've seen a couple of revolutions
just in the past 10 years.
Most recently the greenrevolution trying to overthrow.
The government actually sent out snipers
and started killing civilians.
A 16 year old girl was killed by a sniper.
So that shut it down.
But at some point they're not going
to be able to shut it down.
And when Iran turns intoa secular society again
and opens up for freedom of religion,
freedom of conscience, thatwould be a great thing.
And that is something forall of us to look forward to.
- Well up next, rescued from ruin,
this farmer could only watchas bugs wiped out his crops.
Soon after he declared bankruptcy.
So how did he wind up withmore income than ever?
And then later dramatic cell phone video
of a family caught in themiddle of a hurricane.
Trees crashing down outside their window,
the roof ripping apartright over their heads.
In just two hours theirhome was merely destroyed.
How did survive thestorm and its aftermath?
Well, we'll see, after this.
- A fifth of liquor a day,
That's what Bill McKinnon began drinking
after his crops were destroyed
and he lost his land to bankruptcy.
His wife Ginger cried out to God for help.
Then Bill heard a messagethat turned his life around,
restored everything he lost,
and gave the McKinnons morethan they ever dreamed possible.
- [Anchor] Retired nowfrom his long career
with the University ofGeorgia's agricultural services,
Bill McKinnon remembers howGod rescued him from ruin.
- It got so bad whenI was drinking a fifth
of scotch liquor a day, andsometimes more than that.
I even contemplated suicide.
- [Anchor] Insects had destroyed Bill's
500 acre pecan orchard.
That forced this sideventure into bankruptcy
where he lost the landand equipment at auction.
Ginger, his wife of 59 years,
says she cried out to God to help Bill.
I would get on my knees atnight and tell the Lord.
I said, this is not the man I married.
And I said I know what my husband is like,
and the devil is ruling him now.
- [Anchor] It wasn't until 1983,
when bill showed up at a fullgospel businessmen's meeting
that everything changed.
- When he made the statement,
if you're not 100% sure you'resaved, then you're lost.
I've never heard that before.
So I met a carpenter from Nashville.
And instantly, I mean,instantly the Holy spirit.
That's when I received the baptism
of the Holy spirit and he delivered me.
I never took another drinkof alcoholic beverages.
- And you know, it hada tremendous influence
with our children becausethey saw their daddy
a different person andthey liked that person.
And they knew it was real.
- [Anchor] From that point forward,
he and Ginger wanted totrust God with everything,
even their finances.
You know, we write a checkto the church occasionally,
but that was about all we did it.
- [Bill] We got thisrevelation from the Lord.
I needed to honor him withthe tithe and offerings.
Ginger and I sat down and opened up
a tithe account at our bank.
- [Anchor] Around that time,
a word of knowledge on the 700 Club
encouraged Bill about hisfinances and the bankruptcy debt.
- God wants to bless it.
This end of this year,
there's going to be atremendous outpouring
of financial blessing foryou, for CBN, for everybody.
- And I told Ginger, Isaid, that's gonna show up.
- [Anchor] Within months,
four unexpected tax overpaymentrefunds arrived in the mail.
The money helped pay oldcreditors and grow confident
they could trust Godtotally with their finances.
- So I said, okay, we'regoing to take 10% off the top.
And we did that.
And then it moved from that to 20%.
And it's just been amazing ever since.
- [Anchor] Even after Bill retired
and he pastored a churchfor more than 20 years,
they say tithing 20% hasnever out given God's supply.
- This happens every month.
And I get through paying all the bills
and by golly, I got a nice balance left.
- I'm just so thankful.
There's a lot of timeswe just sit down and say
did you ever believe wewould ever be like this
that we would ever have this?
Would you ever have believed years ago?
I would have said no,
but it's just all been God.
- You can't out give God.
The more you give him,
I believe this scripture says,give and it will be given
to you pack downoverflowing in your bedroom.
That's God's word.
These words going toalways work if we work it.
- [Anchor] As long timeviewers of the 700 Club,
a part of their giving goes to CBN.
- Because God's working through
the 700 Club to bless people.
They're impacting people'slives all across the world.
In these financially uncertaintimes for many people,
the McKinnon's especially wantyounger generations to know
that obeying God's wordabout tithing and giving
can be the beginning of awhole new financial future.
- God is amazing.
For years now, we owe nobody anything.
We are saving money.
- Trust God.
just trust him first anddo what he wants you to do.
- If it's an act of faith and belief
in the word of God,
God always backs up his word.
- And he will back it up for you.
Here's a tremendous promise.
This is for those who say yes to God,
they say, okay, let's do it God's way.
When you do that, youwalk into this promise.
It's from Psalm 91.
He will call on me and I will answer him.
I will be with him in trouble.
I will deliver him and honor him.
For Bill, there was a series of decisions
he had to come through.
Yes, did he go through a horrible thing?
Is bankruptcy bad?
The insects destroy all the trees.
Was it his fault?
No, but here he is.
And he's devastated.
And instead of turning to God,
he turns to drink,
and all that does is irrigate his problem,
just makes it worse.
But when he finally hears the good news
that God wants to havea relationship with you,
God wants to forgive everythingyou've ever done wrong.
God wants you to have a verystrong tower in his name.
He wants you to have all of these things,
he wants to bless you.
He wants to heal you.
He wants to encourage you.
If God be for you, who can be against you?
He wants all of these things for you.
All he's looking for is to you to say yes,
For Bill it was okay, honey,
let's put God first,
10% off the top.
Let's give him my life.
Let's give him my heart.
Let's give him my all in all.
And then wonderful things started
to happen to Bill and Ginger.
If you follow the samepattern, the same path,
the same thing will happen.
Just listen to what Bill said,
God watches over his word.
He watches over it to perform it.
And he will perform it for you.
- After hurricane Michael,
Chad and Misty wereforced out of their house,
so their family of five had to live
in a small RV for nine months.
Then Chad got a callthat changed everything.
Who was on the other line?
Well, you're about to find out.
- [Anchor] Misty and Chad
live in Panama City Beach,Florida with their three kids.
They live in a house on a concrete slab,
away from the beach.
So when hurricane Michael came,they thought they were safe.
Then the storm hit full force.
Misty captured those terrifyingmoments on her cell phone.
- It was whistling.
The wind and the rainis coming in so fast.
It's like white outside,hardly see anything.
Then the trees started fallingand cracking and crashing.
- And I feel like I'm theprotector of my family.
So I'm running around checking things.
Back to the game room.
Our roof was just lifting off the house.
- Oh God, oh God.
And so we started singing that one song,
What a beautiful name it is.
It was like this most amazing peace
just completely filled the room.
When everything slowed down,
we were able to go outside of the house.
It was a mess in just two hours time.
- [Anchor] Their home wasseverely damaged by the storm.
Forced out of their house,
they scrambled to comeup with a place to live.
- After the storm,
a lot of the places on thebeach raised their prices
on rent every month.
- [Anchor] The only optionthe family could afford
was a small RV they found on Craigslist.
- You know, we've beennine months in this RV.
Five of us living here.
It's been rough being in here.
- Trying to hold thistogether and try to pause it.
And there were days whereI would go in the house.
It would be like nothing's happening.
Like it looks the same as it did
after the house was stripped down.
- [Anchor] Then Chadgot an unexpected call
from Operation Blessing.
- And he's like, how would you feel
if we came and did yourinsulation and sheet rock.
- [Anchor] Operation Blessinghelped Missy and Chad
save their house.
We redid their insulation
along with the dry wall and floors.
- We're so grateful, thank you.
- Thanks to the support ofOperation Blessing donors,
Missy and Chad are gettingtheir lives back on track.
- Just going in there today
and looking at my house
with the sheet rock going up,
it just takes your breath away.
- We have seen a lot ofnatural disasters lately,
haven't we?
Some in other parts of the world,
but a lot of them righthere in the United States.
Operation Blessing makes it possible
for you and for me to be a part
of restoration in those places,
a part of bringing hope to people
who find themselves inpretty hopeless situations.
You know, when you join the 700 Club,
a portion of every gift thatyou give to the 700 Club
goes into the work of Operation Blessing.
We would love to have you join us
in our effort to make a difference
in the lives of people whofind themselves in distress.
You can do that right now bycalling our toll free number.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
65 cents a day, $20 dollars a month,
makes you a 700 Club member.
Maybe you already are one.
Well, here is an option for you.
Would you consider goingup to 700 Club gold?
That's a gift of $40 a month.
Or you might be able tojoin the thousand club
at $84 a month.
We have 2,500 club memberswho join us at $209 a month.
And then our founderscome in at $417 a month.
Ask God what he'd have you to do.
Because together wereally can touch people
right at their point of need.
I love the heart of this family
who just had pretty much lost all hope.
And then they got the call.
How would you feel if we came in
and helped restore your home?
Hearts full, tears falling,all of that in gratitude
to those of you who care enough to give,
we say thank you.
Will you call and jointhe 700 Club right now?
Listen, when you do that, wehave a wonderful gift for you.
Gordon's done a teachingcalled the Name of God.
God tells us what hisnames are in scripture.
And they are names thatdefine his character
and define his power
define the place he wantsto have in your life.
We want you to know all of that.
This is our gift to youwhen you call right now.
- One cup of beans,
that's all the food Mariahad left to feed herself
and her four children.
She lost her job as a housekeeperbecause of the pandemic.
So with no way to support her family,
Maria became desperate.
- I am a single mother of four.
My children depend on me.
- [Anchor] Even beforethe COVID-19 outbreak,
Maria struggled to findenough work to put food
on the table for her children.
- Because of the epidemic,
all work stopped.
No one will hire me as a housekeeper.
They say they are afraidI will infect them
if I go into their homes.
- [Anchor] With no work,Maria was growing desperate.
- There was a day when I wasdown to my last cup of beans.
I was afraid to use upthe last of our food.
My children went to bed hungry.
- [Anchor] With nowhere to turn,
Maria began to pray.
- The next morning I got up at 4:00 AM
and prayed to the Lord.
- [Anchor] Soon afterthat Operation Blessing
came to her community with bags of food
for Maria and other families
suffering from the economicimpact of the COVID pandemic.
Maria's children raced to meet us
as we helped her carrytwo bags of groceries
to her home near the distribution site.
Now she and the kids will have enough food
for at least a month.
And we'll continue to help Maria
and others until their economies reopen.
- I thank the people whosupport Operation Blessing
for providing this food for us.
You thought of us whenwe needed it the most.
May God bless you.
- That blessing goes to you
if you're a member of the 700 Club.
Because you're a part of the relief
to that wonderful family.
If you're not a member, Iinvite you to join with us.
Join in everything we'redoing around the world.
Whether it's helping people
with disasters right here at home,
feeding people right here at home
through our hunger strike force,
feeding people, providing livelihood
for people around the world,
whether it's CentralAmerica, South America,
India, Philippines, Indonesia,China throughout Africa.
You're a part of all of itwhen you join the 700 club.
So if that's you,
if you care enough togive, give us a call.
Just say I want to be a member.
Now, how much is it?
It's just $20 a month, 65 cents a day.
Some of you can join at700 club gold, $40 a month.
Thousand club thousand dollars a year.
That's $84 a month.
At whatever level, when you call and join,
ask for pledge express,
that's electronic monthly giving.
We get to send a power for lifemonthly teaching CDs to you.
But the best part is you know your gift
is going to be deliveredevery single month.
It's automatic.
The bank is doing all the work.
There's nothing you set and forget.
And you know that you're going to be
faithful and consistent in your giving.
There are a lot of differentways you can do it.
You can sign up online at cbn.com,
when you give monthly on the internet
you automatically signup for pledge express.
We also have texts to give.
All you have to do is textthe letters CBN to 71777,
or you can call us.
and say I want to signup for pledge express.
Now, when you become a CBN partner,
we'll send you our latest DVD.
it's called the Name of God.
In it, you'll learn how youcan find peace and protection
within the Lord's strong tower.
- [Narrator] Now from CBN,
Gordon Robertson bringsyou the Name of God.
You are going to see sometremendous real life stories
of people who have seen firsthand
What trusting in the name of God can do.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.
You go into the strong towerwhen you're under attack.
And when you do,
you always close that door.
You don't leave it open for the enemy
to get into the strong tower with you.
You close it off.
So the name of the Lord is a strong tower
where literally you wall yourself in.
And the only thing youallow into that tower
is his name, his essence,
and realize that God stands behind that
because that's who he is.
- [Narrator] Some trust in chariot.
Some trust in horses.
But we will trust in thename of the Lord our God.
CBN presents the Name of God.
Jehovah Shalom.
- [Woman] The Lord is our peace.
- [Narrator] Jehovah Yirah.
- [Woman] The Lord will provide.
- [Narrator] Jehovah Shammah.
- [Woman] The Lord is there.
- [Narrator] Jehovah Ruffa.
- [Woman] The lord who heals.
- [Narrator] Jehovah Sidkanu.
- [Woman] The lord our righteousness.
- [Narrator] You'll beencouraged by Gordon Robertson's
teaching on the name of God.
- God has given you theright to carry his name.
- [Narrator] Plus you'll see exciting
true stories of God's Providence
in the lives of real people.
- [Man] I can hear myhouse being shredded.
When I heard my wife screaming--
- [Woman] I knew somethingwas seriously wrong with him.
It was worse than we had thought.
- [Narrator] Become CBN partnered
and get your copy of the Name of God.
Call 1-800-700-7000,
or go to cbn.com.
- [Anchor] Coming up,
a message of freedom.
- And that's the point thatI actually started to hope.
- [Anchor] From an unlikely place.
- Are you doing drugs in there?
What are you talking about?
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN news break.
A much anticipated time of public prayer
and worship begins todayhere in the nation's capital.
It's called the return,
a national and global dayof prayer and repentance.
Evening worship startstonight on the national mall
before Saturday's main gathering.
The return is intended to be aserious day appealing to God.
Organizers say the fate of thenation hangs in the balance.
You can watch it live on CBNnews by tuning in tonight
from six to nine Eastern,
and Saturday from eight inthe morning to nine at night
on the CBN news channel, CBN news.com
and all of our digital platforms.
CBN's Operation Blessing ishelping people around the world
recover from the economic pain
caused by the COVID lockdowns.
Francisca is a singlemother and grandmother
living in Mexico.
Before the pandemic, sheworked as a seamstress,
selling handmade dresses,tablecloths, and scarves,
but the shop where shesold her product shut down,
leaving her with no business or income,
and worrying about how toprovide for her family.
But Operation Blessing cameup with a creative solution
to put Francisco back on her feet.
She was commissioned tostart sewing face masks
for her community,
and given the materials to make them.
She's now able tosupport her family again.
Francisca thanks OperationBlessing and its partners
for giving her a job sayingshe couldn't take care
of her and her family without them.
Well, you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting ob.org.
Gordon and Terry will be back
with more of the 700club right after this.
Well, we're just 40 daysout from the election
and we're calling on you to join us
to pray for our country.
Go to prayforamerica.com
or text pray to 71777.
Let us know that you'recrying out to God with us
to bring unity to our divided nation.
And when you do, we're going to send you
a pray for Americapostcard and bumper sticker
for you to display.
So please join us in praying for America.
Our goal is to coverour country in prayer,
all 50 States in the next 40 days.
We'd love to have you join us in that.
It's a significant need right now.
And let's kick it offwith prayer right now
and join with us.
Don't just watch us pray.
Let's join together.
It's not just the next 40 days,
but I think in theaftermath of the election,
regardless of how it turns out,
how can we come together as a nation?
And can we be one nationunder God indivisible?
Will people accept theresults of the election?
And what will this mean forthe future of our country?
We need to pray.
And the Bible says thatif my people he's talking
to my people who are called by my name.
So if you're a Christian,you're saying you're called
by the name of Christ,
will humble themselves and pray
and turn from their wicked ways.
So if there's anything in your life
where you're not right with God,
now is the time to turn from it.
Let's turn.
Let us come to him and say,
Lord cleanse us from our inequity.
The wonderful thing we have.
And it's the great privilege we have
that if we confess oursins, he will be faithful
and just to forgive us,
and to cleanse us fromall unrighteousness.
It's a wonderful privilege
where we get to be right with God,
not from what we do,but from what he does,
his love for us.
He didn't want to be in heaven alone.
He came down to earth so that we could be
with him for all eternity.
He wants this for us.
So let's turn to him.
Let's pray.
Let's believe.
And let God do all the rest.
Pray with us.
Lord God almighty we come to you.
We come to you for America.
We come to you for thenations of the world
and Lord our heart and our desire
is to see the nations worship you,
that we could come into unity,
One accord loving youand loving one another.
So Lord search our hearts examine us.
If there be any wicked way,anything that is crooked,
anything that is against your will,
reveal it to us so that wecan turn and return to you.
And once again, have the righteousness
of God in Christ dwell in us.
Heal us, Lord God.
We ask for forgiveness for thethings that we've done wrong.
We asked for forgivenessfor our own selfishness,
we're putting ourselves before you.
Lord, we turn to you,
for you are the only answer.
We turn to you,
and we ask for America,
that you would heal thedivision in our government,
you would heal thedivision in our thoughts,
that we could come together,
that we could be one nation, indivisible.
Lord we can't do this outside of you,
but you can melt hearts.
You can bring us together
and you can restore unity to our land.
Do it Lord God for weask it in Jesus' name.
Amen and amen.
Once again, if you want to join with us,
we're doing 40 days of prayer for America.
The prayforamerica.com website,
or you can text pray,those letters P-R-A-Y
to 71777.
We'd be glad to send abumper sticker to you
so you can display,encourage others to join.
Now more than ever weneed to pray for America.
- Elizabeth was fightinga war within herself.
One voice inside wastelling her to end it all.
Another voice told her to hold on.
So which did she choose to follow?
Take a look.
- I just thought what's the point?
Life is so...
I just remember saying life sucks.
It's painful, it's hard.
- [Anchor] Life'sdifficulties started early
for Elizabeth Verver.
At age nine,
her father left and never returned.
By age 15, Elizabethbegan numbing her pain
with drugs and alcohol.
After high school,Elizabeth sought purpose
only to find her substanceabuse taking its toll.
- Internally, I was a mess.
And I didn't know whatto do or where to turn.
- [Anchor] Elizabethreceived a glimmer of hope.
Some family members offeredto let her stay at their home
while she attendedcollege at their expense.
- Okay, I'm finally goingto get out of this mess.
I'm going to get to dosomething, be somebody.
And so I was very excited about having
the opportunity to go to college.
- [Anchor] But all that changed one night
when a family member did the unthinkable.
- [Elizabeth] He had brought me a drink.
I never thought, you know, anybody,
especially family would everdo anything to hurt you.
And so I didn't think anything about it.
I took the drink and I justremember feeling very strange.
And I do remember, you know, at one point
being held down and that happening.
And it was almost like I was lifeless.
Like I didn't fight it.
It was complete shockbecause you don't think
that anything like that would ever happen.
But it did.
- [Anchor] Elizabeth leftthe home and college.
She met Frankie who helped herescape from pain temporarily.
- He made me laugh.
He made me forget about everything.
And I thought, man, if Icould just feel like this,
I'm going to be okay.
But then it would spiral.
- [Anchor] Frankie andElizabeth began dating,
but both were drinkingheavily addicted to drugs,
and even at one point, homeless.
Frankie was sent to jail for a DUI.
- And I just remember being all by myself
and just crying till Icould not cry anymore.
I mean, I can't take it anymore.
- [Anchor] Elizabeth decidedshe would end her life.
She heard one voice telling her to do it,
but another voice told herthings would get better
if she didn't do it.
- And I was like what?
But at that point I believed it.
And that's the point thatI actually started to hope.
- [Anchor] Frankie began hoping, too.
In jail, he met a man that led him
into a relationship with Christ.
- One night I pull theblanket over my head,
I'm in a bunk fixing to go to sleep.
And I just start asking God,
God come be with me as much as you can.
That's all I knew to say.
And the power of God came over me,
which I know now youknow, is the Holy spirit
coming to visit me andshow me that he was real.
- [Anchor] Elizabethvisited Frankie in jail
and noticed a big change in her boyfriend.
- He was saying such nice things.
He was like, when I get out of here,
we're going to get married
and I'm going to serve the Lordand we're going to be happy.
And I was just like, areyou doing drugs in there?
Like, what are you talking about?
- [Anchor] Frankie keptpraying for Elizabeth
and arranged for her to stay
with his mentor's mother-in-law.
Mama Kay, as she's called,
left a Bible on the dresser for Elizabeth.
- I just glanced over and I was like,
okay, there's the Bible.
But I've tried to read that crazy book.
It does not make any sense at all.
But for this particularnight, I decided to.
- [Anchor] That night,
God spoke to Elizabeth through his word.
- All of a sudden my eyes were open.
I knew what was wrong with my life.
And I knew what wasmissing, who was missing.
I got on my knees and I prayeda simple, honest prayer.
I said God, if you're real
and you can do anythingwith my mess of a life,
I'm going to give it to you.
- [Anchor] Frankie noticed animmediate change in Elizabeth.
- From the way she dressed tothe way she started speaking.
I could see the hope in her eyes.
And I mean, it was an instant change.
- [Anchor] Today, Elizabethand Frankie are married
and have four children.
Frankie is a youth pastor,
and Elizabeth leads the women'sministry at their church.
She's also the author of abook called No More Darkness,
and tells the story of God's deliverance
through her most difficult times.
Elizabeth is thankfulthat God forgave her,
which allows her now to forgive others
and heal her past hurts.
- Look at how much you have done for me
and look at how you have forgivenme and I don't deserve it.
And when I begin to understand that,
he said that's what itwill empower you to forgive
and really set you free.
I was like, Lord, I'll never stop telling
what you've done in my life.
I'll never stop telling how youcan change a person's heart.
- What God did for Elizabeth,
he longs to do for eachand every one of us.
It all begins with trusting him.
That can be hard when theworld has come against you
and in painful ways.
God is the one person you can go to
who is always there, always trustworthy
and who is more than just listening,
he wants to come intoyour life and change it.
Listen, if you have anyinkling in your heart
to pray the prayer that Elizabeth prayed,
we've got something wewant you to have too.
It's a new day packet.
When you pray that prayer,how does your life change?
Well, this tells you how you can walk
in the new relationship with Christ.
We want you to have it.
It's free, so is the phone call.
Just call.
And listen, don't forget to get
your pray for America sticker.
It's time.
We need to stand for our country together,
united before God.
We want to leave you todaywith words of encouragement
from second Corinthians, five 17.
If anyone is in Christ,he is the new creation.
Old things have passed away.
Behold, all things have become new.
God bless you.
Have a great weekend.