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No Money to Buy Food

Abandoned by her husband, Sutrisni worked hard to support her two children in Indonesia. When the pandemic shut the country down, work dried up. On a good day she might bring in $3. What could she do? Who could help when everyone was hurting? ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Life was already hard

for 40-year-old Sue Triciny,

who was a single mom.

Her husband abandoned her a few years ago,

forcing her to raisetheir two children alone.

- I am heart broken

every time I think about how scared

and sad I was the day he left us.

- [Narrator] So Tricinydid everything she could

to provide for her children.

She sold food and evenworked as a day laborer

on a construction crew.

On a good day, she earned $3.

Then COVID-19 stoppedeverything in Indonesia

where she lives.

- Now, I can only doing a little laundry

and that's only when someone calls me,

but only a few people are calling.

I remember one day my children and I

had only had a fewbites of instant noodles

for the whole day.

It's so hard not havingany money to buy food.

- [Narrator] Operation blessinghas been putting together

and delivering thousandsof food packs filled

with rice, eggs and other groceries

to help families across Indonesiaduring the COVID crisis.

So Triciny and her kidswere one of those families.

- When I saw you, I couldnot stop thanking God.

I can't believe that Godanswered my prayers today

through you because wereally have nothing to eat.

Thank you so much for thisfood pack you brought to us.


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